shell bypass 403
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
import { safeParseJson } from '@shared/lib/parsing';
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { devtools, persist, createJSONStorage } from 'zustand/middleware';
const startingState = {
siteType: {
slug: '0default',
name: 'Default',
siteInformation: {
title: undefined,
variation: null,
style: null,
pages: [],
plugins: [],
goals: [],
// initialize the state with default values
...(safeParseJson(window.extSharedData.userData.userSelectionData)?.state ??
const state = () => ({
// Add methods here
const path = '/extendify/v1/shared/user-selections-data';
const storage = {
getItem: async () => await apiFetch({ path }),
setItem: async (_name, state) =>
await apiFetch({ path, method: 'POST', data: { state } }),
export const useUserSelectionStore = create(
persist(devtools(state, { name: 'Extendify User Selections' }), {
storage: createJSONStorage(() => storage),
skipHydration: true,