shell bypass 403
'use strict';
var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var decode = require('he').decode;
var HTMLParser = require('./htmlparser').HTMLParser;
var RelateUrl = require('relateurl');
var TokenChain = require('./tokenchain');
var UglifyJS = require('uglify-js');
var utils = require('./utils');
function trimWhitespace(str) {
return str && str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f]+/, '').replace(/[ \n\r\t\f]+$/, '');
function collapseWhitespaceAll(str) {
// Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
return str && str.replace(/[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+/g, function(spaces) {
return spaces === '\t' ? '\t' : spaces.replace(/(^|\xA0+)[^\xA0]+/g, '$1 ');
function collapseWhitespace(str, options, trimLeft, trimRight, collapseAll) {
var lineBreakBefore = '', lineBreakAfter = '';
if (options.preserveLineBreaks) {
str = str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f]*?[\n\r][ \n\r\t\f]*/, function() {
lineBreakBefore = '\n';
return '';
}).replace(/[ \n\r\t\f]*?[\n\r][ \n\r\t\f]*$/, function() {
lineBreakAfter = '\n';
return '';
if (trimLeft) {
// Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
str = str.replace(/^[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+/, function(spaces) {
var conservative = !lineBreakBefore && options.conservativeCollapse;
if (conservative && spaces === '\t') {
return '\t';
return spaces.replace(/^[^\xA0]+/, '').replace(/(\xA0+)[^\xA0]+/g, '$1 ') || (conservative ? ' ' : '');
if (trimRight) {
// Non-breaking space is specifically handled inside the replacer function here:
str = str.replace(/[ \n\r\t\f\xA0]+$/, function(spaces) {
var conservative = !lineBreakAfter && options.conservativeCollapse;
if (conservative && spaces === '\t') {
return '\t';
return spaces.replace(/[^\xA0]+(\xA0+)/g, ' $1').replace(/[^\xA0]+$/, '') || (conservative ? ' ' : '');
if (collapseAll) {
// strip non space whitespace then compress spaces to one
str = collapseWhitespaceAll(str);
return lineBreakBefore + str + lineBreakAfter;
var createMapFromString = utils.createMapFromString;
// non-empty tags that will maintain whitespace around them
var inlineTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,b,bdi,bdo,big,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,label,mark,math,nobr,object,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,svg,textarea,time,tt,u,var');
// non-empty tags that will maintain whitespace within them
var inlineTextTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,b,big,del,em,font,i,ins,kbd,mark,nobr,rp,s,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,time,tt,u,var');
// self-closing tags that will maintain whitespace around them
var selfClosingInlineTags = createMapFromString('comment,img,input,wbr');
function collapseWhitespaceSmart(str, prevTag, nextTag, options) {
var trimLeft = prevTag && !selfClosingInlineTags(prevTag);
if (trimLeft && !options.collapseInlineTagWhitespace) {
trimLeft = prevTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? !inlineTags(prevTag.slice(1)) : !inlineTextTags(prevTag);
var trimRight = nextTag && !selfClosingInlineTags(nextTag);
if (trimRight && !options.collapseInlineTagWhitespace) {
trimRight = nextTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? !inlineTextTags(nextTag.slice(1)) : !inlineTags(nextTag);
return collapseWhitespace(str, options, trimLeft, trimRight, prevTag && nextTag);
function isConditionalComment(text) {
return /^\[if\s[^\]]+]|\[endif]$/.test(text);
function isIgnoredComment(text, options) {
for (var i = 0, len = options.ignoreCustomComments.length; i < len; i++) {
if (options.ignoreCustomComments[i].test(text)) {
return true;
return false;
function isEventAttribute(attrName, options) {
var patterns = options.customEventAttributes;
if (patterns) {
for (var i = patterns.length; i--;) {
if (patterns[i].test(attrName)) {
return true;
return false;
return /^on[a-z]{3,}$/.test(attrName);
function canRemoveAttributeQuotes(value) {
return /^[^ \t\n\f\r"'`=<>]+$/.test(value);
function attributesInclude(attributes, attribute) {
for (var i = attributes.length; i--;) {
if (attributes[i].name.toLowerCase() === attribute) {
return true;
return false;
function isAttributeRedundant(tag, attrName, attrValue, attrs) {
attrValue = attrValue ? trimWhitespace(attrValue.toLowerCase()) : '';
return (
tag === 'script' &&
attrName === 'language' &&
attrValue === 'javascript' ||
tag === 'form' &&
attrName === 'method' &&
attrValue === 'get' ||
tag === 'input' &&
attrName === 'type' &&
attrValue === 'text' ||
tag === 'script' &&
attrName === 'charset' &&
!attributesInclude(attrs, 'src') ||
tag === 'a' &&
attrName === 'name' &&
attributesInclude(attrs, 'id') ||
tag === 'area' &&
attrName === 'shape' &&
attrValue === 'rect'
var executableScriptsMimetypes = utils.createMap([
function isScriptTypeAttribute(attrValue) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue.split(/;/, 2)[0]).toLowerCase();
return attrValue === '' || executableScriptsMimetypes(attrValue);
function isExecutableScript(tag, attrs) {
if (tag !== 'script') {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
var attrName = attrs[i].name.toLowerCase();
if (attrName === 'type') {
return isScriptTypeAttribute(attrs[i].value);
return true;
function isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrValue) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).toLowerCase();
return attrValue === '' || attrValue === 'text/css';
function isStyleSheet(tag, attrs) {
if (tag !== 'style') {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
var attrName = attrs[i].name.toLowerCase();
if (attrName === 'type') {
return isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrs[i].value);
return true;
var isSimpleBoolean = createMapFromString('allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare,default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled,enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple,muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,truespeed,typemustmatch,visible');
var isBooleanValue = createMapFromString('true,false');
function isBooleanAttribute(attrName, attrValue) {
return isSimpleBoolean(attrName) || attrName === 'draggable' && !isBooleanValue(attrValue);
function isUriTypeAttribute(attrName, tag) {
return (
/^(?:a|area|link|base)$/.test(tag) && attrName === 'href' ||
tag === 'img' && /^(?:src|longdesc|usemap)$/.test(attrName) ||
tag === 'object' && /^(?:classid|codebase|data|usemap)$/.test(attrName) ||
tag === 'q' && attrName === 'cite' ||
tag === 'blockquote' && attrName === 'cite' ||
(tag === 'ins' || tag === 'del') && attrName === 'cite' ||
tag === 'form' && attrName === 'action' ||
tag === 'input' && (attrName === 'src' || attrName === 'usemap') ||
tag === 'head' && attrName === 'profile' ||
tag === 'script' && (attrName === 'src' || attrName === 'for')
function isNumberTypeAttribute(attrName, tag) {
return (
/^(?:a|area|object|button)$/.test(tag) && attrName === 'tabindex' ||
tag === 'input' && (attrName === 'maxlength' || attrName === 'tabindex') ||
tag === 'select' && (attrName === 'size' || attrName === 'tabindex') ||
tag === 'textarea' && /^(?:rows|cols|tabindex)$/.test(attrName) ||
tag === 'colgroup' && attrName === 'span' ||
tag === 'col' && attrName === 'span' ||
(tag === 'th' || tag === 'td') && (attrName === 'rowspan' || attrName === 'colspan')
function isLinkType(tag, attrs, value) {
if (tag !== 'link') {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
if (attrs[i].name === 'rel' && attrs[i].value === value) {
return true;
function isMediaQuery(tag, attrs, attrName) {
return attrName === 'media' && (isLinkType(tag, attrs, 'stylesheet') || isStyleSheet(tag, attrs));
var srcsetTags = createMapFromString('img,source');
function isSrcset(attrName, tag) {
return attrName === 'srcset' && srcsetTags(tag);
function cleanAttributeValue(tag, attrName, attrValue, options, attrs) {
if (isEventAttribute(attrName, options)) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).replace(/^javascript:\s*/i, '');
return options.minifyJS(attrValue, true);
else if (attrName === 'class') {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
if (options.sortClassName) {
attrValue = options.sortClassName(attrValue);
else {
attrValue = collapseWhitespaceAll(attrValue);
return attrValue;
else if (isUriTypeAttribute(attrName, tag)) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
return isLinkType(tag, attrs, 'canonical') ? attrValue : options.minifyURLs(attrValue);
else if (isNumberTypeAttribute(attrName, tag)) {
return trimWhitespace(attrValue);
else if (attrName === 'style') {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
if (attrValue) {
if (/;$/.test(attrValue) && !/&#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;$/.test(attrValue)) {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s*;$/, ';');
attrValue = options.minifyCSS(attrValue, 'inline');
return attrValue;
else if (isSrcset(attrName, tag)) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue).split(/\s+,\s*|\s*,\s+/).map(function(candidate) {
var url = candidate;
var descriptor = '';
var match = candidate.match(/\s+([1-9][0-9]*w|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?x)$/);
if (match) {
url = url.slice(0, -match[0].length);
var num = +match[1].slice(0, -1);
var suffix = match[1].slice(-1);
if (num !== 1 || suffix !== 'x') {
descriptor = ' ' + num + suffix;
return options.minifyURLs(url) + descriptor;
}).join(', ');
else if (isMetaViewport(tag, attrs) && attrName === 'content') {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s+/g, '').replace(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/g, function(numString) {
// "0.90000" -> "0.9"
// "1.0" -> "1"
// "1.0001" -> "1.0001" (unchanged)
return (+numString).toString();
else if (options.customAttrCollapse && options.customAttrCollapse.test(attrName)) {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\n+|\r+|\s{2,}/g, '');
else if (tag === 'script' && attrName === 'type') {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue.replace(/\s*;\s*/g, ';'));
else if (isMediaQuery(tag, attrs, attrName)) {
attrValue = trimWhitespace(attrValue);
return options.minifyCSS(attrValue, 'media');
return attrValue;
function isMetaViewport(tag, attrs) {
if (tag !== 'meta') {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
if (attrs[i].name === 'name' && attrs[i].value === 'viewport') {
return true;
function ignoreCSS(id) {
return '/* clean-css ignore:start */' + id + '/* clean-css ignore:end */';
// Wrap CSS declarations for CleanCSS > 3.x
// See
function wrapCSS(text, type) {
switch (type) {
case 'inline':
return '*{' + text + '}';
case 'media':
return '@media ' + text + '{a{top:0}}';
return text;
function unwrapCSS(text, type) {
var matches;
switch (type) {
case 'inline':
matches = text.match(/^\*\{([\s\S]*)\}$/);
case 'media':
matches = text.match(/^@media ([\s\S]*?)\s*{[\s\S]*}$/);
return matches ? matches[1] : text;
function cleanConditionalComment(comment, options) {
return options.processConditionalComments ? comment.replace(/^(\[if\s[^\]]+]>)([\s\S]*?)(<!\[endif])$/, function(match, prefix, text, suffix) {
return prefix + minify(text, options, true) + suffix;
}) : comment;
function processScript(text, options, currentAttrs) {
for (var i = 0, len = currentAttrs.length; i < len; i++) {
if (currentAttrs[i].name.toLowerCase() === 'type' &&
options.processScripts.indexOf(currentAttrs[i].value) > -1) {
return minify(text, options);
return text;
// Tag omission rules from
// with the following deviations:
// - retain <body> if followed by <noscript>
// - </rb>, </rt>, </rtc>, </rp> & </tfoot> follow
// - retain all tags which are adjacent to non-standard HTML tags
var optionalStartTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body,colgroup,tbody');
var optionalEndTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body,li,dt,dd,p,rb,rt,rtc,rp,optgroup,option,colgroup,caption,thead,tbody,tfoot,tr,td,th');
var headerTags = createMapFromString('meta,link,script,style,template,noscript');
var descriptionTags = createMapFromString('dt,dd');
var pBlockTags = createMapFromString('address,article,aside,blockquote,details,div,dl,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,main,menu,nav,ol,p,pre,section,table,ul');
var pInlineTags = createMapFromString('a,audio,del,ins,map,noscript,video');
var rubyTags = createMapFromString('rb,rt,rtc,rp');
var rtcTag = createMapFromString('rb,rtc,rp');
var optionTag = createMapFromString('option,optgroup');
var tableContentTags = createMapFromString('tbody,tfoot');
var tableSectionTags = createMapFromString('thead,tbody,tfoot');
var cellTags = createMapFromString('td,th');
var topLevelTags = createMapFromString('html,head,body');
var compactTags = createMapFromString('html,body');
var looseTags = createMapFromString('head,colgroup,caption');
var trailingTags = createMapFromString('dt,thead');
var htmlTags = createMapFromString('a,abbr,acronym,address,applet,area,article,aside,audio,b,base,basefont,bdi,bdo,bgsound,big,blink,blockquote,body,br,button,canvas,caption,center,cite,code,col,colgroup,command,content,data,datalist,dd,del,details,dfn,dialog,dir,div,dl,dt,element,em,embed,fieldset,figcaption,figure,font,footer,form,frame,frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,head,header,hgroup,hr,html,i,iframe,image,img,input,ins,isindex,kbd,keygen,label,legend,li,link,listing,main,map,mark,marquee,menu,menuitem,meta,meter,multicol,nav,nobr,noembed,noframes,noscript,object,ol,optgroup,option,output,p,param,picture,plaintext,pre,progress,q,rb,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,script,section,select,shadow,small,source,spacer,span,strike,strong,style,sub,summary,sup,table,tbody,td,template,textarea,tfoot,th,thead,time,title,tr,track,tt,u,ul,var,video,wbr,xmp');
function canRemoveParentTag(optionalStartTag, tag) {
switch (optionalStartTag) {
case 'html':
case 'head':
return true;
case 'body':
return !headerTags(tag);
case 'colgroup':
return tag === 'col';
case 'tbody':
return tag === 'tr';
return false;
function isStartTagMandatory(optionalEndTag, tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 'colgroup':
return optionalEndTag === 'colgroup';
case 'tbody':
return tableSectionTags(optionalEndTag);
return false;
function canRemovePrecedingTag(optionalEndTag, tag) {
switch (optionalEndTag) {
case 'html':
case 'head':
case 'body':
case 'colgroup':
case 'caption':
return true;
case 'li':
case 'optgroup':
case 'tr':
return tag === optionalEndTag;
case 'dt':
case 'dd':
return descriptionTags(tag);
case 'p':
return pBlockTags(tag);
case 'rb':
case 'rt':
case 'rp':
return rubyTags(tag);
case 'rtc':
return rtcTag(tag);
case 'option':
return optionTag(tag);
case 'thead':
case 'tbody':
return tableContentTags(tag);
case 'tfoot':
return tag === 'tbody';
case 'td':
case 'th':
return cellTags(tag);
return false;
var reEmptyAttribute = new RegExp(
'^(?:class|id|style|title|lang|dir|on(?:focus|blur|change|click|dblclick|mouse(' +
function canDeleteEmptyAttribute(tag, attrName, attrValue, options) {
var isValueEmpty = !attrValue || /^\s*$/.test(attrValue);
if (!isValueEmpty) {
return false;
if (typeof options.removeEmptyAttributes === 'function') {
return options.removeEmptyAttributes(attrName, tag);
return tag === 'input' && attrName === 'value' || reEmptyAttribute.test(attrName);
function hasAttrName(name, attrs) {
for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (attrs[i].name === name) {
return true;
return false;
function canRemoveElement(tag, attrs) {
switch (tag) {
case 'textarea':
return false;
case 'audio':
case 'script':
case 'video':
if (hasAttrName('src', attrs)) {
return false;
case 'iframe':
if (hasAttrName('src', attrs) || hasAttrName('srcdoc', attrs)) {
return false;
case 'object':
if (hasAttrName('data', attrs)) {
return false;
case 'applet':
if (hasAttrName('code', attrs)) {
return false;
return true;
function canCollapseWhitespace(tag) {
return !/^(?:script|style|pre|textarea)$/.test(tag);
function canTrimWhitespace(tag) {
return !/^(?:pre|textarea)$/.test(tag);
function normalizeAttr(attr, attrs, tag, options) {
var attrName =,
attrValue = attr.value;
if (options.decodeEntities && attrValue) {
attrValue = decode(attrValue, { isAttributeValue: true });
if (options.removeRedundantAttributes &&
isAttributeRedundant(tag, attrName, attrValue, attrs) ||
options.removeScriptTypeAttributes && tag === 'script' &&
attrName === 'type' && isScriptTypeAttribute(attrValue) ||
options.removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes && (tag === 'style' || tag === 'link') &&
attrName === 'type' && isStyleLinkTypeAttribute(attrValue)) {
if (attrValue) {
attrValue = cleanAttributeValue(tag, attrName, attrValue, options, attrs);
if (options.removeEmptyAttributes &&
canDeleteEmptyAttribute(tag, attrName, attrValue, options)) {
if (options.decodeEntities && attrValue) {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/&(#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;)/g, '&$1');
return {
attr: attr,
name: attrName,
value: attrValue
function buildAttr(normalized, hasUnarySlash, options, isLast, uidAttr) {
var attrName =,
attrValue = normalized.value,
attr = normalized.attr,
attrQuote = attr.quote,
if (typeof attrValue !== 'undefined' && (!options.removeAttributeQuotes ||
~attrValue.indexOf(uidAttr) || !canRemoveAttributeQuotes(attrValue))) {
if (!options.preventAttributesEscaping) {
if (typeof options.quoteCharacter === 'undefined') {
var apos = (attrValue.match(/'/g) || []).length;
var quot = (attrValue.match(/"/g) || []).length;
attrQuote = apos < quot ? '\'' : '"';
else {
attrQuote = options.quoteCharacter === '\'' ? '\'' : '"';
if (attrQuote === '"') {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/"/g, '"');
else {
attrValue = attrValue.replace(/'/g, ''');
emittedAttrValue = attrQuote + attrValue + attrQuote;
if (!isLast && !options.removeTagWhitespace) {
emittedAttrValue += ' ';
// make sure trailing slash is not interpreted as HTML self-closing tag
else if (isLast && !hasUnarySlash && !/\/$/.test(attrValue)) {
emittedAttrValue = attrValue;
else {
emittedAttrValue = attrValue + ' ';
if (typeof attrValue === 'undefined' || options.collapseBooleanAttributes &&
isBooleanAttribute(attrName.toLowerCase(), attrValue.toLowerCase())) {
attrFragment = attrName;
if (!isLast) {
attrFragment += ' ';
else {
attrFragment = attrName + attr.customAssign + emittedAttrValue;
return attr.customOpen + attrFragment + attr.customClose;
function identity(value) {
return value;
function processOptions(values) {
var options = {
name: function(name) {
return name.toLowerCase();
canCollapseWhitespace: canCollapseWhitespace,
canTrimWhitespace: canTrimWhitespace,
html5: true,
ignoreCustomComments: [/^!/],
ignoreCustomFragments: [
includeAutoGeneratedTags: true,
log: identity,
minifyCSS: identity,
minifyJS: identity,
minifyURLs: identity
Object.keys(values).forEach(function(key) {
var value = values[key];
if (key === 'caseSensitive') {
if (value) { = identity;
else if (key === 'log') {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
options.log = value;
else if (key === 'minifyCSS' && typeof value !== 'function') {
if (!value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
value = {};
options.minifyCSS = function(text, type) {
text = text.replace(/(url\s*\(\s*)("|'|)(.*?)\2(\s*\))/ig, function(match, prefix, quote, url, suffix) {
return prefix + quote + options.minifyURLs(url) + quote + suffix;
var cleanCssOutput = new CleanCSS(value).minify(wrapCSS(text, type));
if (cleanCssOutput.errors.length > 0) {
return text;
return unwrapCSS(cleanCssOutput.styles, type);
else if (key === 'minifyJS' && typeof value !== 'function') {
if (!value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
value = {};
(value.parse || (value.parse = {})).bare_returns = false;
options.minifyJS = function(text, inline) {
var start = text.match(/^\s*<!--.*/);
var code = start ? text.slice(start[0].length).replace(/\n\s*-->\s*$/, '') : text;
value.parse.bare_returns = inline;
var result = UglifyJS.minify(code, value);
if (result.error) {
return text;
return result.code.replace(/;$/, '');
else if (key === 'minifyURLs' && typeof value !== 'function') {
if (!value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = { site: value };
else if (typeof value !== 'object') {
value = {};
options.minifyURLs = function(text) {
try {
return RelateUrl.relate(text, value);
catch (err) {
return text;
else {
options[key] = value;
return options;
function uniqueId(value) {
var id;
do {
id = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/^0\.[0-9]*/, '');
} while (~value.indexOf(id));
return id;
var specialContentTags = createMapFromString('script,style');
function createSortFns(value, options, uidIgnore, uidAttr) {
var attrChains = options.sortAttributes && Object.create(null);
var classChain = options.sortClassName && new TokenChain();
function attrNames(attrs) {
return {
function shouldSkipUID(token, uid) {
return !uid || token.indexOf(uid) === -1;
function shouldSkipUIDs(token) {
return shouldSkipUID(token, uidIgnore) && shouldSkipUID(token, uidAttr);
function scan(input) {
var currentTag, currentType;
new HTMLParser(input, {
start: function(tag, attrs) {
if (attrChains) {
if (!attrChains[tag]) {
attrChains[tag] = new TokenChain();
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) {
var attr = attrs[i];
if (classChain && attr.value && === 'class') {
classChain.add(trimWhitespace(attr.value).split(/[ \t\n\f\r]+/).filter(shouldSkipUIDs));
else if (options.processScripts && === 'type') {
currentTag = tag;
currentType = attr.value;
end: function() {
currentTag = '';
chars: function(text) {
if (options.processScripts && specialContentTags(currentTag) &&
options.processScripts.indexOf(currentType) > -1) {
var log = options.log;
options.log = identity;
options.sortAttributes = false;
options.sortClassName = false;
scan(minify(value, options));
options.log = log;
if (attrChains) {
var attrSorters = Object.create(null);
for (var tag in attrChains) {
attrSorters[tag] = attrChains[tag].createSorter();
options.sortAttributes = function(tag, attrs) {
var sorter = attrSorters[tag];
if (sorter) {
var attrMap = Object.create(null);
var names = attrNames(attrs);
names.forEach(function(name, index) {
(attrMap[name] || (attrMap[name] = [])).push(attrs[index]);
sorter.sort(names).forEach(function(name, index) {
attrs[index] = attrMap[name].shift();
if (classChain) {
var sorter = classChain.createSorter();
options.sortClassName = function(value) {
return sorter.sort(value.split(/[ \n\f\r]+/)).join(' ');
function minify(value, options, partialMarkup) {
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
value = collapseWhitespace(value, options, true, true);
var buffer = [],
currentChars = '',
currentTag = '',
currentAttrs = [],
stackNoTrimWhitespace = [],
stackNoCollapseWhitespace = [],
optionalStartTag = '',
optionalEndTag = '',
ignoredMarkupChunks = [],
ignoredCustomMarkupChunks = [],
// temporarily replace ignored chunks with comments,
// so that we don't have to worry what's there.
// for all we care there might be
// completely-horribly-broken-alien-non-html-emoj-cthulhu-filled content
value = value.replace(/<!-- htmlmin:ignore -->([\s\S]*?)<!-- htmlmin:ignore -->/g, function(match, group1) {
if (!uidIgnore) {
uidIgnore = uniqueId(value);
var pattern = new RegExp('^' + uidIgnore + '([0-9]+)$');
if (options.ignoreCustomComments) {
options.ignoreCustomComments = options.ignoreCustomComments.slice();
else {
options.ignoreCustomComments = [];
var token = '<!--' + uidIgnore + ignoredMarkupChunks.length + '-->';
return token;
var customFragments = {
return re.source;
if (customFragments.length) {
var reCustomIgnore = new RegExp('\\s*(?:' + customFragments.join('|') + ')+\\s*', 'g');
// temporarily replace custom ignored fragments with unique attributes
value = value.replace(reCustomIgnore, function(match) {
if (!uidAttr) {
uidAttr = uniqueId(value);
uidPattern = new RegExp('(\\s*)' + uidAttr + '([0-9]+)(\\s*)', 'g');
if (options.minifyCSS) {
options.minifyCSS = (function(fn) {
return function(text, type) {
text = text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
var chunks = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index];
return chunks[1] + uidAttr + index + chunks[2];
var ids = [];
new CleanCSS().minify(wrapCSS(text, type)).warnings.forEach(function(warning) {
var match = uidPattern.exec(warning);
if (match) {
var id = uidAttr + match[2];
text = text.replace(id, ignoreCSS(id));
text = fn(text, type);
ids.forEach(function(id) {
text = text.replace(ignoreCSS(id), id);
return text;
if (options.minifyJS) {
options.minifyJS = (function(fn) {
return function(text, type) {
return fn(text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
var chunks = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index];
return chunks[1] + uidAttr + index + chunks[2];
}), type);
var token = uidAttr + ignoredCustomMarkupChunks.length;
return '\t' + token + '\t';
if (options.sortAttributes && typeof options.sortAttributes !== 'function' ||
options.sortClassName && typeof options.sortClassName !== 'function') {
createSortFns(value, options, uidIgnore, uidAttr);
function _canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs) {
return options.canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs, canCollapseWhitespace);
function _canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs) {
return options.canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs, canTrimWhitespace);
function removeStartTag() {
var index = buffer.length - 1;
while (index > 0 && !/^<[^/!]/.test(buffer[index])) {
buffer.length = Math.max(0, index);
function removeEndTag() {
var index = buffer.length - 1;
while (index > 0 && !/^<\//.test(buffer[index])) {
buffer.length = Math.max(0, index);
// look for trailing whitespaces, bypass any inline tags
function trimTrailingWhitespace(index, nextTag) {
for (var endTag = null; index >= 0 && _canTrimWhitespace(endTag); index--) {
var str = buffer[index];
var match = str.match(/^<\/([\w:-]+)>$/);
if (match) {
endTag = match[1];
else if (/>$/.test(str) || (buffer[index] = collapseWhitespaceSmart(str, null, nextTag, options))) {
// look for trailing whitespaces from previously processed text
// which may not be trimmed due to a following comment or an empty
// element which has now been removed
function squashTrailingWhitespace(nextTag) {
var charsIndex = buffer.length - 1;
if (buffer.length > 1) {
var item = buffer[buffer.length - 1];
if (/^(?:<!|$)/.test(item) && item.indexOf(uidIgnore) === -1) {
trimTrailingWhitespace(charsIndex, nextTag);
new HTMLParser(value, {
partialMarkup: partialMarkup,
html5: options.html5,
start: function(tag, attrs, unary, unarySlash, autoGenerated) {
if (tag.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
options = Object.create(options);
options.caseSensitive = true;
options.keepClosingSlash = true; = identity;
tag =;
currentTag = tag;
charsPrevTag = tag;
if (!inlineTextTags(tag)) {
currentChars = '';
hasChars = false;
currentAttrs = attrs;
var optional = options.removeOptionalTags;
if (optional) {
var htmlTag = htmlTags(tag);
// <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
// <head> may be omitted if first thing inside is an element
// <body> may be omitted if first thing inside is not space, comment, <meta>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <template>
// <colgroup> may be omitted if first thing inside is <col>
// <tbody> may be omitted if first thing inside is <tr>
if (htmlTag && canRemoveParentTag(optionalStartTag, tag)) {
optionalStartTag = '';
// end-tag-followed-by-start-tag omission rules
if (htmlTag && canRemovePrecedingTag(optionalEndTag, tag)) {
// <colgroup> cannot be omitted if preceding </colgroup> is omitted
// <tbody> cannot be omitted if preceding </tbody>, </thead> or </tfoot> is omitted
optional = !isStartTagMandatory(optionalEndTag, tag);
optionalEndTag = '';
// set whitespace flags for nested tags (eg. <code> within a <pre>)
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
if (!stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
if (!unary) {
if (!_canTrimWhitespace(tag, attrs) || stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
if (!_canCollapseWhitespace(tag, attrs) || stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length) {
var openTag = '<' + tag;
var hasUnarySlash = unarySlash && options.keepClosingSlash;
if (options.sortAttributes) {
options.sortAttributes(tag, attrs);
var parts = [];
for (var i = attrs.length, isLast = true; --i >= 0;) {
var normalized = normalizeAttr(attrs[i], attrs, tag, options);
if (normalized) {
parts.unshift(buildAttr(normalized, hasUnarySlash, options, isLast, uidAttr));
isLast = false;
if (parts.length > 0) {
buffer.push(' ');
buffer.push.apply(buffer, parts);
// start tag must never be omitted if it has any attributes
else if (optional && optionalStartTags(tag)) {
optionalStartTag = tag;
buffer.push(buffer.pop() + (hasUnarySlash ? '/' : '') + '>');
if (autoGenerated && !options.includeAutoGeneratedTags) {
optionalStartTag = '';
end: function(tag, attrs, autoGenerated) {
if (tag.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
options = Object.getPrototypeOf(options);
tag =;
// check if current tag is in a whitespace stack
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
if (stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
if (tag === stackNoTrimWhitespace[stackNoTrimWhitespace.length - 1]) {
else {
squashTrailingWhitespace('/' + tag);
if (stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length &&
tag === stackNoCollapseWhitespace[stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length - 1]) {
var isElementEmpty = false;
if (tag === currentTag) {
currentTag = '';
isElementEmpty = !hasChars;
if (options.removeOptionalTags) {
// <html>, <head> or <body> may be omitted if the element is empty
if (isElementEmpty && topLevelTags(optionalStartTag)) {
optionalStartTag = '';
// </html> or </body> may be omitted if not followed by comment
// </head> may be omitted if not followed by space or comment
// </p> may be omitted if no more content in non-</a> parent
// except for </dt> or </thead>, end tags may be omitted if no more content in parent element
if (htmlTags(tag) && optionalEndTag && !trailingTags(optionalEndTag) && (optionalEndTag !== 'p' || !pInlineTags(tag))) {
optionalEndTag = optionalEndTags(tag) ? tag : '';
if (options.removeEmptyElements && isElementEmpty && canRemoveElement(tag, attrs)) {
// remove last "element" from buffer
optionalStartTag = '';
optionalEndTag = '';
else {
if (autoGenerated && !options.includeAutoGeneratedTags) {
optionalEndTag = '';
else {
buffer.push('</' + tag + '>');
charsPrevTag = '/' + tag;
if (!inlineTags(tag)) {
currentChars = '';
else if (isElementEmpty) {
currentChars += '|';
chars: function(text, prevTag, nextTag) {
prevTag = prevTag === '' ? 'comment' : prevTag;
nextTag = nextTag === '' ? 'comment' : nextTag;
if (options.decodeEntities && text && !specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
text = decode(text);
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
if (!stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
if (prevTag === 'comment') {
var prevComment = buffer[buffer.length - 1];
if (prevComment.indexOf(uidIgnore) === -1) {
if (!prevComment) {
prevTag = charsPrevTag;
if (buffer.length > 1 && (!prevComment || !options.conservativeCollapse && / $/.test(currentChars))) {
var charsIndex = buffer.length - 2;
buffer[charsIndex] = buffer[charsIndex].replace(/\s+$/, function(trailingSpaces) {
text = trailingSpaces + text;
return '';
if (prevTag) {
if (prevTag === '/nobr' || prevTag === 'wbr') {
if (/^\s/.test(text)) {
var tagIndex = buffer.length - 1;
while (tagIndex > 0 && buffer[tagIndex].lastIndexOf('<' + prevTag) !== 0) {
trimTrailingWhitespace(tagIndex - 1, 'br');
else if (inlineTextTags(prevTag.charAt(0) === '/' ? prevTag.slice(1) : prevTag)) {
text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, /(?:^|\s)$/.test(currentChars));
if (prevTag || nextTag) {
text = collapseWhitespaceSmart(text, prevTag, nextTag, options);
else {
text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, true, true);
if (!text && /\s$/.test(currentChars) && prevTag && prevTag.charAt(0) === '/') {
trimTrailingWhitespace(buffer.length - 1, nextTag);
if (!stackNoCollapseWhitespace.length && nextTag !== 'html' && !(prevTag && nextTag)) {
text = collapseWhitespace(text, options, false, false, true);
if (options.processScripts && specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
text = processScript(text, options, currentAttrs);
if (isExecutableScript(currentTag, currentAttrs)) {
text = options.minifyJS(text);
if (isStyleSheet(currentTag, currentAttrs)) {
text = options.minifyCSS(text);
if (options.removeOptionalTags && text) {
// <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
// <body> may be omitted if first thing inside is not space, comment, <meta>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <template>
if (optionalStartTag === 'html' || optionalStartTag === 'body' && !/^\s/.test(text)) {
optionalStartTag = '';
// </html> or </body> may be omitted if not followed by comment
// </head>, </colgroup> or </caption> may be omitted if not followed by space or comment
if (compactTags(optionalEndTag) || looseTags(optionalEndTag) && !/^\s/.test(text)) {
optionalEndTag = '';
charsPrevTag = /^\s*$/.test(text) ? prevTag : 'comment';
if (options.decodeEntities && text && !specialContentTags(currentTag)) {
// Escape any `&` symbols that start either:
// 1) a legacy named character reference (i.e. one that doesn't end with `;`)
// 2) or any other character reference (i.e. one that does end with `;`)
// Note that `&` can be escaped as `&`, without the semi-colon.
text = text.replace(/&((?:Iacute|aacute|uacute|plusmn|Otilde|otilde|agrave|Agrave|Yacute|yacute|Oslash|oslash|atilde|Atilde|brvbar|ccedil|Ccedil|Ograve|curren|divide|eacute|Eacute|ograve|Oacute|egrave|Egrave|Ugrave|frac12|frac14|frac34|ugrave|oacute|iacute|Ntilde|ntilde|Uacute|middot|igrave|Igrave|iquest|Aacute|cedil|laquo|micro|iexcl|Icirc|icirc|acirc|Ucirc|Ecirc|ocirc|Ocirc|ecirc|ucirc|Aring|aring|AElig|aelig|acute|pound|raquo|Acirc|times|THORN|szlig|thorn|COPY|auml|ordf|ordm|Uuml|macr|uuml|Auml|ouml|Ouml|para|nbsp|euml|quot|QUOT|Euml|yuml|cent|sect|copy|sup1|sup2|sup3|iuml|Iuml|ETH|shy|reg|not|yen|amp|AMP|REG|uml|eth|deg|gt|GT|LT|lt)(?!;)|(?:#?[0-9a-zA-Z]+;))/g, '&$1').replace(/</g, '<');
if (uidPattern && options.collapseWhitespace && stackNoTrimWhitespace.length) {
text = text.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index) {
return ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index][0];
currentChars += text;
if (text) {
hasChars = true;
comment: function(text, nonStandard) {
var prefix = nonStandard ? '<!' : '<!--';
var suffix = nonStandard ? '>' : '-->';
if (isConditionalComment(text)) {
text = prefix + cleanConditionalComment(text, options) + suffix;
else if (options.removeComments) {
if (isIgnoredComment(text, options)) {
text = '<!--' + text + '-->';
else {
text = '';
else {
text = prefix + text + suffix;
if (options.removeOptionalTags && text) {
// preceding comments suppress tag omissions
optionalStartTag = '';
optionalEndTag = '';
doctype: function(doctype) {
buffer.push(options.useShortDoctype ? '<!doctype' +
(options.removeTagWhitespace ? '' : ' ') + 'html>' :
customAttrAssign: options.customAttrAssign,
customAttrSurround: options.customAttrSurround
if (options.removeOptionalTags) {
// <html> may be omitted if first thing inside is not comment
// <head> or <body> may be omitted if empty
if (topLevelTags(optionalStartTag)) {
// except for </dt> or </thead>, end tags may be omitted if no more content in parent element
if (optionalEndTag && !trailingTags(optionalEndTag)) {
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
return joinResultSegments(buffer, options, uidPattern ? function(str) {
return str.replace(uidPattern, function(match, prefix, index, suffix) {
var chunk = ignoredCustomMarkupChunks[+index][0];
if (options.collapseWhitespace) {
if (prefix !== '\t') {
chunk = prefix + chunk;
if (suffix !== '\t') {
chunk += suffix;
return collapseWhitespace(chunk, {
preserveLineBreaks: options.preserveLineBreaks,
conservativeCollapse: !options.trimCustomFragments
}, /^[ \n\r\t\f]/.test(chunk), /[ \n\r\t\f]$/.test(chunk));
return chunk;
} : identity, uidIgnore ? function(str) {
return str.replace(new RegExp('<!--' + uidIgnore + '([0-9]+)-->', 'g'), function(match, index) {
return ignoredMarkupChunks[+index];
} : identity);
function joinResultSegments(results, options, restoreCustom, restoreIgnore) {
var str;
var maxLineLength = options.maxLineLength;
if (maxLineLength) {
var line = '', lines = [];
while (results.length) {
var len = line.length;
var end = results[0].indexOf('\n');
if (end < 0) {
line += restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results.shift()));
else {
line += restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results[0].slice(0, end)));
results[0] = results[0].slice(end + 1);
if (len > 0 && line.length > maxLineLength) {
lines.push(line.slice(0, len));
line = line.slice(len);
else if (end >= 0) {
line = '';
if (line) {
str = lines.join('\n');
else {
str = restoreIgnore(restoreCustom(results.join('')));
return options.collapseWhitespace ? collapseWhitespace(str, options, true, true) : str;
exports.minify = function(value, options) {
var start =;
options = processOptions(options || {});
var result = minify(value, options);
options.log('minified in: ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
return result;
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