shell bypass 403
'use strict';
var conventions = require('./conventions');
var dom = require('./dom');
var errors = require('./errors');
var entities = require('./entities');
var sax = require('./sax');
var DOMImplementation = dom.DOMImplementation;
var hasDefaultHTMLNamespace = conventions.hasDefaultHTMLNamespace;
var isHTMLMimeType = conventions.isHTMLMimeType;
var isValidMimeType = conventions.isValidMimeType;
var MIME_TYPE = conventions.MIME_TYPE;
var NAMESPACE = conventions.NAMESPACE;
var ParseError = errors.ParseError;
var XMLReader = sax.XMLReader;
* Normalizes line ending according to <>:
* > XML parsed entities are often stored in computer files which,
* > for editing convenience, are organized into lines.
* > These lines are typically separated by some combination
* > of the characters CARRIAGE RETURN (#xD) and LINE FEED (#xA).
* >
* > To simplify the tasks of applications, the XML processor must behave
* > as if it normalized all line breaks in external parsed entities (including the document entity)
* > on input, before parsing, by translating all of the following to a single #xA character:
* >
* > 1. the two-character sequence #xD #xA,
* > 2. the two-character sequence #xD #x85,
* > 3. the single character #x85,
* > 4. the single character #x2028,
* > 5. any #xD character that is not immediately followed by #xA or #x85.
* @param {string} input
* @returns {string}
* @prettierignore
function normalizeLineEndings(input) {
return input.replace(/\r[\n\u0085]/g, '\n').replace(/[\r\u0085\u2028]/g, '\n');
* @typedef Locator
* @property {number} [columnNumber]
* @property {number} [lineNumber]
* @typedef DOMParserOptions
* @property {typeof assign} [assign]
* The method to use instead of `conventions.assign`, which is used to copy values from
* `options` before they are used for parsing.
* @property {typeof DOMHandler} [domHandler]
* For internal testing: The class for creating an instance for handling events from the SAX
* parser.
* *****Warning: By configuring a faulty implementation, the specified behavior can completely
* be broken.*****.
* @property {Function} [errorHandler]
* DEPRECATED! use `onError` instead.
* @property {function(level:ErrorLevel, message:string, context: DOMHandler):void}
* [onError]
* A function that is invoked for every error that occurs during parsing.
* If it is not provided, all errors are reported to `console.error`
* and only `fatalError`s are thrown as a `ParseError`,
* which prevents any further processing.
* If the provided method throws, a `ParserError` is thrown,
* which prevents any further processing.
* Be aware that many `warning`s are considered an error that prevents further processing in
* most implementations.
* @property {boolean} [locator=true]
* Configures if the nodes created during parsing will have a `lineNumber` and a `columnNumber`
* attribute describing their location in the XML string.
* Default is true.
* @property {(string) => string} [normalizeLineEndings]
* used to replace line endings before parsing, defaults to `normalizeLineEndings`
* @property {Object} [xmlns]
* The XML namespaces that should be assumed when parsing.
* The default namespace can be provided by the key that is the empty string.
* When the `mimeType` for HTML, XHTML or SVG are passed to `parseFromString`,
* the default namespace that will be used,
* will be overridden according to the specification.
* @see {@link normalizeLineEndings}
* The DOMParser interface provides the ability to parse XML or HTML source code from a string
* into a DOM `Document`.
* ***xmldom is different from the spec in that it allows an `options` parameter,
* to control the behavior***.
* @class
* @param {DOMParserOptions} [options]
* @see
* @see
function DOMParser(options) {
options = options || { locator: true };
* The method to use instead of `conventions.assign`, which is used to copy values from
* `options`
* before they are used for parsing.
* @type {conventions.assign}
* @private
* @see {@link conventions.assign}
* @readonly
this.assign = options.assign || conventions.assign;
* For internal testing: The class for creating an instance for handling events from the SAX
* parser.
* *****Warning: By configuring a faulty implementation, the specified behavior can completely
* be broken*****.
* @type {typeof DOMHandler}
* @private
* @readonly
this.domHandler = options.domHandler || DOMHandler;
* A function that is invoked for every error that occurs during parsing.
* If it is not provided, all errors are reported to `console.error`
* and only `fatalError`s are thrown as a `ParseError`,
* which prevents any further processing.
* If the provided method throws, a `ParserError` is thrown,
* which prevents any further processing.
* Be aware that many `warning`s are considered an error that prevents further processing in
* most implementations.
* @type {function(level:ErrorLevel, message:string, context: DOMHandler):void}
* @see {@link onErrorStopParsing}
* @see {@link onWarningStopParsing}
this.onError = options.onError || options.errorHandler;
if (options.errorHandler && typeof options.errorHandler !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('errorHandler object is no longer supported, switch to onError!');
} else if (options.errorHandler) {
options.errorHandler('warning', 'The `errorHandler` option has been deprecated, use `onError` instead!', this);
* used to replace line endings before parsing, defaults to `normalizeLineEndings`
* @type {(string) => string}
* @readonly
this.normalizeLineEndings = options.normalizeLineEndings || normalizeLineEndings;
* Configures if the nodes created during parsing will have a `lineNumber` and a
* `columnNumber`
* attribute describing their location in the XML string.
* Default is true.
* @type {boolean}
* @readonly
this.locator = !!options.locator;
* The default namespace can be provided by the key that is the empty string.
* When the `mimeType` for HTML, XHTML or SVG are passed to `parseFromString`,
* the default namespace that will be used,
* will be overridden according to the specification.
* @type {Readonly<Object>}
* @readonly
this.xmlns = this.assign(Object.create(null), options.xmlns);
* Parses `source` using the options in the way configured by the `DOMParserOptions` of `this`
* `DOMParser`. If `mimeType` is `text/html` an HTML `Document` is created,
* otherwise an XML `Document` is created.
* __It behaves different from the description in the living standard__:
* - Uses the `options` passed to the `DOMParser` constructor to modify the behavior.
* - Any unexpected input is reported to `onError` with either a `warning`,
* `error` or `fatalError` level.
* - Any `fatalError` throws a `ParseError` which prevents further processing.
* - Any error thrown by `onError` is converted to a `ParseError` which prevents further
* processing - If no `Document` was created during parsing it is reported as a `fatalError`.
* *****Warning: By configuring a faulty DOMHandler implementation,
* the specified behavior can completely be broken*****.
* @param {string} source
* The XML mime type only allows string input!
* @param {string} [mimeType='application/xml']
* the mimeType or contentType of the document to be created determines the `type` of document
* created (XML or HTML)
* @returns {Document}
* The `Document` node.
* @throws {ParseError}
* for any `fatalError` or anything that is thrown by `onError`
* @throws {TypeError}
* for any invalid `mimeType`
* @see
* @see
DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function (source, mimeType) {
if (!isValidMimeType(mimeType)) {
throw new TypeError('DOMParser.parseFromString: the provided mimeType "' + mimeType + '" is not valid.');
var defaultNSMap = this.assign(Object.create(null), this.xmlns);
var entityMap = entities.XML_ENTITIES;
var defaultNamespace = defaultNSMap[''] || null;
if (hasDefaultHTMLNamespace(mimeType)) {
entityMap = entities.HTML_ENTITIES;
defaultNamespace = NAMESPACE.HTML;
} else if (mimeType === MIME_TYPE.XML_SVG_IMAGE) {
defaultNamespace = NAMESPACE.SVG;
defaultNSMap[''] = defaultNamespace;
defaultNSMap.xml = defaultNSMap.xml || NAMESPACE.XML;
var domBuilder = new this.domHandler({
mimeType: mimeType,
defaultNamespace: defaultNamespace,
onError: this.onError,
var locator = this.locator ? {} : undefined;
if (this.locator) {
var sax = new XMLReader();
sax.errorHandler = domBuilder;
sax.domBuilder = domBuilder;
var isXml = !conventions.isHTMLMimeType(mimeType);
if (isXml && typeof source !== 'string') {
sax.errorHandler.fatalError('source is not a string');
sax.parse(this.normalizeLineEndings(String(source)), defaultNSMap, entityMap);
if (!domBuilder.doc.documentElement) {
sax.errorHandler.fatalError('missing root element');
return domBuilder.doc;
* @typedef DOMHandlerOptions
* @property {string} [mimeType=MIME_TYPE.XML_APPLICATION]
* @property {string | null} [defaultNamespace=null]
* The class that is used to handle events from the SAX parser to create the related DOM
* elements.
* Some methods are only implemented as an empty function,
* since they are (at least currently) not relevant for xmldom.
* @class
* @param {DOMHandlerOptions} [options]
* @see
function DOMHandler(options) {
var opt = options || {};
* The mime type is used to determine if the DOM handler will create an XML or HTML document.
* Only if it is set to `text/html` it will create an HTML document.
* @type {string}
* @see {@link MIME_TYPE}
* @readonly
this.mimeType = opt.mimeType || MIME_TYPE.XML_APPLICATION;
* The namespace to use to create an XML document.
* For the following reasons this is required:
* - The SAX API for `startDocument` doesn't offer any way to pass a namespace,
* since at that point there is no way for the parser to know what the default namespace from
* the document will be.
* - When creating using `DOMImplementation.createDocument` it is required to pass a
* namespace,
* to determine the correct `Document.contentType`, which should match `this.mimeType`.
* - When parsing an XML document with the `application/xhtml+xml` mimeType,
* the HTML namespace needs to be the default namespace.
* @type {string | null}
* @private
* @readonly
this.defaultNamespace = opt.defaultNamespace || null;
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.cdata = false;
* The last `Element` that was created by `startElement`.
* `endElement` sets it to the `currentElement.parentNode`.
* Note: The sax parser currently sets it to white space text nodes between tags.
* @type {Element | Node | undefined}
* @private
this.currentElement = undefined;
* The Document that is created as part of `startDocument`,
* and returned by `DOMParser.parseFromString`.
* @type {Document | undefined}
* @readonly
this.doc = undefined;
* The locator is stored as part of setDocumentLocator.
* It is controlled and mutated by the SAX parser to store the current parsing position.
* It is used by DOMHandler to set `columnNumber` and `lineNumber`
* on the DOM nodes.
* @type {Readonly<Locator> | undefined}
* @private
* @readonly (the
* sax parser currently sometimes set's it)
this.locator = undefined;
* @type {function (level:ErrorLevel ,message:string, context:DOMHandler):void}
* @readonly
this.onError = opt.onError;
function position(locator, node) {
node.lineNumber = locator.lineNumber;
node.columnNumber = locator.columnNumber;
DOMHandler.prototype = {
* Either creates an XML or an HTML document and stores it under `this.doc`.
* If it is an XML document, `this.defaultNamespace` is used to create it,
* and it will not contain any `childNodes`.
* If it is an HTML document, it will be created without any `childNodes`.
* @see
startDocument: function () {
var impl = new DOMImplementation();
this.doc = isHTMLMimeType(this.mimeType) ? impl.createHTMLDocument(false) : impl.createDocument(this.defaultNamespace, '');
startElement: function (namespaceURI, localName, qName, attrs) {
var doc = this.doc;
var el = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qName || localName);
var len = attrs.length;
appendElement(this, el);
this.currentElement = el;
this.locator && position(this.locator, el);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var namespaceURI = attrs.getURI(i);
var value = attrs.getValue(i);
var qName = attrs.getQName(i);
var attr = doc.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qName);
this.locator && position(attrs.getLocator(i), attr);
attr.value = attr.nodeValue = value;
endElement: function (namespaceURI, localName, qName) {
this.currentElement = this.currentElement.parentNode;
startPrefixMapping: function (prefix, uri) {},
endPrefixMapping: function (prefix) {},
processingInstruction: function (target, data) {
var ins = this.doc.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
this.locator && position(this.locator, ins);
appendElement(this, ins);
ignorableWhitespace: function (ch, start, length) {},
characters: function (chars, start, length) {
chars = _toString.apply(this, arguments);
if (chars) {
if (this.cdata) {
var charNode = this.doc.createCDATASection(chars);
} else {
var charNode = this.doc.createTextNode(chars);
if (this.currentElement) {
} else if (/^\s*$/.test(chars)) {
//process xml
this.locator && position(this.locator, charNode);
skippedEntity: function (name) {},
endDocument: function () {
* Stores the locator to be able to set the `columnNumber` and `lineNumber`
* on the created DOM nodes.
* @param {Locator} locator
setDocumentLocator: function (locator) {
if (locator) {
locator.lineNumber = 0;
this.locator = locator;
comment: function (chars, start, length) {
chars = _toString.apply(this, arguments);
var comm = this.doc.createComment(chars);
this.locator && position(this.locator, comm);
appendElement(this, comm);
startCDATA: function () {
//used in characters() methods
this.cdata = true;
endCDATA: function () {
this.cdata = false;
startDTD: function (name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset) {
var impl = this.doc.implementation;
if (impl && impl.createDocumentType) {
var dt = impl.createDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset);
this.locator && position(this.locator, dt);
appendElement(this, dt);
this.doc.doctype = dt;
reportError: function (level, message) {
if (typeof this.onError === 'function') {
try {
this.onError(level, message, this);
} catch (e) {
throw new ParseError('Reporting ' + level + ' "' + message + '" caused ' + e, this.locator);
} else {
console.error('[xmldom ' + level + ']\t' + message, _locator(this.locator));
* @see
warning: function (message) {
this.reportError('warning', message);
error: function (message) {
this.reportError('error', message);
* This function reports a fatal error and throws a ParseError.
* @param {string} message
* - The message to be used for reporting and throwing the error.
* @returns {never}
* This function always throws an error and never returns a value.
* @throws {ParseError}
* Always throws a ParseError with the provided message.
fatalError: function (message) {
this.reportError('fatalError', message);
throw new ParseError(message, this.locator);
function _locator(l) {
if (l) {
return '\n@#[line:' + l.lineNumber + ',col:' + l.columnNumber + ']';
function _toString(chars, start, length) {
if (typeof chars == 'string') {
return chars.substr(start, length);
} else {
//java sax connect width xmldom on rhino(what about: "? && !(chars instanceof String)")
if (chars.length >= start + length || start) {
return new java.lang.String(chars, start, length) + '';
return chars;
* @link
* used method of org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler:
* #comment(chars, start, length)
* #startCDATA()
* #endCDATA()
* #startDTD(name, publicId, systemId)
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler:
* #endDTD()
* #startEntity(name)
* #endEntity(name)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler
* #attributeDecl(eName, aName, type, mode, value)
* #elementDecl(name, model)
* #externalEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId)
* #internalEntityDecl(name, value)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.EntityResolver2
* #resolveEntity(String name,String publicId,String baseURI,String systemId)
* #resolveEntity(publicId, systemId)
* #getExternalSubset(name, baseURI)
* @link
* IGNORED method of org.xml.sax.DTDHandler
* #notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId) {};
* #unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, notationName) {};
function (key) {
DOMHandler.prototype[key] = function () {
return null;
/* Private static helpers treated below as private instance methods, so don't need to add these to the public API; we might use a Relator to also get rid of non-standard public properties */
function appendElement(handler, node) {
if (!handler.currentElement) {
} else {
* A method that prevents any further parsing when an `error`
* with level `error` is reported during parsing.
* @see {@link DOMParserOptions.onError}
* @see {@link onWarningStopParsing}
function onErrorStopParsing(level) {
if (level === 'error') throw 'onErrorStopParsing';
* A method that prevents any further parsing when any `error` is reported during parsing.
* @see {@link DOMParserOptions.onError}
* @see {@link onErrorStopParsing}
function onWarningStopParsing() {
throw 'onWarningStopParsing';
exports.__DOMHandler = DOMHandler;
exports.DOMParser = DOMParser;
exports.normalizeLineEndings = normalizeLineEndings;
exports.onErrorStopParsing = onErrorStopParsing;
exports.onWarningStopParsing = onWarningStopParsing;