Uname: Linux business55.web-hosting.com 4.18.0-553.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 27 15:27:34 UTC 2024 x86_64
Software: LiteSpeed
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User: allssztx (535) | Group: allssztx (533)
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name : websocket-server.js
'use strict';

const EventEmitter = require('events');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const http = require('http');

const PerMessageDeflate = require('./permessage-deflate');
const extension = require('./extension');
const WebSocket = require('./websocket');
const { GUID } = require('./constants');

const keyRegex = /^[+/0-9A-Za-z]{22}==$/;

 * Class representing a WebSocket server.
 * @extends EventEmitter
class WebSocketServer extends EventEmitter {
   * Create a `WebSocketServer` instance.
   * @param {Object} options Configuration options
   * @param {Number} options.backlog The maximum length of the queue of pending
   *     connections
   * @param {Boolean} options.clientTracking Specifies whether or not to track
   *     clients
   * @param {Function} options.handleProtocols An hook to handle protocols
   * @param {String} options.host The hostname where to bind the server
   * @param {Number} options.maxPayload The maximum allowed message size
   * @param {Boolean} options.noServer Enable no server mode
   * @param {String} options.path Accept only connections matching this path
   * @param {(Boolean|Object)} options.perMessageDeflate Enable/disable
   *     permessage-deflate
   * @param {Number} options.port The port where to bind the server
   * @param {http.Server} options.server A pre-created HTTP/S server to use
   * @param {Function} options.verifyClient An hook to reject connections
   * @param {Function} callback A listener for the `listening` event
  constructor(options, callback) {

    options = Object.assign(
        maxPayload: 100 * 1024 * 1024,
        perMessageDeflate: false,
        handleProtocols: null,
        clientTracking: true,
        verifyClient: null,
        noServer: false,
        backlog: null, // use default (511 as implemented in net.js)
        server: null,
        host: null,
        path: null,
        port: null

    if (options.port == null && !options.server && !options.noServer) {
      throw new TypeError(
        'One of the "port", "server", or "noServer" options must be specified'

    if (options.port != null) {
      this._server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
        const body = http.STATUS_CODES[426];

        res.writeHead(426, {
          'Content-Length': body.length,
          'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
    } else if (options.server) {
      this._server = options.server;

    if (this._server) {
      this._removeListeners = addListeners(this._server, {
        listening: this.emit.bind(this, 'listening'),
        error: this.emit.bind(this, 'error'),
        upgrade: (req, socket, head) => {
          this.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, (ws) => {
            this.emit('connection', ws, req);

    if (options.perMessageDeflate === true) options.perMessageDeflate = {};
    if (options.clientTracking) this.clients = new Set();
    this.options = options;

   * Returns the bound address, the address family name, and port of the server
   * as reported by the operating system if listening on an IP socket.
   * If the server is listening on a pipe or UNIX domain socket, the name is
   * returned as a string.
   * @return {(Object|String|null)} The address of the server
   * @public
  address() {
    if (this.options.noServer) {
      throw new Error('The server is operating in "noServer" mode');

    if (!this._server) return null;
    return this._server.address();

   * Close the server.
   * @param {Function} cb Callback
   * @public
  close(cb) {
    if (cb) this.once('close', cb);

    // Terminate all associated clients.
    if (this.clients) {
      for (const client of this.clients) client.terminate();

    const server = this._server;

    if (server) {
      this._removeListeners = this._server = null;

      // Close the http server if it was internally created.
      if (this.options.port != null) {
        server.close(() => this.emit('close'));

    process.nextTick(emitClose, this);

   * See if a given request should be handled by this server instance.
   * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Request object to inspect
   * @return {Boolean} `true` if the request is valid, else `false`
   * @public
  shouldHandle(req) {
    if (this.options.path) {
      const index = req.url.indexOf('?');
      const pathname = index !== -1 ? req.url.slice(0, index) : req.url;

      if (pathname !== this.options.path) return false;

    return true;

   * Handle a HTTP Upgrade request.
   * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object
   * @param {net.Socket} socket The network socket between the server and client
   * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream
   * @param {Function} cb Callback
   * @public
  handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, cb) {
    socket.on('error', socketOnError);

    const key =
      req.headers['sec-websocket-key'] !== undefined
        ? req.headers['sec-websocket-key'].trim()
        : false;
    const version = +req.headers['sec-websocket-version'];
    const extensions = {};

    if (
      req.method !== 'GET' ||
      req.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== 'websocket' ||
      !key ||
      !keyRegex.test(key) ||
      (version !== 8 && version !== 13) ||
    ) {
      return abortHandshake(socket, 400);

    if (this.options.perMessageDeflate) {
      const perMessageDeflate = new PerMessageDeflate(

      try {
        const offers = extension.parse(req.headers['sec-websocket-extensions']);

        if (offers[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]) {
          extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName] = perMessageDeflate;
      } catch (err) {
        return abortHandshake(socket, 400);

    // Optionally call external client verification handler.
    if (this.options.verifyClient) {
      const info = {
          req.headers[`${version === 8 ? 'sec-websocket-origin' : 'origin'}`],
        secure: !!(req.connection.authorized || req.connection.encrypted),

      if (this.options.verifyClient.length === 2) {
        this.options.verifyClient(info, (verified, code, message, headers) => {
          if (!verified) {
            return abortHandshake(socket, code || 401, message, headers);

          this.completeUpgrade(key, extensions, req, socket, head, cb);

      if (!this.options.verifyClient(info)) return abortHandshake(socket, 401);

    this.completeUpgrade(key, extensions, req, socket, head, cb);

   * Upgrade the connection to WebSocket.
   * @param {String} key The value of the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header
   * @param {Object} extensions The accepted extensions
   * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object
   * @param {net.Socket} socket The network socket between the server and client
   * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream
   * @param {Function} cb Callback
   * @private
  completeUpgrade(key, extensions, req, socket, head, cb) {
    // Destroy the socket if the client has already sent a FIN packet.
    if (!socket.readable || !socket.writable) return socket.destroy();

    const digest = crypto
      .update(key + GUID)

    const headers = [
      'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols',
      'Upgrade: websocket',
      'Connection: Upgrade',
      `Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${digest}`

    const ws = new WebSocket(null);
    var protocol = req.headers['sec-websocket-protocol'];

    if (protocol) {
      protocol = protocol.split(',').map(trim);

      // Optionally call external protocol selection handler.
      if (this.options.handleProtocols) {
        protocol = this.options.handleProtocols(protocol, req);
      } else {
        protocol = protocol[0];

      if (protocol) {
        headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ${protocol}`);
        ws.protocol = protocol;

    if (extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]) {
      const params = extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName].params;
      const value = extension.format({
        [PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]: [params]
      headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ${value}`);
      ws._extensions = extensions;

    // Allow external modification/inspection of handshake headers.
    this.emit('headers', headers, req);

    socket.removeListener('error', socketOnError);

    ws.setSocket(socket, head, this.options.maxPayload);

    if (this.clients) {
      ws.on('close', () => this.clients.delete(ws));


module.exports = WebSocketServer;

 * Add event listeners on an `EventEmitter` using a map of <event, listener>
 * pairs.
 * @param {EventEmitter} server The event emitter
 * @param {Object.<String, Function>} map The listeners to add
 * @return {Function} A function that will remove the added listeners when called
 * @private
function addListeners(server, map) {
  for (const event of Object.keys(map)) server.on(event, map[event]);

  return function removeListeners() {
    for (const event of Object.keys(map)) {
      server.removeListener(event, map[event]);

 * Emit a `'close'` event on an `EventEmitter`.
 * @param {EventEmitter} server The event emitter
 * @private
function emitClose(server) {

 * Handle premature socket errors.
 * @private
function socketOnError() {

 * Close the connection when preconditions are not fulfilled.
 * @param {net.Socket} socket The socket of the upgrade request
 * @param {Number} code The HTTP response status code
 * @param {String} [message] The HTTP response body
 * @param {Object} [headers] Additional HTTP response headers
 * @private
function abortHandshake(socket, code, message, headers) {
  if (socket.writable) {
    message = message || http.STATUS_CODES[code];
    headers = Object.assign(
        Connection: 'close',
        'Content-type': 'text/html',
        'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(message)

      `HTTP/1.1 ${code} ${http.STATUS_CODES[code]}\r\n` +
          .map((h) => `${h}: ${headers[h]}`)
          .join('\r\n') +
        '\r\n\r\n' +

  socket.removeListener('error', socketOnError);

 * Remove whitespace characters from both ends of a string.
 * @param {String} str The string
 * @return {String} A new string representing `str` stripped of whitespace
 *     characters from both its beginning and end
 * @private
function trim(str) {
  return str.trim();
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