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<h2>An Introduction to
The Art of Playground
Project Building
<p>Welcome to the ten-step guide to fulfilling your playground dreams.
Have a vision but not sure where to begin? Hoping to get the ball rolling
on your community venture? Searching for the secrets to a successful
project? If you’re starting out on an exciting playground adventure and
need a little guidance, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive
guide, we will take a closer look at all you need to succeed!</p>
<p style="padding:16px 0 0 0 ;">Follow these ten steps to unleash magical moments and watch the
young buds of your playground dreams flower into life </p>
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The Golden Ten-Step Process To
Realizing Your Playground Goals
<li><span>Step One:</span> Forming Your Committee </li>
<li><span>Step Two:</span> Creating Your Strategy and Setting Your Goals</li>
<li><span>Step THREE:</span> Gathering Community Input</li>
<li><span>Step Four:</span> Selecting Your Ideal Site</li>
<li><span>Step Five:</span> Consulting a Playground Guru</li>
<li><span>Step Six:</span> Contemplating the Costs</li>
<li><span>Step Seven:</span>Selecting Your Equipment</li>
<li><span>Step Eight:</span> Installing Your Playground</li>
<li><span>Step Nine:</span> The Grand Opening</li>
<li><span>Step Ten:</span> Useful Resources</li>
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<h2>Step One</h2>
<p class="theme-text">You’re only as powerful as your team! If you want your project to succeed,
you need to
arm yourself with dedicated and passionate individuals who truly believe in your cause.
Think about the different aspects of your project and the characteristics your committee
will need to possess. Whether they are paid employees, volunteers, or a mixture of the two,
you must treat the hiring and role allocation process seriously. Each member should be
screened and assigned to the right role based on their strengths and capabilities</p>
<p><strong>According to Frontiers in Psychology, a real team has six dimensions</strong></p>
<p><strong>1. Tightly Coupled interdependence - </strong>Make sure you spread the
responsibility across the entire team</p>
<p><strong>2. Agreed Upon Objectives</strong>– Set clear goals from the very beginning.
Motivate every member so they
believe in your mission and make sure they have the drive to see the project through
to the end</p>
<p><strong>3. A Systematic Review of Performance</strong>– Constantly check in with your
team and provide regular
feedback. If you see a problem arising or notice team members would be more suited
to another
task, be transparent. Walk them through the reasons behind your decisions for change
to ensure
motivation remains high</p>
<p><strong>4. Clear Boundaries</strong>– Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks, but always
make it clear that your decisions
are final. Ask for all progress to be reported back to you frequently so you can
keep track of all
<p><strong>5. High Autonomy</strong>– Empower your team members to reach their full
potential by giving them the
space to be creative. Stay open to new ideas, listen to your team, and play to the
strengths of every
<p><strong>6. Specified Roles</strong>– Assess the qualities of each individual and
create sub-committees. Allocate team
members to each of these sub-committees based on their experience. Place the more
members in the fundraising committee, for example. Put the more creative members in
the design
committee. Place the more practical members in the general construction committee.
individual will have something valuable to offer. Just make sure you allocate roles
that will bring out
their best and lead your project towards your playground goals</p>
<p class="theme-paraha">It’s your job to ensure your core committee is set up for success.
This is one of the
most important steps.
Select your members well, and you’ll have all the support you need to reach your
youngsters’ dreams, and
transform your outdoor space</p>
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<h4 class="head-h4">Creating Your Strategy and
Setting Your Goals
<p class="theme-text">Big goals get big results! Take all your ideas to the drawing board
and be prepared to
discuss, dissect, and strategize as a team. Starting out, you may have a clear idea of
you want to achieve in this project. But if you don’t communicate and agree upon your
main objectives clearly from the start, your project will be chaotic and stress-ridden
<p class="theme-p">Forbes™ found that 92% of CEOs believe communication is critical
to the success of their strategic initiatives.
So take their advice by sharing your vision with your team from the get-go. Then
work together towards
your shared goals and build up from there. Some of the top causes of project
failure include a change in
project objectives, poor communication, and inadequate vision. But with clarity,
clear communication, and
common goals, your core committee is bound to back you all the way.</p>
<p class="theme-p">From forming a winning strategy and designing an innovative play
space to gathering funds and installing
your shiny new equipment – your team will be there to support you. Why? Because
they’ll believe in
your cause and have a clear-set method to follow. So before you get stuck in,
use and abuse your core
committee to bring clarity to the what, why, and how’s of your playground
<p class="theme-p"><strong>Here are a few things to consider when formulating your
<p><strong> • Who is this playground aimed for?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• What factors do you need to consider? (ages, abilities, number of
children, etc.)</strong></p>
<p><strong> • Where would you like to build this play area?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• What skills are you hoping to develop through play?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• When would you like to open your new playground?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Is there a specific theme or style you would like your play area to
<p><strong> • What is your budget and how will you raise the funds?</strong></p>
<p class="theme-paraha">There are many aspects to consider if you’re serious about
bringing your youngsters’ playground dreams
to life. But create and agree on your goals, methods, and processes from the
beginning and you’re already
halfway there!</p>
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<h2>Step Three</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Gathering Community Input
<p class="theme-text">With your plans and objectives in hand, now you’re ready to solidify
your ideas. Turn to
your community members for their opinions. Involve the children and parents that will be
benefiting most from this new area. Pick their brains to find out what they would like
see from their new playground. But always keep your main goals in mind. Their feedback
hould help you align these goals with their expectations and give you a clearer view of
opinions and concerns.
<p class="theme-p">It will also give your community a sense of belonging and responsibility,
so they’re
more likely to take care of the equipment once it’s been installed. However, it’s
important to be selective when organizing all their thoughts into a list of the main
takeaways. You don’t want to steer away from your primary objectives after all.</p>
<p class="theme-p">You should also try to include your volunteers in the decision-making
If they feel like their voice is being heard, they are 4.6 times more likely to feel
empowered and perform to the best of their ability throughout the project. Present
your plans and encourage each member of your team to add their two cents. If any
concerns or specific requests are made, think about how these new insights affect
your plans and discuss the best approach with your core committee.</p>
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<h2>Step Four</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Selecting Your Ideal Site
<p class="theme-text">Are you knocking down an old and tattered playground to replace it
with safe and shiny
new play systems? Then this step is as easy as pie! When considering the perfect site
grand adventures to unfold in, you need to be asking all these questions, and more. The
thing you want is to invest your community’s time, energy, and resources on a dream that
turns into a nightmare. And all because you picked the wrong location or forgot to
the little things!
<h4 class="noting">Spacing
<p><strong> • How many children are you hoping to cater for?
<p><strong>• Do you have any youngsters with special needs? If so, do you have
enough space to make your play
zone wheelchair-friendly?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Where are your visitors going to park?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• What kind of equipment are you going to include? How much space will
these structures take up?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Is there enough space for parents and supervisors to monitor activities
<h4 class="noting">Safety
<p><strong>• Are there any main roads nearby? If so, how can you protect your
children and prevent them from
running out into traffic? Will you put up fencing? If so, what type of
fencing will you use?
<p><strong>• Is there access to a power source?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• How will you light up your play area at night?
<h4 class="noting">Convenience
<p><strong>• Are there bathroom facilities nearby? If not, will you have the space,
budget, and resources to install
<p><strong>• Is there enough room for picnic tables, benches, and other areas that
bring community
members together?</strong></p>
<p><strong>• What’s the environment like? Does it complement or clash with your
playground theme and
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<h2>Step Five</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Consulting a Playground Guru </h4>
<p>Before designing your community’s ideal playground, get picking the
brains of a reliable
playground guru! By turning to a knowledgeable consultant for help, you won’t miss a
when building upon your dreams.
<p>Play is not just a contagious explosion of fun. There are numerous
other benefits too. From enhanced
cognitive development to stronger physical growth and improved decision-making skills;
you name it,
with the right playground equipment you can empower your youngsters through play. Ready
to form the
building blocks of your little rascals’ future success and happiness? Then choose your
play partner with
care. Then work together to introduce activities that help develop a wide range of
skills for your whole
<p>There’s lots at stake, so remember to interview several companies
before coming to a decision. Compare
advice and discuss safety guidelines, government standards, best practices, pricing, and
designs. You want
to piece together an eye-catching, engaging play area that’s beneficial for all. To do
so, clearly outline your
goals and expectations, and present your ideas. Your chosen partner will then help you
design and select
the structures that not only meet your requirements, but also challenge your kids
appropriately based on
their specific needs, ages, and abilities.</p>
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<h2>Step Six</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Contemplating the Costs </h4>
<p>Once you’ve discussed your ideas with a specialist, ask for a ballpark figure so you can
visualize and plan accordingly. Depending on your vision and objectives, an innovative,
ADA compliant playground will range anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000+.
<p>Although this might seem ambitious at first, there are certain tricks and tips you can
follow to reach your
<p><strong>1. Get Your Creative Heads On! </strong>- Think about how local
businesses could benefit from your playground and
approach them to invest in your project. Apply for grants or search for a loan
with lowinterest rates.
With the right attitude and approach, you may be surprised at how many doors you
can open.</p>
<p><strong>2. Connect The Dots</strong>– Think about how local businesses could
benefit from your playground and
approach them to invest in your project. Apply for grants or search for a loan
with lowinterest rates.
With the right attitude and approach, you may be surprised at how many doors you
can open.</p>
<p><strong>3. Make the Most of Community Spirit </strong>– You can cut the costs
dramatically if you manage to summon
up the forces that lie within your community! First, spread the word about your
project, and search
for volunteers who can help you with the build. When you’ve selected your team,
ask if anyone has
experience installing playground equipment. If not, turn to your playground
partner for supervisory
services and let the building begin!</p>
<p><strong>4. Break It Down </strong>– Who says you have to do it all at once? Don’t
be intimidated by the size of your
dreams. If you think your goals are too ambitious, split your project into
phases. Raise the funds
for phase one first to get the heart of your playground beating. Then build on
up from there. If you
choose this option though, just make sure each phase of your project meets
government safety and
compliance standards.</p>
<p class="theme-paraha">If you’re still worried about the funds, constantly remind
yourself and your team that your playground will
have a positive impact on your community. Picture the end goal and always remember
why you’re doing
what you’re doing. It’s okay to be a little daunted. You’re certainly not alone. A
lack of project funding is one
of the top three project management challenges. But just like in the world of play,
a healthy challenge only
makes you stronger! If you run your fundraising campaigns with energy,
determination, and drive, even the
most daunting figures can be raised.</p>
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<h2>Step Seven</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Selecting Your Equipment
<p class="theme-p">With the designs at the ready and the funds well underway, it’s time to
select and order
your equipment. Your playground partner should provide you with a 3D rendering and
equipment list, so you can visualize the structures you’ll need, and work with them to
the best options.
<p class="theme-p">You’ll want to find a balance between sturdy, safe playground structures,
and creative,
designs. You’ll also need to consider playground amenities such as benches, shade
structures, litter
receptacles, and picnic tables.</p>
<P class="theme-p">Ask your playground consultant to provide you with several options from
manufacturers, so you
can compare quality and pricing. Try to be as practical and realistic as possible.
Remember that if you want
your play area to stand the test of time and last for generations, you’ll need to select
pieces of play that
can be easily maintained. Work with your playground consultant to draw up a maintenance
plan. And don’t
forget to save the contact information of your suppliers and manufacturers too, in case
you need to replace
or repair any parts in a few years. </P>
<P class="theme-p">With all that done, give yourself a pat on the back! When the time has
come to place your
order, it means
you’re almost at the finish line!</P>
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<h2>Step Eight</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Installing Your Playground
<p class="theme-p">With the sweet taste of success just around the corner, you’ll soon be
ready to celebrate in
style! But first, you have a very important job to do
<p class="theme-p">The installation of your playground project is one of the most important
steps. You need to make sure that
you follow all guidelines, and piece together the parts of play in a safe, structured
way. If you’re working
with a professional installation team, you can sit back and relax while they work their
magic to bring your
playground to life.</p>
<P class="theme-p">If you’ve chosen the DIY route to save costs, make sure your volunteers
are ready for action. You’ll also
need to invite an installation expert who can supervise the build and make sure all
pieces are put together
correctly. Think ahead and prepare for the installation before it takes place. Is there
easy access to power,
and water? Have you ordered a dumpster to dispose of waste? If you’re organizing the
build yourself, how
many volunteers will you need? Should you provide any drinks and snacks for helpers?
Have you delegated
roles and organized who will be working on what? </P>
<P class="theme-p">Make sure you prepare as much as possible in the run-up to the build, so
when the day comes around,
you’ll be able to enjoy the experience!</P>
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<h2>Step Ten</h2>
<h4 class="head-h4">Useful Resources
<p class="theme-p"><strong>Looking for a little more guidance and support?</strong>
<p class="theme-p">Here are some handy documents you can feast your eyes on to help you realize
your playground goals:</p>
<h4 class="noting">Safety First!
<p><strong> • The KidsTale Safety Guide
<p><strong>• The U:S. Consumer Product Safety Commission</strong></p>
<p><strong>• The ASTM Consumer Safety Performance Specification</strong></p>
<p><strong>• The Certified Safety Playground Inspector</strong></p>
<h4 class="noting">Finding the Funds
<p><strong>• The KidsTale Fundraising Planning Guide
<p><strong>• Government Grants and Loans</strong></p>
<p><strong>• The Best Crowdfunding Sites
<h4 class="noting">Convenience
<p><strong>• The KidsTale Blog </strong></p>
<p><strong>• Successful Playground Project Stories</strong></p>
<p class="theme-paraha">It’s your job to ensure your core committee is set up for success.
This is one of the
most important steps.
Select your members well, and you’ll have all the support you need to reach your
youngsters’ dreams, and
transform your outdoor space</p>
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<h4>2-5 Tot Lots</h4>
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<h4>Eco Wood</h4>
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<h4>Free Standing Play Equipment</h4>
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<h4>Maximo 5" Post
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<h4>Minimo 3.5" Post
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<h4>Themed Play Structures
<a href="themed-play-structures.php">View More</a>
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