shell bypass 403
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.connect = connect;
exports.makeConnection = makeConnection;
exports.performInitialHandshake = performInitialHandshake;
exports.prepareHandshakeDocument = prepareHandshakeDocument;
exports.makeSocket = makeSocket;
const net = require("net");
const tls = require("tls");
const constants_1 = require("../constants");
const deps_1 = require("../deps");
const error_1 = require("../error");
const utils_1 = require("../utils");
const auth_provider_1 = require("./auth/auth_provider");
const providers_1 = require("./auth/providers");
const connection_1 = require("./connection");
const constants_2 = require("./wire_protocol/constants");
async function connect(options) {
let connection = null;
try {
const socket = await makeSocket(options);
connection = makeConnection(options, socket);
await performInitialHandshake(connection, options);
return connection;
catch (error) {
throw error;
function makeConnection(options, socket) {
let ConnectionType = options.connectionType ?? connection_1.Connection;
if (options.autoEncrypter) {
ConnectionType = connection_1.CryptoConnection;
return new ConnectionType(socket, options);
function checkSupportedServer(hello, options) {
const maxWireVersion = Number(hello.maxWireVersion);
const minWireVersion = Number(hello.minWireVersion);
const serverVersionHighEnough = !Number.isNaN(maxWireVersion) && maxWireVersion >= constants_2.MIN_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION;
const serverVersionLowEnough = !Number.isNaN(minWireVersion) && minWireVersion <= constants_2.MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION;
if (serverVersionHighEnough) {
if (serverVersionLowEnough) {
return null;
const message = `Server at ${options.hostAddress} reports minimum wire version ${JSON.stringify(hello.minWireVersion)}, but this version of the Node.js Driver requires at most ${constants_2.MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION} (MongoDB ${constants_2.MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION})`;
return new error_1.MongoCompatibilityError(message);
const message = `Server at ${options.hostAddress} reports maximum wire version ${JSON.stringify(hello.maxWireVersion) ?? 0}, but this version of the Node.js Driver requires at least ${constants_2.MIN_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION} (MongoDB ${constants_2.MIN_SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION})`;
return new error_1.MongoCompatibilityError(message);
async function performInitialHandshake(conn, options) {
const credentials = options.credentials;
if (credentials) {
if (!(credentials.mechanism === providers_1.AuthMechanism.MONGODB_DEFAULT) &&
!options.authProviders.getOrCreateProvider(credentials.mechanism, credentials.mechanismProperties)) {
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`AuthMechanism '${credentials.mechanism}' not supported`);
const authContext = new auth_provider_1.AuthContext(conn, credentials, options);
conn.authContext = authContext;
const handshakeDoc = await prepareHandshakeDocument(authContext);
// @ts-expect-error: TODO(NODE-5141): The options need to be filtered properly, Connection options differ from Command options
const handshakeOptions = { ...options, raw: false };
if (typeof options.connectTimeoutMS === 'number') {
// The handshake technically is a monitoring check, so its socket timeout should be connectTimeoutMS
handshakeOptions.socketTimeoutMS = options.connectTimeoutMS;
const start = new Date().getTime();
const response = await executeHandshake(handshakeDoc, handshakeOptions);
if (!('isWritablePrimary' in response)) {
// Provide hello-style response document.
response.isWritablePrimary = response[constants_1.LEGACY_HELLO_COMMAND];
if (response.helloOk) {
conn.helloOk = true;
const supportedServerErr = checkSupportedServer(response, options);
if (supportedServerErr) {
throw supportedServerErr;
if (options.loadBalanced) {
if (!response.serviceId) {
throw new error_1.MongoCompatibilityError('Driver attempted to initialize in load balancing mode, ' +
'but the server does not support this mode.');
// NOTE: This is metadata attached to the connection while porting away from
// handshake being done in the `Server` class. Likely, it should be
// relocated, or at very least restructured.
conn.hello = response;
conn.lastHelloMS = new Date().getTime() - start;
if (!response.arbiterOnly && credentials) {
// store the response on auth context
authContext.response = response;
const resolvedCredentials = credentials.resolveAuthMechanism(response);
const provider = options.authProviders.getOrCreateProvider(resolvedCredentials.mechanism, resolvedCredentials.mechanismProperties);
if (!provider) {
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`No AuthProvider for ${resolvedCredentials.mechanism} defined.`);
try {
await provider.auth(authContext);
catch (error) {
if (error instanceof error_1.MongoError) {
if ((0, error_1.needsRetryableWriteLabel)(error, response.maxWireVersion, conn.description.type)) {
throw error;
// Connection establishment is socket creation (tcp handshake, tls handshake, MongoDB handshake (saslStart, saslContinue))
// Once connection is established, command logging can log events (if enabled)
conn.established = true;
async function executeHandshake(handshakeDoc, handshakeOptions) {
try {
const handshakeResponse = await conn.command((0, utils_1.ns)('admin.$cmd'), handshakeDoc, handshakeOptions);
return handshakeResponse;
catch (error) {
if (error instanceof error_1.MongoError) {
throw error;
* @internal
* This function is only exposed for testing purposes.
async function prepareHandshakeDocument(authContext) {
const options = authContext.options;
const compressors = options.compressors ? options.compressors : [];
const { serverApi } = authContext.connection;
const clientMetadata = await options.extendedMetadata;
const handshakeDoc = {
[serverApi?.version || options.loadBalanced === true ? 'hello' : constants_1.LEGACY_HELLO_COMMAND]: 1,
helloOk: true,
client: clientMetadata,
compression: compressors
if (options.loadBalanced === true) {
handshakeDoc.loadBalanced = true;
const credentials = authContext.credentials;
if (credentials) {
if (credentials.mechanism === providers_1.AuthMechanism.MONGODB_DEFAULT && credentials.username) {
handshakeDoc.saslSupportedMechs = `${credentials.source}.${credentials.username}`;
const provider = authContext.options.authProviders.getOrCreateProvider(providers_1.AuthMechanism.MONGODB_SCRAM_SHA256, credentials.mechanismProperties);
if (!provider) {
// This auth mechanism is always present.
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`No AuthProvider for ${providers_1.AuthMechanism.MONGODB_SCRAM_SHA256} defined.`);
return await provider.prepare(handshakeDoc, authContext);
const provider = authContext.options.authProviders.getOrCreateProvider(credentials.mechanism, credentials.mechanismProperties);
if (!provider) {
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`No AuthProvider for ${credentials.mechanism} defined.`);
return await provider.prepare(handshakeDoc, authContext);
return handshakeDoc;
/** @public */
/** @public */
function parseConnectOptions(options) {
const hostAddress = options.hostAddress;
if (!hostAddress)
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Option "hostAddress" is required');
const result = {};
for (const name of exports.LEGAL_TCP_SOCKET_OPTIONS) {
if (options[name] != null) {
result[name] = options[name];
if (typeof hostAddress.socketPath === 'string') {
result.path = hostAddress.socketPath;
return result;
else if (typeof === 'string') { =;
result.port = hostAddress.port;
return result;
else {
// This should never happen since we set up HostAddresses
// But if we don't throw here the socket could hang until timeout
// TODO(NODE-3483)
throw new error_1.MongoRuntimeError(`Unexpected HostAddress ${JSON.stringify(hostAddress)}`);
function parseSslOptions(options) {
const result = parseConnectOptions(options);
// Merge in valid SSL options
for (const name of exports.LEGAL_TLS_SOCKET_OPTIONS) {
if (options[name] != null) {
result[name] = options[name];
if (options.existingSocket) {
result.socket = options.existingSocket;
// Set default sni servername to be the same as host
if (result.servername == null && && !net.isIP( {
result.servername =;
return result;
async function makeSocket(options) {
const useTLS = options.tls ?? false;
const noDelay = options.noDelay ?? true;
const connectTimeoutMS = options.connectTimeoutMS ?? 30000;
const existingSocket = options.existingSocket;
let socket;
if (options.proxyHost != null) {
// Currently, only Socks5 is supported.
return await makeSocks5Connection({
connectTimeoutMS // Should always be present for Socks5
if (useTLS) {
const tlsSocket = tls.connect(parseSslOptions(options));
if (typeof tlsSocket.disableRenegotiation === 'function') {
socket = tlsSocket;
else if (existingSocket) {
// In the TLS case, parseSslOptions() sets options.socket to existingSocket,
// so we only need to handle the non-TLS case here (where existingSocket
// gives us all we need out of the box).
socket = existingSocket;
else {
socket = net.createConnection(parseConnectOptions(options));
socket.setKeepAlive(true, 300000);
let cancellationHandler = null;
const { promise: connectedSocket, resolve, reject } = (0, utils_1.promiseWithResolvers)();
if (existingSocket) {
else {
const start =;
const connectEvent = useTLS ? 'secureConnect' : 'connect';
.once(connectEvent, () => resolve(socket))
.once('error', cause => reject(new error_1.MongoNetworkError(error_1.MongoError.buildErrorMessage(cause), { cause })))
.once('timeout', () => {
reject(new error_1.MongoNetworkTimeoutError(`Socket '${connectEvent}' timed out after ${( - start) | 0}ms (connectTimeoutMS: ${connectTimeoutMS})`));
.once('close', () => reject(new error_1.MongoNetworkError(`Socket closed after ${( - start) | 0} during connection establishment`)));
if (options.cancellationToken != null) {
cancellationHandler = () => reject(new error_1.MongoNetworkError(`Socket connection establishment was cancelled after ${( - start) | 0}`));
options.cancellationToken.once('cancel', cancellationHandler);
try {
socket = await connectedSocket;
return socket;
catch (error) {
throw error;
finally {
if (cancellationHandler != null) {
options.cancellationToken?.removeListener('cancel', cancellationHandler);
let socks = null;
function loadSocks() {
if (socks == null) {
const socksImport = (0, deps_1.getSocks)();
if ('kModuleError' in socksImport) {
throw socksImport.kModuleError;
socks = socksImport;
return socks;
async function makeSocks5Connection(options) {
const hostAddress = utils_1.HostAddress.fromHostPort(options.proxyHost ?? '', // proxyHost is guaranteed to set here
options.proxyPort ?? 1080);
// First, connect to the proxy server itself:
const rawSocket = await makeSocket({
tls: false,
proxyHost: undefined
const destination = parseConnectOptions(options);
if (typeof !== 'string' || typeof destination.port !== 'number') {
throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Can only make Socks5 connections to TCP hosts');
socks ??= loadSocks();
let existingSocket;
try {
// Then, establish the Socks5 proxy connection:
const connection = await socks.SocksClient.createConnection({
existing_socket: rawSocket,
timeout: options.connectTimeoutMS,
command: 'connect',
destination: {
port: destination.port
proxy: {
// host and port are ignored because we pass existing_socket
host: 'iLoveJavaScript',
port: 0,
type: 5,
userId: options.proxyUsername || undefined,
password: options.proxyPassword || undefined
existingSocket = connection.socket;
catch (cause) {
throw new error_1.MongoNetworkError(error_1.MongoError.buildErrorMessage(cause), { cause });
// Finally, now treat the resulting duplex stream as the
// socket over which we send and receive wire protocol messages:
return await makeSocket({ ...options, existingSocket, proxyHost: undefined });