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name : index.js
 * express
 * Copyright(c) 2009-2013 TJ Holowaychuk
 * Copyright(c) 2013 Roman Shtylman
 * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
 * MIT Licensed

'use strict';

 * Module dependencies.
 * @private

var Route = require('./route');
var Layer = require('./layer');
var methods = require('methods');
var mixin = require('utils-merge');
var debug = require('debug')('express:router');
var deprecate = require('depd')('express');
var flatten = require('array-flatten');
var parseUrl = require('parseurl');
var setPrototypeOf = require('setprototypeof')

 * Module variables.
 * @private

var objectRegExp = /^\[object (\S+)\]$/;
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;

 * Initialize a new `Router` with the given `options`.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @return {Router} which is an callable function
 * @public

var proto = module.exports = function(options) {
  var opts = options || {};

  function router(req, res, next) {
    router.handle(req, res, next);

  // mixin Router class functions
  setPrototypeOf(router, proto)

  router.params = {};
  router._params = [];
  router.caseSensitive = opts.caseSensitive;
  router.mergeParams = opts.mergeParams;
  router.strict = opts.strict;
  router.stack = [];

  return router;

 * Map the given param placeholder `name`(s) to the given callback.
 * Parameter mapping is used to provide pre-conditions to routes
 * which use normalized placeholders. For example a _:user_id_ parameter
 * could automatically load a user's information from the database without
 * any additional code,
 * The callback uses the same signature as middleware, the only difference
 * being that the value of the placeholder is passed, in this case the _id_
 * of the user. Once the `next()` function is invoked, just like middleware
 * it will continue on to execute the route, or subsequent parameter functions.
 * Just like in middleware, you must either respond to the request or call next
 * to avoid stalling the request.
 *  app.param('user_id', function(req, res, next, id){
 *    User.find(id, function(err, user){
 *      if (err) {
 *        return next(err);
 *      } else if (!user) {
 *        return next(new Error('failed to load user'));
 *      }
 *      req.user = user;
 *      next();
 *    });
 *  });
 * @param {String} name
 * @param {Function} fn
 * @return {app} for chaining
 * @public

proto.param = function param(name, fn) {
  // param logic
  if (typeof name === 'function') {
    deprecate('router.param(fn): Refactor to use path params');

  // apply param functions
  var params = this._params;
  var len = params.length;
  var ret;

  if (name[0] === ':') {
    deprecate('router.param(' + JSON.stringify(name) + ', fn): Use router.param(' + JSON.stringify(name.slice(1)) + ', fn) instead')
    name = name.slice(1)

  for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    if (ret = params[i](name, fn)) {
      fn = ret;

  // ensure we end up with a
  // middleware function
  if ('function' !== typeof fn) {
    throw new Error('invalid param() call for ' + name + ', got ' + fn);

  (this.params[name] = this.params[name] || []).push(fn);
  return this;

 * Dispatch a req, res into the router.
 * @private

proto.handle = function handle(req, res, out) {
  var self = this;

  debug('dispatching %s %s', req.method, req.url);

  var idx = 0;
  var protohost = getProtohost(req.url) || ''
  var removed = '';
  var slashAdded = false;
  var sync = 0
  var paramcalled = {};

  // store options for OPTIONS request
  // only used if OPTIONS request
  var options = [];

  // middleware and routes
  var stack = self.stack;

  // manage inter-router variables
  var parentParams = req.params;
  var parentUrl = req.baseUrl || '';
  var done = restore(out, req, 'baseUrl', 'next', 'params');

  // setup next layer
  req.next = next;

  // for options requests, respond with a default if nothing else responds
  if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {
    done = wrap(done, function(old, err) {
      if (err || options.length === 0) return old(err);
      sendOptionsResponse(res, options, old);

  // setup basic req values
  req.baseUrl = parentUrl;
  req.originalUrl = req.originalUrl || req.url;


  function next(err) {
    var layerError = err === 'route'
      ? null
      : err;

    // remove added slash
    if (slashAdded) {
      req.url = req.url.slice(1)
      slashAdded = false;

    // restore altered req.url
    if (removed.length !== 0) {
      req.baseUrl = parentUrl;
      req.url = protohost + removed + req.url.slice(protohost.length)
      removed = '';

    // signal to exit router
    if (layerError === 'router') {
      setImmediate(done, null)

    // no more matching layers
    if (idx >= stack.length) {
      setImmediate(done, layerError);

    // max sync stack
    if (++sync > 100) {
      return setImmediate(next, err)

    // get pathname of request
    var path = getPathname(req);

    if (path == null) {
      return done(layerError);

    // find next matching layer
    var layer;
    var match;
    var route;

    while (match !== true && idx < stack.length) {
      layer = stack[idx++];
      match = matchLayer(layer, path);
      route = layer.route;

      if (typeof match !== 'boolean') {
        // hold on to layerError
        layerError = layerError || match;

      if (match !== true) {

      if (!route) {
        // process non-route handlers normally

      if (layerError) {
        // routes do not match with a pending error
        match = false;

      var method = req.method;
      var has_method = route._handles_method(method);

      // build up automatic options response
      if (!has_method && method === 'OPTIONS') {
        appendMethods(options, route._options());

      // don't even bother matching route
      if (!has_method && method !== 'HEAD') {
        match = false;

    // no match
    if (match !== true) {
      return done(layerError);

    // store route for dispatch on change
    if (route) {
      req.route = route;

    // Capture one-time layer values
    req.params = self.mergeParams
      ? mergeParams(layer.params, parentParams)
      : layer.params;
    var layerPath = layer.path;

    // this should be done for the layer
    self.process_params(layer, paramcalled, req, res, function (err) {
      if (err) {
        next(layerError || err)
      } else if (route) {
        layer.handle_request(req, res, next)
      } else {
        trim_prefix(layer, layerError, layerPath, path)

      sync = 0

  function trim_prefix(layer, layerError, layerPath, path) {
    if (layerPath.length !== 0) {
      // Validate path is a prefix match
      if (layerPath !== path.slice(0, layerPath.length)) {

      // Validate path breaks on a path separator
      var c = path[layerPath.length]
      if (c && c !== '/' && c !== '.') return next(layerError)

      // Trim off the part of the url that matches the route
      // middleware (.use stuff) needs to have the path stripped
      debug('trim prefix (%s) from url %s', layerPath, req.url);
      removed = layerPath;
      req.url = protohost + req.url.slice(protohost.length + removed.length)

      // Ensure leading slash
      if (!protohost && req.url[0] !== '/') {
        req.url = '/' + req.url;
        slashAdded = true;

      // Setup base URL (no trailing slash)
      req.baseUrl = parentUrl + (removed[removed.length - 1] === '/'
        ? removed.substring(0, removed.length - 1)
        : removed);

    debug('%s %s : %s', layer.name, layerPath, req.originalUrl);

    if (layerError) {
      layer.handle_error(layerError, req, res, next);
    } else {
      layer.handle_request(req, res, next);

 * Process any parameters for the layer.
 * @private

proto.process_params = function process_params(layer, called, req, res, done) {
  var params = this.params;

  // captured parameters from the layer, keys and values
  var keys = layer.keys;

  // fast track
  if (!keys || keys.length === 0) {
    return done();

  var i = 0;
  var name;
  var paramIndex = 0;
  var key;
  var paramVal;
  var paramCallbacks;
  var paramCalled;

  // process params in order
  // param callbacks can be async
  function param(err) {
    if (err) {
      return done(err);

    if (i >= keys.length ) {
      return done();

    paramIndex = 0;
    key = keys[i++];
    name = key.name;
    paramVal = req.params[name];
    paramCallbacks = params[name];
    paramCalled = called[name];

    if (paramVal === undefined || !paramCallbacks) {
      return param();

    // param previously called with same value or error occurred
    if (paramCalled && (paramCalled.match === paramVal
      || (paramCalled.error && paramCalled.error !== 'route'))) {
      // restore value
      req.params[name] = paramCalled.value;

      // next param
      return param(paramCalled.error);

    called[name] = paramCalled = {
      error: null,
      match: paramVal,
      value: paramVal


  // single param callbacks
  function paramCallback(err) {
    var fn = paramCallbacks[paramIndex++];

    // store updated value
    paramCalled.value = req.params[key.name];

    if (err) {
      // store error
      paramCalled.error = err;

    if (!fn) return param();

    try {
      fn(req, res, paramCallback, paramVal, key.name);
    } catch (e) {


 * Use the given middleware function, with optional path, defaulting to "/".
 * Use (like `.all`) will run for any http METHOD, but it will not add
 * handlers for those methods so OPTIONS requests will not consider `.use`
 * functions even if they could respond.
 * The other difference is that _route_ path is stripped and not visible
 * to the handler function. The main effect of this feature is that mounted
 * handlers can operate without any code changes regardless of the "prefix"
 * pathname.
 * @public

proto.use = function use(fn) {
  var offset = 0;
  var path = '/';

  // default path to '/'
  // disambiguate router.use([fn])
  if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
    var arg = fn;

    while (Array.isArray(arg) && arg.length !== 0) {
      arg = arg[0];

    // first arg is the path
    if (typeof arg !== 'function') {
      offset = 1;
      path = fn;

  var callbacks = flatten(slice.call(arguments, offset));

  if (callbacks.length === 0) {
    throw new TypeError('Router.use() requires a middleware function')

  for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
    var fn = callbacks[i];

    if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('Router.use() requires a middleware function but got a ' + gettype(fn))

    // add the middleware
    debug('use %o %s', path, fn.name || '<anonymous>')

    var layer = new Layer(path, {
      sensitive: this.caseSensitive,
      strict: false,
      end: false
    }, fn);

    layer.route = undefined;


  return this;

 * Create a new Route for the given path.
 * Each route contains a separate middleware stack and VERB handlers.
 * See the Route api documentation for details on adding handlers
 * and middleware to routes.
 * @param {String} path
 * @return {Route}
 * @public

proto.route = function route(path) {
  var route = new Route(path);

  var layer = new Layer(path, {
    sensitive: this.caseSensitive,
    strict: this.strict,
    end: true
  }, route.dispatch.bind(route));

  layer.route = route;

  return route;

// create Router#VERB functions
  proto[method] = function(path){
    var route = this.route(path)
    route[method].apply(route, slice.call(arguments, 1));
    return this;

// append methods to a list of methods
function appendMethods(list, addition) {
  for (var i = 0; i < addition.length; i++) {
    var method = addition[i];
    if (list.indexOf(method) === -1) {

// get pathname of request
function getPathname(req) {
  try {
    return parseUrl(req).pathname;
  } catch (err) {
    return undefined;

// Get get protocol + host for a URL
function getProtohost(url) {
  if (typeof url !== 'string' || url.length === 0 || url[0] === '/') {
    return undefined

  var searchIndex = url.indexOf('?')
  var pathLength = searchIndex !== -1
    ? searchIndex
    : url.length
  var fqdnIndex = url.slice(0, pathLength).indexOf('://')

  return fqdnIndex !== -1
    ? url.substring(0, url.indexOf('/', 3 + fqdnIndex))
    : undefined

// get type for error message
function gettype(obj) {
  var type = typeof obj;

  if (type !== 'object') {
    return type;

  // inspect [[Class]] for objects
  return toString.call(obj)
    .replace(objectRegExp, '$1');

 * Match path to a layer.
 * @param {Layer} layer
 * @param {string} path
 * @private

function matchLayer(layer, path) {
  try {
    return layer.match(path);
  } catch (err) {
    return err;

// merge params with parent params
function mergeParams(params, parent) {
  if (typeof parent !== 'object' || !parent) {
    return params;

  // make copy of parent for base
  var obj = mixin({}, parent);

  // simple non-numeric merging
  if (!(0 in params) || !(0 in parent)) {
    return mixin(obj, params);

  var i = 0;
  var o = 0;

  // determine numeric gaps
  while (i in params) {

  while (o in parent) {

  // offset numeric indices in params before merge
  for (i--; i >= 0; i--) {
    params[i + o] = params[i];

    // create holes for the merge when necessary
    if (i < o) {
      delete params[i];

  return mixin(obj, params);

// restore obj props after function
function restore(fn, obj) {
  var props = new Array(arguments.length - 2);
  var vals = new Array(arguments.length - 2);

  for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
    props[i] = arguments[i + 2];
    vals[i] = obj[props[i]];

  return function () {
    // restore vals
    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
      obj[props[i]] = vals[i];

    return fn.apply(this, arguments);

// send an OPTIONS response
function sendOptionsResponse(res, options, next) {
  try {
    var body = options.join(',');
    res.set('Allow', body);
  } catch (err) {

// wrap a function
function wrap(old, fn) {
  return function proxy() {
    var args = new Array(arguments.length + 1);

    args[0] = old;
    for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
      args[i + 1] = arguments[i];

    fn.apply(this, args);
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