# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative "vendored_thor"
module Bundler
class CLI < Thor
require_relative "cli/common"
require_relative "cli/install"
package_name "Bundler"
AUTO_INSTALL_CMDS = %w[show binstubs outdated exec open console licenses clean].freeze
PARSEABLE_COMMANDS = %w[check config help exec platform show version].freeze
EXTENSIONS = ["c", "rust"].freeze
"check" => "c",
"install" => "i",
"plugin" => "",
"list" => "ls",
"exec" => ["e", "ex", "exe"],
"cache" => ["package", "pack"],
"version" => ["-v", "--version"],
def self.start(*)
check_deprecated_ext_option(ARGV) if ARGV.include?("--ext")
def self.dispatch(*)
super do |i|
def self.all_aliases
@all_aliases ||= begin
command_aliases = {}
COMMAND_ALIASES.each do |name, aliases|
Array(aliases).each do |one_alias|
command_aliases[one_alias] = name
def self.aliases_for(command_name)
COMMAND_ALIASES.select {|k, _| k == command_name }.invert
def initialize(*args)
custom_gemfile = options[:gemfile] || Bundler.settings[:gemfile]
if custom_gemfile && !custom_gemfile.empty?
Bundler::SharedHelpers.set_env "BUNDLE_GEMFILE", File.expand_path(custom_gemfile)
Bundler.settings.set_command_option_if_given :retry, options[:retry]
current_cmd = args.last[:current_command].name
Bundler.auto_install if AUTO_INSTALL_CMDS.include?(current_cmd)
rescue UnknownArgumentError => e
raise InvalidOption, e.message
self.options ||= {}
unprinted_warnings = Bundler.ui.unprinted_warnings
Bundler.ui = UI::Shell.new(options)
Bundler.ui.level = "debug" if options["verbose"]
unprinted_warnings.each {|w| Bundler.ui.warn(w) }
check_unknown_options!(except: [:config, :exec])
stop_on_unknown_option! :exec
desc "cli_help", "Prints a summary of bundler commands", hide: true
def cli_help
Bundler.ui.info "\n"
primary_commands = ["install", "update", "cache", "exec", "config", "help"]
list = self.class.printable_commands(true)
by_name = list.group_by {|name, _message| name.match(/^bundle (\w+)/)[1] }
utilities = by_name.keys.sort - primary_commands
primary_commands.map! {|name| (by_name[name] || raise("no primary command #{name}")).first }
utilities.map! {|name| by_name[name].first }
shell.say "Bundler commands:\n\n"
shell.say " Primary commands:\n"
shell.print_table(primary_commands, indent: 4, truncate: true)
shell.say " Utilities:\n"
shell.print_table(utilities, indent: 4, truncate: true)
self.class.send(:class_options_help, shell)
class_option "no-color", type: :boolean, desc: "Disable colorization in output"
class_option "retry", type: :numeric, aliases: "-r", banner: "NUM",
desc: "Specify the number of times you wish to attempt network commands"
class_option "verbose", type: :boolean, desc: "Enable verbose output mode", aliases: "-V"
def help(cli = nil)
cli = self.class.all_aliases[cli] if self.class.all_aliases[cli]
case cli
when "gemfile" then command = "gemfile"
when nil then command = "bundle"
else command = "bundle-#{cli}"
man_path = File.expand_path("man", __dir__)
man_pages = Hash[Dir.glob(File.join(man_path, "**", "*")).grep(/.*\.\d*\Z/).collect do |f|
[File.basename(f, ".*"), f]
if man_pages.include?(command)
man_page = man_pages[command]
if Bundler.which("man") && !man_path.match?(%r{^file:/.+!/META-INF/jruby.home/.+})
Kernel.exec("man", man_page)
puts File.read("#{man_path}/#{File.basename(man_page)}.ronn")
elsif command_path = Bundler.which("bundler-#{cli}")
Kernel.exec(command_path, "--help")
def self.handle_no_command_error(command, has_namespace = $thor_runner)
if Bundler.feature_flag.plugins? && Bundler::Plugin.command?(command)
return Bundler::Plugin.exec_command(command, ARGV[1..-1])
return super unless command_path = Bundler.which("bundler-#{command}")
Kernel.exec(command_path, *ARGV[1..-1])
desc "init [OPTIONS]", "Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory"
long_desc <<-D
Init generates a default Gemfile in the current working directory. When adding a
Gemfile to a gem with a gemspec, the --gemspec option will automatically add each
dependency listed in the gemspec file to the newly created Gemfile.
method_option "gemspec", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified .gemspec to create the Gemfile"
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified name for the gemfile instead of 'Gemfile'"
def init
require_relative "cli/init"
desc "check [OPTIONS]", "Checks if the dependencies listed in Gemfile are satisfied by currently installed gems"
long_desc <<-D
Check searches the local machine for each of the gems requested in the Gemfile. If
all gems are found, Bundler prints a success message and exits with a status of 0.
If not, the first missing gem is listed and Bundler exits status 1.
method_option "dry-run", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Lock the Gemfile"
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "path", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different path than the system default ($BUNDLE_PATH or $GEM_HOME).#{" Bundler will remember this value for future installs on this machine" unless Bundler.feature_flag.forget_cli_options?}"
def check
require_relative "cli/check"
map aliases_for("check")
desc "remove [GEM [GEM ...]]", "Removes gems from the Gemfile"
long_desc <<-D
Removes the given gems from the Gemfile while ensuring that the resulting Gemfile is still valid. If the gem is not found, Bundler prints a error message and if gem could not be removed due to any reason Bundler will display a warning.
method_option "install", type: :boolean, banner: "Runs 'bundle install' after removing the gems from the Gemfile"
def remove(*gems)
if ARGV.include?("--install")
message = "The `--install` flag has been deprecated. `bundle install` is triggered by default."
removed_message = "The `--install` flag has been removed. `bundle install` is triggered by default."
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message)
require_relative "cli/remove"
Remove.new(gems, options).run
desc "install [OPTIONS]", "Install the current environment to the system"
long_desc <<-D
Install will install all of the gems in the current bundle, making them available
for use. In a freshly checked out repository, this command will give you the same
gem versions as the last person who updated the Gemfile and ran `bundle update`.
Passing [DIR] to install (e.g. vendor) will cause the unpacked gems to be installed
into the [DIR] directory rather than into system gems.
If the bundle has already been installed, bundler will tell you so and then exit.
method_option "binstubs", type: :string, lazy_default: "bin", banner: "Generate bin stubs for bundled gems to ./bin"
method_option "clean", type: :boolean, banner: "Run bundle clean automatically after install"
method_option "deployment", type: :boolean, banner: "Install using defaults tuned for deployment environments"
method_option "frozen", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not allow the Gemfile.lock to be updated after this install"
method_option "full-index", type: :boolean, banner: "Fall back to using the single-file index of all gems"
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "jobs", aliases: "-j", type: :numeric, banner: "Specify the number of jobs to run in parallel"
method_option "local", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead"
method_option "prefer-local", type: :boolean, banner: "Only attempt to fetch gems remotely if not present locally, even if newer versions are available remotely"
method_option "no-cache", type: :boolean, banner: "Don't update the existing gem cache."
method_option "redownload", type: :boolean, aliases: "--force", banner: "Force downloading every gem."
method_option "no-prune", type: :boolean, banner: "Don't remove stale gems from the cache."
method_option "path", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different path than the system default ($BUNDLE_PATH or $GEM_HOME).#{" Bundler will remember this value for future installs on this machine" unless Bundler.feature_flag.forget_cli_options?}"
method_option "quiet", type: :boolean, banner: "Only output warnings and errors."
method_option "shebang", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different shebang executable name than the default (usually 'ruby')"
method_option "standalone", type: :array, lazy_default: [], banner: "Make a bundle that can work without the Bundler runtime"
method_option "system", type: :boolean, banner: "Install to the system location ($BUNDLE_PATH or $GEM_HOME) even if the bundle was previously installed somewhere else for this application"
method_option "trust-policy", alias: "P", type: :string, banner: "Gem trust policy (like gem install -P). Must be one of " +
method_option "without", type: :array, banner: "Exclude gems that are part of the specified named group."
method_option "with", type: :array, banner: "Include gems that are part of the specified named group."
def install
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, "The `--force` option has been renamed to `--redownload`") if ARGV.include?("--force")
%w[clean deployment frozen no-prune path shebang without with].each do |option|
print_remembered_flag_deprecation("--system", "path.system", "true") if ARGV.include?("--system")
require_relative "cli/install"
Bundler.settings.temporary(no_install: false) do
map aliases_for("install")
desc "update [OPTIONS]", "Update the current environment"
long_desc <<-D
Update will install the newest versions of the gems listed in the Gemfile. Use
update when you have changed the Gemfile, or if you want to get the newest
possible versions of the gems in the bundle.
method_option "full-index", type: :boolean, banner: "Fall back to using the single-file index of all gems"
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "group", aliases: "-g", type: :array, banner: "Update a specific group"
method_option "jobs", aliases: "-j", type: :numeric, banner: "Specify the number of jobs to run in parallel"
method_option "local", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead"
method_option "quiet", type: :boolean, banner: "Only output warnings and errors."
method_option "source", type: :array, banner: "Update a specific source (and all gems associated with it)"
method_option "redownload", type: :boolean, aliases: "--force", banner: "Force downloading every gem."
method_option "ruby", type: :boolean, banner: "Update ruby specified in Gemfile.lock"
method_option "bundler", type: :string, lazy_default: "> 0.a", banner: "Update the locked version of bundler"
method_option "patch", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating only to next patch version"
method_option "minor", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating only to next minor version"
method_option "major", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating to next major version (default)"
method_option "pre", type: :boolean, banner: "Always choose the highest allowed version when updating gems, regardless of prerelease status"
method_option "strict", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not allow any gem to be updated past latest --patch | --minor | --major"
method_option "conservative", type: :boolean, banner: "Use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow shared dependencies to be updated."
method_option "all", type: :boolean, banner: "Update everything."
def update(*gems)
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, "The `--force` option has been renamed to `--redownload`") if ARGV.include?("--force")
require_relative "cli/update"
Bundler.settings.temporary(no_install: false) do
Update.new(options, gems).run
desc "show GEM [OPTIONS]", "Shows all gems that are part of the bundle, or the path to a given gem"
long_desc <<-D
Show lists the names and versions of all gems that are required by your Gemfile.
Calling show with [GEM] will list the exact location of that gem on your machine.
method_option "paths", type: :boolean,
banner: "List the paths of all gems that are required by your Gemfile."
method_option "outdated", type: :boolean,
banner: "Show verbose output including whether gems are outdated."
def show(gem_name = nil)
if ARGV.include?("--outdated")
message = "the `--outdated` flag to `bundle show` was undocumented and will be removed without replacement"
removed_message = "the `--outdated` flag to `bundle show` was undocumented and has been removed without replacement"
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message)
require_relative "cli/show"
Show.new(options, gem_name).run
desc "list", "List all gems in the bundle"
method_option "name-only", type: :boolean, banner: "print only the gem names"
method_option "only-group", type: :array, default: [], banner: "print gems from a given set of groups"
method_option "without-group", type: :array, default: [], banner: "print all gems except from a given set of groups"
method_option "paths", type: :boolean, banner: "print the path to each gem in the bundle"
def list
require_relative "cli/list"
map aliases_for("list")
desc "info GEM [OPTIONS]", "Show information for the given gem"
method_option "path", type: :boolean, banner: "Print full path to gem"
method_option "version", type: :boolean, banner: "Print gem version"
def info(gem_name)
require_relative "cli/info"
Info.new(options, gem_name).run
desc "binstubs GEM [OPTIONS]", "Install the binstubs of the listed gem"
long_desc <<-D
Generate binstubs for executables in [GEM]. Binstubs are put into bin,
or the --binstubs directory if one has been set. Calling binstubs with [GEM [GEM]]
will create binstubs for all given gems.
method_option "force", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Overwrite existing binstubs if they exist"
method_option "path", type: :string, lazy_default: "bin", banner: "Binstub destination directory (default bin)"
method_option "shebang", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different shebang executable name than the default (usually 'ruby')"
method_option "standalone", type: :boolean, banner: "Make binstubs that can work without the Bundler runtime"
method_option "all", type: :boolean, banner: "Install binstubs for all gems"
method_option "all-platforms", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Install binstubs for all platforms"
def binstubs(*gems)
require_relative "cli/binstubs"
Binstubs.new(options, gems).run
desc "add GEM VERSION", "Add gem to Gemfile and run bundle install"
long_desc <<-D
Adds the specified gem to Gemfile (if valid) and run 'bundle install' in one step.
method_option "version", aliases: "-v", type: :string
method_option "group", aliases: "-g", type: :string
method_option "source", aliases: "-s", type: :string
method_option "require", aliases: "-r", type: :string, banner: "Adds require path to gem. Provide false, or a path as a string."
method_option "path", type: :string
method_option "git", type: :string
method_option "github", type: :string
method_option "branch", type: :string
method_option "ref", type: :string
method_option "glob", type: :string, banner: "The location of a dependency's .gemspec, expanded within Ruby (single quotes recommended)"
method_option "skip-install", type: :boolean, banner: "Adds gem to the Gemfile but does not install it"
method_option "optimistic", type: :boolean, banner: "Adds optimistic declaration of version to gem"
method_option "strict", type: :boolean, banner: "Adds strict declaration of version to gem"
def add(*gems)
require_relative "cli/add"
Add.new(options.dup, gems).run
desc "outdated GEM [OPTIONS]", "List installed gems with newer versions available"
long_desc <<-D
Outdated lists the names and versions of gems that have a newer version available
in the given source. Calling outdated with [GEM [GEM]] will only check for newer
versions of the given gems. Prerelease gems are ignored by default. If your gems
are up to date, Bundler will exit with a status of 0. Otherwise, it will exit 1.
For more information on patch level options (--major, --minor, --patch,
--strict) see documentation on the same options on the update command.
method_option "group", type: :string, banner: "List gems from a specific group"
method_option "groups", type: :boolean, banner: "List gems organized by groups"
method_option "local", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead"
method_option "pre", type: :boolean, banner: "Check for newer pre-release gems"
method_option "source", type: :array, banner: "Check against a specific source"
method_option "filter-strict", type: :boolean, aliases: "--strict", banner: "Only list newer versions allowed by your Gemfile requirements"
method_option "update-strict", type: :boolean, banner: "Strict conservative resolution, do not allow any gem to be updated past latest --patch | --minor | --major"
method_option "minor", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating only to next minor version"
method_option "major", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating to next major version (default)"
method_option "patch", type: :boolean, banner: "Prefer updating only to next patch version"
method_option "filter-major", type: :boolean, banner: "Only list major newer versions"
method_option "filter-minor", type: :boolean, banner: "Only list minor newer versions"
method_option "filter-patch", type: :boolean, banner: "Only list patch newer versions"
method_option "parseable", aliases: "--porcelain", type: :boolean, banner: "Use minimal formatting for more parseable output"
method_option "only-explicit", type: :boolean, banner: "Only list gems specified in your Gemfile, not their dependencies"
def outdated(*gems)
require_relative "cli/outdated"
Outdated.new(options, gems).run
desc "fund [OPTIONS]", "Lists information about gems seeking funding assistance"
method_option "group", aliases: "-g", type: :array, banner: "Fetch funding information for a specific group"
def fund
require_relative "cli/fund"
desc "cache [OPTIONS]", "Locks and then caches all of the gems into vendor/cache"
method_option "all", type: :boolean,
default: Bundler.feature_flag.cache_all?,
banner: "Include all sources (including path and git)."
method_option "all-platforms", type: :boolean, banner: "Include gems for all platforms present in the lockfile, not only the current one"
method_option "cache-path", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different cache path than the default (vendor/cache)."
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "no-install", type: :boolean, banner: "Don't install the gems, only update the cache."
method_option "no-prune", type: :boolean, banner: "Don't remove stale gems from the cache."
method_option "path", type: :string, banner: "Specify a different path than the system default ($BUNDLE_PATH or $GEM_HOME).#{" Bundler will remember this value for future installs on this machine" unless Bundler.feature_flag.forget_cli_options?}"
method_option "quiet", type: :boolean, banner: "Only output warnings and errors."
method_option "frozen", type: :boolean, banner: "Do not allow the Gemfile.lock to be updated after this bundle cache operation's install"
long_desc <<-D
The cache command will copy the .gem files for every gem in the bundle into the
directory ./vendor/cache. If you then check that directory into your source
control repository, others who check out your source will be able to install the
bundle without having to download any additional gems.
def cache
print_remembered_flag_deprecation("--all", "cache_all", "true") if ARGV.include?("--all")
if ARGV.include?("--path")
message =
"The `--path` flag is deprecated because its semantics are unclear. " \
"Use `bundle config cache_path` to configure the path of your cache of gems, " \
"and `bundle config path` to configure the path where your gems are installed, " \
"and stop using this flag"
removed_message =
"The `--path` flag has been removed because its semantics were unclear. " \
"Use `bundle config cache_path` to configure the path of your cache of gems, " \
"and `bundle config path` to configure the path where your gems are installed."
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, message, removed_message: removed_message
require_relative "cli/cache"
map aliases_for("cache")
desc "exec [OPTIONS]", "Run the command in context of the bundle"
method_option :keep_file_descriptors, type: :boolean, default: true
method_option :gemfile, type: :string, required: false
long_desc <<-D
Exec runs a command, providing it access to the gems in the bundle. While using
bundle exec you can require and call the bundled gems as if they were installed
into the system wide RubyGems repository.
def exec(*args)
if ARGV.include?("--no-keep-file-descriptors")
message = "The `--no-keep-file-descriptors` has been deprecated. `bundle exec` no longer mess with your file descriptors. Close them in the exec'd script if you need to"
removed_message = "The `--no-keep-file-descriptors` has been removed. `bundle exec` no longer mess with your file descriptors. Close them in the exec'd script if you need to"
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation(2, message, removed_message: removed_message)
require_relative "cli/exec"
Exec.new(options, args).run
map aliases_for("exec")
desc "config NAME [VALUE]", "Retrieve or set a configuration value"
long_desc <<-D
Retrieves or sets a configuration value. If only one parameter is provided, retrieve the value. If two parameters are provided, replace the
existing value with the newly provided one.
By default, setting a configuration value sets it for all projects
on the machine.
If a global setting is superseded by local configuration, this command
will show the current value, as well as any superseded values and
where they were specified.
require_relative "cli/config"
subcommand "config", Config
desc "open GEM", "Opens the source directory of the given bundled gem"
method_option "path", type: :string, lazy_default: "", banner: "Open relative path of the gem source."
def open(name)
require_relative "cli/open"
Open.new(options, name).run
unless Bundler.feature_flag.bundler_3_mode?
desc "console [GROUP]", "Opens an IRB session with the bundle pre-loaded"
def console(group = nil)
require_relative "cli/console"
Console.new(options, group).run
desc "version", "Prints Bundler version information"
def version
cli_help = current_command.name == "cli_help"
if cli_help || ARGV.include?("version")
build_info = " (#{BuildMetadata.built_at} commit #{BuildMetadata.git_commit_sha})"
if !cli_help && Bundler.feature_flag.print_only_version_number?
Bundler.ui.info "#{Bundler::VERSION}#{build_info}"
Bundler.ui.info "Bundler version #{Bundler::VERSION}#{build_info}"
map aliases_for("version")
desc "licenses", "Prints the license of all gems in the bundle"
def licenses
Bundler.load.specs.sort_by {|s| s.license.to_s }.reverse_each do |s|
gem_name = s.name
license = s.license || s.licenses
if license.empty?
Bundler.ui.warn "#{gem_name}: Unknown"
Bundler.ui.info "#{gem_name}: #{license}"
unless Bundler.feature_flag.bundler_3_mode?
desc "viz [OPTIONS]", "Generates a visual dependency graph", hide: true
long_desc <<-D
Viz generates a PNG file of the current Gemfile as a dependency graph.
Viz requires the ruby-graphviz gem (and its dependencies).
The associated gems must also be installed via 'bundle install'.
method_option :file, type: :string, default: "gem_graph", aliases: "-f", desc: "The name to use for the generated file. see format option"
method_option :format, type: :string, default: "png", aliases: "-F", desc: "This is output format option. Supported format is png, jpg, svg, dot ..."
method_option :requirements, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: "-R", desc: "Set to show the version of each required dependency."
method_option :version, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: "-v", desc: "Set to show each gem version."
method_option :without, type: :array, default: [], aliases: "-W", banner: "GROUP[ GROUP...]", desc: "Exclude gems that are part of the specified named group."
def viz
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, "The `viz` command has been renamed to `graph` and moved to a plugin. See https://github.com/rubygems/bundler-graph"
require_relative "cli/viz"
old_gem = instance_method(:gem)
desc "gem NAME [OPTIONS]", "Creates a skeleton for creating a rubygem"
method_option :exe, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: ["--bin", "-b"], desc: "Generate a binary executable for your library."
method_option :coc, type: :boolean, desc: "Generate a code of conduct file. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.coc true`."
method_option :edit, type: :string, aliases: "-e", required: false, banner: "EDITOR",
lazy_default: [ENV["BUNDLER_EDITOR"], ENV["VISUAL"], ENV["EDITOR"]].find {|e| !e.nil? && !e.empty? },
desc: "Open generated gemspec in the specified editor (defaults to $EDITOR or $BUNDLER_EDITOR)"
method_option :ext, type: :string, desc: "Generate the boilerplate for C extension code.", enum: EXTENSIONS
method_option :git, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: "Initialize a git repo inside your library."
method_option :mit, type: :boolean, desc: "Generate an MIT license file. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.mit true`."
method_option :rubocop, type: :boolean, desc: "Add rubocop to the generated Rakefile and gemspec. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.rubocop true`."
method_option :changelog, type: :boolean, desc: "Generate changelog file. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.changelog true`."
method_option :test, type: :string, lazy_default: Bundler.settings["gem.test"] || "", aliases: "-t", banner: "Use the specified test framework for your library",
enum: %w[rspec minitest test-unit],
desc: "Generate a test directory for your library, either rspec, minitest or test-unit. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.test (rspec|minitest|test-unit)`."
method_option :ci, type: :string, lazy_default: Bundler.settings["gem.ci"] || "",
enum: %w[github gitlab circle],
desc: "Generate CI configuration, either GitHub Actions, GitLab CI or CircleCI. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.ci (github|gitlab|circle)`"
method_option :linter, type: :string, lazy_default: Bundler.settings["gem.linter"] || "",
enum: %w[rubocop standard],
desc: "Add a linter and code formatter, either RuboCop or Standard. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.linter (rubocop|standard)`"
method_option :github_username, type: :string, default: Bundler.settings["gem.github_username"], banner: "Set your username on GitHub", desc: "Fill in GitHub username on README so that you don't have to do it manually. Set a default with `bundle config set --global gem.github_username <your_username>`."
def gem(name)
commands["gem"].tap do |gem_command|
def gem_command.run(instance, args = [])
arity = 1 # name
require_relative "cli/gem"
cmd_args = args + [instance]
cmd = begin
rescue ArgumentError => e
instance.class.handle_argument_error(self, e, args, arity)
define_method(:gem, old_gem)
private :gem
def self.source_root
File.expand_path("templates", __dir__)
desc "clean [OPTIONS]", "Cleans up unused gems in your bundler directory", hide: true
method_option "dry-run", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Only print out changes, do not clean gems"
method_option "force", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Forces cleaning up unused gems even if Bundler is configured to use globally installed gems. As a consequence, removes all system gems except for the ones in the current application."
def clean
require_relative "cli/clean"
desc "platform [OPTIONS]", "Displays platform compatibility information"
method_option "ruby", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "only display ruby related platform information"
def platform
require_relative "cli/platform"
desc "inject GEM VERSION", "Add the named gem, with version requirements, to the resolved Gemfile", hide: true
method_option "source", type: :string, banner: "Install gem from the given source"
method_option "group", type: :string, banner: "Install gem into a bundler group"
def inject(name, version)
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, "The `inject` command has been replaced by the `add` command"
require_relative "cli/inject"
Inject.new(options.dup, name, version).run
desc "lock", "Creates a lockfile without installing"
method_option "update", type: :array, lazy_default: true, banner: "ignore the existing lockfile, update all gems by default, or update list of given gems"
method_option "local", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "do not attempt to fetch remote gemspecs and use the local gem cache only"
method_option "print", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "print the lockfile to STDOUT instead of writing to the file system"
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "lockfile", type: :string, default: nil, banner: "the path the lockfile should be written to"
method_option "full-index", type: :boolean, default: false, banner: "Fall back to using the single-file index of all gems"
method_option "add-platform", type: :array, default: [], banner: "Add a new platform to the lockfile"
method_option "remove-platform", type: :array, default: [], banner: "Remove a platform from the lockfile"
method_option "patch", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, prefer updating only to next patch version"
method_option "minor", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, prefer updating only to next minor version"
method_option "major", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, prefer updating to next major version (default)"
method_option "pre", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, always choose the highest allowed version, regardless of prerelease status"
method_option "strict", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, do not allow any gem to be updated past latest --patch | --minor | --major"
method_option "conservative", type: :boolean, banner: "If updating, use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow shared dependencies to be updated"
method_option "bundler", type: :string, lazy_default: "> 0.a", banner: "Update the locked version of bundler"
def lock
require_relative "cli/lock"
desc "env", "Print information about the environment Bundler is running under"
def env
desc "doctor [OPTIONS]", "Checks the bundle for common problems"
long_desc <<-D
Doctor scans the OS dependencies of each of the gems requested in the Gemfile. If
missing dependencies are detected, Bundler prints them and exits status 1.
Otherwise, Bundler prints a success message and exits with a status of 0.
method_option "gemfile", type: :string, banner: "Use the specified gemfile instead of Gemfile"
method_option "quiet", type: :boolean, banner: "Only output warnings and errors."
def doctor
require_relative "cli/doctor"
desc "issue", "Learn how to report an issue in Bundler"
def issue
require_relative "cli/issue"
desc "pristine [GEMS...]", "Restores installed gems to pristine condition"
long_desc <<-D
Restores installed gems to pristine condition from files located in the
gem cache. Gems installed from a git repository will be issued `git
checkout --force`.
def pristine(*gems)
require_relative "cli/pristine"
Bundler.settings.temporary(no_install: false) do
if Bundler.feature_flag.plugins?
require_relative "cli/plugin"
desc "plugin", "Manage the bundler plugins"
subcommand "plugin", Plugin
# Reformat the arguments passed to bundle that include a --help flag
# into the corresponding `bundle help #{command}` call
def self.reformatted_help_args(args)
bundler_commands = (COMMAND_ALIASES.keys + COMMAND_ALIASES.values).flatten
help_flags = %w[--help -h]
exec_commands = ["exec"] + COMMAND_ALIASES["exec"]
help_used = args.index {|a| help_flags.include? a }
exec_used = args.index {|a| exec_commands.include? a }
command = args.find {|a| bundler_commands.include? a }
if exec_used && help_used
if exec_used + help_used == 1
%w[help exec]
elsif help_used
args = args.dup
["help", command || args].flatten.compact
def self.check_deprecated_ext_option(arguments)
# when deprecated version of `--ext` is called
# print out deprecation warning and pretend `--ext=c` was provided
if deprecated_ext_value?(arguments)
message = "Extensions can now be generated using C or Rust, so `--ext` with no arguments has been deprecated. Please select a language, e.g. `--ext=rust` to generate a Rust extension. This gem will now be generated as if `--ext=c` was used."
removed_message = "Extensions can now be generated using C or Rust, so `--ext` with no arguments has been removed. Please select a language, e.g. `--ext=rust` to generate a Rust extension."
SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, message, removed_message: removed_message
arguments[arguments.index("--ext")] = "--ext=c"
def self.deprecated_ext_value?(arguments)
index = arguments.index("--ext")
next_argument = arguments[index + 1]
# it is ok when --ext is followed with valid extension value
# for example `bundle gem hello --ext c`
return false if EXTENSIONS.include?(next_argument)
# deprecated call when --ext is called with no value in last position
# for example `bundle gem hello_gem --ext`
return true if next_argument.nil?
# deprecated call when --ext is followed by other parameter
# for example `bundle gem --ext --no-ci hello_gem`
return true if next_argument.start_with?("-")
# deprecated call when --ext is followed by gem name
# for example `bundle gem --ext hello_gem`
return true if next_argument
def current_command
_, _, config = @_initializer
def print_command
return unless Bundler.ui.debug?
cmd = current_command
command_name = cmd.name
return if PARSEABLE_COMMANDS.include?(command_name)
command = ["bundle", command_name] + args
options_to_print = options.dup
options_to_print.delete_if do |k, v|
next unless o = cmd.options[k]
o.default == v
command << Thor::Options.to_switches(options_to_print.sort_by(&:first)).strip
Bundler.ui.info "Running `#{command * " "}` with bundler #{Bundler::VERSION}"
def warn_on_outdated_bundler
return if Bundler.settings[:disable_version_check]
command_name = current_command.name
return if PARSEABLE_COMMANDS.include?(command_name)
return unless SharedHelpers.md5_available?
require_relative "vendored_uri"
remote = Source::Rubygems::Remote.new(Gem::URI("https://rubygems.org"))
cache_path = Bundler.user_cache.join("compact_index", remote.cache_slug)
latest = Bundler::CompactIndexClient.new(cache_path).latest_version("bundler")
return unless latest
current = Gem::Version.new(VERSION)
return if current >= latest
Bundler.ui.warn \
"The latest bundler is #{latest}, but you are currently running #{current}.\n" \
"To update to the most recent version, run `bundle update --bundler`"
rescue RuntimeError
def remembered_negative_flag_deprecation(name)
positive_name = name.gsub(/\Ano-/, "")
option = current_command.options[positive_name]
flag_name = "--no-" + option.switch_name.gsub(/\A--/, "")
flag_deprecation(positive_name, flag_name, option)
def remembered_flag_deprecation(name)
option = current_command.options[name]
flag_name = option.switch_name
flag_deprecation(name, flag_name, option)
def flag_deprecation(name, flag_name, option)
name_index = ARGV.find {|arg| flag_name == arg.split("=")[0] }
return unless name_index
value = options[name]
value = value.join(" ").to_s if option.type == :array
value = "'#{value}'" unless option.type == :boolean
print_remembered_flag_deprecation(flag_name, name.tr("-", "_"), value)
def print_remembered_flag_deprecation(flag_name, option_name, option_value)
message =
"The `#{flag_name}` flag is deprecated because it relies on being " \
"remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer " \
"do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set #{option_name} " \
"#{option_value}`, and stop using this flag"
removed_message =
"The `#{flag_name}` flag has been removed because it relied on being " \
"remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer " \
"do. Instead please use `bundle config set #{option_name} " \
"#{option_value}`, and stop using this flag"
Bundler::SharedHelpers.major_deprecation 2, message, removed_message: removed_message