'use strict';
var utils = module.exports;
var path = require('path');
* Module dependencies
var isWindows = require('is-windows')();
var Snapdragon = require('snapdragon');
utils.define = require('define-property');
utils.diff = require('arr-diff');
utils.extend = require('extend-shallow');
utils.pick = require('object.pick');
utils.typeOf = require('kind-of');
utils.unique = require('array-unique');
* Returns true if the given value is effectively an empty string
utils.isEmptyString = function(val) {
return String(val) === '' || String(val) === './';
* Returns true if the platform is windows, or `path.sep` is `\\`.
* This is defined as a function to allow `path.sep` to be set in unit tests,
* or by the user, if there is a reason to do so.
* @return {Boolean}
utils.isWindows = function() {
return path.sep === '\\' || isWindows === true;
* Return the last element from an array
utils.last = function(arr, n) {
return arr[arr.length - (n || 1)];
* Get the `Snapdragon` instance to use
utils.instantiate = function(ast, options) {
var snapdragon;
// if an instance was created by `.parse`, use that instance
if (utils.typeOf(ast) === 'object' && ast.snapdragon) {
snapdragon = ast.snapdragon;
// if the user supplies an instance on options, use that instance
} else if (utils.typeOf(options) === 'object' && options.snapdragon) {
snapdragon = options.snapdragon;
// create a new instance
} else {
snapdragon = new Snapdragon(options);
utils.define(snapdragon, 'parse', function(str, options) {
var parsed = Snapdragon.prototype.parse.call(this, str, options);
parsed.input = str;
// escape unmatched brace/bracket/parens
var last = this.parser.stack.pop();
if (last && this.options.strictErrors !== true) {
var open = last.nodes[0];
var inner = last.nodes[1];
if (last.type === 'bracket') {
if (inner.val.charAt(0) === '[') {
inner.val = '\\' + inner.val;
} else {
open.val = '\\' + open.val;
var sibling = open.parent.nodes[1];
if (sibling.type === 'star') {
sibling.loose = true;
// add non-enumerable parser reference
utils.define(parsed, 'parser', this.parser);
return parsed;
return snapdragon;
* Create the key to use for memoization. The key is generated
* by iterating over the options and concatenating key-value pairs
* to the pattern string.
utils.createKey = function(pattern, options) {
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
return pattern;
var key = pattern;
for (var prop in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
key += ';' + prop + '=' + String(options[prop]);
return key;
* Cast `val` to an array
* @return {Array}
utils.arrayify = function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'string') return [val];
return val ? (Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]) : [];
* Return true if `val` is a non-empty string
utils.isString = function(val) {
return typeof val === 'string';
* Return true if `val` is a non-empty string
utils.isRegex = function(val) {
return utils.typeOf(val) === 'regexp';
* Return true if `val` is a non-empty string
utils.isObject = function(val) {
return utils.typeOf(val) === 'object';
* Escape regex characters in the given string
utils.escapeRegex = function(str) {
return str.replace(/[-[\]{}()^$|*+?.\\/\s]/g, '\\$&');
* Combines duplicate characters in the provided `input` string.
* @param {String} `input`
* @returns {String}
utils.combineDupes = function(input, patterns) {
patterns = utils.arrayify(patterns).join('|').split('|');
patterns = patterns.map(function(s) {
return s.replace(/\\?([+*\\/])/g, '\\$1');
var substr = patterns.join('|');
var regex = new RegExp('(' + substr + ')(?=\\1)', 'g');
return input.replace(regex, '');
* Returns true if the given `str` has special characters
utils.hasSpecialChars = function(str) {
return /(?:(?:(^|\/)[!.])|[*?+()|[\]{}]|[+@]\()/.test(str);
* Normalize slashes in the given filepath.
* @param {String} `filepath`
* @return {String}
utils.toPosixPath = function(str) {
return str.replace(/\\+/g, '/');
* Strip backslashes before special characters in a string.
* @param {String} `str`
* @return {String}
utils.unescape = function(str) {
return utils.toPosixPath(str.replace(/\\(?=[*+?!.])/g, ''));
* Strip the drive letter from a windows filepath
* @param {String} `fp`
* @return {String}
utils.stripDrive = function(fp) {
return utils.isWindows() ? fp.replace(/^[a-z]:[\\/]+?/i, '/') : fp;
* Strip the prefix from a filepath
* @param {String} `fp`
* @return {String}
utils.stripPrefix = function(str) {
if (str.charAt(0) === '.' && (str.charAt(1) === '/' || str.charAt(1) === '\\')) {
return str.slice(2);
return str;
* Returns true if `str` is a common character that doesn't need
* to be processed to be used for matching.
* @param {String} `str`
* @return {Boolean}
utils.isSimpleChar = function(str) {
return str.trim() === '' || str === '.';
* Returns true if the given str is an escaped or
* unescaped path character
utils.isSlash = function(str) {
return str === '/' || str === '\\/' || str === '\\' || str === '\\\\';
* Returns a function that returns true if the given
* pattern matches or contains a `filepath`
* @param {String} `pattern`
* @return {Function}
utils.matchPath = function(pattern, options) {
return (options && options.contains)
? utils.containsPattern(pattern, options)
: utils.equalsPattern(pattern, options);
* Returns true if the given (original) filepath or unixified path are equal
* to the given pattern.
utils._equals = function(filepath, unixPath, pattern) {
return pattern === filepath || pattern === unixPath;
* Returns true if the given (original) filepath or unixified path contain
* the given pattern.
utils._contains = function(filepath, unixPath, pattern) {
return filepath.indexOf(pattern) !== -1 || unixPath.indexOf(pattern) !== -1;
* Returns a function that returns true if the given
* pattern is the same as a given `filepath`
* @param {String} `pattern`
* @return {Function}
utils.equalsPattern = function(pattern, options) {
var unixify = utils.unixify(options);
options = options || {};
return function fn(filepath) {
var equal = utils._equals(filepath, unixify(filepath), pattern);
if (equal === true || options.nocase !== true) {
return equal;
var lower = filepath.toLowerCase();
return utils._equals(lower, unixify(lower), pattern);
* Returns a function that returns true if the given
* pattern contains a `filepath`
* @param {String} `pattern`
* @return {Function}
utils.containsPattern = function(pattern, options) {
var unixify = utils.unixify(options);
options = options || {};
return function(filepath) {
var contains = utils._contains(filepath, unixify(filepath), pattern);
if (contains === true || options.nocase !== true) {
return contains;
var lower = filepath.toLowerCase();
return utils._contains(lower, unixify(lower), pattern);
* Returns a function that returns true if the given
* regex matches the `filename` of a file path.
* @param {RegExp} `re` Matching regex
* @return {Function}
utils.matchBasename = function(re) {
return function(filepath) {
return re.test(filepath) || re.test(path.basename(filepath));
* Returns the given value unchanced.
* @return {any}
utils.identity = function(val) {
return val;
* Determines the filepath to return based on the provided options.
* @return {any}
utils.value = function(str, unixify, options) {
if (options && options.unixify === false) {
return str;
if (options && typeof options.unixify === 'function') {
return options.unixify(str);
return unixify(str);
* Returns a function that normalizes slashes in a string to forward
* slashes, strips `./` from beginning of paths, and optionally unescapes
* special characters.
* @return {Function}
utils.unixify = function(options) {
var opts = options || {};
return function(filepath) {
if (opts.stripPrefix !== false) {
filepath = utils.stripPrefix(filepath);
if (opts.unescape === true) {
filepath = utils.unescape(filepath);
if (opts.unixify === true || utils.isWindows()) {
filepath = utils.toPosixPath(filepath);
return filepath;
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