* File containing the ezcBaseMetaDataTarballReader class.
* @package Base
* @version 1.8
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License
* Base class implements ways of fetching information about the installed
* eZ Components when installed as tarball.
* @package Base
* @version 1.8
* @mainclass
class ezcBaseMetaDataTarballReader
* Contains the handler to the XML file containing the release information.
* @var SimpleXmlElement
private $xml;
* Creates the reader object and opens the release-info file.
public function __construct()
$filename = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../../release-info.xml';
$this->xml = simplexml_load_file( $filename );
* Returns the version string for the installed eZ Components bundle.
* A version string such as "2008.2.2" is returned.
* @return string
public function getBundleVersion()
return (string) $this->xml->version;
* Returns a PHP version string that describes the required PHP version for
* this installed eZ Components bundle.
* @return string
public function getRequiredPhpVersion()
return (string) $this->xml->deps->php;
* Returns whether $componentName is installed
* Returns true for every component that exists (because all of them are
* then available).
* @return bool
public function isComponentInstalled( $componentName )
$root = $this->xml->deps->packages->package;
foreach ( $root as $package )
if ( (string) $package['name'] == $componentName )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the version string of the available $componentName or false when
* the component is not installed.
* @return string
public function getComponentVersion( $componentName )
$root = $this->xml->deps->packages->package;
foreach ( $root as $package )
if ( (string) $package['name'] == $componentName )
return (string) $package['version'];
return false;
* Returns a list of components that $componentName depends on.
* If $componentName is left empty, all installed components are returned.
* The returned array has as keys the component names, and as values the
* version of the components. It returns null of the $componentName
* is not found.
* @return array(string=>string).
public function getComponentDependencies( $componentName = null )
$baseVersion = false;
$root = $this->xml->deps->packages;
$found = $componentName === null ? true : false;
// in case $componentName != null, we loop through all the components
// in the file, and figure out the new root that we can list dependency
// packages from.
foreach ( $root->package as $package )
if ( (string) $package['name'] == 'Base' )
$baseVersion = $package['version'];
if ( !$found && (string) $package['name'] == $componentName )
$root = $package->deps;
$found = true;
if ( !$found )
return null;
// We always add the Base dependency even though it's not in the dependency file.
$deps = array();
$deps['Base'] = (string) $baseVersion;
if ( !isset( $root->package ) )
return $deps;
foreach ( $root->package as $package )
$deps[(string) $package['name']] = (string) $package['version'];
return $deps;