shell bypass 403
import type { Document } from '../bson';
import type { Collection } from '../collection';
import { MongoCompatibilityError, MongoInvalidArgumentError, MongoServerError } from '../error';
import type { InferIdType, TODO_NODE_3286 } from '../mongo_types';
import type { Server } from '../sdam/server';
import type { ClientSession } from '../sessions';
import { hasAtomicOperators, type MongoDBNamespace } from '../utils';
import { type CollationOptions, CommandOperation, type CommandOperationOptions } from './command';
import { Aspect, defineAspects, type Hint } from './operation';
/** @public */
export interface UpdateOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply */
arrayFilters?: Document[];
/** If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation */
bypassDocumentValidation?: boolean;
/** Specifies a collation */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** Specify that the update query should only consider plans using the hinted index */
hint?: Hint;
/** When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query */
upsert?: boolean;
/** Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0). */
let?: Document;
* @public
* `TSchema` is the schema of the collection
export interface UpdateResult<TSchema extends Document = Document> {
/** Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all other members of this result will be undefined */
acknowledged: boolean;
/** The number of documents that matched the filter */
matchedCount: number;
/** The number of documents that were modified */
modifiedCount: number;
/** The number of documents that were upserted */
upsertedCount: number;
/** The identifier of the inserted document if an upsert took place */
upsertedId: InferIdType<TSchema> | null;
/** @public */
export interface UpdateStatement {
/** The query that matches documents to update. */
q: Document;
/** The modifications to apply. */
u: Document | Document[];
/** If true, perform an insert if no documents match the query. */
upsert?: boolean;
/** If true, updates all documents that meet the query criteria. */
multi?: boolean;
/** Specifies the collation to use for the operation. */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** An array of filter documents that determines which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. */
arrayFilters?: Document[];
/** A document or string that specifies the index to use to support the query predicate. */
hint?: Hint;
* @internal
* UpdateOperation is used in bulk write, while UpdateOneOperation and UpdateManyOperation are only used in the collections API
export class UpdateOperation extends CommandOperation<Document> {
override options: UpdateOptions & { ordered?: boolean };
statements: UpdateStatement[];
ns: MongoDBNamespace,
statements: UpdateStatement[],
options: UpdateOptions & { ordered?: boolean }
) {
super(undefined, options);
this.options = options;
this.ns = ns;
this.statements = statements;
override get commandName() {
return 'update' as const;
override get canRetryWrite(): boolean {
if (super.canRetryWrite === false) {
return false;
return this.statements.every(op => op.multi == null || op.multi === false);
override async execute(server: Server, session: ClientSession | undefined): Promise<Document> {
const options = this.options ?? {};
const ordered = typeof options.ordered === 'boolean' ? options.ordered : true;
const command: Document = {
update: this.ns.collection,
updates: this.statements,
if (typeof options.bypassDocumentValidation === 'boolean') {
command.bypassDocumentValidation = options.bypassDocumentValidation;
if (options.let) {
command.let = options.let;
// we check for undefined specifically here to allow falsy values
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
if (options.comment !== undefined) {
command.comment = options.comment;
const unacknowledgedWrite = this.writeConcern && this.writeConcern.w === 0;
if (unacknowledgedWrite) {
if (this.statements.find((o: Document) => o.hint)) {
// TODO(NODE-3541): fix error for hint with unacknowledged writes
throw new MongoCompatibilityError(`hint is not supported with unacknowledged writes`);
const res = await super.executeCommand(server, session, command);
return res;
/** @internal */
export class UpdateOneOperation extends UpdateOperation {
constructor(collection: Collection, filter: Document, update: Document, options: UpdateOptions) {
[makeUpdateStatement(filter, update, { ...options, multi: false })],
if (!hasAtomicOperators(update)) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Update document requires atomic operators');
override async execute(
server: Server,
session: ClientSession | undefined
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const res: TODO_NODE_3286 = await super.execute(server, session);
if (this.explain != null) return res;
if (res.code) throw new MongoServerError(res);
if (res.writeErrors) throw new MongoServerError(res.writeErrors[0]);
return {
acknowledged: this.writeConcern?.w !== 0,
modifiedCount: res.nModified ?? res.n,
Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? res.upserted[0]._id : null,
upsertedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length ? res.upserted.length : 0,
matchedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? 0 : res.n
/** @internal */
export class UpdateManyOperation extends UpdateOperation {
constructor(collection: Collection, filter: Document, update: Document, options: UpdateOptions) {
[makeUpdateStatement(filter, update, { ...options, multi: true })],
if (!hasAtomicOperators(update)) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Update document requires atomic operators');
override async execute(
server: Server,
session: ClientSession | undefined
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const res: TODO_NODE_3286 = await super.execute(server, session);
if (this.explain != null) return res;
if (res.code) throw new MongoServerError(res);
if (res.writeErrors) throw new MongoServerError(res.writeErrors[0]);
return {
acknowledged: this.writeConcern?.w !== 0,
modifiedCount: res.nModified ?? res.n,
Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? res.upserted[0]._id : null,
upsertedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length ? res.upserted.length : 0,
matchedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? 0 : res.n
/** @public */
export interface ReplaceOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation */
bypassDocumentValidation?: boolean;
/** Specifies a collation */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** Specify that the update query should only consider plans using the hinted index */
hint?: string | Document;
/** When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query */
upsert?: boolean;
/** Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0). */
let?: Document;
/** @internal */
export class ReplaceOneOperation extends UpdateOperation {
collection: Collection,
filter: Document,
replacement: Document,
options: ReplaceOptions
) {
[makeUpdateStatement(filter, replacement, { ...options, multi: false })],
if (hasAtomicOperators(replacement)) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Replacement document must not contain atomic operators');
override async execute(
server: Server,
session: ClientSession | undefined
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const res: TODO_NODE_3286 = await super.execute(server, session);
if (this.explain != null) return res;
if (res.code) throw new MongoServerError(res);
if (res.writeErrors) throw new MongoServerError(res.writeErrors[0]);
return {
acknowledged: this.writeConcern?.w !== 0,
modifiedCount: res.nModified ?? res.n,
Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? res.upserted[0]._id : null,
upsertedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length ? res.upserted.length : 0,
matchedCount: Array.isArray(res.upserted) && res.upserted.length > 0 ? 0 : res.n
export function makeUpdateStatement(
filter: Document,
update: Document | Document[],
options: UpdateOptions & { multi?: boolean }
): UpdateStatement {
if (filter == null || typeof filter !== 'object') {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Selector must be a valid JavaScript object');
if (update == null || typeof update !== 'object') {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Document must be a valid JavaScript object');
const op: UpdateStatement = { q: filter, u: update };
if (typeof options.upsert === 'boolean') {
op.upsert = options.upsert;
if (options.multi) {
op.multi = options.multi;
if (options.hint) {
op.hint = options.hint;
if (options.arrayFilters) {
op.arrayFilters = options.arrayFilters;
if (options.collation) {
op.collation = options.collation;
return op;
defineAspects(UpdateOperation, [Aspect.RETRYABLE, Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION, Aspect.SKIP_COLLATION]);
defineAspects(UpdateOneOperation, [
defineAspects(UpdateManyOperation, [
defineAspects(ReplaceOneOperation, [