# frozen_string_literal: true
module Bundler
module CIDetector
# NOTE: Any changes made here will need to be made to both lib/rubygems/ci_detector.rb and
# bundler/lib/bundler/ci_detector.rb (which are enforced duplicates).
# TODO: Drop that duplication once bundler drops support for RubyGems 3.4
# ## Recognized CI providers, their signifiers, and the relevant docs ##
# Travis CI - CI, TRAVIS https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#default-environment-variables
# Cirrus CI - CI, CIRRUS_CI https://cirrus-ci.org/guide/writing-tasks/#environment-variables
# Circle CI - CI, CIRCLECI https://circleci.com/docs/variables/#built-in-environment-variables
# Gitlab CI - CI, GITLAB_CI https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/
# AppVeyor - CI, APPVEYOR https://www.appveyor.com/docs/environment-variables/
# CodeShip - CI_NAME https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-codeship/latest/pro-builds-and-configuration/environment-variables#_default_environment_variables
# dsari - CI, DSARI https://github.com/rfinnie/dsari#running
# Jenkins - BUILD_NUMBER https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/jenkinsfile/#using-environment-variables
# TeamCity - TEAMCITY_VERSION https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/predefined-build-parameters.html#Predefined+Server+Build+Parameters
# Appflow - CI_BUILD_ID https://ionic.io/docs/appflow/automation/environments#predefined-environments
# TaskCluster - TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL https://docs.taskcluster.net/docs/manual/design/env-vars
# Semaphore - CI, SEMAPHORE https://docs.semaphoreci.com/ci-cd-environment/environment-variables/
# BuildKite - CI, BUILDKITE https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/environment-variables
# GoCD - GO_SERVER_URL https://docs.gocd.org/current/faq/dev_use_current_revision_in_build.html
# GH Actions - CI, GITHUB_ACTIONS https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/variables#default-environment-variables
# ### Some "standard" ENVs that multiple providers may set ###
# * CI - this is set by _most_ (but not all) CI providers now; it's approaching a standard.
# * CI_NAME - Not as frequently used, but some providers set this to specify their own name
# Any of these being set is a reasonably reliable indicator that we are
# executing in a CI environment.
# For each CI, this env suffices to indicate that we're on _that_ CI's
# containers. (A few of them only supply a CI_NAME variable, which is also
# nice). And if they set "CI" but we can't tell which one they are, we also
# want to know that - a bare "ci" without another token tells us as much.
"TRAVIS" => "travis",
"CIRCLECI" => "circle",
"CIRRUS_CI" => "cirrus",
"DSARI" => "dsari",
"SEMAPHORE" => "semaphore",
"JENKINS_URL" => "jenkins",
"BUILDKITE" => "buildkite",
"GO_SERVER_URL" => "go",
"GITLAB_CI" => "gitlab",
"GITHUB_ACTIONS" => "github",
"TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL" => "taskcluster",
"CI" => "ci",
def self.ci?
ENV_INDICATORS.any? {|var| ENV.include?(var) }
def self.ci_strings
matching_names = ENV_DESCRIPTORS.select {|env, _| ENV[env] }.values
matching_names << ENV["CI_NAME"].downcase if ENV["CI_NAME"]