Uname: Linux business55.web-hosting.com 4.18.0-553.lve.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 27 15:27:34 UTC 2024 x86_64
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name : persistors.py
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT

import grp
import json
import logging
import os
import pwd
import time

from clcommon.utils import ExternalProgramFailed, run_command
from lvestats.core.plugin import LveStatsPlugin
from lvestats.lib.commons.func import atomic_write_csv, atomic_write_str, deserialize_lve_id
from lvestats.lib.commons.sizeutil import mempages_to_bytes

__author__ = 'iseletsk'

class FileSaver(LveStatsPlugin):
    def __init__(self, fname='/var/lve/info'):
        """:type fname: str"""
        self.fname = fname
        self.log = logging.getLogger('plugin.file_saver')

    def write(self, output):
        :type output: list
        :rtype: None
            atomic_write_csv(self.fname, output)
        except OSError as e:
            self.log.error('Error during saving the "%s" file: %s', self.fname, e)

    def compare_limits(lve_stat, lve_usage, lve_version):
        :type lve_usage: lvestats.plugins.generic.aggregators.AggregatedLveUsage
        :type lve_stat: lvestat.LVEStat
        :type lve_version: int
        res1 = (
            lve_stat.lep != lve_usage.lep
            or lve_stat.cpu != lve_usage.lcpu
            or lve_stat.lmem != lve_usage.lmem
            or lve_stat.lmemphy != lve_usage.lmemphy
            or lve_stat.lnproc != lve_usage.lnproc
            or lve_stat.io * 1024 != lve_usage.io
        if lve_version > 6:
            res2 = lve_stat.liops != lve_usage.liops
            res2 = False

        return res1 or res2

    def execute(self, lve_data):
        """:type lve_data: dict"""
        lve_version = lve_data['LVE_VERSION']
        usages = lve_data.get('lve_usage_5s', {})
        new = lve_data['stats']
        output_rows = []
        for lve_id, v in usages.items():
            data = []
                    lve_id,  # 0 - id
                    int(v.mep),  # 1 - mep
                    int(v.lep),  # 2 - lep
                    int(v.cpu_usage),  # 3 - cpu_usage
                    int(v.lcpu),  # 4 - lcpu
                    int(v.mem_usage),  # 5 - mem_usage
                    int(v.lmem),  # 6 - lmem
                    int(v.mem_fault),  # 7 - mem_fault
                    int(v.mep_fault),  # 8 - mep_fault
                    int(v.lmemphy),  # 9 - lmemphy
                    int(v.memphy),  # 10 - memphy
                    int(v.memphy_fault),  # 11 - memphy_fault
                    int(v.lnproc),  # 12 - lnproc
                    int(v.nproc),  # 13 - nproc
                    int(v.nproc_fault),  # 14 - nproc_fault
                    0,  # 15 - lcpuw (deprecated not used)
                    int(v.io_usage) // 1024,  # 16 - io_usage
                    int(v.io) // 1024,
            )  # 17 - io_limit
            if lve_version >= 8:
                        int(v.liops),  # 18 - liops
                )  # 19 - iops

            data.extend([''] * (20 - len(data)))

            # Mandatory fields for any version
            data.append(v.cpu_fault)  # 20 - cpu_fault
            data.append(v.iops_fault)  # 21 - iops_fault
            data.append(v.io_fault)  # 22 - io_fault


        for lve_id, new_lvestat in new.items():
            lve_id, is_reseller = deserialize_lve_id(lve_id)
            if is_reseller:
                # TODO: need to create some other file format; lvp_id is not supported for now;

            if usages and lve_id not in usages:
                # limits are NOT equal to defaults ?
                if 0 not in usages:
                    # no defaults?
                    self.log.warning("No defaults collected to compare with, skipping")

                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                if self.compare_limits(lve_stat=new_lvestat, lve_usage=usages[0], lve_version=lve_version):
                    data = []

                            lve_id,  # 0 - id
                            0,  # 1 - mep
                            int(new_lvestat.lep),  # 2 - lep
                            0,  # 3 - cpu_usage
                            int(new_lvestat.cpu),  # 4 - lcpu
                            0,  # 5 - mem_usage
                            int(new_lvestat.lmem),  # 6 - lmem
                            0,  # 7 - mem_fault
                            0,  # 8 - mep_fault
                            int(new_lvestat.lmemphy),  # 9 - lmemphy
                            0,  # 10 - memphy
                            0,  # 11 - memphy_fault
                            int(new_lvestat.lnproc),  # 12 - lnproc
                            0,  # 13 - nproc
                            0,  # 14 - nproc_fault
                            0,  # 15 - lcpuw (deprecated not used)
                            0,  # 16 - io_usage
                    )  # 17 - io_limit
                    if lve_version >= 8:
                                int(new_lvestat.liops),  # 18 - liops
                        )  # 19 - iops

                    data.extend([''] * (20 - len(data)))
                    # Mandatory fields for any version
                    data.append(0)  # 20 - cpu_fault
                    data.append(0)  # 21 - iops_fault
                    data.append(0)  # 22 - io_fault


class MySQLTopFileSaver(LveStatsPlugin):
    dbtop = "/usr/sbin/dbtop"

    def __init__(self, fname='/var/lve/cloudlinux_dbtop.json'):
        self.fname = fname
        self.touch_fname = '/var/lve/governor.ts'
        self.log = logging.getLogger('plugin.cloudlinux_dbtop_file_saver')
        self._dbtop_exist = self._check_dbtop_exist()
        if self._dbtop_exist:  # create touch file if dbtop exist

    def __del__(self):
        Try delete created files

    def _try_unlink_file(self, fname):
        Try delete file; push warning to log if wrong
        :param fname: path to file
        self.log.debug('Delete %s file', fname)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != 2:  # error number 2 - No such file or directory
                self.log.warning('Can\'t delete %s file; %s', fname, e)
        except SystemError as e:
            self.log.warning('Can\'t delete %s file; %s', fname, e)

    def _convert_to_bytes(value):
        :type value: str
        :rtype: int
            return int(value)
        except ValueError:
            if value[-1] in ("k", "K", "kb", "Kb"):
                return int(value[:-1]) * 1024
            elif value[-1] in ("m", "M", "mb", "Mb"):
                return int(value[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024
            elif value[-1] in ("g", "G", "gb", "Gb"):
                return int(value[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024

    def _create_touch_file(self):
        Create file to touching; file owned by nobody and accessible to change
        self.log.debug('Create %s file', self.touch_fname)
            uid = pwd.getpwnam("nobody").pw_uid
                gid = grp.getgrnam('nobody').gr_gid
            except KeyError:
                # Ubuntu doesn't have "nobody" group by default so let's try "nogroup"
                # But "nobody" on Ubuntu can be added by 3rd party software e.g. cPanel
                gid = grp.getgrnam('nogroup').gr_gid

            with open(self.touch_fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8'):
            os.chown(self.touch_fname, uid, gid)
            os.chmod(self.touch_fname, 0o644)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            self.log.error("Can't create %s file; %s", self.touch_fname, str(e))

    def _parse_dbtop_cause(self, value):
        :rtype: (str, int)
        :type value: str
        cause_of_restrict = "-"
        time_of_restrict = 0
        if value in ("-", ""):
            return cause_of_restrict, time_of_restrict
        if "cpu" in value:
            cause_of_restrict = "cpu"
        elif "read" in value:
            cause_of_restrict = "read"
        elif "write" in value:
            cause_of_restrict = "write"
            cause_of_restrict = "unknown"
            time_of_restrict = int(value.split("/")[-1])
        except (KeyError, ValueError):
            self.log.error("could not parse cause string: %s", value)
        return cause_of_restrict, time_of_restrict

    def _check_dbtop_exist(self):
        Check if dbtop util exist
        :return bool: True if exist
        self.log.debug('Check exist %s file', self.dbtop)
        return os.path.exists(self.dbtop)

    def get_dbtop_info(self):
        Try obtain and parse data from dtop -c output
        :rtype: dict
            dbtop_output = self._get_dbtop_output()
        except ExternalProgramFailed as e:
            if "Can't connect to socket" not in str(e):
                self.log.error("dbtop execution is failed: %s", str(e))
            return {}
        result = {}
        for output in dbtop_output[1:]:
                user, cpu, read, write, cause = output.split()
            except ValueError as e:
                self.log.error("Can't unpack output: %s\n%s", str(output), str(e))
            cause_of_restrict, time_of_restrict = self._parse_dbtop_cause(cause)
            result[user] = {
                "cpu": int(cpu.split("/")[0]),
                "io": self._convert_to_bytes(read.split("/")[0]) + self._convert_to_bytes(write.split("/")[0]),
                "cause_of_restrict": cause_of_restrict,
                "time_of_restrict": time_of_restrict,
        return result

    def _get_dbtop_output(self):
        Run dbtop -c and split output
        :return list[str]:
        cmd = [self.dbtop, "-c"]
        self.log.debug('Run "%s" command', ' '.join(cmd))
        dbtop_output = run_command(cmd)
        return dbtop_output.strip().split("\n")

    def _output(self, result):
        Dump datat to file as json string
        :param result dict: data to need dump
        self.log.debug('Dump data to %s file', self.fname)
        json_result = json.dumps(result)
            atomic_write_str(self.fname, json_result)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            self.log.error('Error during saving the "%s" file: %s', self.fname, e)

    def _need_dump(self):
        Check needed dump data to file. If touch file exist and was touched
        last 60 seconds we need dump data
        :return bool:
        return os.path.exists(self.touch_fname) and time.time() - os.stat(self.touch_fname).st_mtime <= 60

    def execute(self, lve_data):
        if self._dbtop_exist and self._need_dump():
            self._output({"dbgov_data": self.get_dbtop_info()})

class CloudLinuxTopFileSaver(LveStatsPlugin):
    def __init__(self, fname='/var/lve/cloudlinux_top.json'):
        self.fname = fname
        self.log = logging.getLogger('plugin.cloudlinux_top_file_saver')

    def _output(self, result):
        json_result = json.dumps(result)
            atomic_write_str(self.fname, json_result)
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            self.log.error('Error during saving the "%s" file: %s', self.fname, e)

    def execute(self, lve_data):
        lve_version = lve_data['LVE_VERSION']
        usages = lve_data.get('lve_usage_5s', {})
        users, resellers = [], []
        for uid, usage in list(usages.items()):
            lve_id, is_reseller = deserialize_lve_id(uid)
            if lve_id > 0:
                user = {
                    "id": uid,
                    "usage": {
                        "ep": usage.mep,
                        # Set CPU load measurement unit as % of one CPU core
                        "cpu": {"all": usage.cpu_usage / 100.0},
                        "io": {"all": usage.io_usage},
                        "mem": mempages_to_bytes(usage.memphy),
                        "pno": usage.nproc,
                    "limit": {
                        "ep": usage.lep,
                        # Set CPU limit measurement unit as % of one CPU core
                        "cpu": {"all": usage.lcpu / 100.0},
                        "io": {"all": usage.io},
                        "mem": mempages_to_bytes(usage.lmemphy),
                        "pno": usage.lnproc,
                if lve_version >= 8:
                    user["usage"]["iops"] = usage.iops
                    user["limit"]["iops"] = usage.liops

                if is_reseller:
        self._output({"users": users, "resellers": resellers})
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