--- !ruby/object:RI::MethodDescription
aliases: []
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::P
body: Returns the default value, the value that would be returned by <em>hsh</em>[<em>key</em>] if <em>key</em> did not exist in <em>hsh</em>. See also <tt>Hash::new</tt> and <tt>Hash#default=</tt>.
- !ruby/struct:SM::Flow::VERB
body: " h = Hash.new #=> {}\n h.default #=> nil\n h.default(2) #=> nil\n\n h = Hash.new("cat") #=> {}\n h.default #=> "cat"\n h.default(2) #=> "cat"\n\n h = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = k.to_i*10} #=> {}\n h.default #=> nil\n h.default(2) #=> 20\n"
full_name: Hash#default
is_singleton: false
name: default
params: |
hsh.default(key=nil) => obj
visibility: public