shell bypass 403
��f� c @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z m Z m Z d d l Z d d l m
Z d d l m
e d d d d d
d d d
d d d g � Z d Z d Z e j d � d d � Z Gd d � d � Z d S( uI CodeContext - Extension to display the block context above the edit window
Once code has scrolled off the top of a window, it can be difficult to
determine which block you are in. This extension implements a pane at the top
of each IDLE edit window which provides block structure hints. These hints are
the lines which contain the block opening keywords, e.g. 'if', for the
enclosing block. The number of hint lines is determined by the numlines
variable in the CodeContext section of config-extensions.def. Lines which do
not open blocks are not shown in the context hints pane.
i N( u TOPu LEFTu Xu Wu SUNKEN( u maxsize( u idleConfu classu defu elifu elseu exceptu finallyu foru ifu tryu whileu withid i� u ^(\s*)(\w*)c C s | j | � j � S( N( u matchu groups( u su c( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/idlelib/CodeContext.pyu <lambda> s u <lambda>c B s� | Ee Z d Z d d g f g Z e j d d d d d d d �Z e j d d d
d d d d �Z e j d d d
d d d d �Z d d � Z d d d � Z d d � Z d d d d � Z
d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S(! u CodeContextu optionsu !Code Conte_xtu <<toggle-code-context>>u
extensionsu numlinesu typeu intu defaulti u bgcoloru stru LightGrayu fgcoloru Blackc C s� | | _ | j | _ | j d | _ d | _ d g | _ d | _ t j d d d d d d
�} | r� | j
� | j j d d � n | j j
t | j � | j j
t | j � d S( Nu fonti i u u
extensionsu CodeContextu visibleu typeu boolu defaultu <<toggle-code-context>>i����F( i i����u FT( u editwinu textu textfontu Noneu labelu Falseu infou
topvisibleu idleConfu GetOptionu toggle_code_context_eventu setvaru Trueu afteru UPDATEINTERVALu timer_eventu FONTUPDATEINTERVALu font_timer_event( u selfu editwinu visible( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/idlelib/CodeContext.pyu __init__"