shell bypass 403
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# String constants for the RHN Register TUI/GUI.
# Copyright (c) 2000--2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Author:
# James Slagle <>
from up2date_client.pmPlugin import PM_PLUGIN_NAME, PM_NAME
import gettext
t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True)
# Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method
if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'):
t.ugettext = t.gettext
_ = t.ugettext
COPYRIGHT_TEXT = _(u"Copyright © 2006--2014 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.")
# Satellite URL Window
SATELLITE_URL_WINDOW = _("Enter your CloudLinux Network URL.")
SATELLITE_URL_TEXT = _("Please enter the location of your CloudLinux Network "
"server and of its SSL "
"certificate. The SSL certificate is only required "
"if you will be connecting over https (recommended).")
SATELLITE_URL_PROMPT2 = _("SSL certificate:")
SATELLITE_REQUIRED = _("You must enter a valid Satellite URL.")
SSL_REQUIRED = _("If you are using https you must enter the location "
"of a valid SSL certificate.")
# Connect Window
CONNECT_WINDOW = _("Attempting to contact the Spacewalk server.")
CONNECT_WINDOW_TEXT = _("We are attempting to contact the CloudLinux Network "
"Network server at %s.")
CONNECT_WINDOW_TEXT2 = _("A proxy was specified at %s.")
# Start Window
START_REGISTER_WINDOW = _("System Registration")
START_REGISTER_TEXT = _("This assistant will guide you through "
"connecting your system to "
"CloudLinux Network to receive software "
"updates, including "
"security updates, to keep your system supported "
"and compliant. "
"You will need the following at this time:\n\n"
" * A network connection\n"
" * Your CloudLinux Login & password\n"
" * The location of a CloudLinux Network "
"or Proxy\n\n")
# Why Register Window
WHY_REGISTER = _("Why Should I Connect to CLN? ...")
WHY_REGISTER_WINDOW = _("Why Register")
WHY_REGISTER_TEXT = _("Connecting your system to CloudLinux Network allows you to take full "
"advantage of the benefits of a paid subscription, including:")
WHY_REGISTER_SEC = _("Security & Updates:")
WHY_REGISTER_DLD = _("Downloads & Upgrades:")
WHY_REGISTER_SUPP = _("Support:")
WHY_REGISTER_COMP = _("Compliance:")
WHY_REGISTER_SEC_TXT = _("Receive the latest software updates, including security updates, keeping this "
"CloudLinux system updated and secure.")
WHY_REGISTER_DLD_TXT = _("Download installation images for CloudLinux releases, "
"including new releases.")
WHY_REGISTER_SUPP_TXT = _("Access to the technical support experts at CloudLinux for help "
"with any issues you might encounter with this system.")
WHY_REGISTER_COMP_TXT = _("Stay in compliance with your subscription agreement "
"and manage subscriptions "
"for systems connected to your account.")
WHY_REGISTER_TIP = _("Tip: CloudLinux values your privacy: "
BACK_REGISTER = _("Take me back to the registration")
# Confirm Quit Window
CONFIRM_QUIT = _("Software Update Not Set Up")
CONFIRM_QUIT_SURE = _("Are you sure you don't want to connect your system to CloudLinux Network? "
"You'll miss out on the benefits of a CloudLinux subscription:\n")
CONFIRM_QUIT_WILLNOT = _("You will not be able to take advantage of these subscription privileges without connecting "
"your system to CloudLinux Network.\n")
CONTINUE_REGISTERING = _("Take me back to the setup process.")
REGISTER_LATER2 = _("I'll register later.")
# Info Window
REGISTER_WINDOW = _("CloudLinux Account")
LOGIN_PROMPT = _("Please enter your login information for the %s "
"CloudLinux Network:\n\n")
HOSTED_LOGIN = _("CloudLinux Login:")
LOGIN = _("Login:")
PASSWORD = _("Password:")
LOGIN_TIP = _("Tip: Forgot your login or password? Contact your "
"Satellite's Organization Administrator.")
USER_REQUIRED = _("Please enter a desired login.")
PASSWORD_REQUIRED = _("Please enter and verify a password.")
# OS Release Window
SELECT_OSRELEASE = _("Operating System Release Version")
OS_VERSION = _("Operating System version:")
MINOR_RELEASE = _(" Minor Release: ")
LIMITED_UPDATES = _("Limited Updates Only")
ALL_UPDATES = _("All available updates")
CONFIRM_OS_RELEASE_SELECTION = _("Confirm operating system release selection")
CONFIRM_OS_ALL = _("Your system will be subscribed to the base"
" software channel to receive all available"
" updates.")
# Hardware Window
HARDWARE_WINDOW = _("Create Profile - Hardware")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_DESC1 = _("A Profile Name is a descriptive name that"
" you choose to identify this System Profile"
" on the CloudLinux Network web pages. Optionally,"
" include a computer serial or identification number.")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_DESC2 = _("Additional hardware information including PCI"
" devices, disk sizes and mount points will be"
" included in the profile.")
HARDWARE_WINDOW_CHECKBOX = _("Include the following information about hardware"
" and network:")
# Packages Window
PACKAGES_WINDOW = _("Create Profile - Packages")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_DESC1 = _("RPM information is important to determine what"
" updated software packages are relevant to this"
" system.")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_DESC2 = _("Include RPM packages installed on this system"
" in my System Profile")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_UNCHECK = _("You may deselect individual packages by"
" unchecking them below.")
PACKAGES_WINDOW_PKGLIST = _("Building Package List")
# Product Window
EMAIL = _("*Email Address:")
SYSTEM_ALREADY_SETUP = _("System Already Registered")
SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED = _("It appears this system has already been set up for software updates:")
SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED_CONT = _("Are you sure you would like to continue?")
RHSM_SYSTEM_ALREADY_REGISTERED = _("This system has already been registered using CloudLinux Subscription Management.\n\n"
"Your system is being registered again using CloudLinux Network"
" or CloudLinux Network Proxy technology. CloudLinux recommends that customers only register once.\n\n"
"To learn more about RHN Classic/CloudLinux Network registration and technologies please consult this"
" Knowledge Base Article:")
# Send Window
SEND_WINDOW = _("Send Profile Information to CloudLinux Network")
SEND_WINDOW_DESC = _("We are finished collecting information for the System Profile.\n\n"
"Press \"Next\" to send this System Profile to CloudLinux Network. "
"Click \"Cancel\" and no information will be sent. "
"You can run the registration program later by "
"typing `rhn_register` at the command line.")
# Sending Window
SENDING_WINDOW = _("Sending Profile to CloudLinux Network")
# Finish Window
FINISH_WINDOW = _("Updates Configured")
FINISH_WINDOW_TEXT_TUI = _("You may now run '%s update' from this system's "
"command line to get the latest "
"software updates from CloudLinux Network. You will need to run this "
"periodically to "
"get the latest updates. Alternatively, you may configure this "
"system for automatic software updates (also known as 'auto errata update') "
"via the CloudLinux Network web interface. (Instructions for this are in chapter 6 "
"of the CLN Reference Guide, available from the 'Help' button in the main Red "
"Hat Network Satellite web interface.)") % PM_NAME
# Review Window
REVIEW_WINDOW = _("Review Subscription")
REVIEW_WINDOW_PROMPT = _("Please review the subscription details below:")
SUB_NUM = _("The installation number %s was activated during "
"this system's initial connection to CloudLinux Network.")
SUB_NUM_RESULT = _("Subscriptions have been activated for the following "
"CloudLinux products/services:")
CHANNELS_TITLE = _("Software Channel Subscriptions:")
OK_CHANNELS = _("This system will receive updates from the "
"following software channels:")
CHANNELS_SAT_WARNING = _("Warning: Only installed product listed above will receive "
"updates and support. If you would like "
"to receive updates for additional products, please "
"login to your satellite web interface "
"and subscribe this system to the appropriate "
"software channels. See Kbase article "
"for more details. "
PM_PLUGIN_WARNING = _("Warning: %s is not present, could not enable it.\n"
"Automatic updates will not work.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
PM_PLUGIN_CONF_CHANGED = _("Note: %s has been enabled.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
PM_PLUGIN_CONF_ERROR = _("Warning: An error occurred during enabling %s.\n"
"%s is not enabled.\n"
"Automatic updates will not work.") % (PM_PLUGIN_NAME, PM_PLUGIN_NAME)
FAILED_CHANNELS = _("You were unable to be subscribed to the following "
"software channels because there were insufficient "
"subscriptions available in your account:")
"This system was unable to subscribe to any software channels. Your system "
"will not receive any software updates to keep it secure and supported. "
"Contact your Satellite administrator about this problem. Once you make the "
"appropriate active subscriptions available in your account, you may browse "
"to this system's profile in the CLN web interface and subscribe this system "
"to software channels via the software > software channels tab.")
SLOTS_TITLE = _("Service Level:")
OK_SLOTS = _("Depending on what CloudLinux Network modules are associated with a system, you'll "
"enjoy different benefits. The following are the "
"CloudLinux Network modules associated with this system:")
SLOTS = SLOTS_TITLE + "\n" + OK_SLOTS + "\n%s"
FAILED_SLOTS = _("This system was unable to be associated with the "
"following CLN module(s) because there were "
"insufficient subscriptions available in your account:")
MANAGEMENT = _("Management module: automatic updates, systems "
"grouping, systems permissions, system package profiling, "
"bare-metal provisioning, existing state provisioning, "
"rollbacks, configuration management")
VIRT = _("Virtualization module: software updates for a limited number of "
"virtual guests on this system.")
VIRT_FAILED = _("<b>Warning:</b> Any guest systems you create on this system "
"and register to RHN will consume CloudLinux "
"subscriptions beyond this host system's subscription. You will need "
"to: (1) make a virtualization system entitlement available and "
"(2) apply that system entitlement to this "
"system in CLN's web interface if you do not want virtual guests of "
"this system to consume additional subscriptions.")
NO_SYS_ENTITLEMENT = _("This system was unable to be associated with "
"any CLN service level modules. This system will not receive any software "
"updates to keep it secure and supported. Contace your Satellite administrator "
"about this problem. Once you make the "
"appropriate active subscriptions available in your account, you may browse "
"to this system's profile in the CLN web interface, delete the profile, and "
"re-connect this system to CloudLinux Network.")
ACTIVATION_KEY = _("Universal default activation key detected\n"
"A universal default activation key was detected in your account. "
"This means that a set of properties (software channel subscriptions, "
"package installations, system group memberships, etc.) "
"for your system's connection to CloudLinux Network or CloudLinux Network Proxy"
"have been determined by the activation key rather than your "
"installation number. "
"You may also refer to the RHN Reference Guide, section 6.4.6 for more details "
"about activation keys (\n"
"Universal Default activation key: %s")
# Error Messages.
FATAL_ERROR = _("Fatal Error")
WARNING = _("Warning")
HOSTED_CONNECTION_ERROR = _("We can't contact the CloudLinux Network.\n\n"
"Double check the location provided - is '%s' correct?\n"
"If not, you can correct it and try again.\n\n"
"Make sure that the network connection on this system is operational.\n\n"
"This system will not be able to successfully receive software updates "
"from CloudLinux without connecting to a CloudLinux Network server")
BASECHANNELERROR = _("Architecture: %s, OS Release: %s, OS "
"Version: %s")
SERVER_TOO_OLD = _("This server doesn't support functionality "
"needed by this version of the software update"
" setup client. Please try again with a newer "
SSL_CERT_ERROR_MSG = _("<b><span size=\"16000\">Incompatible Certificate File</span></b>\n\n"
"The certificate you provided, <b>%s</b>, is not compatible with "
" the CloudLinux Network server at <b>%s</b>. You may want to double-check"
" that you have provided a valid certificate file."
" Are you sure you have provided the correct certificate, and that"
" the certificate file has not been corrupted?\n\n"
"Please try again with a different certificate file.")
SSL_CERT_EXPIRED = _("<b><span size=\"12000\">Incompatible Certificate File</span></b>\n\n"
" The certificate is expired. Please ensure you have the correct "
" certificate and your system time is correct.")
SSL_CERT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERRER = _("Please verify the values of sslCACert and serverURL in "
"/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date. You can either make the "
"serverURL use http instead of https, or you can "
"download the SSL cert from your Satellite, place it "
"in /usr/share/rhn, and ensure sslCACert points to it.")
ACT_KEY_USAGE_LIMIT_ERROR = _("Problem registering system.\n\n"
"A universal default activation key limits the "
"number of systems which can connect to "
"the CLN organization associated with your "
"login. To allow this system to connect, "
"please contact your CLN organization "
"administrator to increase the number of "
"systems allowed to connect or to disable "
"this universal default activation key. "
"More details can be found in CloudLinux "
"Knowledgebase Article #7924 at "
" ")
CHANNEL_PAGE_TIP = _("\n Tip: Minor releases with a '*' are currently"
" supported by CloudLinux.\n\n")
CHANNEL_PAGE_WARNING = _("Warning:You will not be able to limit this"
" system to minor release that is older than"
" the recent minor release if you select this"
" option.\n")
CONFIRM_OS_WARNING = _("Your system will be subscribed to %s \n"
"base software channel. You will not be\n"
"able to move this system to an earlier release\n"
"(you will be able to move to a newer release).\n"
"Are you sure you would like to continue?")
# Navigation
OK = _("OK")
ERROR = _("Error")
NEXT = _("Next")
BACK = _("Back")
CANCEL = _("Cancel")
NO_CANCEL = _("No, Cancel")
YES_CONT = _("Yes, Continue")
DESELECT = _("Press <space> to deselect the option.")