shell bypass 403
namespace XTS\Modules\Header_Builder;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Handle backend AJAX actions. Creat, load, remove headers from the backend interface with AJAX.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Manager {
private $_factory;
* Headers list.
* @var
private $_list;
* Constructor.
public function __construct( $factory, $list ) {
$this->_factory = $factory;
$this->_list = $list;
add_action( 'wp_ajax_woodmart_save_header', array( $this, 'save_header' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_woodmart_duplicate_header', array( $this, 'duplicate_header' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_woodmart_load_header', array( $this, 'load_header' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_woodmart_remove_header', array( $this, 'remove_header' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_woodmart_set_default_header', array( $this, 'set_default_header' ) );
* Duplicate header action.
* @return void
public function duplicate_header() {
check_ajax_referer( 'woodmart-builder-save-header-nonce', 'security' );
$id = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['id'] ) ) : '';
$header = $this->_factory->get_header( $id );
$structure = $header->get_structure();
$settings = $header->get_settings();
$name = $header->get_name();
$new_id = $this->generate_id();
$new_name = $name . ' ' . esc_html__( '(Copy)', 'woodmart' );
$header = $this->_factory->create_new( $new_id, $new_name, $structure, $settings );
$this->_list->add_header( $new_id, $new_name );
$this->send_header_data( $header );
* Save header settings.
* @return void
public function save_header() {
check_ajax_referer( 'woodmart-builder-save-header-nonce', 'security' );
$structure = stripslashes( $_POST['structure'] ); //phpcs:ignore
$settings = stripslashes( $_POST['settings'] ); //phpcs:ignore
// If we import a new header we don't have an ID.
$id = ( isset( $_POST['id'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_POST['id'] ) ) : $this->generate_id(); //phpcs:ignore
$name = sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_POST['name'] ) ); //phpcs:ignore
$header = $this->_factory->update_header( $id, $name, json_decode( $structure, true ), json_decode( $settings, true ) );
$this->_list->add_header( $id, $name );
$this->send_header_data( $header );
* Load header.
* @return void
public function load_header() {
check_ajax_referer( 'woodmart-builder-load-header-nonce', 'security' );
$id = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['id'] ); //phpcs:ignore
$base = ( isset( $_GET['base'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['base'] ) : false; //phpcs:ignore
if ( isset( $_GET['initial'] ) && $_GET['initial'] || $base ) { //phpcs:ignore
$header = $this->new_header( $base );
} else {
$header = $this->_factory->get_header( $id );
$this->send_header_data( $header );
* Send header data.
* @param object $header Header data.
* @return void
private function send_header_data( $header ) {
$data = $header->get_data();
$data['list'] = $this->_list->get_all();
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
* Create new header.
* @param string $base Template name.
* @return mixed
private function new_header( $base = false ) {
$list = $this->_list->get_all();
$id = $this->generate_id();
$name = esc_html__( 'Header layout', 'woodmart' ) . ' (' . ( count( $list ) + 1 ) . ')';
if ( $base ) {
$examples = $this->_list->get_examples();
if ( isset( $examples[ $base ] ) ) {
$data = json_decode( $this->get_example_json( $base ), true );
$structure = $data['structure'];
$settings = $data['settings'];
$name = $data['name'];
} elseif ( isset( $list[ $base ] ) ) {
$data = $this->_factory->get_header( $base );
$structure = $data->get_structure();
$settings = $data->get_settings();
$header = $this->_factory->create_new( $id, $name, $structure, $settings );
} else {
$header = $this->_factory->create_new( $id, $name );
$this->_list->add_header( $id, $name );
return $header;
* Get settings header JSON.
* @param string $file File name.
* @return false|string
private function get_example_json( $file ) {
include WOODMART_THEMEROOT . '/inc/modules/header-builder/examples/' . $file . '.json';
return ob_get_clean();
* Get random header ID.
* @return string
private function generate_id() {
return 'header_' . wp_rand( 100000, 999999 );
* Remove header.
* @return void
public function remove_header() {
check_ajax_referer( 'woodmart-builder-remove-header-nonce', 'security' );
$id = sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_GET['id'] ) ); //phpcs:ignore
delete_option( 'whb_' . $id );
delete_option( 'xts-' . $id . '-file-data' );
delete_option( 'xts-' . $id . '-css-data' );
delete_option( 'xts-' . $id . '-version' );
delete_option( 'xts-' . $id . '-site-url' );
delete_option( 'xts-' . $id . '-status' );
echo wp_json_encode(
'list' => $this->_list->remove( $id ),
* Set default header.
* @return void
public function set_default_header() {
check_ajax_referer( 'woodmart-builder-set-default-header-nonce', 'security' );
$id = sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_GET['id'] ) ); //phpcs:ignore
update_option( 'whb_main_header', $id );
$options = get_option( 'xts-woodmart-options' );
$options['default_header'] = $id;
update_option( 'xts-woodmart-options', $options );
echo wp_json_encode(
'default_header' => $id,
* Get default header ID.
* @return int
public function get_default_header() {
$id = get_option( 'whb_main_header' );
if ( ! $id ) {
return $id;