shell bypass 403
Contains some experimental set constructions.
In the current state, not to be used by the faint-hearted.
It is likely due for some major refactoring and has probably
many bugs, it was a long time since I run the tests.
You don't get any other documentation than this right now.
def briefstr(x):
return getattr(x, 'brief')
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(x, tuple):
return '(%s)' % (','.join([briefstr(xi) for xi in x]))
return str(x)
class SpecFamily:
def __init__(self, unisetmod, specmod):
self.specmod = specmod
self.disjoints -= [self]
def __call__(self, arg):
return self.Set(self, arg)
def c_and(self, a, b):
if isinstance(b, SpecFamily):
return self.mod.fam_And._cons((a, b))
return b.fam._and_ATOM(b, a)
def _and_ID(self, a, b):
env = self.specmod._static_test_env
res = self.mod.mutnodeset()
for bi in b.nodes:
env.test_contains(a, bi, 'select contains')
except Exception: # TestError
return self.mod.fam_Identity._cons(self.mod.immnodeset(res))
def c_contains(self, a, b):
env = self.specmod._static_test_env
return env.test_contains(a, b, 'Spec contains')
except TestError:
return False
def c_getlimstr(self, a, max_len):
x = a.brief
if len(x) > max_len:
x = x[:max_len-3]+'...'
return x
def c_get_brief(self, a):
return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, briefstr(a.arg))
class ArgNamesFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.Set(self, args)
def getargnames(self, code):
inspect = self.specmod._root.inspect
(args, varargs, varkw) = inspect.getargs(code)
if varargs is not None:
args.append('*%s' % varargs)
if varkw is not None:
args.append('**%s' % varkw)
return tuple(args)
def func_argnames(self, f, args):
code = f.__code__
return self.getargnames(code) == args
except AttributeError:
return False
def meth_argnames(self, m, args):
f = m.__func__
code = f.__code__
return self.getargnames(code)[1:] == args
except AttributeError:
return False
def c_contains(self, a, x):
def func_argnames(f): return self.func_argnames(f, a.arg)
def meth_argnames(m): return self.meth_argnames(m, a.arg)
types = self.mod._root.types
return (func_argnames(x) or
meth_argnames(x) or
(isinstance(x, type) and
(hasattr(x, '__init__') and
meth_argnames(x.__init__))) or
(isinstance(x, type) and
(hasattr(x, '__init__') and
meth_argnames(x.__init__))) or
(hasattr(x, '__call__') and
class AttributeFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, name, type=None):
if type is None:
type = self.specmod.any
if not isinstance(type, self.mod.UniSet):
type = self.c_from(type)
return self.specotup((name, type))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
name, type = a.arg
x = env.gengetattr(b, name)
return type.test_contains(x, env)
def c_get_brieflimstr(self, a):
x = '<AttributeFamily(%r%%s>' % (a.arg[0],)
if a.arg[1] is not None:
x = x % (','+a.arg[1].brief)
x = x % ''
return x
class AdaptupleFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
self.add_export('new', lambda x: x.arg[0])
def __call__(self, func, type):
func, doc = self.specmod._exodoc(func)
type = self.specmod.setcast(type)
return self.specoargtup((func, type), (doc, type))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
func, type = a.arg
if isinstance(b, tuple):
x = func(*b)
except Exception:
return env.failed_exc_info('calling func failed')
x = b
return type.test_contains(x, env)
class CartesianProductFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, *types):
return self.Set(self, types)
def c_domain(self, a):
types = a.arg
if len(types) == 2:
return types[0]
raise TypeError('Domain is defined on binary relations only')
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
# We have to check length before calling iterpermute -
# to give a reasonable error message examples are missing from some set.
exs = []
for i, ai in enumerate(a.arg):
ex = list(env.get_examples(ai))
if not ex: # ???
if not env.failed_coverage('cartesian product', ai, None, 'the argument #%d' % i):
return []
return self.mod._root.guppy.etc.iterpermute(*exs)
def c_len(self, a):
l = 1
for ai in a.arg:
l = l * len(ai.arg)
return l
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
types = a.arg
bs = tuple(b)
if len(types) != len(bs):
env.failed('cprod of length %d: argument has length %d' %
(len(types), len(bs)))
for t, b in zip(types, bs):
if not t.test_contains(b, env):
return False
return True
class SequenceFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, type):
return self.specoarg(type)
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
for x in b:
if not a.arg.test_contains(x, env):
return False
return True
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
for i in range(env.max_sequence_examples_length):
for x in env.get_examples(self.specmod.cprod(*[a.arg]*i)):
yield x
class MappingFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
self.add_export('arrow', lambda x: lambda f: self.c_arrow(x, f))
def c_arrow(self, a, f):
tf, ts, ret = a.arg
return Arrow(ts, ret, f)
def __call__(self, *args):
ts = []
as_ = []
ret = None
i = 0
setcast = self.specmod.setcast
while i < len(args):
ai = args[i]
if isinstance(ai, str):
if ai == '->':
i += 1
if not i == len(args)-1:
raise SyntaxError(
"The '->' specifier must be next to last in the argument list")
ret = setcast(args[i])
elif ai.endswith('='):
i += 1
t = setcast(args[i])
as_.append('%s=%args[%d]' % (ai[:-1], len(ts)))
elif ai == '*':
i += 1
t = setcast(args[i])
as_.append('*args[%d]' % len(ts))
raise SyntaxError("Invalid argument specifier: %r" % ai)
as_.append('args[%d]' % len(ts))
i += 1
fn = 'lambda f: lambda *args: f('+','.join(as_)+')'
f = eval(fn)
ts = self.specmod.cprod(*ts)
if ret is None:
ret = self.specmod.Anything
return self.Set(self, (f, ts, ret))
def c_test_contains(self, a, func, env):
f, ts, ret = a.arg
f = f(func)
def g(env, args):
r = f(*args)
except Exception: # TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError ... - what not
#env.failed('Call exception')
if ret is not None:
return env.test_contains(ret, r, "Mapping Return Type")
return True
return env.forall(ts, g)
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
f, ts, ret = a.arg
return [lambda *args, **kwds: x for x in env.get_examples(ret)]
class PredicateFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, arg, doc):
return self.Set(self, (arg, doc))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
pred, doc = a.arg
if not pred(env, b):
return env.failed('pred: doc = %r; failed for element == %s' % (doc,
return True
class PowersetFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *args):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *args)
self.add_export('union', lambda x: x.arg)
def __call__(self, set):
return self.specoarg(set)
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
x = [self.specmod.Nothing, a.arg]
y = env.get_examples(a.arg)
except Exception:
# xxx complain? We can always generate 2 examples..
return x
# xxx should we make all permutations?..
return x
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
if not b in self.specmod.set:
env.failed('powerset.test_contains: not a set: %s' %
set = a.arg
return env.forall(b, lambda env, x: env.test_contains(set, x, 'powerset'), 'powerset')
class DocFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, doc, type=None):
if type is None:
type = self.specmod.UniSet.NotNothing
if not type in self.specmod.set:
type = self.specmod.UniSet.convert(type)
return self.Set(self, (doc, type))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
doc, type = a.arg
return type.test_contains(b, env)
class RelOpFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
self.add_export('domain', lambda x: x.arg[0])
self.add_export('range', lambda x: x.arg[2])
# The memo dict keeps relops with the same domain, op, and range.
# Primarily introduced to make equality work with default mechanism,
# since different compiled func's compared differently even with
# the same source.
self.memo = {}
def __call__(self, domain, op, range=None):
domain = self.specmod.setcast(domain)
if range is None:
range = domain
range = self.specmod.setcast(range)
x = self.memo.get((domain, op, range))
if x is None:
if op in ('<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in', 'is', 'is not'):
func = eval('lambda x,y: x %s y' % op) = op
func = op = func.__name__
x = self.Set(self, (domain, func, range))
self.memo[(domain, op, range)] = x
return x
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
# We have to check length before calling iterpermute -
# to give a reasonable error message examples are missing from some set.
dom = list(env.get_examples(a.domain))
if not dom:
failed_coverage('relation', a.domain, None, 'domain')
return []
ran = list(env.get_examples(a.range))
if not ran:
failed_coverage('relation', a.range, None, 'range')
return []
exs = []
for ex in self.specmod._root.guppy.etc.iterpermute(dom, ran):
if env.contains(a, ex):
return exs
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
d, op, r = a.arg
if not op(*b):
return env.failed()
return True
class EqualsFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, *args):
if not args:
return self.specmod.Nothing
return self.specotup(args)
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
if b in a.arg:
return True
return env.failed('equals')
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
return a.arg
class ExampleFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, set, *examples):
return self.Set(self, (set, examples))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
set, examples = a.arg
return set.test_contains(b, env)
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
set, examples = a.arg
# for e in examples: env.test_contains(set, e, 'ExampleFamily.c_get_examples')
return examples
class SynonymsFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, *names):
return self.Set(self, names)
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
names = a.arg
ms = self.specmod.UniSet.mutnodeset()
for name in names:
x = env.getattr(b, name)
if not len(ms):
env.failed('Synonyms: no such names: %r' % names)
if len(ms) > 1:
env.failed('Synonyms: %d different nodes for names: %r' %
(len(ms), names))
return True
class InstanceFamily(SpecFamily):
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
if not isinstance(b, a.arg):
env.failed('InstanceFamily: %s is not an instance of %s' % (
self.specmod.iso(b), a.arg))
return True
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
return env.get_examples(self.specmod.setcast(a.arg))
def _and_ID(self, a, b):
return self.mod.fam_Identity(*[bi for bi in b.nodes if isinstance(bi, a.arg)])
class ExpressionPredicateFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, names, expression):
func = None
return self.Set(self, (names, expression, func))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
names, expression, func = a.arg
func = eval('lambda %s:%s' % (','.join(names), expression))
d = {}
for name in names:
x = env.getattr(b, name)
d[name] = x
x = func(**d)
if not x:
env.failed('False expression: %s' % expression)
return True
class ExpressionSetFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, expression, *names):
func = None
return self.Set(self, (names, expression, func))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
names, expression, func = a.arg
func = self.specmod.eval('lambda %s:(%s)' % (
','.join(('LE',)+tuple(names)), expression))
d = {'LE': env.LE}
for name in names:
x = env.getattr(b, name)
d[name] = x
x = func(**d)
return env.test_contains(x, b, 'expset(%s, %s)' % (expression, ','.join(names)))
class MatchesFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
self.sre = self.specmod._root.sre
def __call__(self, regexp):
return self.specoargtup(self.sre.compile(regexp), (regexp,))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
regexpobj = a.arg
m = self.sre.match(regexpobj, b)
if m is None:
return env.failed('Did not match')
return True
class RecurSelfFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
class RecurSpec(self.Set):
__slots__ = 'func', 'recursion_level', 'recursion_limit'
self.RecurSpec = RecurSpec
def __call__(self, expr, recursion_limit=10):
s = self.RecurSpec(self, expr)
s.recursion_limit = recursion_limit
s.recursion_level = 0
return s
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
func = a.func
except AttributeError:
expr = a.arg
func = a.func = env.eval('lambda self:%s' % expr)
s = func(self.specmod.Nothing)
tf = env.test_contains(s, b, 'recur with Nothing, ok to fail')
if not tf:
raise TestError
except Exception: # TestError: eg for match, we got a TypeError..
s = func(a)
rl = a.recursion_level
if rl >= a.recursion_limit:
return env.failed('recurself: recursion_level = %s' % a.recursion_limit)
a.recursion_level = rl + 1
tf = env.test_contains(s, b, 'recur')
a.recursion_level = rl
return tf
class Dummy:
class TupleformFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, form, set):
return self.specotup((form, set))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
form, set = a.arg
bt = tuple(b)
if len(bt) != len(form):
return env.failed('tupleform: wrong length: got %d expected %d' % (len(bt), len(form)))
ob = Dummy()
for name, val in zip(form, bt):
setattr(ob, name, val)
return env.test_contains(set, ob, 'tupleform')
class Arrow:
def __init__(self, category, source, target):
self.category = category
self.source = source = target
def of(self, other):
# compose self <-- other
# (Standard composition order)
other = self.category.validate(other)
return self.category.compose(self, other)
def to(self, other):
# compose self --> other
# (Nonstandard composition order; sometimes seems more natural)
other = self.category.validate(other)
return self.category.compose(other, self)
class IdentityArrow(Arrow):
def __init__(self, category, object):
Arrow.__init__(self, category, object, object)
def __call__(self, x):
return x
class FunctionArrow(Arrow):
def __init__(self, category, source, target, function):
Arrow.__init__(self, category, source, target)
self.__call__ = function
class RepresentationCategory:
_derive_origin_ = None
_origin_ = None
def __init__(self, mod, spec):
fam =
fam.init2(self, spec)
self._fam = fam
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
def __hash__(self):
return hash(id(self))
def __getattr__(self, name):
r = self._fam.getobject(name)
self.__dict__[name] = r
return r
class RepresentationObjectFamily(SpecFamily):
def init2(self, cat, spec): = cat
self.objects = {}
self.specs = {}
self.arrows = {}
self.add_export('fromuniversal', self.fromuniversal)
Set = self.Set
class RepresentationObject(Set):
__slots__ = 'to', 'from'
self.Set = RepresentationObject
class RepresentationCategorySpec(spec):
def __init__(self, fam):
self._fam = fam
self._cat =
def __getattr__(self, name):
if hasattr(self.__class__, '_get_%s' % name):
r = getattr(self, '_get_%s' % name)(self._fam.specmod)
self.__dict__[name] = r
return r
raise AttributeError(name)
self.spec = RepresentationCategorySpec(self)
def getarrow(self, dom, cod):
dc = (dom, cod)
if dc in self.arrows:
return self.arrows[dc]
raise SpecError
def getobject(self, name):
if name in self.objects:
return self.objects[name]
normname = self.normoname(name)
if normname in self.objects:
self.objects[name] = self.objects[normname]
return self.objects[normname]
o = self(normname)
self.objects[normname] = self.objects[name] = o
return o
raise SpecError('No such object: %r' % name)
def getspec(self, obj):
name = obj.arg
if name in self.specs:
return self.specs[name]
gs = getattr(self.spec, '_get_spec_%s' % name, None)
if gs is not None:
sp = gs(self.specmod)
self.specs[name] = sp
return sp
raise SpecError('getspec: No spec of %r' % name)
def fromuniversal(self, target):
# Find a most general arrow into 'target'
# 1. Find all predefined arrows to target
# 2. Make a category sum of the set of sources S of all such arrows
# 3. Make a specification-set P for this sum, which is that:
# a. The element should be isomorphic to a tuple (O, A) where
# b. O, the tag, should be an object in S
# c. A, the value, should be an element in O
# Return an arrow taking this object to target.
# Arrows thus created are memoized.
name = target.arg
arrowname = '%s.fromuniversal' % name
if arrowname in self.arrows:
return self.arrows[arrowname]
S = {}
S[name] = IdentityArrow(, target)
for an in dir(self.spec):
if not (an.startswith('map_') and '_to_' in an):
s, t = an.split('_to_')
s = s[4:]
if t == name:
f = getattr(self.spec, an)
S[s] = FunctionArrow(, getattr(, s), target,
lambda x: f(self.specmod, x))
def p(env, e):
O, A = e
except Exception:
return env.failed('Not a sequence with length 2')
fam = getattr(O, 'fam', None)
if fam is not self:
return env.failed('Tag is not an object of this family')
name_ = getattr(O, 'arg', None)
if name_ not in S:
return env.failed('Object is not a source of this target')
return env.test_contains(O, A, 'Value is not an element of this object')
uniname = '%s.universal' % name
P = self.specmod.predicate(p, 'Specification-set for %r' % uniname)
self.specs[uniname] = P
source = self(uniname)
class AlphaSum(Arrow):
def __init__(self, category, source, target, S):
Arrow.__init__(self, category, source, target)
self._S = S
def __getitem__(self, x): # Don't know what to call this unique arrow
return self._S[self.source.fam.normoname(x)]
def __call__(self, xxx_todo_changeme):
(O, E) = xxx_todo_changeme
return self[O.arg](E)
arrow = AlphaSum(, source, target, S)
self.arrows[arrowname] = arrow
return arrow
def normoname(self, on):
isos = getattr(self.spec, '_isos_', None)
if isos is not None:
for l in self.spec._isos_:
nn = None
for n in l:
if n.isdigit():
nn = n
if n == on:
if nn is not None:
return nn
raise SpecError(
'No numeric object name corresponding to %r' % on)
return on
def __call__(self, name):
r = self.specoarg(name)
class To:
__slots__ = 'source',
def __init__(self, source):
self.source = source
def __call__(self, target):
return self.source.fam.getarrow(self.source, target)
def __getattr__(self, name):
source = self.source
fam = source.fam
target = fam.getobject(name)
return fam.getarrow(source, target) = To(r)
return r
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
set = self.getspec(a)
return env.test_contains(set, b, 'RepresentationObjectFamily: not in object specification')
def c_get_examples(self, a, env):
set = self.getspec(a)
return env.get_examples(set)
class AbstractSetFamily(SpecFamily):
def __init__(self, *a, **k):
SpecFamily.__init__(self, *a, **k)
class AbstractSet(self.Set):
__slots__ = '_memo',
def __init__(self, fam, arg):
self.fam = fam
self.arg = arg
self._origin_ = None
self._memo = {}
self.Set = AbstractSet
def __call__(self, arrow, set):
r = self.specotup((arrow, set))
r._memo = {}
return r
def c_and(self, a, b):
if b.fam is self:
aa, sa = a.arg
ab, sb = b.arg
if aa is ab:
return self(aa, sa & sb)
return b.fam._rand_ATOM(b, a)
def c_getattr2(self, a, b):
if b in a._memo:
return a._memo[b]
arrow, set = a.arg
pararrow = arrow[b]
srcset = pararrow.source
def p(env, x):
t = env.test_contains(
srcset, x, 'AbstractSet: not in arrow.source')
if t:
e = pararrow(x)
t = env.test_contains(
set, e, 'AbstractSet: not in argument set')
return t
return env.contains(set, y)
s = self.specmod.predicate(p, 'Abstract set attribute: %r' % b) # ...
a._memo[b] = s
return s
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
arrow, set = a.arg
t = env.test_contains(
arrow.source, b, 'AbstractSet: not in arrow.source')
if t:
e = arrow(b)
t = env.test_contains(set, e, 'AbstractSet: not in argument set')
return t
class ElemFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, func):
return self.specoarg(func)
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
func = a.arg
s = func(b)
return env.test_contains(s, b, 'ElemFamily')
class IntersectionFamily(SpecFamily):
def __call__(self, domain, function):
return self.specotup((domain, function))
def c_test_contains(self, a, b, env):
domain, function = a.arg
return env.forall(domain, lambda env, x:
env.test_contains(function(x), b, 'Intersection'))
class SpecError(Exception):
class TestError(Exception):
class CoverageError(Exception):
class LocalEnv:
_derive_origin_ = 'ADD'
def __init__(self, mod, spec, nodoc=1):
self._mod = mod
self._spec = spec
self._origin_ = None
self.nodoc = nodoc
def __getattr__(self, attribute_name):
mod = self._mod
f = getattr(self._spec, attribute_name)
d = self._mod._load_names(
nf = mod._root.types.FunctionType(
r = nf(())
self.__dict__[attribute_name] = r
return r
class TestEnv:
_derive_origin_ = 'ADD'
iscomplete = False
issilent = False
# ie. (), cprod(x) cprod(x, y) are yielded by default
max_sequence_examples_length = 2
TestError = TestError
def __init__(self, mod, Spec):
self.mod = mod
self.messages = []
self.examples = {}
if Spec is not None:
self.spec = spec = Spec()
lex = spec.LocalEnvExpr
except AttributeError:
lex = ''
LE = LocalEnv(mod, lex)
LE._OBJ_ = mod
self.LE = LE
self.topspec = self.eval(spec.GlueTypeExpr)
def eval(self, expr):
mod = self.mod
types = mod._root.types
if isinstance(expr, (str,)):
func = self.mod.eval('lambda LE:(\n%s\n)' % expr)
return func(self.LE)
ls = []
selfset = None
names = list(expr.__dict__.keys())
for name in names:
f = getattr(expr, name)
co = f.__code__
except AttributeError:
if co.co_varnames[:co.co_argcount] == ('IN',):
d = mod._load_names(
#d = mod._load_names()
nf = mod._root.types.FunctionType(
s = nf(())
if name == '_SELF_':
selfset = s
ls.append(mod.attr(name, s))
raise SpecError('TestEnv.eval: invalid argument mode')
# Constructing an AND in one sweep = faster
# We assume they are not disjoint - which
# would be determined by testing that we are going to do
# (We know they are all attr's of different names here)
# Except that selfset may perhaps be disjoint; but why care here
if selfset is not None:
# Alternatively: r = r & selfset afterwards,
# but could be unnecessarily slow
r = mod.UniSet.fam_And._cons(ls)
return r
def get_examples(self, collection):
it = iter(collection)
except TypeError:
ex = self.examples[collection]
except KeyError:
if isinstance(collection, self.mod.UniSet.UniSet):
ex = collection.get_examples(self)
ex = list(collection)
it = iter(ex)
return it
def getattr(self, obj, name):
if '.' in name:
x = obj
for subname in name.split('.'):
x = getattr(x, subname)
except Exception:
return self.failed('getattr: %s has no attribute %r' % (, name) +
',\nbecause %s has no attribute %r' % (, subname))
x = getattr(obj, name)
except Exception:
return self.failed('attr: %s has no attribute %r' % (, name))
return x
def gengetattr(self, obj, name_or_tuple):
if isinstance(name_or_tuple, str):
return self.getattr(obj, name_or_tuple)
elif isinstance(name_or_tuple, tuple):
if len(name_or_tuple) == 2 and name_or_tuple[0] is self.mod.quote:
return name_or_tuple[1]
return tuple([self.gengetattr(obj, nt) for nt in name_or_tuple])
raise TypeError('gengetattr: I am picky, required string or tuple')
def log(self, message):
def name(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, self.mod.UniSet.UniSet):
return str(obj)
return '%s' % self.mod.iso(obj)
def name_coll(self, collection):
return '%s' % collection
def test(self, obj):
self.test_contains(self.topspec, obj, 'Top spec')
except Exception:
tvt = self.mod._root.sys.exc_info()
def get_obj_examples(self, obj):
ex = self.spec.GetExamples(self, obj)
for e in ex:
vs = e[1:]
e = e[0]
s = self.examples.setdefault(e, [])
for v in vs:
self.test_contains(e, v, 'testing example of set')
def dump_failure(self, xxx_todo_changeme3, noraise=0):
(type, value, traceback) = xxx_todo_changeme3
list = []
tb = traceback
while tb is not None:
f = tb.tb_frame
if f.f_code is self.test_contains.__func__.__code__:
tb = tb.tb_next
for f in list:
lo = f.f_locals
print('a = %r' % (lo['a'],))
print('b = %r' % (lo['b'],))
print('message = ', lo['message'])
if noraise:
self.mod._root.traceback.print_exception(type, value, traceback)
def contains(self, a, b):
x = self.test_contains(a, b, 'contains')
except CoverageError:
except Exception:
return False
return x
def test_contains(self, a, b, message):
return a.test_contains(b, self)
def test_contains_not(self, a, b, message):
a.test_contains(b, self)
except CoverageError:
except Exception: # TestError: # well we axcept anything.. ok?
return True
return self.failed('test_contains_not, from: %s' % message)
def failed(self, message=''):
if not self.issilent:
self.log('Failed:' + message)
raise TestError(message)
return False
def failed_coverage(self, forwhat, collection, func, message):
if collection is self.mod.Nothing:
return True
raise CoverageError('%s: no examples for collection = %s, message: %s' % (
forwhat, collection, message))
def failed_exc_info(self, message):
exc_info = self.mod._root.sys.exc_info()
type, value, traceback = exc_info
if not self.issilent:
self.log('Failed:' + message)
raise type(value)
return False
def forall(self, collection, func, message=''):
ex = self.get_examples(collection)
n = 0
for e in ex:
if not func(self, e):
return self.failed('forall: e = %s, from: %s' % (, message))
n += 1
if not n:
a = len(collection)
if a > 0:
raise CoverageError
# Otherwise ok, it was really an Nothing collection.
except Exception:
self.failed_coverage('forall', collection, func, message)
return True
def forall_pairs(self, collection, func, message=''):
as_ = self.get_examples(collection)
n = 0
for a in as_:
for b in self.get_examples(collection):
if not func(self, a, b):
self.failed('forall_pairs: a = %s, b = %s, from: %s' % (,, message))
n += 1
if not n:
self.failed_coverage('forall_pairs', collection, func, message)
return True
def forall_triples(self, collection, func, message=''):
as_ = self.get_examples(collection)
n = 0
for a in as_:
for b in self.get_examples(collection):
for c in self.get_examples(collection):
if not func(self, a, b, c):
self.failed('forall_triples: a = %s, b = %s, c=%s, from: %s' % (,,, message))
n += 1
if not n:
self.failed_coverage('forall_triples', collection, func, message)
return True
def forsome(self, collection, func, message=''):
failures = []
for i, x in enumerate(collection):
b = func(x)
except Exception: # TestError:
failures.append((i, self.mod._root.sys.exc_info()))
if b:
return True
for (i, tvt) in failures:
print('forsome: exception at collection[%d]:' % i)
self.dump_failure(tvt, noraise=1)
class _GLUECLAMP_:
_chgable_ = '_loaded',
_nowrap_ = ('_origin_', 'Doc', 'family', 'eval', 'setcast', 'compile', 'wrap_source_string',
'_load_names', 'iso')
_preload_ = '_hiding_tag_',
# 'imports'
_imports_ = (
def _get_UniSet(self): return self._parent.UniSet
def _get_Doc(self): return self._parent.Doc
def _get_View(self): return self._parent.View
def _get__origin_(self):
return self.Doc.attribute(self.Doc.root, 'guppy.heapy.Spec')
def _wrapattr_(self, obj, name):
Doc = self.Doc
if name == 'setof':
obj = Doc.wrap(obj, Doc.attribute(self._origin_, name))
except Doc.DocError:
print('no wrap:', name)
return obj
def _get_abstractset(self):
def _get_adaptuple(self):
def _get_any(self):
return ~self.Nothing
def _get_argnames(self):
def _get_attr(self):
def attrs(self, names, type=None):
x = self.any
for n in names:
x &= self.attr(n, type)
return x
def _get_boolean(self):
def p(env, x):
if x:
except Exception:
env.failed("boolean: 'if x' raised an exception")
return True
return self.predicate(p, 'boolean')
def _get_callable(self):
return self.predicate(lambda env, x: callable(x), 'callable')
def _get_compile(self):
token = self._root.token
parser = self._root.parser
symbol = self._root.symbol
def mapchildren_id(node, f):
return node
def mapchildren_default(node, f):
return [node[0]] + [f(n) for n in node[1:]]
mapchildren_dispatch = dict(
[(value, mapchildren_id) for value in range(token.N_TOKENS)])
mapchildren_dispatch.update(dict([(value, mapchildren_default)
for value, name in list(symbol.sym_name.items())]))
def mapchildren(node, f):
return mapchildren_dispatch[node[0]](node, f)
def visitor(C):
d = mapchildren_dispatch.copy()
for value, name in list(symbol.sym_name.items()):
if hasattr(C, name):
d[value] = getattr(C, name).__func__
def _visit(node): return d[node[0]](node, _visit)
return _visit
def recover_source_node(node, l):
for n in node[1:]:
recover_source_dispatch[n[0]](n, l)
def recover_source_token(node, l):
if l and l[-1] != '(':
l.append(' ')
def recover_source_name(node, l):
if l and l[-1] not in ('.', '('):
l.append(' ')
def recover_source_tight_left(node, l):
def recover_source_lpar(node, l):
if l and not (l[-1][-1:].isalnum() or l[-1] == '('):
l.append(' ')
recover_source_dispatch = dict([(value, recover_source_node)
for value, name in list(symbol.sym_name.items())])
dict([(value, recover_source_token) for value in range(token.N_TOKENS)]))
recover_source_dispatch[token.NAME] = recover_source_name
for tok in ('RPAR', 'LSQB', 'RSQB', 'COLON', 'COMMA', 'SEMI',
token, tok)] = recover_source_tight_left
recover_source_dispatch[token.LPAR] = recover_source_lpar
def recover_source(node):
l = []
recover_source_dispatch[node[0]](node, l)
return ''.join(l)
class wrap_lambdef:
def test(node, f):
# and_test ('or' and_test)* | lambdef
if len(node) == 2 and node[1][0] == symbol.lambdef:
lsource = recover_source(node[1])
lnode = mapchildren(node[1], f)
return (
292, (293, (294, (295, (297, (298, (299, (300, (301,
(302, (303, (304, (305, (1, 'wrap_source_string')),
(308, (7, '('), (317, (318, (292, lnode)), (12, ','),
(318, (292, (293, (294, (295, (297, (298, (299, (300,
(301, (302, (303, (304, (305, (3, '%r' % lsource
)))))))))))))))), (8, ')'))))))))))))))
return mapchildren(node, f)
wrap_lambdef = visitor(wrap_lambdef)
def compile_(source, filename, mode, *args):
if mode != 'spec':
return compile(source, filename, mode, *args)
ast = parser.expr(source)
node = parser.ast2tuple(ast, line_info=1)
node = mapchildren(node, wrap_lambdef)
ast = parser.tuple2ast(node)
co = parser.compileast(ast)
return co
return compile_
def _get_cprod(self):
def dictof(self, set=None):
return self.UniSet.byclodo.dictof(set)
def _get_doc(self):
def docof(self, set):
doc = (set.doc % self._origin_).shortest()
do = str(doc)
return do
def eval(self, expr, init=None, nodoc=0):
if nodoc:
mode = 'eval'
mode = 'spec'
co = self.compile(expr, '', mode)
d = self._load_names(self._root.guppy.etc.Code.co_findloadednames(co))
if init is not None:
d = d.copy()
exec(init, d)
return eval(co, d)
def _get_all_names(self):
names = {'_root': 1}
for x in _GLUECLAMP_.__dict__:
if x.startswith('_get_'):
x = x[5:]
names[x] = 1
return names
def _load_names(self, names=None):
if names is None:
if '_loaded' not in self.__dict__:
for x in self.all_names:
getattr(self, x)
self._loaded = 1
all = self.all_names
for name in names:
if name in all:
getattr(self, name)
d = self.__dict__
d['__builtins__'] = self._load_names.__globals__['__builtins__']
return d
def _get_eg(self):
def _get_elem(self):
def _exodoc(self, expr):
if expr in self.LE.string:
r = self.eval(expr)
return r, self.Doc.anon(expr)
elif (expr in self.Type.Function and
expr.__code__.co_name == '<lambda>' and
fn = expr.__code__.co_filename
lines = fn.split('\n')
lnum = expr.__code__.co_firstlineno
inspect = self._root.inspect
block = inspect.getblock(lines[lnum:])
source = '\n'.join(block)
return expr, self.Doc.getdoc(source)
return expr, self.Doc.getdoc(expr)
def _get_expred(self):
def _get_expression(self):
def p(env, x):
eval('lambda : %s' % x)
except SyntaxError:
env.failed('Not a valid expression: %r' % x)
return True
return self.predicate(p, 'expression')
def _get_expset(self):
def _get_equals(self):
def family(self, fam, *args, **kwds):
return self.UniSet.fam_mixin_argatom(fam, self, *args, **kwds)
def _get__hiding_tag_(self):
return self.UniSet._hiding_tag_
def _get_instance(self):
def _get_intersection(self):
def _get_LE(self):
return LocalEnv(self, self._Specification_.LocalEnvExpr)
def _get_SPLE(self):
return self.LE
def _get_mapping(self):
def _get_matches(self):
def mkTestEnv(self, Spec):
return TestEnv(self, Spec)
def newtype(self, name):
return self.predicate(lambda e, x: 1, name) # xxx new family?
def _get_nothing(self):
return self.Use.Nothing
def partition(self, set):
return self.doc('partition',
self.union_equals(set) &
self.LE.nonempty &
def _get_predicate(self):
def _get_powerset(self):
def _get_Anything(self):
return self.UniSet.Anything
def _get_quote(self):
return []
def _get_recurself(self):
def _get_relation(self):
# relation is a representation category
# We have the following representation objects:
# 1. set of pairs with attribute dom, cod
# 2. set of pairs with dom is cod
# 3. fuop = func | op, string in ('==',..)
# 4. (A, fuop), where A is a set
# 5. (A, fuop, B), where A and B are sets
# A final object is 1.
class RelationSpec:
_isos_ = [
('1', 'paxb'),
('2', 'paxa'),
('3', 'defiop', 'fuop', ),
('4', 'defipair'),
('5', 'defitriple'),
def _get_spec_1(self, e):
return e.setof(e.cprod(e.Anything, e.Anything))
def _get_spec_2(self, e):
return (e.setof(e.cprod(e.Anything, e.Anything)))
def _get_spec_3(self, e):
return (e.boolean << (e.Anything, e.Anything) |
e.equals('<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>', '>=', 'in', 'not in', 'is', 'is not'))
def _get_spec_4(self, e):
return e.cprod(e.set, self._cat.fuop)
def _get_spec_5(self, e):
return e.cprod(e.set, self._cat.fuop, e.set)
def _get__relop(self, e):
map_2_to_1 = id
def map_3_to_4(self, e, fuop): return (e.Anything, fuop)
def map_3_to_2(self, e, fuop): return self._relop(e.Anything, fuop) # redundant
def map_4_to_2(self, e, args): return self._relop(*args)
def map_5_to_1(self, e, args): return self._relop(*args)
return self.repcat(RelationSpec)
def _get_relop(self):
def repcat(self, spec):
return RepresentationCategory(self, spec)
def _get_sequence(self):
def _get_set(self):
return self.instance(self.UniSet.UniSet)
def _get_set_of_disjoint_sets(self):
def p(env, x):
return env.forall_pairs(x, lambda env, a, b: a == b or a.disjoint(b),
'a == b or a.disjoint(b)')
return self.predicate(p, 'set of disjoint sets')
def setcast(self, arg):
if not isinstance(arg, self.UniSet.UniSet):
arg = self.UniSet.convert(arg)
arg = self.Doc.wrap(arg, self.Doc.callfunc(
self.Doc.attribute(self._origin_, 'setcast'),
return arg
def _get_setof(self):
return self.powerset
def _get__static_test_env(self):
return self.mkTestEnv(None)
def _get_synonyms(self):
def _get_tupleform(self):
def _get_Type(self):
return self.Use.Type
def union_equals(self, set):
return'union', self.equals(set)),
def wrap_source_string(self, func, str):
func._origin_ = self.Doc.source(str)
return func