shell bypass 403
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e d da d� d � =e d da j dd e
� e d� da d db � =e d� da d db � =n e j � Z
[ d S(� u� Define the menu contents, hotkeys, and event bindings.
There is additional configuration information in the EditorWindow class (and
subclasses): the menus are created there based on the menu_specs (class)
variable, and menus not created are silently skipped in the code here. This
makes it possible, for example, to define a Debug menu which is only present in
the PythonShell window, and a Format menu which is only present in the Editor
i N( u idleConf( u
macosxSupportu fileu _New Fileu <<open-new-window>>u _Open...u <<open-window-from-file>>u Open _Module...u <<open-module>>u Class _Browseru <<open-class-browser>>u
_Path Browseru <<open-path-browser>>u _Saveu <<save-window>>u Save _As...u <<save-window-as-file>>u Save Cop_y As...u <<save-copy-of-window-as-file>>u
Prin_t Windowu <<print-window>>u _Closeu <<close-window>>u E_xitu <<close-all-windows>>u editu _Undou <<undo>>u _Redou <<redo>>u Cu_tu <<cut>>u _Copyu <<copy>>u _Pasteu <<paste>>u Select _Allu <<select-all>>u _Find...u <<find>>u Find A_gainu <<find-again>>u Find _Selectionu <<find-selection>>u Find in Files...u <<find-in-files>>u R_eplace...u <<replace>>u Go to _Lineu
<<goto-line>>u formatu _Indent Regionu <<indent-region>>u _Dedent Regionu <<dedent-region>>u Comment _Out Regionu <<comment-region>>u U_ncomment Regionu <<uncomment-region>>u
Tabify Regionu <<tabify-region>>u Untabify Regionu <<untabify-region>>u Toggle Tabsu <<toggle-tabs>>u New Indent Widthu <<change-indentwidth>>u runu Python Shellu <<open-python-shell>>u shellu _View Last Restartu <<view-restart>>u _Restart Shellu <<restart-shell>>u debugu _Go to File/Lineu <<goto-file-line>>u
!_Debuggeru <<toggle-debugger>>u
_Stack Vieweru <<open-stack-viewer>>u !_Auto-open Stack Vieweru <<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>u optionsu _Configure IDLE...u <<open-config-dialog>>u helpu _About IDLEu <<about-idle>>u
_IDLE Helpu <<help>>u Python _Docsu <<python-docs>>i i i i ( u _New Fileu <<open-new-window>>( u _Open...u <<open-window-from-file>>( u Open _Module...u <<open-module>>( u Class _Browseru <<open-class-browser>>( u
_Path Browseru <<open-path-browser>>( u _Saveu <<save-window>>( u Save _As...u <<save-window-as-file>>( u Save Cop_y As...u <<save-copy-of-window-as-file>>( u
Prin_t Windowu <<print-window>>( u _Closeu <<close-window>>( u E_xitu <<close-all-windows>>( u _Undou <<undo>>( u _Redou <<redo>>( u Cu_tu <<cut>>( u _Copyu <<copy>>( u _Pasteu <<paste>>( u Select _Allu <<select-all>>( u _Find...u <<find>>( u Find A_gainu <<find-again>>( u Find _Selectionu <<find-selection>>( u Find in Files...u <<find-in-files>>( u R_eplace...u <<replace>>( u Go to _Lineu
<<goto-line>>( u _Indent Regionu <<indent-region>>( u _Dedent Regionu <<dedent-region>>( u Comment _Out Regionu <<comment-region>>( u U_ncomment Regionu <<uncomment-region>>( u
Tabify Regionu <<tabify-region>>( u Untabify Regionu <<untabify-region>>( u Toggle Tabsu <<toggle-tabs>>( u New Indent Widthu <<change-indentwidth>>( u Python Shellu <<open-python-shell>>( u _View Last Restartu <<view-restart>>( u _Restart Shellu <<restart-shell>>( u _Go to File/Lineu <<goto-file-line>>( u
!_Debuggeru <<toggle-debugger>>( u
_Stack Vieweru <<open-stack-viewer>>( u !_Auto-open Stack Vieweru <<toggle-jit-stack-viewer>>( u _Configure IDLE...u <<open-config-dialog>>( u _About IDLEu <<about-idle>>( u
_IDLE Helpu <<help>>( u Python _Docsu <<python-docs>>i����i����i����i����i����( u __doc__u sysu idlelib.configHandleru idleConfu idlelibu
macosxSupportu Noneu menudefsu runningAsOSXAppu quitItemu closeItemu insertu GetCurrentKeySetu default_keydefs( ( ( u5 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/idlelib/Bindings.pyu <module>