shell bypass 403
�?Og)s � @ s
d Z dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdd l Z dd l
dd lZdd lZdd
lT g d�Z
� ZzddlmZmZmZ dd� ZW n
eyK dd� ZY nw dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zejj e_ dd� Zdd� Zd d!� Z d"d#� Z!zdd$l"m#Z# W n ey� d Z#Y nw d%d&� Z$d'd(� Z%d)d*� Z&d+d,� Z'd-d.� Z(zdd/l"m)Z) W n ey� e(Z*Y nw d0d1� Z*z
dd2l"m+Z+m,Z- W n ey� e*Z.Y nw d3d4� Z/d5d6� Z0d7d8�d9d:�Z.e1e
�2� d< d=kZ3dCd>d?�Z4d@dA� Z5z ddBl"m6Z7 W d S e�y Y d S w )Dz�Common pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version.
Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to this
module as os.path.
�.�..�\�;�/z.;C:\binZnul� N)�*)&�normcase�isabs�join�
commonpathc C s t | t�rdS dS )N� \/�\/)�
isinstance�bytes��path� r4 �-/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/�
_get_bothseps# s
r6 )�
LCMapStringEx�LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT�LCMAP_LOWERCASEc C sd t �| �} | s | S t| t�r(t�� }| �|d��dd�} tt t
| �} | �|d�S tt t
| �dd��S )�nNormalize case of pathname.
Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes.
�surrogateescaper r )�os�fspathr0 r1 �sys�getfilesystemencoding�decode�replace�_LCMapStringEx�_LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT�_LCMAP_LOWERCASE�encode)�s�encodingr4 r4 r5 r 3 s
�r c C s@ t �| �} t| t�rt �t �| ��dd��� �S | �dd��� S )r: r r )r<