shell bypass 403
import { BSONError } from '../error';
import { parseUtf8 } from '../parse_utf8';
import { tryReadBasicLatin, tryWriteBasicLatin } from './latin';
type NodeJsEncoding = 'base64' | 'hex' | 'utf8' | 'binary';
type NodeJsBuffer = ArrayBufferView &
Uint8Array & {
write(string: string, offset: number, length: undefined, encoding: 'utf8'): number;
copy(target: Uint8Array, targetStart: number, sourceStart: number, sourceEnd: number): number;
toString: (this: Uint8Array, encoding: NodeJsEncoding, start?: number, end?: number) => string;
equals: (this: Uint8Array, other: Uint8Array) => boolean;
swap32: (this: NodeJsBuffer) => NodeJsBuffer;
type NodeJsBufferConstructor = Omit<Uint8ArrayConstructor, 'from'> & {
alloc: (size: number) => NodeJsBuffer;
allocUnsafe: (size: number) => NodeJsBuffer;
from(array: number[]): NodeJsBuffer;
from(array: Uint8Array): NodeJsBuffer;
from(array: ArrayBuffer): NodeJsBuffer;
from(array: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset: number, byteLength: number): NodeJsBuffer;
from(base64: string, encoding: NodeJsEncoding): NodeJsBuffer;
byteLength(input: string, encoding: 'utf8'): number;
isBuffer(value: unknown): value is NodeJsBuffer;
// This can be nullish, but we gate the nodejs functions on being exported whether or not this exists
// Node.js global
declare const Buffer: NodeJsBufferConstructor;
declare const require: (mod: 'crypto') => { randomBytes: (byteLength: number) => Uint8Array };
/** @internal */
export function nodejsMathRandomBytes(byteLength: number) {
return nodeJsByteUtils.fromNumberArray(
Array.from({ length: byteLength }, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256))
* @internal
* This code is carefully used by require_rewriter.mjs any modifications must be reflected in the plugin.
* @remarks
* "crypto" is the only dependency BSON needs. This presents a problem for creating a bundle of the BSON library
* in an es module format that can be used both on the browser and in Node.js. In Node.js when BSON is imported as
* an es module, there will be no global require function defined, making the code below fallback to the much less desireable math.random bytes.
* In order to make our es module bundle work as expected on Node.js we need to change this `require()` to a dynamic import, and the dynamic
* import must be top-level awaited since es modules are async. So we rely on a custom rollup plugin to seek out the following lines of code
* and replace `require` with `await import` and the IIFE line (`nodejsRandomBytes = (() => { ... })()`) with `nodejsRandomBytes = await (async () => { ... })()`
* when generating an es module bundle.
const nodejsRandomBytes: (byteLength: number) => Uint8Array = (() => {
try {
return require('crypto').randomBytes;
} catch {
return nodejsMathRandomBytes;
/** @internal */
export const nodeJsByteUtils = {
toLocalBufferType(potentialBuffer: Uint8Array | NodeJsBuffer | ArrayBuffer): NodeJsBuffer {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(potentialBuffer)) {
return potentialBuffer;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(potentialBuffer)) {
return Buffer.from(
const stringTag =
potentialBuffer?.[Symbol.toStringTag] ??;
if (
stringTag === 'ArrayBuffer' ||
stringTag === 'SharedArrayBuffer' ||
stringTag === '[object ArrayBuffer]' ||
stringTag === '[object SharedArrayBuffer]'
) {
return Buffer.from(potentialBuffer);
throw new BSONError(`Cannot create Buffer from the passed potentialBuffer.`);
allocate(size: number): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.alloc(size);
allocateUnsafe(size: number): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(size);
equals(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean {
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(a).equals(b);
fromNumberArray(array: number[]): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.from(array);
fromBase64(base64: string): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.from(base64, 'base64');
toBase64(buffer: Uint8Array): string {
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).toString('base64');
/** **Legacy** binary strings are an outdated method of data transfer. Do not add public API support for interpreting this format */
fromISO88591(codePoints: string): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.from(codePoints, 'binary');
/** **Legacy** binary strings are an outdated method of data transfer. Do not add public API support for interpreting this format */
toISO88591(buffer: Uint8Array): string {
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).toString('binary');
fromHex(hex: string): NodeJsBuffer {
return Buffer.from(hex, 'hex');
toHex(buffer: Uint8Array): string {
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).toString('hex');
toUTF8(buffer: Uint8Array, start: number, end: number, fatal: boolean): string {
const basicLatin = end - start <= 20 ? tryReadBasicLatin(buffer, start, end) : null;
if (basicLatin != null) {
return basicLatin;
const string = nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).toString('utf8', start, end);
if (fatal) {
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if (string.charCodeAt(i) === 0xfffd) {
parseUtf8(buffer, start, end, true);
return string;
utf8ByteLength(input: string): number {
return Buffer.byteLength(input, 'utf8');
encodeUTF8Into(buffer: Uint8Array, source: string, byteOffset: number): number {
const latinBytesWritten = tryWriteBasicLatin(buffer, source, byteOffset);
if (latinBytesWritten != null) {
return latinBytesWritten;
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).write(source, byteOffset, undefined, 'utf8');
randomBytes: nodejsRandomBytes,
swap32(buffer: Uint8Array): NodeJsBuffer {
return nodeJsByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer).swap32();