MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const util = require("util");
const ExportsInfo = require("./ExportsInfo");
const ModuleGraphConnection = require("./ModuleGraphConnection");
const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet");
const WeakTupleMap = require("./util/WeakTupleMap");
/** @typedef {import("./DependenciesBlock")} DependenciesBlock */
/** @typedef {import("./Dependency")} Dependency */
/** @typedef {import("./ExportsInfo").ExportInfo} ExportInfo */
/** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleProfile")} ModuleProfile */
/** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */
/** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */
* @callback OptimizationBailoutFunction
* @param {RequestShortener} requestShortener
* @returns {string}
const EMPTY_SET = new Set();
* @param {SortableSet<ModuleGraphConnection>} set input
* @returns {readonly Map<Module | undefined, readonly ModuleGraphConnection[]>} mapped by origin module
const getConnectionsByOriginModule = set => {
const map = new Map();
/** @type {Module | 0} */
let lastModule = 0;
/** @type {ModuleGraphConnection[]} */
let lastList = undefined;
for (const connection of set) {
const { originModule } = connection;
if (lastModule === originModule) {
} else {
lastModule = originModule;
const list = map.get(originModule);
if (list !== undefined) {
lastList = list;
} else {
const list = [connection];
lastList = list;
map.set(originModule, list);
return map;
* @param {SortableSet<ModuleGraphConnection>} set input
* @returns {readonly Map<Module | undefined, readonly ModuleGraphConnection[]>} mapped by module
const getConnectionsByModule = set => {
const map = new Map();
/** @type {Module | 0} */
let lastModule = 0;
/** @type {ModuleGraphConnection[]} */
let lastList = undefined;
for (const connection of set) {
const { module } = connection;
if (lastModule === module) {
} else {
lastModule = module;
const list = map.get(module);
if (list !== undefined) {
lastList = list;
} else {
const list = [connection];
lastList = list;
map.set(module, list);
return map;
class ModuleGraphModule {
constructor() {
/** @type {SortableSet<ModuleGraphConnection>} */
this.incomingConnections = new SortableSet();
/** @type {SortableSet<ModuleGraphConnection> | undefined} */
this.outgoingConnections = undefined;
/** @type {Module | null} */
this.issuer = undefined;
/** @type {(string | OptimizationBailoutFunction)[]} */
this.optimizationBailout = [];
/** @type {ExportsInfo} */
this.exports = new ExportsInfo();
/** @type {number} */
this.preOrderIndex = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.postOrderIndex = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.depth = null;
/** @type {ModuleProfile} */
this.profile = undefined;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.async = false;
/** @type {ModuleGraphConnection[]} */
this._unassignedConnections = undefined;
class ModuleGraph {
constructor() {
/** @type {WeakMap<Dependency, ModuleGraphConnection>} */
this._dependencyMap = new WeakMap();
/** @type {Map<Module, ModuleGraphModule>} */
this._moduleMap = new Map();
/** @type {WeakMap<any, Object>} */
this._metaMap = new WeakMap();
/** @type {WeakTupleMap<any[], any>} */
this._cache = undefined;
/** @type {Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>} */
this._moduleMemCaches = undefined;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ModuleGraphModule} the internal module
_getModuleGraphModule(module) {
let mgm = this._moduleMap.get(module);
if (mgm === undefined) {
mgm = new ModuleGraphModule();
this._moduleMap.set(module, mgm);
return mgm;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency
* @param {DependenciesBlock} block parent block
* @param {Module} module parent module
* @param {number=} indexInBlock position in block
* @returns {void}
setParents(dependency, block, module, indexInBlock = -1) {
dependency._parentDependenciesBlockIndex = indexInBlock;
dependency._parentDependenciesBlock = block;
dependency._parentModule = module;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency
* @returns {Module} parent module
getParentModule(dependency) {
return dependency._parentModule;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency
* @returns {DependenciesBlock} parent block
getParentBlock(dependency) {
return dependency._parentDependenciesBlock;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency
* @returns {number} index
getParentBlockIndex(dependency) {
return dependency._parentDependenciesBlockIndex;
* @param {Module} originModule the referencing module
* @param {Dependency} dependency the referencing dependency
* @param {Module} module the referenced module
* @returns {void}
setResolvedModule(originModule, dependency, module) {
const connection = new ModuleGraphConnection(
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).incomingConnections;
if (originModule) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(originModule);
if (mgm._unassignedConnections === undefined) {
mgm._unassignedConnections = [];
if (mgm.outgoingConnections === undefined) {
mgm.outgoingConnections = new SortableSet();
} else {
this._dependencyMap.set(dependency, connection);
* @param {Dependency} dependency the referencing dependency
* @param {Module} module the referenced module
* @returns {void}
updateModule(dependency, module) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
if (connection.module === module) return;
const newConnection = connection.clone();
newConnection.module = module;
this._dependencyMap.set(dependency, newConnection);
const originMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(connection.originModule);
const targetMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
* @param {Dependency} dependency the referencing dependency
* @returns {void}
removeConnection(dependency) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
const targetMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(connection.module);
const originMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(connection.originModule);
this._dependencyMap.set(dependency, null);
* @param {Dependency} dependency the referencing dependency
* @param {string} explanation an explanation
* @returns {void}
addExplanation(dependency, explanation) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
* @param {Module} sourceModule the source module
* @param {Module} targetModule the target module
* @returns {void}
cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule, targetModule) {
const oldMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(sourceModule);
const newMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(targetModule);
newMgm.postOrderIndex = oldMgm.postOrderIndex;
newMgm.preOrderIndex = oldMgm.preOrderIndex;
newMgm.depth = oldMgm.depth;
newMgm.exports = oldMgm.exports;
newMgm.async = oldMgm.async;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
removeModuleAttributes(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.postOrderIndex = null;
mgm.preOrderIndex = null;
mgm.depth = null;
mgm.async = false;
* @returns {void}
removeAllModuleAttributes() {
for (const mgm of this._moduleMap.values()) {
mgm.postOrderIndex = null;
mgm.preOrderIndex = null;
mgm.depth = null;
mgm.async = false;
* @param {Module} oldModule the old referencing module
* @param {Module} newModule the new referencing module
* @param {function(ModuleGraphConnection): boolean} filterConnection filter predicate for replacement
* @returns {void}
moveModuleConnections(oldModule, newModule, filterConnection) {
if (oldModule === newModule) return;
const oldMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(oldModule);
const newMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(newModule);
// Outgoing connections
const oldConnections = oldMgm.outgoingConnections;
if (oldConnections !== undefined) {
if (newMgm.outgoingConnections === undefined) {
newMgm.outgoingConnections = new SortableSet();
const newConnections = newMgm.outgoingConnections;
for (const connection of oldConnections) {
if (filterConnection(connection)) {
connection.originModule = newModule;
// Incoming connections
const oldConnections2 = oldMgm.incomingConnections;
const newConnections2 = newMgm.incomingConnections;
for (const connection of oldConnections2) {
if (filterConnection(connection)) {
connection.module = newModule;
* @param {Module} oldModule the old referencing module
* @param {Module} newModule the new referencing module
* @param {function(ModuleGraphConnection): boolean} filterConnection filter predicate for replacement
* @returns {void}
copyOutgoingModuleConnections(oldModule, newModule, filterConnection) {
if (oldModule === newModule) return;
const oldMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(oldModule);
const newMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(newModule);
// Outgoing connections
const oldConnections = oldMgm.outgoingConnections;
if (oldConnections !== undefined) {
if (newMgm.outgoingConnections === undefined) {
newMgm.outgoingConnections = new SortableSet();
const newConnections = newMgm.outgoingConnections;
for (const connection of oldConnections) {
if (filterConnection(connection)) {
const newConnection = connection.clone();
newConnection.originModule = newModule;
if (newConnection.module !== undefined) {
const otherMgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(newConnection.module);
* @param {Module} module the referenced module
* @param {string} explanation an explanation why it's referenced
* @returns {void}
addExtraReason(module, explanation) {
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).incomingConnections;
connections.add(new ModuleGraphConnection(null, null, module, explanation));
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency to look for a referenced module
* @returns {Module} the referenced module
getResolvedModule(dependency) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
return connection !== undefined ? connection.resolvedModule : null;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency to look for a referenced module
* @returns {ModuleGraphConnection | undefined} the connection
getConnection(dependency) {
const connection = this._dependencyMap.get(dependency);
if (connection === undefined) {
const module = this.getParentModule(dependency);
if (module !== undefined) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
if (
mgm._unassignedConnections &&
mgm._unassignedConnections.length !== 0
) {
let foundConnection;
for (const connection of mgm._unassignedConnections) {
this._dependencyMap.set(connection.dependency, connection);
if (connection.dependency === dependency)
foundConnection = connection;
mgm._unassignedConnections.length = 0;
if (foundConnection !== undefined) {
return foundConnection;
this._dependencyMap.set(dependency, null);
return undefined;
return connection === null ? undefined : connection;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency to look for a referenced module
* @returns {Module} the referenced module
getModule(dependency) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
return connection !== undefined ? connection.module : null;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency to look for a referencing module
* @returns {Module} the referencing module
getOrigin(dependency) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
return connection !== undefined ? connection.originModule : null;
* @param {Dependency} dependency the dependency to look for a referencing module
* @returns {Module} the original referencing module
getResolvedOrigin(dependency) {
const connection = this.getConnection(dependency);
return connection !== undefined ? connection.resolvedOriginModule : null;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>} reasons why a module is included
getIncomingConnections(module) {
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).incomingConnections;
return connections;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>} list of outgoing connections
getOutgoingConnections(module) {
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).outgoingConnections;
return connections === undefined ? EMPTY_SET : connections;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {readonly Map<Module | undefined, readonly ModuleGraphConnection[]>} reasons why a module is included, in a map by source module
getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(module) {
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).incomingConnections;
return connections.getFromUnorderedCache(getConnectionsByOriginModule);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {readonly Map<Module | undefined, readonly ModuleGraphConnection[]> | undefined} connections to modules, in a map by module
getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(module) {
const connections = this._getModuleGraphModule(module).outgoingConnections;
return connections === undefined
? undefined
: connections.getFromUnorderedCache(getConnectionsByModule);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ModuleProfile | null} the module profile
getProfile(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.profile;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {ModuleProfile | null} profile the module profile
* @returns {void}
setProfile(module, profile) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.profile = profile;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {Module | null} the issuer module
getIssuer(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.issuer;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {Module | null} issuer the issuer module
* @returns {void}
setIssuer(module, issuer) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.issuer = issuer;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {Module | null} issuer the issuer module
* @returns {void}
setIssuerIfUnset(module, issuer) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
if (mgm.issuer === undefined) mgm.issuer = issuer;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {(string | OptimizationBailoutFunction)[]} optimization bailouts
getOptimizationBailout(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.optimizationBailout;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {true | string[] | null} the provided exports
getProvidedExports(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.exports.getProvidedExports();
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {string | string[]} exportName a name of an export
* @returns {boolean | null} true, if the export is provided by the module.
* null, if it's unknown.
* false, if it's not provided.
isExportProvided(module, exportName) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
const result = mgm.exports.isExportProvided(exportName);
return result === undefined ? null : result;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ExportsInfo} info about the exports
getExportsInfo(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.exports;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {string} exportName the export
* @returns {ExportInfo} info about the export
getExportInfo(module, exportName) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.exports.getExportInfo(exportName);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {string} exportName the export
* @returns {ExportInfo} info about the export (do not modify)
getReadOnlyExportInfo(module, exportName) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.exports.getReadOnlyExportInfo(exportName);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {false | true | SortableSet<string> | null} the used exports
* false: module is not used at all.
* true: the module namespace/object export is used.
* SortableSet<string>: these export names are used.
* empty SortableSet<string>: module is used but no export.
* null: unknown, worst case should be assumed.
getUsedExports(module, runtime) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.exports.getUsedExports(runtime);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {number} the index of the module
getPreOrderIndex(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.preOrderIndex;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {number} the index of the module
getPostOrderIndex(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.postOrderIndex;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} index the index of the module
* @returns {void}
setPreOrderIndex(module, index) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.preOrderIndex = index;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} index the index of the module
* @returns {boolean} true, if the index was set
setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module, index) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
if (mgm.preOrderIndex === null) {
mgm.preOrderIndex = index;
return true;
return false;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} index the index of the module
* @returns {void}
setPostOrderIndex(module, index) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.postOrderIndex = index;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} index the index of the module
* @returns {boolean} true, if the index was set
setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module, index) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
if (mgm.postOrderIndex === null) {
mgm.postOrderIndex = index;
return true;
return false;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {number} the depth of the module
getDepth(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.depth;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} depth the depth of the module
* @returns {void}
setDepth(module, depth) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.depth = depth;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {number} depth the depth of the module
* @returns {boolean} true, if the depth was set
setDepthIfLower(module, depth) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
if (mgm.depth === null || mgm.depth > depth) {
mgm.depth = depth;
return true;
return false;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is async
isAsync(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
return mgm.async;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
setAsync(module) {
const mgm = this._getModuleGraphModule(module);
mgm.async = true;
* @param {any} thing any thing
* @returns {Object} metadata
getMeta(thing) {
let meta = this._metaMap.get(thing);
if (meta === undefined) {
meta = Object.create(null);
this._metaMap.set(thing, meta);
return meta;
* @param {any} thing any thing
* @returns {Object} metadata
getMetaIfExisting(thing) {
return this._metaMap.get(thing);
* @param {string=} cacheStage a persistent stage name for caching
freeze(cacheStage) {
this._cache = new WeakTupleMap();
this._cacheStage = cacheStage;
unfreeze() {
this._cache = undefined;
this._cacheStage = undefined;
* @template {any[]} T
* @template V
* @param {(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, ...args: T) => V} fn computer
* @param {T} args arguments
* @returns {V} computed value or cached
cached(fn, ...args) {
if (this._cache === undefined) return fn(this, ...args);
return this._cache.provide(fn, ...args, () => fn(this, ...args));
* @param {Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>} moduleMemCaches mem caches for modules for better caching
setModuleMemCaches(moduleMemCaches) {
this._moduleMemCaches = moduleMemCaches;
* @param {Dependency} dependency dependency
* @param {...any} args arguments, last argument is a function called with moduleGraph, dependency, ...args
* @returns {any} computed value or cached
dependencyCacheProvide(dependency, ...args) {
/** @type {(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, dependency: Dependency, ...args: any[]) => any} */
const fn = args.pop();
if (this._moduleMemCaches && this._cacheStage) {
const memCache = this._moduleMemCaches.get(
if (memCache !== undefined) {
return memCache.provide(dependency, this._cacheStage, ...args, () =>
fn(this, dependency, ...args)
if (this._cache === undefined) return fn(this, dependency, ...args);
return this._cache.provide(dependency, ...args, () =>
fn(this, dependency, ...args)
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {string} deprecateMessage message for the deprecation message
* @param {string} deprecationCode code for the deprecation
* @returns {ModuleGraph} the module graph
static getModuleGraphForModule(module, deprecateMessage, deprecationCode) {
const fn = deprecateMap.get(deprecateMessage);
if (fn) return fn(module);
const newFn = util.deprecate(
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ModuleGraph} the module graph
module => {
const moduleGraph = moduleGraphForModuleMap.get(module);
if (!moduleGraph)
throw new Error(
deprecateMessage +
"There was no ModuleGraph assigned to the Module for backward-compat (Use the new API)"
return moduleGraph;
deprecateMessage + ": Use new ModuleGraph API",
deprecateMap.set(deprecateMessage, newFn);
return newFn(module);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @returns {void}
static setModuleGraphForModule(module, moduleGraph) {
moduleGraphForModuleMap.set(module, moduleGraph);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
static clearModuleGraphForModule(module) {
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {WeakMap<Module, ModuleGraph>} */
const moduleGraphForModuleMap = new WeakMap();
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {Map<string, (module: Module) => ModuleGraph>} */
const deprecateMap = new Map();
module.exports = ModuleGraph;
module.exports.ModuleGraphConnection = ModuleGraphConnection;
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