shell bypass 403
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.AggregationCursor = void 0;
const aggregate_1 = require("../operations/aggregate");
const execute_operation_1 = require("../operations/execute_operation");
const utils_1 = require("../utils");
const abstract_cursor_1 = require("./abstract_cursor");
* The **AggregationCursor** class is an internal class that embodies an aggregation cursor on MongoDB
* allowing for iteration over the results returned from the underlying query. It supports
* one by one document iteration, conversion to an array or can be iterated as a Node 4.X
* or higher stream
* @public
class AggregationCursor extends abstract_cursor_1.AbstractCursor {
/** @internal */
constructor(client, namespace, pipeline = [], options = {}) {
super(client, namespace, options);
this.pipeline = pipeline;
this.aggregateOptions = options;
clone() {
const clonedOptions = (0, utils_1.mergeOptions)({}, this.aggregateOptions);
delete clonedOptions.session;
return new AggregationCursor(this.client, this.namespace, this.pipeline, {
map(transform) {
/** @internal */
async _initialize(session) {
const aggregateOperation = new aggregate_1.AggregateOperation(this.namespace, this.pipeline, {
const response = await (0, execute_operation_1.executeOperation)(this.client, aggregateOperation);
return { server: aggregateOperation.server, session, response };
/** Execute the explain for the cursor */
async explain(verbosity) {
return (await (0, execute_operation_1.executeOperation)(this.client, new aggregate_1.AggregateOperation(this.namespace, this.pipeline, {
...this.aggregateOptions, // NOTE: order matters here, we may need to refine this
explain: verbosity ?? true
addStage(stage) {
return this;
group($group) {
return this.addStage({ $group });
/** Add a limit stage to the aggregation pipeline */
limit($limit) {
return this.addStage({ $limit });
/** Add a match stage to the aggregation pipeline */
match($match) {
return this.addStage({ $match });
/** Add an out stage to the aggregation pipeline */
out($out) {
return this.addStage({ $out });
* Add a project stage to the aggregation pipeline
* @remarks
* In order to strictly type this function you must provide an interface
* that represents the effect of your projection on the result documents.
* By default chaining a projection to your cursor changes the returned type to the generic {@link Document} type.
* You should specify a parameterized type to have assertions on your final results.
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Best way
* const docs: AggregationCursor<{ a: number }> = cursor.project<{ a: number }>({ _id: 0, a: true });
* // Flexible way
* const docs: AggregationCursor<Document> = cursor.project({ _id: 0, a: true });
* ```
* @remarks
* In order to strictly type this function you must provide an interface
* that represents the effect of your projection on the result documents.
* **Note for Typescript Users:** adding a transform changes the return type of the iteration of this cursor,
* it **does not** return a new instance of a cursor. This means when calling project,
* you should always assign the result to a new variable in order to get a correctly typed cursor variable.
* Take note of the following example:
* @example
* ```typescript
* const cursor: AggregationCursor<{ a: number; b: string }> = coll.aggregate([]);
* const projectCursor = cursor.project<{ a: number }>({ _id: 0, a: true });
* const aPropOnlyArray: {a: number}[] = await projectCursor.toArray();
* // or always use chaining and save the final cursor
* const cursor = coll.aggregate().project<{ a: string }>({
* _id: 0,
* a: { $convert: { input: '$a', to: 'string' }
* }});
* ```
project($project) {
return this.addStage({ $project });
/** Add a lookup stage to the aggregation pipeline */
lookup($lookup) {
return this.addStage({ $lookup });
/** Add a redact stage to the aggregation pipeline */
redact($redact) {
return this.addStage({ $redact });
/** Add a skip stage to the aggregation pipeline */
skip($skip) {
return this.addStage({ $skip });
/** Add a sort stage to the aggregation pipeline */
sort($sort) {
return this.addStage({ $sort });
/** Add a unwind stage to the aggregation pipeline */
unwind($unwind) {
return this.addStage({ $unwind });
/** Add a geoNear stage to the aggregation pipeline */
geoNear($geoNear) {
return this.addStage({ $geoNear });
exports.AggregationCursor = AggregationCursor;