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name : unbuild.js
module.exports = unbuild
module.exports.rmStuff = rmStuff
unbuild.usage = 'npm unbuild <folder>\n(this is plumbing)'

var readJson = require('read-package-json')
var gentlyRm = require('./utils/gently-rm.js')
var npm = require('./npm.js')
var path = require('path')
var isInside = require('path-is-inside')
var lifecycle = require('./utils/lifecycle.js')
var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
var chain = require('slide').chain
var log = require('npmlog')
var build = require('./build.js')
var output = require('./utils/output.js')

// args is a list of folders.
// remove any bins/etc, and then delete the folder.
function unbuild (args, silent, cb) {
  if (typeof silent === 'function') {
    cb = silent
    silent = false
  asyncMap(args, unbuild_(silent), cb)

function unbuild_ (silent) {
  return function (folder, cb_) {
    function cb (er) {
      cb_(er, path.relative(npm.root, folder))
    folder = path.resolve(folder)
    var base = isInside(folder, npm.prefix) ? npm.prefix : folder
    delete build._didBuild[folder]
    log.verbose('unbuild', folder.substr(npm.prefix.length + 1))
    readJson(path.resolve(folder, 'package.json'), function (er, pkg) {
      // if no json, then just trash it, but no scripts or whatever.
      if (er) return gentlyRm(folder, false, base, cb)
          [lifecycle, pkg, 'preuninstall', folder, { failOk: true }],
          [lifecycle, pkg, 'uninstall', folder, { failOk: true }],
          !silent && function (cb) {
            output('unbuild ' + pkg._id)
          [rmStuff, pkg, folder],
          [lifecycle, pkg, 'postuninstall', folder, { failOk: true }],
          [gentlyRm, folder, false, base]

function rmStuff (pkg, folder, cb) {
  // if it's global, and folder is in {prefix}/node_modules,
  // then bins are in {prefix}/bin
  // otherwise, then bins are in folder/../.bin
  var parent = pkg.name[0] === '@' ? path.dirname(path.dirname(folder)) : path.dirname(folder)
  var gnm = npm.dir
  // gnm might be an absolute path, parent might be relative
  // this checks they're the same directory regardless
  var top = path.relative(gnm, parent) === ''

  log.verbose('unbuild rmStuff', pkg._id, 'from', gnm)
  if (!top) log.verbose('unbuild rmStuff', 'in', parent)
  asyncMap([rmBins, rmMans], function (fn, cb) {
    fn(pkg, folder, parent, top, cb)
  }, cb)

function rmBins (pkg, folder, parent, top, cb) {
  if (!pkg.bin) return cb()
  var binRoot = top ? npm.bin : path.resolve(parent, '.bin')
  asyncMap(Object.keys(pkg.bin), function (b, cb) {
    if (process.platform === 'win32') {
      chain([ [gentlyRm, path.resolve(binRoot, b) + '.cmd', true, folder],
        [gentlyRm, path.resolve(binRoot, b), true, folder] ], cb)
    } else {
      gentlyRm(path.resolve(binRoot, b), true, folder, cb)
  }, gentlyRmBinRoot)

  function gentlyRmBinRoot (err) {
    if (err || top) return cb(err)
    return gentlyRm(binRoot, true, parent, cb)

function rmMans (pkg, folder, parent, top, cb) {
  if (!pkg.man ||
      !top ||
      process.platform === 'win32' ||
      !npm.config.get('global')) {
    return cb()
  var manRoot = path.resolve(npm.config.get('prefix'), 'share', 'man')
  log.verbose('rmMans', 'man files are', pkg.man, 'in', manRoot)
  asyncMap(pkg.man, function (man, cb) {
    if (Array.isArray(man)) {
    } else {

    function rmMan (man) {
      log.silly('rmMan', 'preparing to remove', man)
      var parseMan = man.match(/(.*\.([0-9]+)(\.gz)?)$/)
      if (!parseMan) {
          'rmMan', man, 'is not a valid name for a man file.',
          'Man files must end with a number, ' +
          'and optionally a .gz suffix if they are compressed.'
        return cb()

      var stem = parseMan[1]
      var sxn = parseMan[2]
      var gz = parseMan[3] || ''
      var bn = path.basename(stem)
      var manDest = path.join(
        'man' + sxn,
        (bn.indexOf(pkg.name) === 0 ? bn : pkg.name + '-' + bn) + '.' + sxn + gz
      gentlyRm(manDest, true, cb)
  }, cb)
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