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Implements the Distutils 'upload' subcommand (upload package to a package
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�uploadzupload binary package to PyPI)�sign�szsign files to upload using gpg)z identity=�izGPG identity used to sign filesr c �t � t j | � � d| _ d| _ d| _ d| _ d | _ d S )N� r F)r
show_responser �identity)�selfs �?/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/command/upload.pyr zupload.initialize_options* s; � ��(��.�.�.���
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j | _ d S d S d S )Nz.Must use --sign for --identity to have meaningr r �
�finalize_optionsr r r �_read_pypircr r r# r$ �distribution)r �configs r r% zupload.finalize_options2 s� � ��&�t�,�,�,��=� ��� �&�@�� �
� �"�"�$�$���R�<�<�"�:�.�D�M�"�:�.�D�M�$�\�2�D�O����D�J� �}� 7��!2�!;� 7� �-�6�D�M�M�M� 7� 7� 7� 7r! c � � | j j sd}t |� � �| j j D ]\ }}}| � |||� � �d S )NzHMust create and upload files in one command (e.g. sdist upload))r'