shell bypass 403
namespace ImageOptimization\Classes;
use ReflectionClass;
use WP_Error;
use WP_REST_Request;
use WP_REST_Response;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
abstract class Route {
* Should the endpoint be validated for user authentication?
* If set to TRUE, the default permission callback will make sure the user is logged in and has a valid user id
* @var bool
protected $auth = true;
* holds current authenticated user id
* @var int
protected $current_user_id;
protected $override = false;
* Rest Endpoint namespace
* @var string
protected $namespace = 'image-optimizer/v1';
* @var array The valid HTTP methods. The list represents the general REST methods. Do not modify.
private $valid_http_methods = [
* Route_Base constructor.
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'rest_api_init', [ $this, 'rest_api_init' ] );
* rest_api_init
* Registers REST endpoints.
* Loops through the REST methods for this route, creates an endpoint configuration for
* each of them and registers all the endpoints with the WordPress system.
public function rest_api_init(): void {
$methods = $this->get_methods();
if ( empty( $methods ) ) {
$callbacks = [];
foreach ( $methods as $method ) {
if ( ! in_array( $method, $this->valid_http_methods, true ) ) {
$callbacks[] = $this->build_endpoint_method_config( $method );
$arguments = $this->get_arguments();
if ( ! $callbacks && empty( $arguments ) ) {
$arguments = array_merge( $arguments, $callbacks );
register_rest_route( $this->namespace, '/' . $this->get_endpoint() . '/', $arguments, $this->override );
* get_methods
* Rest Endpoint methods
* Returns an array of the supported REST methods for this route
* @return array<string> REST methods being configured for this route.
abstract public function get_methods(): array;
* get_callback
* Returns a reference to the callback function to handle the REST method specified by the /method/ parameter.
* @param string $method The REST method name
* @return callable A reference to a member function with the same name as the REST method being passed as a parameter,
* or a reference to the default function /callback/.
public function get_callback_method( string $method ): callable {
$method_name = strtolower( $method );
$callback = $this->method_exists_in_current_class( $method_name ) ? $method_name : 'callback';
return [ $this, $callback ];
* get_permission_callback_method
* Returns a reference to the permission callback for the method if exists or the default one if it doesn't.
* @param string $method The REST method name
* @return callable If a method called (rest-method)_permission_callback exists, returns a reference to it, otherwise
* returns a reference to the default member method /permission_callback/.
public function get_permission_callback_method( string $method ): callable {
$method_name = strtolower( $method );
$permission_callback_method = $method_name . '_permission_callback';
$permission_callback = $this->method_exists_in_current_class( $permission_callback_method ) ? $permission_callback_method : 'permission_callback';
return [ $this, $permission_callback ];
* maybe_add_args_to_config
* Checks if the class has a method call (rest-method)_args.
* If it does, the function calls it and adds its response to the config object passed to the function, under the /args/ key.
* @param string $method The REST method name being configured
* @param array $config The configuration object for the method
* @return array The configuration object for the method, possibly after being amended
public function maybe_add_args_to_config( string $method, array $config ): array {
$method_name = strtolower( $method );
$method_args = $method_name . '_args';
if ( $this->method_exists_in_current_class( $method_args ) ) {
$config['args'] = $this->{$method_args}();
return $config;
* maybe_add_response_to_swagger
* If the function method /(rest-method)_response_callback/ exists, adds the filter
* /swagger_api_response_(namespace with slashes replaced with underscores)_(endpoint with slashes replaced with underscores)/
* with the aforementioned function method.
* This filter is used with the WP API Swagger UI plugin to create documentation for the API.
* The value being passed is an array: [
'200' => ['description' => 'OK'],
'404' => ['description' => 'Not Found'],
'400' => ['description' => 'Bad Request']
* @param string $method REST method name
public function maybe_add_response_to_swagger( string $method ): void {
$method_name = strtolower( $method );
$method_response_callback = $method_name . '_response_callback';
if ( $this->method_exists_in_current_class( $method_response_callback ) ) {
$response_filter = $method_name . '_' . str_replace(
$this->namespace . '/' . $this->get_endpoint()
add_filter( 'swagger_api_responses_' . $response_filter, [ $this, $method_response_callback ] );
* build_endpoint_method_config
* Builds a configuration array for the endpoint based on the presence of the callback, permission, additional parameters,
* and response to Swagger member functions.
* @param string $method The REST method for the endpoint
* @return array The endpoint configuration for the method specified by the parameter
private function build_endpoint_method_config( string $method ): array {
$config = [
'methods' => $method,
'callback' => $this->get_callback_method( $method ),
'permission_callback' => $this->get_permission_callback_method( $method ),
$config = $this->maybe_add_args_to_config( $method, $config );
return $config;
* method_exists_in_current_class
* Uses reflection to check if this class has the /method/ method.
* @param string $method The name of the method being checked.
* @return bool TRUE if the class has the /method/ method, FALSE otherwise.
private function method_exists_in_current_class( string $method ): bool {
$class_name = get_class( $this );
try {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $class_name );
} catch ( \ReflectionException $e ) {
return false;
if ( ! $reflection->hasMethod( $method ) ) {
return false;
$method_ref = $reflection->getMethod( $method );
return ( $method_ref && $class_name === $method_ref->class );
* permission_callback
* Permissions callback fallback for the endpoint
* Gets the current user ID and sets the /current_user_id/ property.
* If the /auth/ property is set to /true/ will make sure that the user is logged in (has an id greater than 0)
* @param WP_REST_Request $request unused
* @return bool TRUE, if permission granted, FALSE otherwise
public function permission_callback( WP_REST_Request $request ): bool {
// try to get current user
$this->current_user_id = get_current_user_id();
if ( $this->auth ) {
return $this->current_user_id > 0;
return true;
* callback
* Fallback callback function, returns a response consisting of the string /ok/.
* @param WP_REST_Request $request unused
* @return WP_REST_Response Default Response of the string 'ok'.
public function callback( WP_REST_Request $request ): WP_REST_Response {
return rest_ensure_response( [ 'OK' ] );
* respond_wrong_method
* Creates a WordPress error object with the /rest_no_route/ code and the message and code supplied or the defaults.
* @param null $message The error message for the wrong method.
* Optional.
* Defaults to null, which makes sets the message to /No route was found matching the URL and request method/
* @param int $code The HTTP status code.
* Optional.
* Defaults to 404 (Not found).
* @return WP_Error The WordPress error object with the error message and status code supplied
public function respond_wrong_method( $message = null, int $code = 404 ): WP_Error {
if ( null === $message ) {
$message = 'No route was found matching the URL and request method';
return new WP_Error( 'rest_no_route', $message, [ 'status' => $code ] );
* respond_with_code
* Create a new /WP_REST_Response/ object with the specified data and HTTP response code.
* @param array|null $data The data to return in this response
* @param int $code The HTTP response code.
* Optional.
* Defaults to 200 (OK).
* @return WP_REST_Response The WordPress response object loaded with the data and the response code.
public function respond_with_code( ?array $data = null, int $code = 200 ): WP_REST_Response {
return new WP_REST_Response( $data, $code );
* get_user_from_request
* Returns the current user object.
* Depends on the property /current_user_id/ to be set.
* @return WP_User|false The user object or false if not found or on error.
public function get_user_from_request() {
return get_user_by( 'id', $this->current_user_id );
* get_arguments
* Rest Endpoint extra arguments
* @return array Additional arguments for the route configuration
public function get_arguments(): array {
return [];
* get_endpoint
* Rest route Endpoint
* @return string Endpoint uri component (comes after the route namespace)
abstract public function get_endpoint(): string;
* get_name
* @return string The name of the route
abstract public function get_name(): string;
public function get_self_url( $endpoint = '' ): string {
return rest_url( $this->namespace . '/' . $endpoint );
public function respond_success_json( $data = [] ): WP_REST_Response {
return new WP_REST_Response([
'success' => true,
'data' => $data,
* @param array{message: string, code: string} $data
* @return WP_Error
public function respond_error_json( array $data ): WP_Error {
if ( ! isset( $data['message'] ) || ! isset( $data['code'] ) ) {
esc_html__( 'Both `message` and `code` keys must be provided', 'image-optimization' ),
); // @codeCoverageIgnore
return new WP_Error(
$data['code'] ?? 'internal_server_error',
$data['message'] ?? esc_html__( 'Internal server error', 'image-optimization' ),
public function verify_nonce( $nonce = '', $name = '' ) {
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $nonce ) ), $name ) ) {
return $this->respond_error_json([
'message' => esc_html__( 'Invalid nonce', 'image-optimization' ),
'code' => 'bad_request',
public function verify_nonce_and_capability( $nonce = '', $name = '', $capability = 'manage_options' ) {
$this->verify_nonce( $nonce, $name );
if ( ! current_user_can( $capability ) ) {
return $this->respond_error_json([
'message' => esc_html__( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this data.', 'image-optimization' ),
'code' => 'bad_request',