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name : test_config_discovery.py
import os
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
from itertools import product
from typing import cast

import jaraco.path
import pytest
from path import Path

import setuptools  # noqa: F401 # force distutils.core to be patched
from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist
from setuptools.discovery import find_package_path, find_parent_package
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from setuptools.errors import PackageDiscoveryError

from .contexts import quiet
from .integration.helpers import get_sdist_members, get_wheel_members, run
from .textwrap import DALS

import distutils.core

class TestFindParentPackage:
    def test_single_package(self, tmp_path):
        # find_parent_package should find a non-namespace parent package
        (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/nested").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
        (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/nested/__init__.py").touch()
        (tmp_path / "src/namespace/pkg/__init__.py").touch()
        packages = ["namespace", "namespace.pkg", "namespace.pkg.nested"]
        assert find_parent_package(packages, {"": "src"}, tmp_path) == "namespace.pkg"

    def test_multiple_toplevel(self, tmp_path):
        # find_parent_package should return null if the given list of packages does not
        # have a single parent package
        multiple = ["pkg", "pkg1", "pkg2"]
        for name in multiple:
            (tmp_path / f"src/{name}").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
            (tmp_path / f"src/{name}/__init__.py").touch()
        assert find_parent_package(multiple, {"": "src"}, tmp_path) is None

class TestDiscoverPackagesAndPyModules:
    """Make sure discovered values for ``packages`` and ``py_modules`` work
    similarly to explicit configuration for the simple scenarios.

    OPTIONS = {
        # Different options according to the circumstance being tested
        "explicit-src": {"package_dir": {"": "src"}, "packages": ["pkg"]},
        "variation-lib": {
            "package_dir": {"": "lib"},  # variation of the source-layout
        "explicit-flat": {"packages": ["pkg"]},
        "explicit-single_module": {"py_modules": ["pkg"]},
        "explicit-namespace": {"packages": ["ns", "ns.pkg"]},
        "automatic-src": {},
        "automatic-flat": {},
        "automatic-single_module": {},
        "automatic-namespace": {},
    FILES = {
        "src": ["src/pkg/__init__.py", "src/pkg/main.py"],
        "lib": ["lib/pkg/__init__.py", "lib/pkg/main.py"],
        "flat": ["pkg/__init__.py", "pkg/main.py"],
        "single_module": ["pkg.py"],
        "namespace": ["ns/pkg/__init__.py"],

    def _get_info(self, circumstance):
        _, _, layout = circumstance.partition("-")
        files = self.FILES[layout]
        options = self.OPTIONS[circumstance]
        return files, options

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("circumstance", OPTIONS.keys())
    def test_sdist_filelist(self, tmp_path, circumstance):
        files, options = self._get_info(circumstance)
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, options)

        _, cmd = _run_sdist_programatically(tmp_path, options)

        manifest = [f.replace(os.sep, "/") for f in cmd.filelist.files]
        for file in files:
            assert any(f.endswith(file) for f in manifest)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("circumstance", OPTIONS.keys())
    def test_project(self, tmp_path, circumstance):
        files, options = self._get_info(circumstance)
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, options)

        # Simulate a pre-existing `build` directory
        (tmp_path / "build").mkdir()
        (tmp_path / "build/lib").mkdir()
        (tmp_path / "build/bdist.linux-x86_64").mkdir()
        (tmp_path / "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/file.py").touch()
        (tmp_path / "build/lib/__init__.py").touch()
        (tmp_path / "build/lib/file.py").touch()
        (tmp_path / "dist").mkdir()
        (tmp_path / "dist/file.py").touch()


        sdist_files = get_sdist_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.tar.gz")))
        print("~~~~~ sdist_members ~~~~~")
        assert sdist_files >= set(files)

        wheel_files = get_wheel_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.whl")))
        print("~~~~~ wheel_members ~~~~~")
        orig_files = {f.replace("src/", "").replace("lib/", "") for f in files}
        assert wheel_files >= orig_files

        # Make sure build files are not included by mistake
        for file in wheel_files:
            assert "build" not in files
            assert "dist" not in files

        "setup.cfg": DALS(
            name = myproj
            version = 0.0.0

            {param} =
        "setup.py": DALS(
        "pyproject.toml": DALS(
            requires = []
            build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'

            name = "myproj"
            version = "0.0.0"

            {param} = []
        "template-pyproject.toml": DALS(
            requires = []
            build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'

        ("config_file", "param", "circumstance"),
            ["setup.cfg", "setup.py", "pyproject.toml"],
            ["packages", "py_modules"],
    def test_purposefully_empty(self, tmp_path, config_file, param, circumstance):
        files = self.FILES[circumstance] + ["mod.py", "other.py", "src/pkg/__init__.py"]
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})

        if config_file == "pyproject.toml":
            template_param = param.replace("_", "-")
            # Make sure build works with or without setup.cfg
            pyproject = self.PURPOSEFULLY_EMPY["template-pyproject.toml"]
            (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(pyproject, encoding="utf-8")
            template_param = param

        config = self.PURPOSEFULLY_EMPY[config_file].format(param=template_param)
        (tmp_path / config_file).write_text(config, encoding="utf-8")

        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        # When either parameter package or py_modules is an empty list,
        # then there should be no discovery
        assert getattr(dist, param) == []
        other = {"py_modules": "packages", "packages": "py_modules"}[param]
        assert getattr(dist, other) is None

        ("extra_files", "pkgs"),
            (["venv/bin/simulate_venv"], {"pkg"}),
            (["pkg-stubs/__init__.pyi"], {"pkg", "pkg-stubs"}),
            (["other-stubs/__init__.pyi"], {"pkg", "other-stubs"}),
                # Type stubs can also be namespaced
                {"pkg", "namespace-stubs", "namespace-stubs.pkg"},
                # Just the top-level package can have `-stubs`, ignore nested ones
                {"pkg", "namespace-stubs"},
            (["_hidden/file.py"], {"pkg"}),
            (["news/finalize.py"], {"pkg"}),
    def test_flat_layout_with_extra_files(self, tmp_path, extra_files, pkgs):
        files = self.FILES["flat"] + extra_files
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert set(dist.packages) == pkgs

    def test_flat_layout_with_dangerous_extra_files(self, tmp_path, extra_files):
        files = self.FILES["flat"] + extra_files
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
        with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
            _get_dist(tmp_path, {})

    def test_flat_layout_with_single_module(self, tmp_path):
        files = self.FILES["single_module"] + ["invalid-module-name.py"]
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert set(dist.py_modules) == {"pkg"}

    def test_flat_layout_with_multiple_modules(self, tmp_path):
        files = self.FILES["single_module"] + ["valid_module_name.py"]
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
        with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
            _get_dist(tmp_path, {})

    def test_py_modules_when_wheel_dir_is_cwd(self, tmp_path):
        """Regression for issue 3692"""
        from setuptools import build_meta

        pyproject = '[project]\nname = "test"\nversion = "1"'
        (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(DALS(pyproject), encoding="utf-8")
        (tmp_path / "foo.py").touch()
        with jaraco.path.DirectoryStack().context(tmp_path):
        # Ensure py_modules are found
        wheel_files = get_wheel_members(next(tmp_path.glob("*.whl")))
        assert "foo.py" in wheel_files

class TestNoConfig:
    DEFAULT_VERSION = "0.0.0"  # Default version given by setuptools

    EXAMPLES = {
        "pkg1": ["src/pkg1.py"],
        "pkg2": ["src/pkg2/__init__.py"],
        "pkg3": ["src/pkg3/__init__.py", "src/pkg3-stubs/__init__.py"],
        "pkg4": ["pkg4/__init__.py", "pkg4-stubs/__init__.py"],
        "ns.nested.pkg1": ["src/ns/nested/pkg1/__init__.py"],
        "ns.nested.pkg2": ["ns/nested/pkg2/__init__.py"],

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("example", EXAMPLES.keys())
    def test_discover_name(self, tmp_path, example):
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, self.EXAMPLES[example], {})
        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert dist.get_name() == example

    def test_build_with_discovered_name(self, tmp_path):
        files = ["src/ns/nested/pkg/__init__.py"]
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
        _run_build(tmp_path, "--sdist")
        # Expected distribution file
        dist_file = tmp_path / f"dist/ns_nested_pkg-{self.DEFAULT_VERSION}.tar.gz"
        assert dist_file.is_file()

class TestWithAttrDirective:
        ("folder", "opts"),
            ("src", {}),
            ("lib", {"packages": "find:", "packages.find": {"where": "lib"}}),
    def test_setupcfg_metadata(self, tmp_path, folder, opts):
        files = [f"{folder}/pkg/__init__.py", "setup.cfg"]
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, opts)

        config = (tmp_path / "setup.cfg").read_text(encoding="utf-8")
        overwrite = {
            folder: {"pkg": {"__init__.py": "version = 42"}},
            "setup.cfg": "[metadata]\nversion = attr: pkg.version\n" + config,
        jaraco.path.build(overwrite, prefix=tmp_path)

        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert dist.get_name() == "pkg"
        assert dist.get_version() == "42"
        assert dist.package_dir
        package_path = find_package_path("pkg", dist.package_dir, tmp_path)
        assert os.path.exists(package_path)
        assert folder in Path(package_path).parts()

        _run_build(tmp_path, "--sdist")
        dist_file = tmp_path / "dist/pkg-42.tar.gz"
        assert dist_file.is_file()

    def test_pyproject_metadata(self, tmp_path):
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, ["src/pkg/__init__.py"], {})

        overwrite = {
            "src": {"pkg": {"__init__.py": "version = 42"}},
            "pyproject.toml": (
                "[project]\nname = 'pkg'\ndynamic = ['version']\n"
                "[tool.setuptools.dynamic]\nversion = {attr = 'pkg.version'}\n"
        jaraco.path.build(overwrite, prefix=tmp_path)

        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert dist.get_version() == "42"
        assert dist.package_dir == {"": "src"}

class TestWithCExtension:
    def _simulate_package_with_extension(self, tmp_path):
        # This example is based on: https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi/tree/1.4.0
        files = [
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})

        setup_script = """
            from setuptools import Extension, setup

            ext_modules = [
                    ["py/proj.cpp", "py/other.cpp"],
        (tmp_path / "setup.py").write_text(DALS(setup_script), encoding="utf-8")

    def test_skip_discovery_with_setupcfg_metadata(self, tmp_path):
        """Ensure that auto-discovery is not triggered when the project is based on
        C-extensions only, for backward compatibility.

        pyproject = """
            requires = []
            build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
        (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(DALS(pyproject), encoding="utf-8")

        setupcfg = """
            name = proj
            version = 42
        (tmp_path / "setup.cfg").write_text(DALS(setupcfg), encoding="utf-8")

        dist = _get_dist(tmp_path, {})
        assert dist.get_name() == "proj"
        assert dist.get_version() == "42"
        assert dist.py_modules is None
        assert dist.packages is None
        assert len(dist.ext_modules) == 1
        assert dist.ext_modules[0].name == "proj"

    def test_dont_skip_discovery_with_pyproject_metadata(self, tmp_path):
        """When opting-in to pyproject.toml metadata, auto-discovery will be active if
        the package lists C-extensions, but does not configure py-modules or packages.

        This way we ensure users with complex package layouts that would lead to the
        discovery of multiple top-level modules/packages see errors and are forced to
        explicitly set ``packages`` or ``py-modules``.

        pyproject = """
            name = 'proj'
            version = '42'
        (tmp_path / "pyproject.toml").write_text(DALS(pyproject), encoding="utf-8")
        with pytest.raises(PackageDiscoveryError, match="multiple (packages|modules)"):
            _get_dist(tmp_path, {})

class TestWithPackageData:
    def _simulate_package_with_data_files(self, tmp_path, src_root):
        files = [
        _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})

        manifest = """
            global-include *.py *.txt
        (tmp_path / "MANIFEST.in").write_text(DALS(manifest), encoding="utf-8")

    name = proj
    version = 42

    include_package_data = True
    name = "proj"
    version = "42"

    package-dir = {"" = "src"}

        ("src_root", "files"),
            (".", {"setup.cfg": DALS(EXAMPLE_SETUPCFG)}),
            (".", {"pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT)}),
            ("src", {"setup.cfg": DALS(EXAMPLE_SETUPCFG)}),
            ("src", {"pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT)}),
                    "setup.cfg": DALS(EXAMPLE_SETUPCFG)
                    + DALS(
                        packages = find:
                        package_dir =

                        where = src
                    "pyproject.toml": DALS(EXAMPLE_PYPROJECT)
                    + DALS(
                        package-dir = {"" = "src"}
    def test_include_package_data(self, tmp_path, src_root, files):
        Make sure auto-discovery does not affect package include_package_data.
        See issue #3196.
        jaraco.path.build(files, prefix=str(tmp_path))
        self._simulate_package_with_data_files(tmp_path, src_root)

        expected = {
            os.path.normpath(f"{src_root}/proj/file1.txt").replace(os.sep, "/"),
            os.path.normpath(f"{src_root}/proj/nested/file2.txt").replace(os.sep, "/"),


        sdist_files = get_sdist_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.tar.gz")))
        print("~~~~~ sdist_members ~~~~~")
        assert sdist_files >= expected

        wheel_files = get_wheel_members(next(tmp_path.glob("dist/*.whl")))
        print("~~~~~ wheel_members ~~~~~")
        orig_files = {f.replace("src/", "").replace("lib/", "") for f in expected}
        assert wheel_files >= orig_files

def test_compatible_with_numpy_configuration(tmp_path):
    files = [
    _populate_project_dir(tmp_path, files, {})
    dist = Distribution({})
    dist.configuration = object()
    assert dist.py_modules is None
    assert dist.packages is None

def test_name_discovery_doesnt_break_cli(tmpdir_cwd):
    jaraco.path.build({"pkg.py": ""})
    dist = Distribution({})
    dist.script_args = ["--name"]
    dist.parse_command_line()  # <-- no exception should be raised here.
    assert dist.get_name() == "pkg"

def test_preserve_explicit_name_with_dynamic_version(tmpdir_cwd, monkeypatch):
    """According to #3545 it seems that ``name`` discovery is running,
    even when the project already explicitly sets it.
    This seems to be related to parsing of dynamic versions (via ``attr`` directive),
    which requires the auto-discovery of ``package_dir``.
    files = {
        "src": {
            "pkg": {"__init__.py": "__version__ = 42\n"},
        "pyproject.toml": DALS(
            name = "myproj"  # purposefully different from package name
            dynamic = ["version"]
            version = {"attr" = "pkg.__version__"}
    dist = Distribution({})
    orig_analyse_name = dist.set_defaults.analyse_name

    def spy_analyse_name():
        # We can check if name discovery was triggered by ensuring the original
        # name remains instead of the package name.
        assert dist.get_name() == "myproj"

    monkeypatch.setattr(dist.set_defaults, "analyse_name", spy_analyse_name)
    assert dist.get_version() == "42"
    assert set(dist.packages) == {"pkg"}

def _populate_project_dir(root, files, options):
    # NOTE: Currently pypa/build will refuse to build the project if no
    # `pyproject.toml` or `setup.py` is found. So it is impossible to do
    # completely "config-less" projects.
    basic = {
        "setup.py": "import setuptools\nsetuptools.setup()",
        "README.md": "# Example Package",
        "LICENSE": "Copyright (c) 2018",
    jaraco.path.build(basic, prefix=root)
    _write_setupcfg(root, options)
    paths = (root / f for f in files)
    for path in paths:
        path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

def _write_setupcfg(root, options):
    if not options:
        print("~~~~~ **NO** setup.cfg ~~~~~")
    setupcfg = ConfigParser()
    for key, value in options.items():
        if key == "packages.find":
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            setupcfg["options"][key] = ", ".join(value)
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            str_value = "\n".join(f"\t{k} = {v}" for k, v in value.items())
            setupcfg["options"][key] = "\n" + str_value
            setupcfg["options"][key] = str(value)
    with open(root / "setup.cfg", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    print("~~~~~ setup.cfg ~~~~~")
    print((root / "setup.cfg").read_text(encoding="utf-8"))

def _run_build(path, *flags):
    cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--no-isolation", *flags, str(path)]
    return run(cmd, env={'DISTUTILS_DEBUG': ''})

def _get_dist(dist_path, attrs):
    root = "/".join(os.path.split(dist_path))  # POSIX-style

    script = dist_path / 'setup.py'
    if script.exists():
        with Path(dist_path):
            dist = cast(
                distutils.core.run_setup("setup.py", {}, stop_after="init"),
        dist = Distribution(attrs)

    dist.src_root = root
    dist.script_name = "setup.py"
    with Path(dist_path):

    return dist

def _run_sdist_programatically(dist_path, attrs):
    dist = _get_dist(dist_path, attrs)
    cmd = sdist(dist)
    assert cmd.distribution.packages or cmd.distribution.py_modules

    with quiet(), Path(dist_path):

    return dist, cmd
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