shell bypass 403
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import type { TcpNetConnectOpts } from 'net';
import type { ConnectionOptions as TLSConnectionOptions, TLSSocketOptions } from 'tls';
import { type BSONSerializeOptions, type Document, resolveBSONOptions } from './bson';
import { ChangeStream, type ChangeStreamDocument, type ChangeStreamOptions } from './change_stream';
import type { AutoEncrypter, AutoEncryptionOptions } from './client-side-encryption/auto_encrypter';
import {
type AuthMechanismProperties,
type MongoCredentials
} from './cmap/auth/mongo_credentials';
import { type TokenCache } from './cmap/auth/mongodb_oidc/token_cache';
import { AuthMechanism } from './cmap/auth/providers';
import type { LEGAL_TCP_SOCKET_OPTIONS, LEGAL_TLS_SOCKET_OPTIONS } from './cmap/connect';
import type { Connection } from './cmap/connection';
import type { ClientMetadata } from './cmap/handshake/client_metadata';
import type { CompressorName } from './cmap/wire_protocol/compression';
import { parseOptions, resolveSRVRecord } from './connection_string';
import { MONGO_CLIENT_EVENTS } from './constants';
import { Db, type DbOptions } from './db';
import type { Encrypter } from './encrypter';
import { MongoInvalidArgumentError } from './error';
import { MongoClientAuthProviders } from './mongo_client_auth_providers';
import {
type LogComponentSeveritiesClientOptions,
type MongoDBLogWritable,
type MongoLoggerOptions,
} from './mongo_logger';
import { TypedEventEmitter } from './mongo_types';
import {
type ClientBulkWriteModel,
type ClientBulkWriteOptions,
type ClientBulkWriteResult
} from './operations/client_bulk_write/common';
import { ClientBulkWriteExecutor } from './operations/client_bulk_write/executor';
import { executeOperation } from './operations/execute_operation';
import { RunAdminCommandOperation } from './operations/run_command';
import type { ReadConcern, ReadConcernLevel, ReadConcernLike } from './read_concern';
import { ReadPreference, type ReadPreferenceMode } from './read_preference';
import { type AsyncDisposable, configureResourceManagement } from './resource_management';
import type { ServerMonitoringMode } from './sdam/monitor';
import type { TagSet } from './sdam/server_description';
import { readPreferenceServerSelector } from './sdam/server_selection';
import type { SrvPoller } from './sdam/srv_polling';
import { Topology, type TopologyEvents } from './sdam/topology';
import { ClientSession, type ClientSessionOptions, ServerSessionPool } from './sessions';
import {
type HostAddress,
type MongoDBNamespace,
} from './utils';
import type { W, WriteConcern, WriteConcernSettings } from './write_concern';
/** @public */
export const ServerApiVersion = Object.freeze({
v1: '1'
} as const);
/** @public */
export type ServerApiVersion = (typeof ServerApiVersion)[keyof typeof ServerApiVersion];
/** @public */
export interface ServerApi {
version: ServerApiVersion;
strict?: boolean;
deprecationErrors?: boolean;
/** @public */
export interface DriverInfo {
name?: string;
version?: string;
platform?: string;
/** @public */
export interface Auth {
/** The username for auth */
username?: string;
/** The password for auth */
password?: string;
/** @public */
export interface PkFactory {
createPk(): any;
/** @public */
export type SupportedTLSConnectionOptions = Pick<
TLSConnectionOptions & {
allowPartialTrustChain?: boolean;
/** @public */
export type SupportedTLSSocketOptions = Pick<
Extract<keyof TLSSocketOptions, (typeof LEGAL_TLS_SOCKET_OPTIONS)[number]>
/** @public */
export type SupportedSocketOptions = Pick<
TcpNetConnectOpts & { autoSelectFamily?: boolean; autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout?: number },
/** @public */
export type SupportedNodeConnectionOptions = SupportedTLSConnectionOptions &
SupportedTLSSocketOptions &
* Describes all possible URI query options for the mongo client
* @public
* @see
export interface MongoClientOptions extends BSONSerializeOptions, SupportedNodeConnectionOptions {
/** Specifies the name of the replica set, if the mongod is a member of a replica set. */
replicaSet?: string;
/** @internal TODO(NODE-5688): This option is in development and currently has no behaviour. */
timeoutMS?: number;
/** Enables or disables TLS/SSL for the connection. */
tls?: boolean;
/** A boolean to enable or disables TLS/SSL for the connection. (The ssl option is equivalent to the tls option.) */
ssl?: boolean;
/** Specifies the location of a local .pem file that contains either the client's TLS/SSL certificate and key. */
tlsCertificateKeyFile?: string;
/** Specifies the password to de-crypt the tlsCertificateKeyFile. */
tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword?: string;
/** Specifies the location of a local .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority. This file is used to validate the certificate presented by the mongod/mongos instance. */
tlsCAFile?: string;
/** Specifies the location of a local CRL .pem file that contains the client revokation list. */
tlsCRLFile?: string;
/** Bypasses validation of the certificates presented by the mongod/mongos instance */
tlsAllowInvalidCertificates?: boolean;
/** Disables hostname validation of the certificate presented by the mongod/mongos instance. */
tlsAllowInvalidHostnames?: boolean;
/** Disables various certificate validations. */
tlsInsecure?: boolean;
/** The time in milliseconds to attempt a connection before timing out. */
connectTimeoutMS?: number;
/** The time in milliseconds to attempt a send or receive on a socket before the attempt times out. */
socketTimeoutMS?: number;
/** An array or comma-delimited string of compressors to enable network compression for communication between this client and a mongod/mongos instance. */
compressors?: CompressorName[] | string;
/** An integer that specifies the compression level if using zlib for network compression. */
zlibCompressionLevel?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | undefined;
/** The maximum number of hosts to connect to when using an srv connection string, a setting of `0` means unlimited hosts */
srvMaxHosts?: number;
* Modifies the srv URI to look like:
* `_{srvServiceName}._tcp.{hostname}.{domainname}`
* Querying this DNS URI is expected to respond with SRV records
srvServiceName?: string;
/** The maximum number of connections in the connection pool. */
maxPoolSize?: number;
/** The minimum number of connections in the connection pool. */
minPoolSize?: number;
/** The maximum number of connections that may be in the process of being established concurrently by the connection pool. */
maxConnecting?: number;
/** The maximum number of milliseconds that a connection can remain idle in the pool before being removed and closed. */
maxIdleTimeMS?: number;
/** The maximum time in milliseconds that a thread can wait for a connection to become available. */
waitQueueTimeoutMS?: number;
/** Specify a read concern for the collection (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported) */
readConcern?: ReadConcernLike;
/** The level of isolation */
readConcernLevel?: ReadConcernLevel;
/** Specifies the read preferences for this connection */
readPreference?: ReadPreferenceMode | ReadPreference;
/** Specifies, in seconds, how stale a secondary can be before the client stops using it for read operations. */
maxStalenessSeconds?: number;
/** Specifies the tags document as a comma-separated list of colon-separated key-value pairs. */
readPreferenceTags?: TagSet[];
/** The auth settings for when connection to server. */
auth?: Auth;
/** Specify the database name associated with the user’s credentials. */
authSource?: string;
/** Specify the authentication mechanism that MongoDB will use to authenticate the connection. */
authMechanism?: AuthMechanism;
/** Specify properties for the specified authMechanism as a comma-separated list of colon-separated key-value pairs. */
authMechanismProperties?: AuthMechanismProperties;
/** The size (in milliseconds) of the latency window for selecting among multiple suitable MongoDB instances. */
localThresholdMS?: number;
/** Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection before throwing an exception. */
serverSelectionTimeoutMS?: number;
/** heartbeatFrequencyMS controls when the driver checks the state of the MongoDB deployment. Specify the interval (in milliseconds) between checks, counted from the end of the previous check until the beginning of the next one. */
heartbeatFrequencyMS?: number;
/** Sets the minimum heartbeat frequency. In the event that the driver has to frequently re-check a server's availability, it will wait at least this long since the previous check to avoid wasted effort. */
minHeartbeatFrequencyMS?: number;
/** The name of the application that created this MongoClient instance. MongoDB 3.4 and newer will print this value in the server log upon establishing each connection. It is also recorded in the slow query log and profile collections */
appName?: string;
/** Enables retryable reads. */
retryReads?: boolean;
/** Enable retryable writes. */
retryWrites?: boolean;
/** Allow a driver to force a Single topology type with a connection string containing one host */
directConnection?: boolean;
/** Instruct the driver it is connecting to a load balancer fronting a mongos like service */
loadBalanced?: boolean;
* The write concern w value
* @deprecated Please use the `writeConcern` option instead
w?: W;
* The write concern timeout
* @deprecated Please use the `writeConcern` option instead
wtimeoutMS?: number;
* The journal write concern
* @deprecated Please use the `writeConcern` option instead
journal?: boolean;
* A MongoDB WriteConcern, which describes the level of acknowledgement
* requested from MongoDB for write operations.
* @see
writeConcern?: WriteConcern | WriteConcernSettings;
/** TCP Connection no delay */
noDelay?: boolean;
/** Force server to assign `_id` values instead of driver */
forceServerObjectId?: boolean;
/** A primary key factory function for generation of custom `_id` keys */
pkFactory?: PkFactory;
/** Enable command monitoring for this client */
monitorCommands?: boolean;
/** Server API version */
serverApi?: ServerApi | ServerApiVersion;
* Optionally enable in-use auto encryption
* @remarks
* Automatic encryption is an enterprise only feature that only applies to operations on a collection. Automatic encryption is not supported for operations on a database or view, and operations that are not bypassed will result in error
* (see [libmongocrypt: Auto Encryption Allow-List]( To bypass automatic encryption for all operations, set bypassAutoEncryption=true in AutoEncryptionOpts.
* Automatic encryption requires the authenticated user to have the [listCollections privilege action](
* If a MongoClient with a limited connection pool size (i.e a non-zero maxPoolSize) is configured with AutoEncryptionOptions, a separate internal MongoClient is created if any of the following are true:
* - AutoEncryptionOptions.keyVaultClient is not passed.
* - AutoEncryptionOptions.bypassAutomaticEncryption is false.
* If an internal MongoClient is created, it is configured with the same options as the parent MongoClient except minPoolSize is set to 0 and AutoEncryptionOptions is omitted.
autoEncryption?: AutoEncryptionOptions;
/** Allows a wrapping driver to amend the client metadata generated by the driver to include information about the wrapping driver */
driverInfo?: DriverInfo;
/** Configures a Socks5 proxy host used for creating TCP connections. */
proxyHost?: string;
/** Configures a Socks5 proxy port used for creating TCP connections. */
proxyPort?: number;
/** Configures a Socks5 proxy username when the proxy in proxyHost requires username/password authentication. */
proxyUsername?: string;
/** Configures a Socks5 proxy password when the proxy in proxyHost requires username/password authentication. */
proxyPassword?: string;
/** Instructs the driver monitors to use a specific monitoring mode */
serverMonitoringMode?: ServerMonitoringMode;
/** @internal */
srvPoller?: SrvPoller;
/** @internal */
connectionType?: typeof Connection;
* @internal
* TODO: NODE-5671 - remove internal flag
mongodbLogPath?: 'stderr' | 'stdout' | MongoDBLogWritable;
* @internal
* TODO: NODE-5671 - remove internal flag
mongodbLogComponentSeverities?: LogComponentSeveritiesClientOptions;
* @internal
* TODO: NODE-5671 - remove internal flag
mongodbLogMaxDocumentLength?: number;
/** @internal */
[featureFlag: symbol]: any;
/** @public */
export type WithSessionCallback<T = unknown> = (session: ClientSession) => Promise<T>;
/** @internal */
export interface MongoClientPrivate {
url: string;
bsonOptions: BSONSerializeOptions;
namespace: MongoDBNamespace;
hasBeenClosed: boolean;
authProviders: MongoClientAuthProviders;
* We keep a reference to the sessions that are acquired from the pool.
* - used to track and close all sessions in client.close() (which is non-standard behavior)
* - used to notify the leak checker in our tests if test author forgot to clean up explicit sessions
readonly activeSessions: Set<ClientSession>;
readonly sessionPool: ServerSessionPool;
readonly options: MongoOptions;
readonly readConcern?: ReadConcern;
readonly writeConcern?: WriteConcern;
readonly readPreference: ReadPreference;
readonly isMongoClient: true;
/** @public */
export type MongoClientEvents = Pick<TopologyEvents, (typeof MONGO_CLIENT_EVENTS)[number]> & {
// In previous versions the open event emitted a topology, in an effort to no longer
// expose internals but continue to expose this useful event API, it now emits a mongoClient
open(mongoClient: MongoClient): void;
/** @internal */
const kOptions = Symbol('options');
* The **MongoClient** class is a class that allows for making Connections to MongoDB.
* @public
* @remarks
* The programmatically provided options take precedence over the URI options.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
* // Enable command monitoring for debugging
* const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017', { monitorCommands: true });
* client.on('commandStarted', started => console.log(started));
* client.db().collection('pets');
* await client.insertOne({ name: 'spot', kind: 'dog' });
* ```
export class MongoClient extends TypedEventEmitter<MongoClientEvents> implements AsyncDisposable {
/** @internal */
s: MongoClientPrivate;
/** @internal */
topology?: Topology;
/** @internal */
override readonly mongoLogger: MongoLogger | undefined;
/** @internal */
private connectionLock?: Promise<this>;
* The consolidate, parsed, transformed and merged options.
* @internal
[kOptions]: MongoOptions;
constructor(url: string, options?: MongoClientOptions) {
this[kOptions] = parseOptions(url, this, options);
const shouldSetLogger = Object.values(
).some(value => value !== SeverityLevel.OFF);
this.mongoLogger = shouldSetLogger
? new MongoLogger(this[kOptions].mongoLoggerOptions)
: undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const client = this;
// The internal state
this.s = {
bsonOptions: resolveBSONOptions(this[kOptions]),
namespace: ns('admin'),
hasBeenClosed: false,
sessionPool: new ServerSessionPool(this),
activeSessions: new Set(),
authProviders: new MongoClientAuthProviders(),
get options() {
return client[kOptions];
get readConcern() {
return client[kOptions].readConcern;
get writeConcern() {
return client[kOptions].writeConcern;
get readPreference() {
return client[kOptions].readPreference;
get isMongoClient(): true {
return true;
* @beta
* @experimental
* An alias for {@link MongoClient.close|MongoClient.close()}.
declare [Symbol.asyncDispose]: () => Promise<void>;
/** @internal */
async asyncDispose() {
await this.close();
/** @internal */
private checkForNonGenuineHosts() {
const documentDBHostnames = this[kOptions].hosts.filter((hostAddress: HostAddress) =>
const srvHostIsDocumentDB = isHostMatch(DOCUMENT_DB_CHECK, this[kOptions].srvHost);
const cosmosDBHostnames = this[kOptions].hosts.filter((hostAddress: HostAddress) =>
const srvHostIsCosmosDB = isHostMatch(COSMOS_DB_CHECK, this[kOptions].srvHost);
if (documentDBHostnames.length !== 0 || srvHostIsDocumentDB) {
this.mongoLogger?.info('client', DOCUMENT_DB_MSG);
} else if (cosmosDBHostnames.length !== 0 || srvHostIsCosmosDB) {
this.mongoLogger?.info('client', COSMOS_DB_MSG);
/** @see MongoOptions */
get options(): Readonly<MongoOptions> {
return Object.freeze({ ...this[kOptions] });
get serverApi(): Readonly<ServerApi | undefined> {
return this[kOptions].serverApi && Object.freeze({ ...this[kOptions].serverApi });
* Intended for APM use only
* @internal
get monitorCommands(): boolean {
return this[kOptions].monitorCommands;
set monitorCommands(value: boolean) {
this[kOptions].monitorCommands = value;
/** @internal */
get autoEncrypter(): AutoEncrypter | undefined {
return this[kOptions].autoEncrypter;
get readConcern(): ReadConcern | undefined {
return this.s.readConcern;
get writeConcern(): WriteConcern | undefined {
return this.s.writeConcern;
get readPreference(): ReadPreference {
return this.s.readPreference;
get bsonOptions(): BSONSerializeOptions {
return this.s.bsonOptions;
* Executes a client bulk write operation, available on server 8.0+.
* @param models - The client bulk write models.
* @param options - The client bulk write options.
* @returns A ClientBulkWriteResult for acknowledged writes and ok: 1 for unacknowledged writes.
async bulkWrite<SchemaMap extends Record<string, Document> = Record<string, Document>>(
models: ReadonlyArray<ClientBulkWriteModel<SchemaMap>>,
options?: ClientBulkWriteOptions
): Promise<ClientBulkWriteResult> {
if (this.autoEncrypter) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError(
'MongoClient bulkWrite does not currently support automatic encryption.'
// We do not need schema type information past this point ("as any" is fine)
return await new ClientBulkWriteExecutor(
models as any,
resolveOptions(this, options)
* Connect to MongoDB using a url
* @see
async connect(): Promise<this> {
if (this.connectionLock) {
return await this.connectionLock;
try {
this.connectionLock = this._connect();
await this.connectionLock;
} finally {
// release
this.connectionLock = undefined;
return this;
* Create a topology to open the connection, must be locked to avoid topology leaks in concurrency scenario.
* Locking is enforced by the connect method.
* @internal
private async _connect(): Promise<this> {
if (this.topology && this.topology.isConnected()) {
return this;
const options = this[kOptions];
if (options.tls) {
if (typeof options.tlsCAFile === 'string') { ??= await fs.readFile(options.tlsCAFile);
if (typeof options.tlsCRLFile === 'string') {
options.crl ??= await fs.readFile(options.tlsCRLFile);
if (typeof options.tlsCertificateKeyFile === 'string') {
if (!options.key || !options.cert) {
const contents = await fs.readFile(options.tlsCertificateKeyFile);
options.key ??= contents;
options.cert ??= contents;
if (typeof options.srvHost === 'string') {
const hosts = await resolveSRVRecord(options);
for (const [index, host] of hosts.entries()) {
options.hosts[index] = host;
// It is important to perform validation of hosts AFTER SRV resolution, to check the real hostname,
// but BEFORE we even attempt connecting with a potentially not allowed hostname
if (options.credentials?.mechanism === AuthMechanism.MONGODB_OIDC) {
const allowedHosts =
options.credentials?.mechanismProperties?.ALLOWED_HOSTS || DEFAULT_ALLOWED_HOSTS;
const isServiceAuth = !!options.credentials?.mechanismProperties?.ENVIRONMENT;
if (!isServiceAuth) {
for (const host of options.hosts) {
if (!hostMatchesWildcards(host.toHostPort().host, allowedHosts)) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError(
`Host '${host}' is not valid for OIDC authentication with ALLOWED_HOSTS of '${allowedHosts.join(
this.topology = new Topology(this, options.hosts, options);
// Events can be emitted before initialization is complete so we have to
// save the reference to the topology on the client ASAP if the event handlers need to access it
this.topology.once(Topology.OPEN, () => this.emit('open', this));
for (const event of MONGO_CLIENT_EVENTS) {
this.topology.on(event, (...args: any[]) => this.emit(event, ...(args as any)));
const topologyConnect = async () => {
try {
await this.topology?.connect(options);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
if (this.autoEncrypter) {
await this.autoEncrypter?.init();
await topologyConnect();
await options.encrypter.connectInternalClient();
} else {
await topologyConnect();
return this;
* Cleans up client-side resources used by the MongoCLient and . This includes:
* - Closes all open, unused connections (see note).
* - Ends all in-use sessions with {@link ClientSession#endSession|ClientSession.endSession()}.
* - Ends all unused sessions server-side.
* - Cleans up any resources being used for auto encryption if auto encryption is enabled.
* @remarks Any in-progress operations are not killed and any connections used by in progress operations
* will be cleaned up lazily as operations finish.
* @param force - Force close, emitting no events
async close(force = false): Promise<void> {
// There's no way to set hasBeenClosed back to false
Object.defineProperty(this.s, 'hasBeenClosed', {
value: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
writable: false
const activeSessionEnds = Array.from(this.s.activeSessions, session => session.endSession());
await Promise.all(activeSessionEnds);
if (this.topology == null) {
// If we would attempt to select a server and get nothing back we short circuit
// to avoid the server selection timeout.
const selector = readPreferenceServerSelector(ReadPreference.primaryPreferred);
const topologyDescription = this.topology.description;
const serverDescriptions = Array.from(topologyDescription.servers.values());
const servers = selector(topologyDescription, serverDescriptions);
if (servers.length !== 0) {
const endSessions = Array.from(this.s.sessionPool.sessions, ({ id }) => id);
if (endSessions.length !== 0) {
try {
await executeOperation(
new RunAdminCommandOperation(
{ endSessions },
{ readPreference: ReadPreference.primaryPreferred, noResponse: true }
} catch (error) {
// clear out references to old topology
const topology = this.topology;
this.topology = undefined;
const { encrypter } = this[kOptions];
if (encrypter) {
await encrypter.close(this, force);
* Create a new Db instance sharing the current socket connections.
* @param dbName - The name of the database we want to use. If not provided, use database name from connection string.
* @param options - Optional settings for Db construction
db(dbName?: string, options?: DbOptions): Db {
options = options ?? {};
// Default to db from connection string if not provided
if (!dbName) {
dbName = this.options.dbName;
// Copy the options and add out internal override of the not shared flag
const finalOptions = Object.assign({}, this[kOptions], options);
// Return the db object
const db = new Db(this, dbName, finalOptions);
// Return the database
return db;
* Connect to MongoDB using a url
* @remarks
* The programmatically provided options take precedence over the URI options.
* @see
static async connect(url: string, options?: MongoClientOptions): Promise<MongoClient> {
const client = new this(url, options);
return await client.connect();
* Creates a new ClientSession. When using the returned session in an operation
* a corresponding ServerSession will be created.
* @remarks
* A ClientSession instance may only be passed to operations being performed on the same
* MongoClient it was started from.
startSession(options?: ClientSessionOptions): ClientSession {
const session = new ClientSession(
{ explicit: true, ...options },
session.once('ended', () => {
return session;
* A convenience method for creating and handling the clean up of a ClientSession.
* The session will always be ended when the executor finishes.
* @param executor - An executor function that all operations using the provided session must be invoked in
* @param options - optional settings for the session
async withSession<T = any>(executor: WithSessionCallback<T>): Promise<T>;
async withSession<T = any>(
options: ClientSessionOptions,
executor: WithSessionCallback<T>
): Promise<T>;
async withSession<T = any>(
optionsOrExecutor: ClientSessionOptions | WithSessionCallback<T>,
executor?: WithSessionCallback<T>
): Promise<T> {
const options = {
// Always define an owner
owner: Symbol(),
// If it's an object inherit the options
...(typeof optionsOrExecutor === 'object' ? optionsOrExecutor : {})
const withSessionCallback =
typeof optionsOrExecutor === 'function' ? optionsOrExecutor : executor;
if (withSessionCallback == null) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Missing required callback parameter');
const session = this.startSession(options);
try {
return await withSessionCallback(session);
} finally {
try {
await session.endSession();
} catch (error) {
* Create a new Change Stream, watching for new changes (insertions, updates,
* replacements, deletions, and invalidations) in this cluster. Will ignore all
* changes to system collections, as well as the local, admin, and config databases.
* @remarks
* watch() accepts two generic arguments for distinct use cases:
* - The first is to provide the schema that may be defined for all the data within the current cluster
* - The second is to override the shape of the change stream document entirely, if it is not provided the type will default to ChangeStreamDocument of the first argument
* @param pipeline - An array of {@link|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @typeParam TSchema - Type of the data being detected by the change stream
* @typeParam TChange - Type of the whole change stream document emitted
TSchema extends Document = Document,
TChange extends Document = ChangeStreamDocument<TSchema>
>(pipeline: Document[] = [], options: ChangeStreamOptions = {}): ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange> {
// Allow optionally not specifying a pipeline
if (!Array.isArray(pipeline)) {
options = pipeline;
pipeline = [];
return new ChangeStream<TSchema, TChange>(this, pipeline, resolveOptions(this, options));
* Parsed Mongo Client Options.
* User supplied options are documented by `MongoClientOptions`.
* **NOTE:** The client's options parsing is subject to change to support new features.
* This type is provided to aid with inspection of options after parsing, it should not be relied upon programmatically.
* Options are sourced from:
* - connection string
* - options object passed to the MongoClient constructor
* - file system (ex. tls settings)
* - environment variables
* - DNS SRV records and TXT records
* Not all options may be present after client construction as some are obtained from asynchronous operations.
* @public
export interface MongoOptions
extends Required<
| 'autoEncryption'
| 'connectTimeoutMS'
| 'directConnection'
| 'driverInfo'
| 'forceServerObjectId'
| 'minHeartbeatFrequencyMS'
| 'heartbeatFrequencyMS'
| 'localThresholdMS'
| 'maxConnecting'
| 'maxIdleTimeMS'
| 'maxPoolSize'
| 'minPoolSize'
| 'monitorCommands'
| 'noDelay'
| 'pkFactory'
| 'raw'
| 'replicaSet'
| 'retryReads'
| 'retryWrites'
| 'serverSelectionTimeoutMS'
| 'socketTimeoutMS'
| 'srvMaxHosts'
| 'srvServiceName'
| 'tlsAllowInvalidCertificates'
| 'tlsAllowInvalidHostnames'
| 'tlsInsecure'
| 'waitQueueTimeoutMS'
| 'zlibCompressionLevel'
SupportedNodeConnectionOptions {
appName?: string;
hosts: HostAddress[];
srvHost?: string;
credentials?: MongoCredentials;
readPreference: ReadPreference;
readConcern: ReadConcern;
loadBalanced: boolean;
directConnection: boolean;
serverApi: ServerApi;
compressors: CompressorName[];
writeConcern: WriteConcern;
dbName: string;
metadata: ClientMetadata;
/** @internal */
extendedMetadata: Promise<Document>;
/** @internal */
autoEncrypter?: AutoEncrypter;
/** @internal */
tokenCache?: TokenCache;
proxyHost?: string;
proxyPort?: number;
proxyUsername?: string;
proxyPassword?: string;
serverMonitoringMode: ServerMonitoringMode;
/** @internal */
connectionType?: typeof Connection;
/** @internal */
authProviders: MongoClientAuthProviders;
/** @internal */
encrypter: Encrypter;
/** @internal */
userSpecifiedAuthSource: boolean;
/** @internal */
userSpecifiedReplicaSet: boolean;
* # NOTE ABOUT TLS Options
* If `tls` is provided as an option, it is equivalent to setting the `ssl` option.
* NodeJS native TLS options are passed through to the socket and retain their original types.
* ### Additional options:
* | nodejs native option | driver spec equivalent option name | driver option type |
* |:----------------------|:----------------------------------------------|:-------------------|
* | `ca` | `tlsCAFile` | `string` |
* | `crl` | `tlsCRLFile` | `string` |
* | `cert` | `tlsCertificateKeyFile` | `string` |
* | `key` | `tlsCertificateKeyFile` | `string` |
* | `passphrase` | `tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword` | `string` |
* | `rejectUnauthorized` | `tlsAllowInvalidCertificates` | `boolean` |
* | `checkServerIdentity` | `tlsAllowInvalidHostnames` | `boolean` |
* | see note below | `tlsInsecure` | `boolean` |
* If `tlsInsecure` is set to `true`, then it will set the node native options `checkServerIdentity`
* to a no-op and `rejectUnauthorized` to `false`.
* If `tlsInsecure` is set to `false`, then it will set the node native options `checkServerIdentity`
* to a no-op and `rejectUnauthorized` to the inverse value of `tlsAllowInvalidCertificates`. If
* `tlsAllowInvalidCertificates` is not set, then `rejectUnauthorized` will be set to `true`.
* ### Note on `tlsCAFile`, `tlsCertificateKeyFile` and `tlsCRLFile`
* The files specified by the paths passed in to the `tlsCAFile`, `tlsCertificateKeyFile` and `tlsCRLFile`
* fields are read lazily on the first call to `MongoClient.connect`. Once these files have been read and
* the `ca`, `cert`, `crl` and `key` fields are populated, they will not be read again on subsequent calls to
* `MongoClient.connect`. As a result, until the first call to `MongoClient.connect`, the `ca`,
* `cert`, `crl` and `key` fields will be undefined.
tls: boolean;
tlsCAFile?: string;
tlsCRLFile?: string;
tlsCertificateKeyFile?: string;
/** @internal */
[featureFlag: symbol]: any;
* @internal
* TODO: NODE-5671 - remove internal flag
mongoLoggerOptions: MongoLoggerOptions;
* @internal
* TODO: NODE-5671 - remove internal flag
mongodbLogPath?: 'stderr' | 'stdout' | MongoDBLogWritable;
/** @internal TODO(NODE-5688): make this public */
timeoutMS?: number;