--- !ruby/object:RI::MethodDescription
aliases: []
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: "Sends a APPEND command to append the <tt>message</tt> to the end of the <tt>mailbox</tt>. The optional <tt>flags</tt> argument is an array of flags to initially passing to the new message. The optional <tt>date_time</tt> argument specifies the creation time to assign to the new message; it defaults to the current time. For example:"
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " imap.append("inbox", <<EOF.gsub(/\\n/, "\\r\\n"), [:Seen], Time.now)\n Subject: hello\n From: shugo@ruby-lang.org\n To: shugo@ruby-lang.org\n\n hello world\n EOF\n"
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if the mailbox does not exist (it is not created automatically), or if the flags, date_time, or message arguments contain errors.
full_name: Net::IMAP#append
is_singleton: false
name: append
params: (mailbox, message, flags = nil, date_time = nil)
visibility: public