shell bypass 403
import { nodeJsByteUtils } from './node_byte_utils';
import { webByteUtils } from './web_byte_utils';
* @public
* @experimental
* A collection of functions that help work with data in a Uint8Array.
* ByteUtils is configured at load time to use Node.js or Web based APIs for the internal implementations.
export type ByteUtils = {
/** Transforms the input to an instance of Buffer if running on node, otherwise Uint8Array */
toLocalBufferType: (buffer: Uint8Array | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer) => Uint8Array;
/** Create empty space of size */
allocate: (size: number) => Uint8Array;
/** Create empty space of size, use pooled memory when available */
allocateUnsafe: (size: number) => Uint8Array;
/** Check if two Uint8Arrays are deep equal */
equals: (a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array) => boolean;
/** Check if two Uint8Arrays are deep equal */
fromNumberArray: (array: number[]) => Uint8Array;
/** Create a Uint8Array from a base64 string */
fromBase64: (base64: string) => Uint8Array;
/** Create a base64 string from bytes */
toBase64: (buffer: Uint8Array) => string;
/** **Legacy** binary strings are an outdated method of data transfer. Do not add public API support for interpreting this format */
fromISO88591: (codePoints: string) => Uint8Array;
/** **Legacy** binary strings are an outdated method of data transfer. Do not add public API support for interpreting this format */
toISO88591: (buffer: Uint8Array) => string;
/** Create a Uint8Array from a hex string */
fromHex: (hex: string) => Uint8Array;
/** Create a lowercase hex string from bytes */
toHex: (buffer: Uint8Array) => string;
/** Create a string from utf8 code units, fatal=true will throw an error if UTF-8 bytes are invalid, fatal=false will insert replacement characters */
toUTF8: (buffer: Uint8Array, start: number, end: number, fatal: boolean) => string;
/** Get the utf8 code unit count from a string if it were to be transformed to utf8 */
utf8ByteLength: (input: string) => number;
/** Encode UTF8 bytes generated from `source` string into `destination` at byteOffset. Returns the number of bytes encoded. */
encodeUTF8Into: (destination: Uint8Array, source: string, byteOffset: number) => number;
/** Generate a Uint8Array filled with random bytes with byteLength */
randomBytes: (byteLength: number) => Uint8Array;
/** Interprets `buffer` as an array of 32-bit values and swaps the byte order in-place. */
swap32: (buffer: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array;
declare const Buffer: { new (): unknown; prototype?: { _isBuffer?: boolean } } | undefined;
* Check that a global Buffer exists that is a function and
* does not have a '_isBuffer' property defined on the prototype
* (this is to prevent using the npm buffer)
const hasGlobalBuffer = typeof Buffer === 'function' && Buffer.prototype?._isBuffer !== true;
* This is the only ByteUtils that should be used across the rest of the BSON library.
* The type annotation is important here, it asserts that each of the platform specific
* utils implementations are compatible with the common one.
* @internal
export const ByteUtils: ByteUtils = hasGlobalBuffer ? nodeJsByteUtils : webByteUtils;