shell bypass 403
* Open street map shortcodes file.
* @package Shortcode.
if ( ! defined( 'WOODMART_THEME_DIR' ) ) {
exit( 'No direct script access allowed' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'woodmart_get_settings_coords_for_open_street_map' ) ) {
* This method accepts a list of markers and returns a prepared array of coordinates.
* If the token list is empty, the method will return an empty array.
* @param array $markers List of markers.
* @return array|string Return array with coords or empty string.
function woodmart_get_settings_coords_for_open_street_map( $markers ) {
if ( empty( $markers ) && ! is_array( $markers ) ) {
return '';
$coords = array();
foreach ( $markers as $marker ) {
$marker['image'] = isset( $marker['image'] ) && is_numeric( $marker['image'] ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_url( $marker['image'] ) : '';
$marker['image_size'] = 'full' === $marker['image_size'] ? array() : woodmart_get_image_size( $marker['image_size'] );
$loc = ! empty( $marker['marker_coords'] ) ? explode( ',', $marker['marker_coords'] ) : '';
if ( ! empty( $loc ) && 2 === count( $loc ) ) {
$coords[] = array(
'marker' => $marker,
'lat' => $loc[0],
'lng' => $loc[1],
} else {
$coords[] = array(
'marker' => $marker,
'lat' => '51.50735',
'lng' => '-0.12776',
return $coords;
if ( ! function_exists( 'woodmart_shortcode_open_street_map' ) ) {
* Render tabs shortcode.
* @param array $attr Shortcode attributes.
* @param string $content Inner content (shortcode).
* @return false|string
function woodmart_shortcode_open_street_map( $attr, $content ) {
$wrapper_classes = apply_filters( 'vc_shortcodes_css_class', '', '', $attr );
$attr = shortcode_atts(
'woodmart_css_id' => '',
'zoom' => '',
'zoom_control' => 'yes',
'scroll_zoom' => 'yes',
'pan_control' => 'yes',
'marker_list' => '',
'show_button' => 'no',
'button_text' => '',
'button_url' => '',
'button_url_target' => '_blank',
'marker_icon' => WOODMART_IMAGES . '/icons/marker-icon.png',
'marker_icon_size' => 'full',
'geoapify_tile' => 'osm-carto',
'geoapify_custom_tile' => '',
'osm_custom_attribution' => '',
'osm_custom_attribution_url' => '',
'mask' => '',
'el_class' => '',
'css_animation' => 'none',
'content_vertical' => 'top',
'content_horizontal' => 'left',
'content_width' => 300,
'init_type' => 'page_load',
'init_offset' => '100',
'map_init_placeholder' => '',
'map_init_placeholder_size' => '',
'css' => '',
$map_id = 'wd-rs-' . $attr['woodmart_css_id'];
$markers = vc_param_group_parse_atts( $attr['marker_list'] );
$coords = woodmart_get_settings_coords_for_open_street_map( $markers );
$zoom = json_decode( woodmart_decompress( $attr['zoom'] ), true );
$wrapper_classes .= ! empty( $attr['el_class'] ) ? ' ' . $attr['el_class'] : '';
$wrapper_classes .= woodmart_get_css_animation( $attr['css_animation'] );
$wrapper_classes .= $content ? ' map-container-with-content' : '';
$wrapper_classes .= 'page_load' !== $attr['init_type'] ? ' map-lazy-loading' : '';
$wrapper_classes .= ! empty( $attr['mask'] ) ? ' map-mask-' . $attr['mask'] : '';
if ( function_exists( 'vc_shortcode_custom_css_class' ) ) {
$wrapper_classes .= ' ' . vc_shortcode_custom_css_class( $attr['css'] );
$content_wrapper_classes = ' wd-items-' . $attr['content_vertical'];
$content_wrapper_classes .= ' wd-justify-' . $attr['content_horizontal'];
$placeholder = '<img src="' . WOODMART_ASSETS_IMAGES . '/google-map-placeholder.jpg">';
if ( ! empty( $attr['map_init_placeholder'] ) ) {
$placeholder = woodmart_otf_get_image_html( $attr['map_init_placeholder'], ! empty( $attr['map_init_placeholder_size'] ) ? $attr['map_init_placeholder_size'] : 'full' );
$map_settings = array_filter(
'zoom' => isset( $zoom['devices']['desktop']['value'] ) ? $zoom['devices']['desktop']['value'] : '',
'iconUrl' => is_numeric( $attr['marker_icon'] ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attr['marker_icon'] ) : $attr['marker_icon'],
'iconSize' => 'full' === $attr['marker_icon_size'] ? array() : woodmart_get_image_size( $attr['marker_icon_size'] ),
'scrollWheelZoom' => $attr['scroll_zoom'],
'zoomControl' => $attr['zoom_control'],
'dragging' => $attr['pan_control'],
'geoapify_tile' => $attr['geoapify_tile'],
'geoapify_custom_tile' => $attr['geoapify_custom_tile'],
'osm_custom_attribution' => $attr['osm_custom_attribution'],
'osm_custom_attribution_url' => $attr['osm_custom_attribution_url'],
'markers' => $coords,
'center' => ! empty( $coords ) ? implode( ',', woodmart_get_center_coords( $coords ) ) : '',
'init_type' => $attr['init_type'],
'init_offset' => $attr['init_offset'],
woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'map' );
woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'el-open-street-map' );
woodmart_enqueue_js_library( 'leaflet' );
woodmart_enqueue_js_script( 'open-street-map-element' );
<div class="wd-osm-map-container wd-map-container<?php echo esc_attr( $wrapper_classes ); ?>">
<div id="<?php echo esc_attr( $map_id ); ?>" class="wd-osm-map-wrapper wd-map-wrapper" data-settings="<?php echo esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $map_settings ) ); ?>"></div>
<?php if ( 'page_load' !== $attr['init_type'] ) : ?>
<div class="wd-map-placeholder wd-fill">
<?php echo $placeholder; // phpcs:ignore. ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ( 'button' === $attr['init_type'] ) : ?>
<div class="wd-init-map-wrap wd-fill">
<a href="#" rel="nofollow noopener" class="btn btn-color-white wd-init-map">
<span><?php esc_html_e( 'Show map', 'woodmart' ); ?></span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ( $content ) : ?>
<div class="wd-osm-map-content-wrap wd-map-content-wrap container<?php echo esc_attr( $content_wrapper_classes ); ?> wd-fill">
<div class="wd-osm-map-content wd-map-content reset-last-child" style="max-width: <?php echo esc_attr( $attr['content_width'] ); ?>px;">
<?php echo do_shortcode( $content ); ?>
<?php endif ?>
return ob_get_clean();