const {spawn} = require('cross-spawn')
const commandConvert = require('./command')
const varValueConvert = require('./variable')
module.exports = crossEnv
const envSetterRegex = /(\w+)=('(.*)'|"(.*)"|(.*))/
function crossEnv(args, options = {}) {
const [envSetters, command, commandArgs] = parseCommand(args)
const env = getEnvVars(envSetters)
if (command) {
const proc = spawn(
// run `path.normalize` for command(on windows)
commandConvert(command, env, true),
// by default normalize is `false`, so not run for cmd args => commandConvert(arg, env)),
stdio: 'inherit',
process.on('SIGTERM', () => proc.kill('SIGTERM'))
process.on('SIGINT', () => proc.kill('SIGINT'))
process.on('SIGBREAK', () => proc.kill('SIGBREAK'))
process.on('SIGHUP', () => proc.kill('SIGHUP'))
proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
let crossEnvExitCode = code
// exit code could be null when OS kills the process(out of memory, etc) or due to node handling it
// but if the signal is SIGINT the user exited the process so we want exit code 0
if (crossEnvExitCode === null) {
crossEnvExitCode = signal === 'SIGINT' ? 0 : 1
process.exit(crossEnvExitCode) //eslint-disable-line no-process-exit
return proc
return null
function parseCommand(args) {
const envSetters = {}
let command = null
let commandArgs = []
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
const match = envSetterRegex.exec(args[i])
if (match) {
let value
if (typeof match[3] !== 'undefined') {
value = match[3]
} else if (typeof match[4] === 'undefined') {
value = match[5]
} else {
value = match[4]
envSetters[match[1]] = value
} else {
// No more env setters, the rest of the line must be the command and args
let cStart = []
cStart = args
// Regex:
// match "\'" or "'"
// or match "\" if followed by [$"\] (lookahead)
.map(a => {
const re = /\\\\|(\\)?'|([\\])(?=[$"\\])/g
// Eliminate all matches except for "\'" => "'"
return a.replace(re, m => {
if (m === '\\\\') return '\\'
if (m === "\\'") return "'"
return ''
command = cStart[0]
commandArgs = cStart.slice(1)
return [envSetters, command, commandArgs]
function getEnvVars(envSetters) {
const envVars = {...process.env}
if (process.env.APPDATA) {
envVars.APPDATA = process.env.APPDATA
Object.keys(envSetters).forEach(varName => {
envVars[varName] = varValueConvert(envSetters[varName], varName)
return envVars