Uname: Linux business55.web-hosting.com 4.18.0-553.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 27 15:27:34 UTC 2024 x86_64
Software: LiteSpeed
PHP version: 8.1.31 [ PHP INFO ] PHP os: Linux
Server Ip:
Your Ip:
User: allssztx (535) | Group: allssztx (533)
Safe Mode: OFF
Disable Function:

name : _edit.php

// edit.php(For individual softwares)
// Version : 1.0
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Alons
// Date:       10th Jan 2009
// Time:       21:00 hrs
// Site:       http://www.softaculous.com/ (SOFTACULOUS)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://www.softaculous.com
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Softaculous Inc.


	die('Hacking Attempt');


// All functions in this PAGE must begin
// with TWO UNDERSCORE '__' to avoid 
// clashes with SOFTACULOUS Functions
// e.g. __funcname()

// Note : The path of the edit package 
//        is $software['path'].'/' . So to
//        access other files use 
//        $software['path'].'/other_file.ext'

//The Edit process
function __edit($installation){

global $__settings, $globals, $setupcontinue, $software, $error, $replace_data;
	$__settings['admin_email'] = optPOST('admin_email');
	$__settings['admin_pass'] = optPOST('admin_pass');
	// Do we need to reset the password ?
		// We need the username
			$error[] = '{{err_no_email}}';
			return false;
		// This is to get db details from import.php

		$r = call_user_func('__import_'.$software['softname'], $installation['softpath']);
		$__settings['softdbhost'] = $r['softdbhost'];
		$__settings['softdbuser'] = $r['softdbuser'];
		$__settings['softdbpass'] = $r['softdbpass'];
		$__settings['softdb'] = $r['softdb'];
			return false;
		//In older versions less than 4.5.0 user entries were stored in database
		if(sversion_compare($__settings['ver'], '4.5.0', '<')){
			$query = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Member` WHERE `Email` = '".$__settings['admin_email']."';";
			// Does this user exist ?
			$result = sdb_query($query, $__settings['softdbhost'], $__settings['softdbuser'], $__settings['softdbpass'], $__settings['softdb']);
			$userid = $result[0]['ID'];
			//Since versions 4.5.0 user entries are stored in .env file we retrieve email and old password from the file
			$file = sfile($installation['softpath'].'/.env');
				$error[] = '{{err_openconfig}}';
				return false;
			soft_preg_replace('/SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME=("|\')(.*?)("|\')\n/is', $file, $email, 2);
			soft_preg_replace('/SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/is', $file, $pass, 2);
		if(empty($userid) && $__settings['admin_email']!= $email) {
			$error[] = '{{err_no_such_email}}';
			return false;			
			//Versions older than 4.5.0 , we used to use update_pass.php for handling these passwords. For edit we have the same method defined in extend.php , which was defined in update_pass.php
			if(sversion_compare($__settings['ver'], '4.5.0', '<')){
				//Fetching salt from the database 
				$query = "SELECT `Salt` FROM `Member` WHERE `Email` = '".$__settings['admin_email']."';";				
				$result = sdb_query($query, $__settings['softdbhost'], $__settings['softdbuser'], $__settings['softdbpass'], $__settings['softdb']);
				$__settings['salt']  = $result[0]['Salt'];
					$error[] = 'Salt not found!';
					return false;
				$__settings['methodAndSalt'] = '$2y$' . $__settings['salt'];
				//Encrypting password via extend.php __ad_pass_crypt() method
				$__settings['admin_pass'] = __ad_pass_crypt($__settings['admin_pass']);
				//Change the plaintext password to new one for versions >= 4.5.0
				$replace_data['SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="'.$pass.'"'] = 'SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="'.$__settings['admin_pass'].'"';
				return false;
			// Update the password now
			if(sversion_compare($__settings['ver'], '4.5.0', '<')){
				$update_query = "UPDATE `Member` SET `Password` = '".$__settings['admin_pass']."' WHERE `ID` = '".$userid."';";
				$result = sdb_query($update_query, $__settings['softdbhost'], $__settings['softdbuser'], $__settings['softdbpass'], $__settings['softdb']);
				//Replace old password by new one in .env file through sclone_replace
				sclone_replace($replace_data, $installation['softpath'].'/.env', true);

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