shell bypass 403
GrazzMean-Shell Shell
: /proc/self/root/home/allssztx/public_html/jollyprecast/wp-content/plugins/extendify/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
* Bootstrap the application
defined('ABSPATH') || die('No direct access.');
use Extendify\AdminPageRouter;
use Extendify\Affiliate;
use Extendify\Assist\Admin as AssistAdmin;
use Extendify\Config;
use Extendify\Draft\Admin as DraftAdmin;
use Extendify\HelpCenter\Admin as HelpCenterAdmin;
use Extendify\Insights;
use Extendify\Launch\Admin as LaunchAdmin;
use Extendify\Library\Admin as LibraryAdmin;
use Extendify\Library\Frontend as LibraryFrontend;
use Extendify\PartnerData;
use Extendify\Shared\Admin as SharedAdmin;
use Extendify\Shared\DataProvider\ResourceData;
use Extendify\Shared\Services\Import\ImagesImporter;
use Extendify\Shared\Services\VersionMigrator;
define('EXTENDIFY_REQUIRED_CAPABILITY', 'manage_options');
if (!defined('EXTENDIFY_PATH')) {
define('EXTENDIFY_PATH', \plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
if (!defined('EXTENDIFY_URL')) {
define('EXTENDIFY_URL', \plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));
define('EXTENDIFY_PLUGIN_BASENAME', \plugin_basename(__DIR__ . '/extendify.php'));
if (is_readable(EXTENDIFY_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php')) {
require EXTENDIFY_PATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';
// This file should have no dependencies and always load.
new LibraryFrontend();
// This file hooks into an external task and should always load.
new Insights();
// This class set up the image import check scheduler.
new ImagesImporter();
// Set up scheduled cache (if opt-in).
// Run various database updates depending on the plugin version.
new VersionMigrator();
if (current_user_can(EXTENDIFY_REQUIRED_CAPABILITY)) {
// The config class will collect information about the
// partner and plugin, so it's easier to access.
new Config();
if (!defined('EXTENDIFY_DEVMODE')) {
define('EXTENDIFY_DEVMODE', Config::$environment === 'DEVELOPMENT');
// This class handles the admin pages required for the plugin.
new AdminPageRouter();
// This class will fetch and cache partner data to be used
// throughout every class below.
new PartnerData();
// This is a global "loader" class that loads in any assets that are shared everywhere.
new SharedAdmin();
// This class will handle loading library assets.
new LibraryAdmin();
// Only load these if the partner ID is set. These are all opt-in features.
if ((Config::$partnerId && Config::$partnerId !== 'no-partner') || constant('EXTENDIFY_DEVMODE')) {
// This class will update links based on the partner's specifications.
new Affiliate();
// The remaining classes handle loading assets for each individual products.
// They are essentially asset loading classes.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] === 'extendify-assist') {
// Load only on Assist.
new AssistAdmin();
// Don't load on Launch.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
if (!isset($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] !== 'extendify-launch') {
new HelpCenterAdmin();
if (PartnerData::setting('showDraft') || constant('EXTENDIFY_DEVMODE')) {
new DraftAdmin();
} elseif (Config::$showLaunch) {
new LaunchAdmin();
}//end if
// This loads in all the REST API routes used by the plugin.
require EXTENDIFY_PATH . 'routes/api.php';
}//end if
// This file is used to update the plugin and removed before release.
if (is_readable(EXTENDIFY_PATH . '/updater.php')) {
require EXTENDIFY_PATH . 'updater.php';
add_action('init', function () {
load_plugin_textdomain('extendify-local', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/php');
// To cover legacy conflicts.
// phpcs:ignore
class ExtendifySdk