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name : index.js
// http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html
// https://github.com/visionmedia/css-parse/pull/49#issuecomment-30088027
var commentre = /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\//g

module.exports = function(css, options){
  options = options || {};

   * Positional.

  var lineno = 1;
  var column = 1;

   * Update lineno and column based on `str`.

  function updatePosition(str) {
    var lines = str.match(/\n/g);
    if (lines) lineno += lines.length;
    var i = str.lastIndexOf('\n');
    column = ~i ? str.length - i : column + str.length;

   * Mark position and patch `node.position`.

  function position() {
    var start = { line: lineno, column: column };
    return function(node){
      node.position = new Position(start);
      return node;

   * Store position information for a node

  function Position(start) {
    this.start = start;
    this.end = { line: lineno, column: column };
    this.source = options.source;

   * Non-enumerable source string

  Position.prototype.content = css;

   * Error `msg`.

  var errorsList = [];

  function error(msg) {
    var err = new Error(options.source + ':' + lineno + ':' + column + ': ' + msg);
    err.reason = msg;
    err.filename = options.source;
    err.line = lineno;
    err.column = column;
    err.source = css;

    if (options.silent) {
    } else {
      throw err;

   * Parse stylesheet.

  function stylesheet() {
    var rulesList = rules();

    return {
      type: 'stylesheet',
      stylesheet: {
        source: options.source,
        rules: rulesList,
        parsingErrors: errorsList

   * Opening brace.

  function open() {
    return match(/^{\s*/);

   * Closing brace.

  function close() {
    return match(/^}/);

   * Parse ruleset.

  function rules() {
    var node;
    var rules = [];
    while (css.length && css.charAt(0) != '}' && (node = atrule() || rule())) {
      if (node !== false) {
    return rules;

   * Match `re` and return captures.

  function match(re) {
    var m = re.exec(css);
    if (!m) return;
    var str = m[0];
    css = css.slice(str.length);
    return m;

   * Parse whitespace.

  function whitespace() {

   * Parse comments;

  function comments(rules) {
    var c;
    rules = rules || [];
    while (c = comment()) {
      if (c !== false) {
    return rules;

   * Parse comment.

  function comment() {
    var pos = position();
    if ('/' != css.charAt(0) || '*' != css.charAt(1)) return;

    var i = 2;
    while ("" != css.charAt(i) && ('*' != css.charAt(i) || '/' != css.charAt(i + 1))) ++i;
    i += 2;

    if ("" === css.charAt(i-1)) {
      return error('End of comment missing');

    var str = css.slice(2, i - 2);
    column += 2;
    css = css.slice(i);
    column += 2;

    return pos({
      type: 'comment',
      comment: str

   * Parse selector.

  function selector() {
    var m = match(/^([^{]+)/);
    if (!m) return;
    /* @fix Remove all comments from selectors
     * http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html */
    return trim(m[0])
      .replace(/\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*\/+/g, '')
      .replace(/"(?:\\"|[^"])*"|'(?:\\'|[^'])*'/g, function(m) {
        return m.replace(/,/g, '\u200C');
      .map(function(s) {
        return s.replace(/\u200C/g, ',');

   * Parse declaration.

  function declaration() {
    var pos = position();

    // prop
    var prop = match(/^(\*?[-#\/\*\\\w]+(\[[0-9a-z_-]+\])?)\s*/);
    if (!prop) return;
    prop = trim(prop[0]);

    // :
    if (!match(/^:\s*/)) return error("property missing ':'");

    // val
    var val = match(/^((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^\)]*?\)|[^};])+)/);

    var ret = pos({
      type: 'declaration',
      property: prop.replace(commentre, ''),
      value: val ? trim(val[0]).replace(commentre, '') : ''

    // ;

    return ret;

   * Parse declarations.

  function declarations() {
    var decls = [];

    if (!open()) return error("missing '{'");

    // declarations
    var decl;
    while (decl = declaration()) {
      if (decl !== false) {

    if (!close()) return error("missing '}'");
    return decls;

   * Parse keyframe.

  function keyframe() {
    var m;
    var vals = [];
    var pos = position();

    while (m = match(/^((\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+)%?|[a-z]+)\s*/)) {

    if (!vals.length) return;

    return pos({
      type: 'keyframe',
      values: vals,
      declarations: declarations()

   * Parse keyframes.

  function atkeyframes() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@([-\w]+)?keyframes\s*/);

    if (!m) return;
    var vendor = m[1];

    // identifier
    var m = match(/^([-\w]+)\s*/);
    if (!m) return error("@keyframes missing name");
    var name = m[1];

    if (!open()) return error("@keyframes missing '{'");

    var frame;
    var frames = comments();
    while (frame = keyframe()) {
      frames = frames.concat(comments());

    if (!close()) return error("@keyframes missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'keyframes',
      name: name,
      vendor: vendor,
      keyframes: frames

   * Parse supports.

  function atsupports() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@supports *([^{]+)/);

    if (!m) return;
    var supports = trim(m[1]);

    if (!open()) return error("@supports missing '{'");

    var style = comments().concat(rules());

    if (!close()) return error("@supports missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'supports',
      supports: supports,
      rules: style

   * Parse host.

  function athost() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@host\s*/);

    if (!m) return;

    if (!open()) return error("@host missing '{'");

    var style = comments().concat(rules());

    if (!close()) return error("@host missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'host',
      rules: style

   * Parse media.

  function atmedia() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@media *([^{]+)/);

    if (!m) return;
    var media = trim(m[1]);

    if (!open()) return error("@media missing '{'");

    var style = comments().concat(rules());

    if (!close()) return error("@media missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'media',
      media: media,
      rules: style

   * Parse custom-media.

  function atcustommedia() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@custom-media\s+(--[^\s]+)\s*([^{;]+);/);
    if (!m) return;

    return pos({
      type: 'custom-media',
      name: trim(m[1]),
      media: trim(m[2])

   * Parse paged media.

  function atpage() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@page */);
    if (!m) return;

    var sel = selector() || [];

    if (!open()) return error("@page missing '{'");
    var decls = comments();

    // declarations
    var decl;
    while (decl = declaration()) {
      decls = decls.concat(comments());

    if (!close()) return error("@page missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'page',
      selectors: sel,
      declarations: decls

   * Parse document.

  function atdocument() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@([-\w]+)?document *([^{]+)/);
    if (!m) return;

    var vendor = trim(m[1]);
    var doc = trim(m[2]);

    if (!open()) return error("@document missing '{'");

    var style = comments().concat(rules());

    if (!close()) return error("@document missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'document',
      document: doc,
      vendor: vendor,
      rules: style

   * Parse font-face.

  function atfontface() {
    var pos = position();
    var m = match(/^@font-face\s*/);
    if (!m) return;

    if (!open()) return error("@font-face missing '{'");
    var decls = comments();

    // declarations
    var decl;
    while (decl = declaration()) {
      decls = decls.concat(comments());

    if (!close()) return error("@font-face missing '}'");

    return pos({
      type: 'font-face',
      declarations: decls

   * Parse import

  var atimport = _compileAtrule('import');

   * Parse charset

  var atcharset = _compileAtrule('charset');

   * Parse namespace

  var atnamespace = _compileAtrule('namespace');

   * Parse non-block at-rules

  function _compileAtrule(name) {
    var re = new RegExp('^@' + name + '\\s*([^;]+);');
    return function() {
      var pos = position();
      var m = match(re);
      if (!m) return;
      var ret = { type: name };
      ret[name] = m[1].trim();
      return pos(ret);

   * Parse at rule.

  function atrule() {
    if (css[0] != '@') return;

    return atkeyframes()
      || atmedia()
      || atcustommedia()
      || atsupports()
      || atimport()
      || atcharset()
      || atnamespace()
      || atdocument()
      || atpage()
      || athost()
      || atfontface();

   * Parse rule.

  function rule() {
    var pos = position();
    var sel = selector();

    if (!sel) return error('selector missing');

    return pos({
      type: 'rule',
      selectors: sel,
      declarations: declarations()

  return addParent(stylesheet());

 * Trim `str`.

function trim(str) {
  return str ? str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') : '';

 * Adds non-enumerable parent node reference to each node.

function addParent(obj, parent) {
  var isNode = obj && typeof obj.type === 'string';
  var childParent = isNode ? obj : parent;

  for (var k in obj) {
    var value = obj[k];
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      value.forEach(function(v) { addParent(v, childParent); });
    } else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
      addParent(value, childParent);

  if (isNode) {
    Object.defineProperty(obj, 'parent', {
      configurable: true,
      writable: true,
      enumerable: false,
      value: parent || null

  return obj;
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