shell bypass 403
import { type Document, Long, type ObjectId } from '../bson';
import { type MongoError, MongoRuntimeError } from '../error';
import { arrayStrictEqual, compareObjectId, errorStrictEqual, HostAddress, now } from '../utils';
import { type ClusterTime, ServerType } from './common';
const WRITABLE_SERVER_TYPES = new Set<ServerType>([
const DATA_BEARING_SERVER_TYPES = new Set<ServerType>([
/** @public */
export interface TopologyVersion {
processId: ObjectId;
counter: Long;
/** @public */
export type TagSet = { [key: string]: string };
/** @internal */
export interface ServerDescriptionOptions {
/** An Error used for better reporting debugging */
error?: MongoError;
/** The average round trip time to ping this server (in ms) */
roundTripTime?: number;
/** The minimum round trip time to ping this server over the past 10 samples(in ms) */
minRoundTripTime?: number;
/** If the client is in load balancing mode. */
loadBalanced?: boolean;
* The client's view of a single server, based on the most recent hello outcome.
* Internal type, not meant to be directly instantiated
* @public
export class ServerDescription {
address: string;
type: ServerType;
hosts: string[];
passives: string[];
arbiters: string[];
tags: TagSet;
error: MongoError | null;
topologyVersion: TopologyVersion | null;
minWireVersion: number;
maxWireVersion: number;
roundTripTime: number;
/** The minimum measurement of the last 10 measurements of roundTripTime that have been collected */
minRoundTripTime: number;
lastUpdateTime: number;
lastWriteDate: number;
me: string | null;
primary: string | null;
setName: string | null;
setVersion: number | null;
electionId: ObjectId | null;
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: number | null;
/** The max message size in bytes for the server. */
maxMessageSizeBytes: number | null;
/** The max number of writes in a bulk write command. */
maxWriteBatchSize: number | null;
/** The max bson object size. */
maxBsonObjectSize: number | null;
// NOTE: does this belong here? It seems we should gossip the cluster time at the CMAP level
$clusterTime?: ClusterTime;
* Create a ServerDescription
* @internal
* @param address - The address of the server
* @param hello - An optional hello response for this server
address: HostAddress | string,
hello?: Document,
options: ServerDescriptionOptions = {}
) {
if (address == null || address === '') {
throw new MongoRuntimeError('ServerDescription must be provided with a non-empty address');
this.address =
typeof address === 'string'
? HostAddress.fromString(address).toString() // Use HostAddress to normalize
: address.toString();
this.type = parseServerType(hello, options);
this.hosts = hello?.hosts?.map((host: string) => host.toLowerCase()) ?? [];
this.passives = hello?.passives?.map((host: string) => host.toLowerCase()) ?? [];
this.arbiters = hello?.arbiters?.map((host: string) => host.toLowerCase()) ?? [];
this.tags = hello?.tags ?? {};
this.minWireVersion = hello?.minWireVersion ?? 0;
this.maxWireVersion = hello?.maxWireVersion ?? 0;
this.roundTripTime = options?.roundTripTime ?? -1;
this.minRoundTripTime = options?.minRoundTripTime ?? 0;
this.lastUpdateTime = now();
this.lastWriteDate = hello?.lastWrite?.lastWriteDate ?? 0;
this.error = options.error ?? null;
// TODO(NODE-2674): Preserve int64 sent from MongoDB
this.topologyVersion = this.error?.topologyVersion ?? hello?.topologyVersion ?? null;
this.setName = hello?.setName ?? null;
this.setVersion = hello?.setVersion ?? null;
this.electionId = hello?.electionId ?? null;
this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes = hello?.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes ?? null;
this.maxMessageSizeBytes = hello?.maxMessageSizeBytes ?? null;
this.maxWriteBatchSize = hello?.maxWriteBatchSize ?? null;
this.maxBsonObjectSize = hello?.maxBsonObjectSize ?? null;
this.primary = hello?.primary ?? null; = hello?.me?.toLowerCase() ?? null;
this.$clusterTime = hello?.$clusterTime ?? null;
get hostAddress(): HostAddress {
return HostAddress.fromString(this.address);
get allHosts(): string[] {
return this.hosts.concat(this.arbiters).concat(this.passives);
/** Is this server available for reads*/
get isReadable(): boolean {
return this.type === ServerType.RSSecondary || this.isWritable;
/** Is this server data bearing */
get isDataBearing(): boolean {
return DATA_BEARING_SERVER_TYPES.has(this.type);
/** Is this server available for writes */
get isWritable(): boolean {
return WRITABLE_SERVER_TYPES.has(this.type);
get host(): string {
const chopLength = `:${this.port}`.length;
return this.address.slice(0, -chopLength);
get port(): number {
const port = this.address.split(':').pop();
return port ? Number.parseInt(port, 10) : 27017;
* Determines if another `ServerDescription` is equal to this one per the rules defined
* in the {@link|SDAM spec}
equals(other?: ServerDescription | null): boolean {
// Despite using the comparator that would determine a nullish topologyVersion as greater than
// for equality we should only always perform direct equality comparison
const topologyVersionsEqual =
this.topologyVersion === other?.topologyVersion ||
compareTopologyVersion(this.topologyVersion, other?.topologyVersion) === 0;
const electionIdsEqual =
this.electionId != null && other?.electionId != null
? compareObjectId(this.electionId, other.electionId) === 0
: this.electionId === other?.electionId;
return (
other != null &&
errorStrictEqual(this.error, other.error) &&
this.type === other.type &&
this.minWireVersion === other.minWireVersion &&
arrayStrictEqual(this.hosts, other.hosts) &&
tagsStrictEqual(this.tags, other.tags) &&
this.setName === other.setName &&
this.setVersion === other.setVersion &&
electionIdsEqual &&
this.primary === other.primary &&
this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes === other.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes &&
// Parses a `hello` message and determines the server type
export function parseServerType(hello?: Document, options?: ServerDescriptionOptions): ServerType {
if (options?.loadBalanced) {
return ServerType.LoadBalancer;
if (!hello || !hello.ok) {
return ServerType.Unknown;
if (hello.isreplicaset) {
return ServerType.RSGhost;
if (hello.msg && hello.msg === 'isdbgrid') {
return ServerType.Mongos;
if (hello.setName) {
if (hello.hidden) {
return ServerType.RSOther;
} else if (hello.isWritablePrimary) {
return ServerType.RSPrimary;
} else if (hello.secondary) {
return ServerType.RSSecondary;
} else if (hello.arbiterOnly) {
return ServerType.RSArbiter;
} else {
return ServerType.RSOther;
return ServerType.Standalone;
function tagsStrictEqual(tags: TagSet, tags2: TagSet): boolean {
const tagsKeys = Object.keys(tags);
const tags2Keys = Object.keys(tags2);
return (
tagsKeys.length === tags2Keys.length &&
tagsKeys.every((key: string) => tags2[key] === tags[key])
* Compares two topology versions.
* 1. If the response topologyVersion is unset or the ServerDescription's
* topologyVersion is null, the client MUST assume the response is more recent.
* 1. If the response's topologyVersion.processId is not equal to the
* ServerDescription's, the client MUST assume the response is more recent.
* 1. If the response's topologyVersion.processId is equal to the
* ServerDescription's, the client MUST use the counter field to determine
* which topologyVersion is more recent.
* ```ts
* currentTv < newTv === -1
* currentTv === newTv === 0
* currentTv > newTv === 1
* ```
export function compareTopologyVersion(
currentTv?: TopologyVersion | null,
newTv?: TopologyVersion | null
): 0 | -1 | 1 {
if (currentTv == null || newTv == null) {
return -1;
if (!currentTv.processId.equals(newTv.processId)) {
return -1;
// TODO(NODE-2674): Preserve int64 sent from MongoDB
const currentCounter =
typeof currentTv.counter === 'bigint'
? Long.fromBigInt(currentTv.counter)
: Long.isLong(currentTv.counter)
? currentTv.counter
: Long.fromNumber(currentTv.counter);
const newCounter =
typeof newTv.counter === 'bigint'
? Long.fromBigInt(newTv.counter)
: Long.isLong(newTv.counter)
? newTv.counter
: Long.fromNumber(newTv.counter);