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name : rdataclass.pyc
!`Nc@s)dZddlZddlZdZdZdZdZdZdZ	ied	6ed
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jied6ed6ed6�iee6ee	6Zejdej�Zdejjfd��YZd�Zd�Zd�ZdS(skDNS Rdata Classes.

@var _by_text: The rdata class textual name to value mapping
@type _by_text: dict
@var _by_value: The rdata class value to textual name mapping
@type _by_value: dict
@var _metaclasses: If an rdataclass is a metaclass, there will be a mapping
whose key is the rdatatype value and whose value is True in this dictionary.
@type _metaclasses: dicti����Niiiii�i�t	RESERVED0tINtCHtHStNONEtANYtINTERNETtCHAOStHESIODsCLASS([0-9]+)$tUnknownRdataclasscBseZdZRS(sRaised when a class is unknown.(t__name__t
__module__t__doc__(((s4/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdataclass.pyR	DscCs�tj|j��}|dkr�tj|�}|dkrEt�nt|jd��}|dksr|dkr�t	d��q�n|S(s�Convert text into a DNS rdata class value.
    @param text: the text
    @type text: string
    @rtype: int
    @raises dns.rdataclass.UnknownRdataclass: the class is unknown
    @raises ValueError: the rdata class value is not >= 0 and <= 65535
    iii��s'class must be between >= 0 and <= 65535N(
t_by_texttgettuppertNonet_unknown_class_patterntmatchR	tinttgroupt
ValueError(ttexttvalueR((s4/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdataclass.pyt	from_textHs		cCsT|dks|dkr'td��ntj|�}|dkrPd|
}n|S(s�Convert a DNS rdata class to text.
    @param value: the rdata class value
    @type value: int
    @rtype: string
    @raises ValueError: the rdata class value is not >= 0 and <= 65535
    ii��s'class must be between >= 0 and <= 65535tCLASSN(Rt	_by_valueRR(RR((s4/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdataclass.pytto_text[scCstj|�rtStS(smTrue if the class is a metaclass.
    @param rdclass: the rdata class
    @type rdclass: int
    @rtype: bool(t_metaclassesthas_keytTruetFalse(trdclass((s4/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdataclass.pytis_metaclassjs(Rtret
tdictt	iteritemstxtyRtupdateRRtcompiletIRt	exceptiontDNSExceptionR	RRR!(((s4/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdataclass.pyt<module>s8
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