shell bypass 403
import { type Stream } from './cmap/connect';
import { MongoMissingDependencyError } from './error';
import type { Callback } from './utils';
function makeErrorModule(error: any) {
const props = error ? { kModuleError: error } : {};
return new Proxy(props, {
get: (_: any, key: any) => {
if (key === 'kModuleError') {
return error;
throw error;
set: () => {
throw error;
export type Kerberos = typeof import('kerberos') | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError };
export function getKerberos(): Kerberos {
let kerberos: Kerberos;
try {
// Ensure you always wrap an optional require in the try block NODE-3199
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
kerberos = require('kerberos');
} catch (error) {
kerberos = makeErrorModule(
new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `kerberos` not found. Please install it to enable kerberos authentication',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'kerberos' }
return kerberos;
export interface KerberosClient {
step(challenge: string): Promise<string>;
step(challenge: string, callback: Callback<string>): void;
wrap(challenge: string, options: { user: string }): Promise<string>;
wrap(challenge: string, options: { user: string }, callback: Callback<string>): void;
unwrap(challenge: string): Promise<string>;
unwrap(challenge: string, callback: Callback<string>): void;
type ZStandardLib = {
* Compress using zstd.
* @param buf - Buffer to be compressed.
compress(buf: Buffer, level?: number): Promise<Buffer>;
* Decompress using zstd.
decompress(buf: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
export type ZStandard = ZStandardLib | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError };
export function getZstdLibrary(): ZStandardLib | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } {
let ZStandard: ZStandardLib | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError };
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
ZStandard = require('@mongodb-js/zstd');
} catch (error) {
ZStandard = makeErrorModule(
new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `@mongodb-js/zstd` not found. Please install it to enable zstd compression',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'zstd' }
return ZStandard;
* @internal
* Copy of the AwsCredentialIdentityProvider interface from [`smithy/types`](\@smithy/types/files/1.1.1/dist-types/identity/awsCredentialIdentity.d.ts),
* the return type of the aws-sdk's `fromNodeProviderChain().provider()`.
export interface AWSCredentials {
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
sessionToken: string;
expiration?: Date;
type CredentialProvider = {
this: void,
options: { clientConfig: { region: string } }
): () => Promise<AWSCredentials>;
fromNodeProviderChain(this: void): () => Promise<AWSCredentials>;
export function getAwsCredentialProvider():
| CredentialProvider
| { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } {
try {
// Ensure you always wrap an optional require in the try block NODE-3199
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const credentialProvider = require('@aws-sdk/credential-providers');
return credentialProvider;
} catch (error) {
return makeErrorModule(
new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `@aws-sdk/credential-providers` not found.' +
' Please install it to enable getting aws credentials via the official sdk.',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: '@aws-sdk/credential-providers' }
/** @internal */
export type GcpMetadata =
| typeof import('gcp-metadata')
| { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError };
export function getGcpMetadata(): GcpMetadata {
try {
// Ensure you always wrap an optional require in the try block NODE-3199
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const credentialProvider = require('gcp-metadata');
return credentialProvider;
} catch (error) {
return makeErrorModule(
new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `gcp-metadata` not found.' +
' Please install it to enable getting gcp credentials via the official sdk.',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'gcp-metadata' }
/** @internal */
export type SnappyLib = {
* In order to support both we must check the return value of the function
* @param buf - Buffer to be compressed
compress(buf: Buffer): Promise<Buffer>;
* In order to support both we must check the return value of the function
* @param buf - Buffer to be compressed
uncompress(buf: Buffer, opt: { asBuffer: true }): Promise<Buffer>;
export function getSnappy(): SnappyLib | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } {
try {
// Ensure you always wrap an optional require in the try block NODE-3199
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const value = require('snappy');
return value;
} catch (error) {
const kModuleError = new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `snappy` not found. Please install it to enable snappy compression',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'snappy' }
return { kModuleError };
export type SocksLib = {
SocksClient: {
createConnection(options: {
command: 'connect';
destination: { host: string; port: number };
proxy: {
/** host and port are ignored because we pass existing_socket */
host: 'iLoveJavaScript';
port: 0;
type: 5;
userId?: string;
password?: string;
timeout?: number;
/** We always create our own socket, and pass it to this API for proxy negotiation */
existing_socket: Stream;
}): Promise<{ socket: Stream }>;
export function getSocks(): SocksLib | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } {
try {
// Ensure you always wrap an optional require in the try block NODE-3199
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
const value = require('socks');
return value;
} catch (error) {
const kModuleError = new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `socks` not found. Please install it to connections over a SOCKS5 proxy',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'socks' }
return { kModuleError };
interface AWS4 {
* Created these inline types to better assert future usage of this API
* @param options - options for request
* @param credentials - AWS credential details, sessionToken should be omitted entirely if its false-y
this: void,
options: {
path: '/';
body: string;
host: string;
method: 'POST';
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
'Content-Length': number;
'X-MongoDB-Server-Nonce': string;
'X-MongoDB-GS2-CB-Flag': 'n';
service: string;
region: string;
| {
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
sessionToken: string;
| {
accessKeyId: string;
secretAccessKey: string;
| undefined
): {
headers: {
Authorization: string;
'X-Amz-Date': string;
export const aws4: AWS4 | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } = loadAws4();
function loadAws4() {
let aws4: AWS4 | { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError };
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
aws4 = require('aws4');
} catch (error) {
aws4 = makeErrorModule(
new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `aws4` not found. Please install it to enable AWS authentication',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'aws4' }
return aws4;
/** A utility function to get the instance of mongodb-client-encryption, if it exists. */
export function getMongoDBClientEncryption():
| typeof import('mongodb-client-encryption')
| { kModuleError: MongoMissingDependencyError } {
let mongodbClientEncryption = null;
try {
// NOTE(NODE-3199): Ensure you always wrap an optional require literally in the try block
// Cannot be moved to helper utility function, bundlers search and replace the actual require call
// in a way that makes this line throw at bundle time, not runtime, catching here will make bundling succeed
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports
mongodbClientEncryption = require('mongodb-client-encryption');
} catch (error) {
const kModuleError = new MongoMissingDependencyError(
'Optional module `mongodb-client-encryption` not found. Please install it to use auto encryption or ClientEncryption.',
{ cause: error, dependencyName: 'mongodb-client-encryption' }
return { kModuleError };
return mongodbClientEncryption;