--- !ruby/object:RI::ClassDescription
attributes: []
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: use_pp=
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: Test::Unit::Assertions contains the standard Test::Unit assertions. Assertions is included in Test::Unit::TestCase.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: To include it in your own code and use its functionality, you simply need to rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError. Additionally you may override add_assertion to get notified whenever an assertion is made.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: "Notes:"
- !ruby/object:SM::Flow::LIST
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "*"
body: The message to each assertion, if given, will be propagated with the failure.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::LI
label: "*"
body: It is easy to add your own assertions based on assert_block().
type: :BULLET
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::H
level: 1
text: Example Custom Assertion
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " def deny(boolean, message = nil)\n message = build_message message, '<?> is not false or nil.', boolean\n assert_block message do\n not boolean\n end\n end\n"
- !ruby/object:RI::Constant
name: UncaughtThrow
value: "{NameError => /^uncaught throw \\`(.+)\\'$/, ThreadError => /^uncaught throw \\`(.+)\\' in thread /}"
full_name: Test::Unit::Assertions
includes: []
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: _wrap_assertion
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: add_assertion
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_block
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_equal
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_in_delta
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_instance_of
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_kind_of
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_match
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_nil
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_no_match
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_not_equal
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_not_nil
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_not_same
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_nothing_raised
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_nothing_thrown
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_operator
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_raise
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_raises
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_respond_to
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_same
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_send
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: assert_throws
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: build_message
- !ruby/object:RI::MethodSummary
name: flunk
name: Assertions