eZ publish Enterprise Component: ConsoleTools, Requirements
Purpose of the ConsoleTools package
The ConsoleTools package will contain several classes to support comfortable
development of console based applications. These classes shall be designed as
independant as possible from each other to let the user flexibly choose, which
ones he likes to use and which not.
Aimed features are:
- Comfortable handling of options and parameters (long, short, values,...)
- Formatting assistance for console output (placing, colors,...)
- Convenience functionality to deal with Windoze and Unix based systems
Current implementation
Included classes
2 classes are directly involved in the CLI handling.
General initiallization and shutdown script functionality. Very eZ
publish specific. Handles initialization of database connection for
example, but also some CLI related actions like shutting down every
thing cleanly and returning an exit code.
Handles general console output, formating and option parsing.
External classes
Beside that, there are dependencies to log/debug/whatever and the following
Base clase for drivers that convert text between different output formats.
Currently has 1 extending class: eZCodePageCodec. Part of the I18N
General involved classes:
eZPublishSDK, eZDebug, eZINI, eZDebugSetting, eZExecution,
eZExtension, eZDB, eZSession, eZUser, eZModule
General notes
The functionality for console handling seems to be widly spread over the
current eZ publish classes. Beside that, it is not quite feature complete and
mixed around with web handling classes.
Design goals
The command line handling classes should be redesigned completly, since it's
currently messed up with web related stuff and fully integrated with eZ
Following functionality will be included:
- General in and output handling functionality
- Output strings
- Style output (color, underline?, ...)
- Position change
- Error/notice/warning support
- Handling of options
- Long / short options
- Dealing with help output
- Optional and required stuff
- Dependencies and exclusion of options
- Handling of advanced output
- Progress bars (single, keep multiple in mind)
- Tables
All parts should be as independant as possible. Some parts depend quite hardly
on the output itself, this is ok. Option parsing and handling should _not_
depend on the output class.
The design for this package has been splitted into 3 categories of classes:
This type of classes provide low level output functionality for console
based applications (like styling text, line breaking,...).
This type of classes provide more advanced outputing features (like
generating structures of text automatically, providing advances
tools,...). This type of classes depends on the Output classes described
above, since they output data.
This type of classes is independant of both above shown categories and
provides features for handling common functions in console based
applications. Since they do not have to output directly, there is no need
to depend on output functionality.