MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
* the internal require function
exports.require = "__webpack_require__";
* access to properties of the internal require function/object
exports.requireScope = "__webpack_require__.*";
* the internal exports object
exports.exports = "__webpack_exports__";
* top-level this need to be the exports object
exports.thisAsExports = "top-level-this-exports";
* runtime need to return the exports of the last entry module
exports.returnExportsFromRuntime = "return-exports-from-runtime";
* the internal module object
exports.module = "module";
* the internal module object
exports.moduleId = "module.id";
* the internal module object
exports.moduleLoaded = "module.loaded";
* the bundle public path
exports.publicPath = "__webpack_require__.p";
* the module id of the entry point
exports.entryModuleId = "__webpack_require__.s";
* the module cache
exports.moduleCache = "__webpack_require__.c";
* the module functions
exports.moduleFactories = "__webpack_require__.m";
* the module functions, with only write access
exports.moduleFactoriesAddOnly = "__webpack_require__.m (add only)";
* the chunk ensure function
exports.ensureChunk = "__webpack_require__.e";
* an object with handlers to ensure a chunk
exports.ensureChunkHandlers = "__webpack_require__.f";
* a runtime requirement if ensureChunkHandlers should include loading of chunk needed for entries
exports.ensureChunkIncludeEntries = "__webpack_require__.f (include entries)";
* the chunk prefetch function
exports.prefetchChunk = "__webpack_require__.E";
* an object with handlers to prefetch a chunk
exports.prefetchChunkHandlers = "__webpack_require__.F";
* the chunk preload function
exports.preloadChunk = "__webpack_require__.G";
* an object with handlers to preload a chunk
exports.preloadChunkHandlers = "__webpack_require__.H";
* the exported property define getters function
exports.definePropertyGetters = "__webpack_require__.d";
* define compatibility on export
exports.makeNamespaceObject = "__webpack_require__.r";
* create a fake namespace object
exports.createFakeNamespaceObject = "__webpack_require__.t";
* compatibility get default export
exports.compatGetDefaultExport = "__webpack_require__.n";
* harmony module decorator
exports.harmonyModuleDecorator = "__webpack_require__.hmd";
* node.js module decorator
exports.nodeModuleDecorator = "__webpack_require__.nmd";
* the webpack hash
exports.getFullHash = "__webpack_require__.h";
* an object containing all installed WebAssembly.Instance export objects keyed by module id
exports.wasmInstances = "__webpack_require__.w";
* instantiate a wasm instance from module exports object, id, hash and importsObject
exports.instantiateWasm = "__webpack_require__.v";
* the uncaught error handler for the webpack runtime
exports.uncaughtErrorHandler = "__webpack_require__.oe";
* the script nonce
exports.scriptNonce = "__webpack_require__.nc";
* function to load a script tag.
* Arguments: (url: string, done: (event) => void), key?: string | number, chunkId?: string | number) => void
* done function is called when loading has finished or timeout occurred.
* It will attach to existing script tags with data-webpack == uniqueName + ":" + key or src == url.
exports.loadScript = "__webpack_require__.l";
* function to promote a string to a TrustedScript using webpack's Trusted
* Types policy
* Arguments: (script: string) => TrustedScript
exports.createScript = "__webpack_require__.ts";
* function to promote a string to a TrustedScriptURL using webpack's Trusted
* Types policy
* Arguments: (url: string) => TrustedScriptURL
exports.createScriptUrl = "__webpack_require__.tu";
* function to return webpack's Trusted Types policy
* Arguments: () => TrustedTypePolicy
exports.getTrustedTypesPolicy = "__webpack_require__.tt";
* the chunk name of the chunk with the runtime
exports.chunkName = "__webpack_require__.cn";
* the runtime id of the current runtime
exports.runtimeId = "__webpack_require__.j";
* the filename of the script part of the chunk
exports.getChunkScriptFilename = "__webpack_require__.u";
* the filename of the css part of the chunk
exports.getChunkCssFilename = "__webpack_require__.k";
* a flag when a module/chunk/tree has css modules
exports.hasCssModules = "has css modules";
* the filename of the script part of the hot update chunk
exports.getChunkUpdateScriptFilename = "__webpack_require__.hu";
* the filename of the css part of the hot update chunk
exports.getChunkUpdateCssFilename = "__webpack_require__.hk";
* startup signal from runtime
* This will be called when the runtime chunk has been loaded.
exports.startup = "__webpack_require__.x";
* @deprecated
* creating a default startup function with the entry modules
exports.startupNoDefault = "__webpack_require__.x (no default handler)";
* startup signal from runtime but only used to add logic after the startup
exports.startupOnlyAfter = "__webpack_require__.x (only after)";
* startup signal from runtime but only used to add sync logic before the startup
exports.startupOnlyBefore = "__webpack_require__.x (only before)";
* global callback functions for installing chunks
exports.chunkCallback = "webpackChunk";
* method to startup an entrypoint with needed chunks.
* Signature: (moduleId: Id, chunkIds: Id[]) => any.
* Returns the exports of the module or a Promise
exports.startupEntrypoint = "__webpack_require__.X";
* register deferred code, which will run when certain
* chunks are loaded.
* Signature: (chunkIds: Id[], fn: () => any, priority: int >= 0 = 0) => any
* Returned value will be returned directly when all chunks are already loaded
* When (priority & 1) it will wait for all other handlers with lower priority to
* be executed before itself is executed
exports.onChunksLoaded = "__webpack_require__.O";
* method to install a chunk that was loaded somehow
* Signature: ({ id, ids, modules, runtime }) => void
exports.externalInstallChunk = "__webpack_require__.C";
* interceptor for module executions
exports.interceptModuleExecution = "__webpack_require__.i";
* the global object
exports.global = "__webpack_require__.g";
* an object with all share scopes
exports.shareScopeMap = "__webpack_require__.S";
* The sharing init sequence function (only runs once per share scope).
* Has one argument, the name of the share scope.
* Creates a share scope if not existing
exports.initializeSharing = "__webpack_require__.I";
* The current scope when getting a module from a remote
exports.currentRemoteGetScope = "__webpack_require__.R";
* the filename of the HMR manifest
exports.getUpdateManifestFilename = "__webpack_require__.hmrF";
* function downloading the update manifest
exports.hmrDownloadManifest = "__webpack_require__.hmrM";
* array with handler functions to download chunk updates
exports.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers = "__webpack_require__.hmrC";
* object with all hmr module data for all modules
exports.hmrModuleData = "__webpack_require__.hmrD";
* array with handler functions when a module should be invalidated
exports.hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers = "__webpack_require__.hmrI";
* the prefix for storing state of runtime modules when hmr is enabled
exports.hmrRuntimeStatePrefix = "__webpack_require__.hmrS";
* the AMD define function
exports.amdDefine = "__webpack_require__.amdD";
* the AMD options
exports.amdOptions = "__webpack_require__.amdO";
* the System polyfill object
exports.system = "__webpack_require__.System";
* the shorthand for Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
* using of it decreases the compiled bundle size
exports.hasOwnProperty = "__webpack_require__.o";
* the System.register context object
exports.systemContext = "__webpack_require__.y";
* the baseURI of current document
exports.baseURI = "__webpack_require__.b";
* a RelativeURL class when relative URLs are used
exports.relativeUrl = "__webpack_require__.U";
* Creates an async module. The body function must be a async function.
* "module.exports" will be decorated with an AsyncModulePromise.
* The body function will be called.
* To handle async dependencies correctly do this: "([a, b, c] = await handleDependencies([a, b, c]));".
* If "hasAwaitAfterDependencies" is truthy, "handleDependencies()" must be called at the end of the body function.
* Signature: function(
* module: Module,
* body: (handleDependencies: (deps: AsyncModulePromise[]) => Promise<any[]> & () => void,
* hasAwaitAfterDependencies?: boolean
* ) => void
exports.asyncModule = "__webpack_require__.a";
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