��abc @@ s� d Z d d l m Z m Z m Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m
d d l m Z d d � Z
d d � Z e d
k r� e � n d S( u
Script which takes one or more file paths and reports on their detected
% chardetect somefile someotherfile
somefile: windows-1252 with confidence 0.5
someotherfile: ascii with confidence 1.0
If no paths are provided, it takes its input from stdin.
i ( t absolute_importt print_functiont unicode_literalsN( t __version__( t PY2( t UniversalDetectoru stdinc C@ s� t � } x4 | D], } t | � } | j | � | j r Pq q W| j � | j } t rt | j t j � d � } n | d r� d j
| | d | d � Sd j
| � Sd S( u�
Return a string describing the probable encoding of a file or
list of strings.
:param lines: The lines to get the encoding of.
:type lines: Iterable of bytes
:param name: Name of file or collection of lines
:type name: str
u ignoreu encodingu {0}: {1} with confidence {2}u
confidenceu {0}: no resultN( R t bytearrayt feedt donet closet resultR t decodet syst getfilesystemencodingt format( t linest namet ut lineR
( ( sF /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/cli/chardetect.pyt description_of s
C@ s� t j d d � } | j d d d d t j d � d d d
t rH t j n t j j g �| j d d d
d d j t � �| j
| � } xU | j D]J } | j � r� t
d d d d d t j �n t
t | | j � � q� Wd S( u�
Handles command line arguments and gets things started.
:param argv: List of arguments, as if specified on the command-line.
If None, ``sys.argv[1:]`` is used instead.
:type argv: list of str
t descriptionuV Takes one or more file paths and reports their detected encodingsu inputt helpu^ File whose encoding we would like to determine. (default: stdin)t typeu rbt nargsu *t defaultu --versiont actionu versiont versionu %(prog)s {0}u0 You are running chardetect interactively. Press u8 CTRL-D twice at the start of a blank line to signal the u4 end of your input. If you want help, run chardetect u --help
t fileN( t argparset ArgumentParsert add_argumentt FileTypeR R t stdint bufferR R t
parse_argst inputt isattyt printt stderrR R ( t argvt parsert argst f( ( sF /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/cli/chardetect.pyt main6 s u __main__( t __doc__t
__future__R R R R R t chardetR t chardet.compatR t chardet.universaldetectorR R t NoneR+ t __name__( ( ( sF /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/cli/chardetect.pyt <module> s