shell bypass 403
* Example for the usage of ezcConsoleOutput class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
require_once 'Base/src/base.php';
* Autoload ezc classes
* @param string $className
function __autoload( $className )
ezcBase::autoload( $className );
// Create the output handler
$out = new ezcConsoleOutput();
// Set the verbosity to level 10
$out->options->verbosityLevel = 10;
// Enable auto wrapping of lines after 40 characters
$out->options->autobreak = 40;
// Set the color of the default output format to green
$out->formats->default->color = 'green';
// Set the color of the output format named 'success' to white
$out->formats->success->color = 'white';
// Set the style of the output format named 'success' to bold
$out->formats->success->style = array( 'bold' );
// Set the color of the output format named 'failure' to red
$out->formats->failure->color = 'red';
// Set the style of the output format named 'failure' to bold
$out->formats->failure->style = array( 'bold' );
// Set the background color of the output format named 'failure' to blue
$out->formats->failure->bgcolor = 'blue';
// Output text with default format
$out->outputText( 'This is default text ' );
// Output text with format 'success'
$out->outputText( 'including success message', 'success' );
// Some more output with default output.
$out->outputText( "and a manual linebreak.\n" );
// Manipulate the later output
$out->formats->success->color = 'green';
$out->formats->default->color = 'blue';
// This is visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10, and printed in default format (now blue)
$out->outputText( "Some verbose output.\n", null, 10 );
// This is not visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10
$out->outputText( "Some more verbose output.\n", null, 20 );
// This is visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10, and printed in format 'failure'
$out->outputText( "And some not so verbose, failure output.\n", 'failure', 5 );