shell bypass 403
namespace Elementor\Modules\Checklist;
use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule;
use Elementor\Core\Experiments\Manager;
use Elementor\Modules\ElementorCounter\Module as Elementor_Counter;
use Elementor\Core\Isolation\Wordpress_Adapter;
use Elementor\Core\Isolation\Wordpress_Adapter_Interface;
use Elementor\Core\Isolation\Elementor_Adapter;
use Elementor\Core\Isolation\Elementor_Adapter_Interface;
use Elementor\Core\Isolation\Elementor_Counter_Adapter_Interface;
use Elementor\Plugin;
use Elementor\Utils;
use Elementor\Modules\Checklist\Data\Controller;
use Elementor\Core\Utils\Isolation_Manager;
use Elementor\Modules\EditorAppBar\Module as AppBarModule;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
class Module extends BaseModule implements Checklist_Module_Interface {
const EXPERIMENT_ID = 'launchpad-checklist';
const DB_OPTION_KEY = 'elementor_checklist';
const VISIBILITY_SWITCH_ID = 'show_launchpad_checklist';
const FIRST_CLOSED_CHECKLIST_IN_EDITOR = 'first_closed_checklist_in_editor';
const LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP = 'last_opened_timestamp';
const SHOULD_OPEN_IN_EDITOR = 'should_open_in_editor';
const IS_POPUP_MINIMIZED_KEY = 'is_popup_minimized';
private Steps_Manager $steps_manager;
private Wordpress_Adapter_Interface $wordpress_adapter;
private Elementor_Adapter_Interface $elementor_adapter;
private Elementor_Counter_Adapter_Interface $counter_adapter;
private $user_progress = null;
* @param ?Wordpress_Adapter_Interface $wordpress_adapter
* @param ?Elementor_Adapter_Interface $elementor_adapter
* @return void
public function __construct(
?Wordpress_Adapter_Interface $wordpress_adapter = null,
?Elementor_Adapter_Interface $elementor_adapter = null
) {
$this->wordpress_adapter = $wordpress_adapter ?? Isolation_Manager::get_adapter( Wordpress_Adapter::class );
$this->elementor_adapter = $elementor_adapter ?? Isolation_Manager::get_adapter( Elementor_Adapter::class );
if ( ! $this->is_experiment_active() ) {
Plugin::$instance->data_manager_v2->register_controller( new Controller() );
$this->user_progress = $this->user_progress ?? $this->get_user_progress_from_db();
$this->steps_manager = new Steps_Manager( $this );
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
* Get the module name.
* @return string
public function get_name() : string {
return 'e-checklist';
* Checks if the experiment is active
* @return bool
public function is_experiment_active() : bool {
return Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( self::EXPERIMENT_ID );
* Gets user's progress from db
* @return array {
* @type bool $is_hidden
* @type int $last_opened_timestamp
* @type array $steps {
* @type string $step_id => {
* @type bool $is_marked_completed
* @type bool $is_absolute_competed
* @type bool $is_immutable_completed
* }
* }
* }
public function get_user_progress_from_db() : array {
$db_progress = json_decode( $this->wordpress_adapter->get_option( self::DB_OPTION_KEY ), true );
$db_progress = is_array( $db_progress ) ? $db_progress : [];
$progress = array_merge( $this->get_default_user_progress(), $db_progress );
$editor_visit_count = $this->elementor_adapter->get_count( Elementor_Counter::EDITOR_COUNTER_KEY );
$progress[ self::SHOULD_OPEN_IN_EDITOR ] = 2 === $editor_visit_count && ! $progress[ self::LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP ];
return $progress;
* Using the step's ID, get the progress of the step should it exist
* @param $step_id
* @return null|array {
* @type bool $is_marked_completed
* @type bool $is_completed
* }
public function get_step_progress( $step_id ) : ?array {
return $this->user_progress['steps'][ $step_id ] ?? null;
* Update the progress of a step
* @param $step_id
* @param $step_progress
* @return void
public function set_step_progress( $step_id, $step_progress ) : void {
$this->user_progress['steps'][ $step_id ] = $step_progress;
public function update_user_progress( $new_data ) : void {
$allowed_properties = [
self::LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP => $new_data[ self::LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP ] ?? null,
self::IS_POPUP_MINIMIZED_KEY => $new_data[ self::IS_POPUP_MINIMIZED_KEY ] ?? null,
foreach ( $allowed_properties as $key => $value ) {
if ( null !== $value ) {
$this->user_progress[ $key ] = $this->get_formatted_value( $key, $value );
if ( isset( $new_data[ Elementor_Counter::EDITOR_COUNTER_KEY ] ) ) {
$this->elementor_adapter->set_count( Elementor_Counter::EDITOR_COUNTER_KEY, $new_data[ Elementor_Counter::EDITOR_COUNTER_KEY ] );
* @return Steps_Manager
public function get_steps_manager() : Steps_Manager {
return $this->steps_manager;
* @return Wordpress_Adapter
public function get_wordpress_adapter() : Wordpress_Adapter {
return $this->wordpress_adapter;
* @return Elementor_Adapter
public function get_elementor_adapter() : Elementor_Adapter {
return $this->elementor_adapter;
public function enqueue_editor_scripts() : void {
add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', function () {
$min_suffix = Utils::is_script_debug() ? '' : '.min';
ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'js/checklist' . $min_suffix . '.js',
wp_set_script_translations( $this->get_name(), 'elementor' );
} );
public function is_preference_switch_on() : bool {
if ( $this->should_switch_preferences_off() ) {
return false;
$user_preferences = $this->wordpress_adapter->get_user_preferences( self::VISIBILITY_SWITCH_ID );
return 'yes' === $user_preferences || $this->wordpress_adapter->is_new_installation();
public function should_switch_preferences_off() : bool {
return ! $this->elementor_adapter->is_active_kit_default() && ! $this->user_progress[ self::LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP ] && ! $this->elementor_adapter->get_count( Elementor_Counter::EDITOR_COUNTER_KEY );
private function register_experiment() : void {
Plugin::$instance->experiments->add_feature( [
'name' => self::EXPERIMENT_ID,
'title' => esc_html__( 'Launchpad Checklist', 'elementor' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Launchpad Checklist feature to boost productivity and deliver your site faster', 'elementor' ),
'release_status' => Manager::RELEASE_STATUS_ALPHA,
'hidden' => true,
'new_site' => [
'default_active' => true,
'minimum_installation_version' => '3.25.0',
] );
private function init_user_progress() : void {
$default_settings = $this->get_default_user_progress();
$this->wordpress_adapter->add_option( self::DB_OPTION_KEY, wp_json_encode( $default_settings ) );
private function get_default_user_progress() : array {
return [
self::IS_POPUP_MINIMIZED_KEY => false,
'steps' => [],
private function update_user_progress_in_db() : void {
$this->wordpress_adapter->update_option( self::DB_OPTION_KEY, wp_json_encode( $this->user_progress ) );
private function get_formatted_value( $key, $value ) {
if ( self::LAST_OPENED_TIMESTAMP === $key ) {
return $value ? time() : null;
return $value;
private function handle_checklist_visibility_with_kit() {
if ( ! $this->should_switch_preferences_off() ) {
add_action( 'elementor/editor/init', function () {
$this->wordpress_adapter->set_user_preferences( self::VISIBILITY_SWITCH_ID, '' );
}, 11 );
public static function should_display_checklist_toggle_control() : bool {
return Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( self::EXPERIMENT_ID ) &&
Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( AppBarModule::EXPERIMENT_NAME ) &&
current_user_can( 'manage_options' );