e f�% � @ sN d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z d d l m
m Z m Z m
m Z m Z m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d Z e r� d d l m Z n Gd d
� d
e � Z Gd d � d e
� Z Gd
d � d e � Z Gd d � d e � Z d d � Z d d � Z e d k rJd d l m Z e e � n d S)a help.py: Implement the Idle help menu.
Contents are subject to revision at any time, without notice.
Help => About IDLE: diplay About Idle dialog
<to be moved here from aboutDialog.py>
Help => IDLE Help: Display help.html with proper formatting.
Doc/library/idle.rst (Sphinx)=> Doc/build/html/library/idle.html
(help.copy_strip)=> Lib/idlelib/help.html
HelpParser - Parse help.html and and render to tk Text.
HelpText - Display formatted help.html.
HelpFrame - Contain text, scrollbar, and table-of-contents.
(This will be needed for display in a future tabbed window.)
HelpWindow - Display HelpFrame in a standalone window.
copy_strip - Copy idle.html to help.html, rstripping each line.
show_idlehelp - Create HelpWindow. Called in EditorWindow.help_dialog.
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HTMLParser)�abspath�dirname�isdir�isfile�join)�Tk�Toplevel�Frame�Text� Scrollbar�Menu�
Menubutton)�font)�idleConfF)r c @ sU e Z d Z d Z d d � Z d d d � Z d d � Z d d
� Z d d � Z d
HelpParserz�Render help.html into a text widget.
The overridden handle_xyz methods handle a subset of html tags.
The supplied text should have the needed tag configurations.
The behavior for unsupported tags, such as table, is undefined.
c C s� t j | d d �| | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _
d | _ g | _ d | _
d S)NZconvert_charrefsT� Fr )r �__init__�text�tags�chartags�show�hdrlink�level�pre�hprefix� nested_dl�
simplelist�toc�header)�selfr � r! �1/opt/alt/python34/lib64/python3.4/idlelib/help.pyr 1 s zHelpParser.__init__� c C s>