shell bypass 403
GrazzMean-Shell Shell
: /home/allssztx/www/PIQTV/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/visual-composer/maps/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
<?php if ( ! defined( 'WOODMART_THEME_DIR' ) ) exit( 'No direct script access allowed' );
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Popup element map
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! function_exists( 'woodmart_get_vc_map_popup' ) ) {
function woodmart_get_vc_map_popup() {
$woodmart_popup_params = vc_map_integrate_shortcode( woodmart_get_woodmart_button_shortcode_args(), '', 'Button', array(
'exclude' => array(
) );
return array(
'name' => esc_html__( 'Popup', 'woodmart' ),
'base' => 'woodmart_popup',
'content_element' => true,
'as_parent' => array( 'except' => 'testimonial' ),
'category' => woodmart_get_tab_title_category_for_wpb( esc_html__( 'Theme elements', 'woodmart' ) ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Button that shows a popup on click', 'woodmart' ),
'icon' => WOODMART_ASSETS . '/images/vc-icon/popup.svg',
'params' => array_merge( array(
'type' => 'woodmart_title_divider',
'holder' => 'div',
'title' => esc_html__( 'General options', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'general_divider',
'type' => 'textfield',
'heading' => esc_html__( 'ID', 'woodmart' ),
'hint' => esc_html__( 'If you are using multiple popups elements, be sure that all elements have unique IDs values.', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'id',
'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6 vc_column',
'type' => 'woodmart_slider',
'heading' => esc_html__( 'Width', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'width',
'min' => '150',
'max' => '2000',
'step' => '10',
'default' => '800',
'units' => 'px',
'hint' => esc_html__( 'Popup width in pixels.', 'woodmart' ),
'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6 vc_column',
'heading' => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'woodmart' ),
'type' => 'wd_slider',
'param_name' => 'padding',
'selectors' => array(),
'devices' => array(
'desktop' => array(
'value' => '',
'unit' => 'px',
'range' => array(
'px' => array(
'min' => 0,
'max' => 200,
'step' => 1,
'generate_zero' => true,
'type' => 'woodmart_title_divider',
'holder' => 'div',
'title' => esc_html__( 'Extra options', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'extra_divider',
'type' => 'textfield',
'heading' => esc_html__( 'Extra button class name', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'el_class',
'hint' => esc_html__( 'If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.', 'woodmart' )
'type' => 'textfield',
'heading' => esc_html__( 'Extra content class name', 'woodmart' ),
'param_name' => 'content_class',
), $woodmart_popup_params ),
'js_view' => 'VcColumnView',
// A must for container functionality, replace Wbc_Item with your base name from mapping for parent container
if( class_exists( 'WPBakeryShortCodesContainer' ) ){
class WPBakeryShortCode_woodmart_popup extends WPBakeryShortCodesContainer {