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name : uuid.cpython-34.pyc
e f�\�@s�dZdZddddg\ZZZZeZeZ	Gdd�de
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This module provides immutable UUID objects (class UUID) and the functions
uuid1(), uuid3(), uuid4(), uuid5() for generating version 1, 3, 4, and 5
UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.

If all you want is a unique ID, you should probably call uuid1() or uuid4().
Note that uuid1() may compromise privacy since it creates a UUID containing
the computer's network address.  uuid4() creates a random UUID.

Typical usage:

    >>> import uuid

    # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time
    >>> uuid.uuid1()    # doctest: +SKIP

    # make a UUID using an MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
    >>> uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org')

    # make a random UUID
    >>> uuid.uuid4()    # doctest: +SKIP

    # make a UUID using a SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name
    >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org')

    # make a UUID from a string of hex digits (braces and hyphens ignored)
    >>> x = uuid.UUID('{00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f}')

    # convert a UUID to a string of hex digits in standard form
    >>> str(x)

    # get the raw 16 bytes of the UUID
    >>> x.bytes

    # make a UUID from a 16-byte string
    >>> uuid.UUID(bytes=x.bytes)
zKa-Ping Yee <ping@zesty.ca>zreserved for NCS compatibilityzspecified in RFC 4122z$reserved for Microsoft compatibilityzreserved for future definitionc@s�eZdZdZdddddddd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd	d
�Zdd�Zd
d�Z	dd�Z
dd�Zdd�Zdd�Z
dd�Zdd�Zedd��Zedd��Zedd ��Zed!d"��Zed#d$��Zed%d&��Zed'd(��Zed)d*��Zed+d,��Zed-d.��Zed/d0��Zed1d2��Zed3d4��Zed5d6��Zed7d8��ZdS)9�UUIDa�Instances of the UUID class represent UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.
    UUID objects are immutable, hashable, and usable as dictionary keys.
    Converting a UUID to a string with str() yields something in the form
    '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc'.  The UUID constructor accepts
    five possible forms: a similar string of hexadecimal digits, or a tuple
    of six integer fields (with 32-bit, 16-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit, 8-bit, and
    48-bit values respectively) as an argument named 'fields', or a string
    of 16 bytes (with all the integer fields in big-endian order) as an
    argument named 'bytes', or a string of 16 bytes (with the first three
    fields in little-endian order) as an argument named 'bytes_le', or a
    single 128-bit integer as an argument named 'int'.

    UUIDs have these read-only attributes:

        bytes       the UUID as a 16-byte string (containing the six
                    integer fields in big-endian byte order)

        bytes_le    the UUID as a 16-byte string (with time_low, time_mid,
                    and time_hi_version in little-endian byte order)

        fields      a tuple of the six integer fields of the UUID,
                    which are also available as six individual attributes
                    and two derived attributes:

            time_low                the first 32 bits of the UUID
            time_mid                the next 16 bits of the UUID
            time_hi_version         the next 16 bits of the UUID
            clock_seq_hi_variant    the next 8 bits of the UUID
            clock_seq_low           the next 8 bits of the UUID
            node                    the last 48 bits of the UUID

            time                    the 60-bit timestamp
            clock_seq               the 14-bit sequence number

        hex         the UUID as a 32-character hexadecimal string

        int         the UUID as a 128-bit integer

        urn         the UUID as a URN as specified in RFC 4122

        variant     the UUID variant (one of the constants RESERVED_NCS,
                    RFC_4122, RESERVED_MICROSOFT, or RESERVED_FUTURE)

        version     the UUID version number (1 through 5, meaningful only
                    when the variant is RFC_4122)
    NcCs�|||||gjd�dkr3td��n|dk	r�|jdd�jdd�}|jd�jdd�}t|�d	kr�td
��nt|d�}n|dk	r9t|�dkr�td��ntt|d
d���tt|dd���tt|dd���|dd�}n|dk	r�t|�dkrftd��nt	|t�s�t
t|���tj|dd�}n|dk	rt|�dkr�td��n|\}}}	}
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|d>|d>B|	d>B|
d>B|B}n|dk	rWd
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d'<dS)4amCreate a UUID from either a string of 32 hexadecimal digits,
        a string of 16 bytes as the 'bytes' argument, a string of 16 bytes
        in little-endian order as the 'bytes_le' argument, a tuple of six
        integers (32-bit time_low, 16-bit time_mid, 16-bit time_hi_version,
        8-bit clock_seq_hi_variant, 8-bit clock_seq_low, 48-bit node) as
        the 'fields' argument, or a single 128-bit integer as the 'int'
        argument.  When a string of hex digits is given, curly braces,
        hyphens, and a URN prefix are all optional.  For example, these
        expressions all yield the same UUID:

        UUID(bytes_le='\x78\x56\x34\x12\x34\x12\x78\x56' +
        UUID(fields=(0x12345678, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x12, 0x34, 0x567812345678))

        Exactly one of 'hex', 'bytes', 'bytes_le', 'fields', or 'int' must
        be given.  The 'version' argument is optional; if given, the resulting
        UUID will have its variant and version set according to RFC 4122,
        overriding the given 'hex', 'bytes', 'bytes_le', 'fields', or 'int'.
        N�z0need one of hex, bytes, bytes_le, fields, or intzurn:�zuuid:z{}�-� z$badly formed hexadecimal UUID string�z bytes_le is not a 16-char string���zbytes is not a 16-char string�	byteorderZbigzfields is not a 6-tuple�z*field 1 out of range (need a 32-bit value)z*field 2 out of range (need a 16-bit value)z*field 3 out of range (need a 16-bit value)z*field 4 out of range (need an 8-bit value)z*field 5 out of range (need an 8-bit value)�0z*field 6 out of range (need a 48-bit value)�`�P�@�z*int is out of range (need a 128-bit value)�zillegal version numberi�i�i��L�intlii�rll	ll����lll����)�count�	TypeError�replace�strip�len�
clock_seq_low�node�	clock_seq�r0�)/opt/alt/python34/lib64/python3.4/uuid.py�__init__hs^$M!)

UUID.__hash__cCs|jS)N)r)r#r0r0r1�__int__�szUUID.__int__cCsdt|�S)NzUUID(%r))�str)r#r0r0r1�__repr__�sz
UUID.__repr__cCstd��dS)NzUUID objects are immutable)r)r#�name�valuer0r0r1�__setattr__�szUUID.__setattr__cCsVd|j}d|dd�|dd�|dd�|dd�|dd�fS)Nz%032xz%s-%s-%s-%s-%sr	�r�)r)r#r$r0r0r1�__str__�s
zUUID.__str__cCsKt�}x5tddd�D]!}|jd|j|?d@�qWt|�S)Nrrr	�)�	bytearray�range�insertrr)r#r%Zshiftr0r0r1r%�s	z
UUID.bytescCse|j}tt|dd���tt|dd���tt|dd���|dd�S)Nrrrr	)r%rr)r#r%r0r0r1r&�s	Mz
UUID.time_midcCs|jd?d@S)Nri��)r)r#r0r0r1r+szUUID.time_hi_versioncCs|jd?d@S)N�8rF)r)r#r0r0r1r,szUUID.clock_seq_hi_variantcCs|jd?d@S)NrrF)r)r#r0r0r1r-szUUID.clock_seq_lowcCs!|jd@d>|jd>B|jBS)Ni�rr)r+r*r))r#r0r0r1�timesz	UUID.timecCs|jd@d>|jBS)N�?r	)r,r-)r#r0r0r1r/szUUID.clock_seqcCs|jd@S)Nl���)r)r#r0r0r1r.sz	UUID.nodecCsd|jS)Nz%032x)r)r#r0r0r1r$!szUUID.hexcCsdt|�S)Nz	urn:uuid:)r>)r#r0r0r1�urn%szUUID.urncCs;|jd@stS|jd@s"tS|jd@s3tStSdS)Ni�ri@i lll)r�RESERVED_NCS�RFC_4122�RESERVED_MICROSOFT�RESERVED_FUTURE)r#r0r0r1�variant)s

zUUID.variantcCs(|jtkr$t|jd?d@�SdS)Nr�)rRrOr)r#r0r0r1r(4szUUID.version) �__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r2r5r6r7r8r9r:r<r=r?rBrE�propertyr%r&r'r)r*r+r,r-rKr/r.r$rMrRr(r0r0r0r1r8s:.PrcCs�ddl}ddl}|j|�}|dkrm|jjd�}|j|d|�}|dkrmdSnd||f}|j|�S)Nr�/sbin�	/usr/sbin�pathzLC_ALL=C %s %s 2>/dev/null)rYrZ)�os�shutilZwhich�pathsep�join�popen)�command�argsr\r]�
executabler[�cmdr0r0r1�_popen:srec
Cs�y�t||�}|sdS|��x�|D]�}|j�j�j�}x�tt|��D]m}|||kr[y9|||�}t|jdd�d�}	|	r�|	SWq�tt	fk
rarbZhw_identifiersZ	get_index�pipe�line�words�i�word�macr0r0r1�	_find_macHs$

D]1}td|ddgdd��}|r|SqWd	S)z5Get the hardware address on Unix by running ifconfig.r�-a�-avZifconfigZhwaddrZethercSs|dS)Nrr0)ror0r0r1�<lambda>esz#_ifconfig_getnode.<locals>.<lambda>N)rrsrt)rr)rbrqr0r0r1�_ifconfig_getnodeas
rIdSYnXtdd|gdd��S)z0Get the hardware address on Unix by running arp.rNZarpz-ancSsdS)Nr���r0)ror0r0r1rursz_arp_getnode.<locals>.<lambda>)r\�socketZ
gethostbynameZgethostnamerkrr)r\rxZip_addrr0r0r1�_arp_getnodeis
	rycCstdddgdd��S)z4Get the hardware address on Unix by running lanscan.Zlanscanz-aiZlan0cSsdS)Nrr0)ror0r0r1ruwsz"_lanscan_getnode.<locals>.<lambda>)rrr0r0r0r1�_lanscan_getnodetsrzc"Cs"y	tdd�}|sdS|��|j�j�j�}y|jd�}Wntk
rfdSYnXx�|D]�}yo|j�j�}||}t|�dkr�|jd�dkr�t|j	dd�d	�}|r�|SnWqntt
z4Get the hardware address on Unix by running netstat.Znetstatz-iaNZAddress�rfrrr)re�readlinerhri�indexrrrrrrjrk)rlrnrormrprqr0r0r1�_netstat_getnodeys,

r~c	Cs>ddl}ddl}dddg}yQddl}|jd�}|jjj|d�|jd|jj	d��WnYnXx�|D]�}y&|j
|jj|d�d	�}Wnt
�dj�j�}|jd|�r�t|jd
d�d�Sq�WWdQXq�WdS)z<Get the hardware address on Windows by running ipconfig.exe.rNrzc:\windows\system32zc:\winnt\system32i,�mbcsZipconfigz /allrfrz&([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]-){5}[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]rrrw)r\�re�ctypes�create_string_buffer�windllZkernel32ZGetSystemDirectoryArIrA�decoder`r[r_rkrirrg�matchrr)	r\r��dirsr��buffer�dirrlrmrAr0r0r1�_ipconfig_getnode�s& 

r�cCs�ddl}ddl}|j�}|j|_|j�|_}|j�|j|�dkrfdS|j	�xt
}|j�|j
|_t|j|�|_|j|�dkr�q�n|j�|j|_t|j|�|_djd�|_|j�|_}|j|�dkr9q�n|j	�|j}|dd>|dd>|dd	>|d
d>|dd>|d
SWdS)ztGet the hardware address on Windows using NetBIOS calls.
    See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118623 for details.rN�*r�(rr���rr	r)�	win32wnet�netbiosZNCBZNCBENUMZCommandZ	LANA_ENUMZBufferZ_packZNetbiosZ_unpackrHZlengthZResetZNCBRESET�ordZlanaZLana_numZNCBASTAT�ljustZCallnameZADAPTER_STATUSZadapter_address)r�r�ZncbZadaptersroZstatusr%r0r0r1�_netbios_getnode�s0

	r�NrZuuid�c�uuid_generate_random�uuid_generate_time�darwin�.�	ZUuidCreateSequentialZ
UuidCreatecCs2tjd�}t|�tdt|j��jS)z.Get the hardware address on Unix using ctypes.rr%)r�r��_uuid_generate_timerr�rawr.)�_bufferr0r0r1�_unixdll_getnode�s
r�cCs>tjd�}t|�dkr:tdt|j��jSdS)z1Get the hardware address on Windows using ctypes.rrr%N)r�r��_UuidCreaterrr�r.)r�r0r0r1�_windll_getnodesr�cCs ddl}|jdd�dBS)zCGet a random node ID, with eighth bit set as suggested by RFC 4122.rNrrll)�random�	randrange)r�r0r0r1�_random_getnodesr�c
Cs�tdk	rtSddl}|jdkr=tttg}ntttt	t
|�aWnw`YnXtdk	r`tSq`WdS)a3Get the hardware address as a 48-bit positive integer.

    The first time this runs, it may launch a separate program, which could
    be quite slow.  If all attempts to obtain the hardware address fail, we
    choose a random 48-bit number with its eighth bit set to 1 as recommended
    in RFC 4122.
    Nr�win32)�_node�sys�platformr�r�r�r�rvryrzr~r�)r��getters�getterr0r0r1�getnode
r�cCsWtrQ||kodknrQtjd�}t|�tdt|j��Sddl}t|j�d�}t|d�d}tdk	r�|tkr�td}n|a|dkr�ddl	}|j
@}|d?d@}|d
?d@}	|d@}
|d?d@}|dkr2t�}ntd|||	||
|fdd�S)aGenerate a UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time.
    If 'node' is not given, getnode() is used to obtain the hardware
    address.  If 'clock_seq' is given, it is used as the sequence number;
    otherwise a random 14-bit sequence number is chosen.Nrr%rge��A�dl@'Hw�
r�l��ri��ri�rFr	rLr'r(i@)r�r�r�rrr�rKr�_last_timestampr�r�r�)r.r/r�rKZnanosecondsZ	timestampr�r)r*r+r-r,r0r0r1�uuid1+s,"

r�cCsOddlm}||jt|d��j�}td|dd�dd�S)	zAGenerate a UUID from the MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name.r)�md5zutf-8r%Nrr(r�)�hashlibr�r%�digestr)�	namespacer@r�r;r0r0r1�uuid3Ns"r�cs�tr5tjd�}t|�tdt|j��Sy,ddl}td|jd�dd�SWnLddl�t�fdd�t	d�D��}td|dd�SYnXdS)	zGenerate a random UUID.rr%rNr(rc3s|]}�jd�VqdS)rN)r�)�.0ro)r�r0r1�	<genexpr>cszuuid4.<locals>.<genexpr>)
 %r�cCsOddlm}||jt|d��j�}td|dd�dd�S)	zCGenerate a UUID from the SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name.r)�sha1zutf-8r%Nrr(r)r�r�r%r�r)r�r@r�r;r0r0r1�uuid5fs"r�z$6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8z$6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8z$6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8z$6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8)8rW�
__author__rNrOrPrQrrr%r�objectrrerrrvryrzr~r�r�r�r�r�r�Zctypes.utilZlibnameZCDLL�utilZfind_library�lib�hasattrr�r�r�r�r\�uname�releaserir�Zrpcrt4�getattrr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�Z
NAMESPACE_OIDZNAMESPACE_X500r0r0r0r1�<module>-sp�!		(
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