shell bypass 403
GrazzMean-Shell Shell
: /home/allssztx/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
/* global wpforms_settings, grecaptcha, hcaptcha, turnstile, wpformsRecaptchaCallback, wpformsRecaptchaV3Execute, wpforms_validate, wpforms_datepicker, wpforms_timepicker, Mailcheck, Choices, WPFormsPasswordField, WPFormsEntryPreview, punycode, tinyMCE, WPFormsUtils, JQueryDeferred, JQueryXHR, WPFormsRepeaterField */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions, no-shadow, no-unused-vars */
* @param wpforms_settings.hn_data
// noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst
* WPForms object.
* @since 1.4.0
var wpforms = window.wpforms || ( function( document, window, $ ) { // eslint-disable-line no-var
* Public functions and properties.
* @since 1.8.9
* @type {Object}
const app = {
* Cache.
* @since 1.8.5
cache: {},
* Is updating token via ajax flag.
* @since 1.8.8
isUpdatingToken: false,
* Start the engine.
* @since 1.2.3
init() {
// Document ready.
$( app.ready );
// Page load.
$( window ).on( 'load', function() {
// In the case of jQuery 3.+, we need to wait for a ready event first.
if ( typeof $.ready.then === 'function' ) {
$.ready.then( app.load );
} else {
} );
* Document ready.
* @since 1.2.3
ready() {
// Clear URL - remove wpforms_form_id.
// Set user identifier.
// Randomize elements.
$( '.wpforms-randomize' ).each( function() {
const $list = $( this ),
$listItems = $list.children();
while ( $listItems.length ) {
$list.append( $listItems.splice( Math.floor( Math.random() * $listItems.length ), 1 )[ 0 ] );
} );
// Unlock pagebreak navigation.
$( '.wpforms-page-button' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
// Init forms' start timestamp.
$( document ).trigger( 'wpformsReady' );
$( '.wpforms-smart-phone-field' ).each( function() {
app.repairSmartPhoneHiddenField( $( this ) );
} );
* Page load.
* @since 1.2.3
load() {
// Initializing
* Remove wpforms_form_id from URL.
* @since 1.5.2
clearUrlQuery() {
const loc = window.location;
let query =;
if ( query.indexOf( 'wpforms_form_id=' ) !== -1 ) {
query = query.replace( /([&?]wpforms_form_id=[0-9]*$|wpforms_form_id=[0-9]*&|[?&]wpforms_form_id=[0-9]*(?=#))/, '' );
history.replaceState( {}, null, loc.origin + loc.pathname + query );
* Load honeypot v2 field.
* @since 1.9.0
loadHoneypot() {
$( '.wpforms-form' ).each( function() {
const $form = $( this ),
formId = $ 'formid' ),
fieldIds = [],
fieldLabels = [];
// Bail early if honeypot protection is disabled for the form.
if ( wpforms_settings.hn_data[ formId ] === undefined ) {
// Collect all field IDs and labels.
$( `#wpforms-form-${ formId } .wpforms-field` ).each( function() {
const $field = $( this );
fieldIds.push( $ 'field-id' ) );
fieldLabels.push( $field.find( '.wpforms-field-label' ).text() );
} );
const label = app.getHoneypotRandomLabel( fieldLabels.join( ' ' ).split( ' ' ) ),
honeypotFieldId = app.getHoneypotFieldId( fieldIds );
// Insert the honeypot field before a random field.
const insertBeforeId = fieldIds[ Math.floor( Math.random() * fieldIds.length ) ],
honeypotIdAttr = `wpforms-${ formId }-field_${ honeypotFieldId }`,
$insertBeforeField = $( `#wpforms-${ formId }-field_${ insertBeforeId }-container`, $form ),
inlineStyles = 'position: absolute !important; overflow: hidden !important; display: inline !important; height: 1px !important; width: 1px !important; z-index: -1000 !important; padding: 0 !important;',
labelInlineStyles = 'counter-increment: none;',
fieldHTML = `
<div id="${ honeypotIdAttr }-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-text" data-field-type="text" data-field-id="${ honeypotFieldId }" style="${ inlineStyles }">
<label class="wpforms-field-label" for="${ honeypotIdAttr }" aria-hidden="true" style="${ labelInlineStyles }"></label>
<input type="text" id="${ honeypotIdAttr }" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][${ honeypotFieldId }]" aria-hidden="true" style="visibility: hidden;" tabindex="-1">
$insertBeforeField.before( fieldHTML );
// Add inline properties for honeypot field on the form.
const $fieldContainer = $( `#wpforms-${ formId }-field_${ wpforms_settings.hn_data[ formId ] }-container`, $form );
$fieldContainer.find( 'input' ).attr( {
tabindex: '-1',
'aria-hidden': 'true',
} );
$fieldContainer.find( 'label' ).text( label ).attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
} );
* Generate random Honeypot label.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param {Array} words List of words.
* @return {string} Honeypot label.
getHoneypotRandomLabel( words ) {
let label = '';
for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
label += words[ Math.floor( Math.random() * words.length ) ] + ' ';
return label.trim();
* Get Honeypot field ID.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param {Array} fieldIds List of the form field IDs.
* @return {number} Honeypot field ID.
getHoneypotFieldId( fieldIds ) {
const maxId = Math.max( ...fieldIds );
let honeypotFieldId = 0;
// Find the first available field ID.
for ( let i = 1; i < maxId; i++ ) {
if ( ! fieldIds.includes( i ) ) {
honeypotFieldId = i;
// If no available field ID found, use the max ID + 1.
if ( ! honeypotFieldId ) {
honeypotFieldId = maxId + 1;
return honeypotFieldId;
* Load jQuery Validation.
* @since 1.2.3
loadValidation() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
// Only load if jQuery validation library exists.
if ( typeof $.fn.validate === 'undefined' ) {
if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log( 'jQuery Validation library not found.' );
// jQuery Validation library will not correctly validate
// fields that do not have a name attribute, so we use the
// `wpforms-input-temp-name` class to add a temporary name
// attribute before validation is initialized, then remove it
// before the form submits.
$( '.wpforms-input-temp-name' ).each( function( index, el ) {
const random = Math.floor( Math.random() * 9999 ) + 1;
$( this ).attr( 'name', 'wpf-temp-' + random );
} );
// Prepend URL field contents with https:// if user input doesn't contain a schema.
$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpforms-validate input[type=url]', function() {
const url = $( this ).val();
if ( ! url ) {
return false;
if ( url.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && url.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' ) {
$( this ).val( 'https://' + url );
} );
$.validator.messages.required = wpforms_settings.val_required;
$.validator.messages.url = wpforms_settings.val_url;
$ = wpforms_settings.val_email;
$.validator.messages.number = wpforms_settings.val_number;
// Payments: Validate method for Credit Card Number.
if ( typeof $.fn.payment !== 'undefined' ) {
$.validator.addMethod( 'creditcard', function( value, element ) {
//var type = $.payment.cardType(value);
const valid = $.payment.validateCardNumber( value );
return this.optional( element ) || valid;
}, wpforms_settings.val_creditcard );
// @todo validate CVC and expiration
// Validate method for file extensions.
$.validator.addMethod( 'extension', function( value, element, param ) {
param = 'string' === typeof param ? param.replace( /,/g, '|' ) : 'png|jpe?g|gif';
return this.optional( element ) || value.match( new RegExp( '\\.(' + param + ')$', 'i' ) );
}, wpforms_settings.val_fileextension );
// Validate method for file size.
$.validator.addMethod( 'maxsize', function( value, element, param ) {
const maxSize = param,
optionalValue = this.optional( element );
let i, len, file;
if ( optionalValue ) {
return optionalValue;
if ( element.files && element.files.length ) {
i = 0;
len = element.files.length;
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
file = element.files[ i ];
if ( file.size > maxSize ) {
return false;
return true;
}, wpforms_settings.val_filesize );
$.validator.addMethod( 'step', function( value, element, param ) {
const decimalPlaces = function( num ) {
if ( Math.floor( num ) === num ) {
return 0;
return num.toString().split( '.' )[ 1 ].length || 0;
const decimals = decimalPlaces( param );
const decimalToInt = function( num ) {
return Math.round( num * Math.pow( 10, decimals ) );
const min = decimalToInt( $( element ).attr( 'min' ) );
value = decimalToInt( value ) - min;
return this.optional( element ) || decimalToInt( value ) % decimalToInt( param ) === 0;
} );
// Validate email addresses.
$ = function( value, element ) {
* This function combines is_email() from WordPress core
* and wpforms_is_email() to validate email addresses.
* @see
* @see
* @param {string} value The email address to validate.
* @return {boolean} True if the email address is valid, false otherwise.
const isEmail = function( value ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( typeof value !== 'string' ) {
// Do not allow callables, arrays, and objects.
return false;
// Check the length and position of the @ character.
const atIndex = value.indexOf( '@', 1 );
if ( value.length < 6 || value.length > 254 || atIndex === -1 ) {
return false;
// Check for more than one "@" symbol.
if ( value.indexOf( '@', atIndex + 1 ) !== -1 ) {
return false;
// Split email address into local and domain parts.
const [ local, domain ] = value.split( '@' );
// Check local and domain parts for existence.
if ( ! local || ! domain ) {
return false;
// Check local part for invalid characters and length.
const localRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~.-]+$/;
if ( ! localRegex.test( local ) || local.length > 63 ) {
return false;
// Check domain part for sequences of periods, leading and trailing periods, and whitespace.
const domainRegex = /\.{2,}/;
if ( domainRegex.test( domain ) || domain.trim( ' \t\n\r\0\x0B.' ) !== domain ) {
return false;
// Check domain part for length.
const domainArr = domain.split( '.' );
if ( domainArr.length < 2 ) {
return false;
// Check domain label for length, leading and trailing periods, and whitespace.
const domainLabelRegex = /^[a-z0-9-]+$/i;
for ( const domainLabel of domainArr ) {
if (
domainLabel.length > 63 ||
domainLabel.trim( ' \t\n\r\0\x0B-' ) !== domainLabel ||
! domainLabelRegex.test( domainLabel )
) {
return false;
return true;
// Congratulations! The email address is valid.
return this.optional( element ) || isEmail( value );
// Validate email by allowlist/blocklist.
$.validator.addMethod( 'restricted-email', function( value, element ) {
const $el = $( element );
if ( ! $el.val().length ) {
return true;
const $form = $el.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
formId = $ 'formid' );
if (
! app.cache, formId ) ||
! app.cache[ formId ], 'restrictedEmailValidation' ) ||
! app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation, value )
) {
app.restrictedEmailRequest( element, value );
return 'pending';
return app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation[ value ];
}, wpforms_settings.val_email_restricted );
// Validate confirmations.
$.validator.addMethod( 'confirm', function( value, element, param ) {
const field = $( element ).closest( '.wpforms-field' );
return $( field.find( 'input' )[ 0 ] ).val() === $( field.find( 'input' )[ 1 ] ).val();
}, wpforms_settings.val_confirm );
// Validate required payments.
$.validator.addMethod( 'required-payment', function( value, element ) {
return app.amountSanitize( value ) > 0;
}, wpforms_settings.val_requiredpayment );
// Validate 12-hour time.
$.validator.addMethod( 'time12h', function( value, element ) {
// noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape
return this.optional( element ) || /^((0?[1-9]|1[012])(:[0-5]\d){1,2}(\ ?[AP]M))$/i.test( value ); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
}, wpforms_settings.val_time12h );
// Validate 24-hour time.
$.validator.addMethod( 'time24h', function( value, element ) {
// noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape
return this.optional( element ) || /^(([0-1]?[0-9])|([2][0-3])):([0-5]?[0-9])(\ ?[AP]M)?$/i.test( value ); // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
}, wpforms_settings.val_time24h );
// Validate Turnstile captcha.
$.validator.addMethod( 'turnstile', function( value ) {
return value;
}, wpforms_settings.val_turnstile_fail_msg );
// Validate time limits.
$.validator.addMethod( 'time-limit', function( value, element ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const $input = $( element ),
minTime = $ 'min-time' ),
isLimited = typeof minTime !== 'undefined';
if ( ! isLimited ) {
return true;
const isRequired = $input.prop( 'required' );
if ( ! isRequired && app.empty( value ) ) {
return true;
const maxTime = $ 'max-time' );
if ( app.compareTimesGreaterThan( maxTime, minTime ) ) {
return app.compareTimesGreaterThan( value, minTime ) && app.compareTimesGreaterThan( maxTime, value );
return ( app.compareTimesGreaterThan( value, minTime ) && app.compareTimesGreaterThan( value, maxTime ) ) ||
( app.compareTimesGreaterThan( minTime, value ) && app.compareTimesGreaterThan( maxTime, value ) );
}, function( params, element ) {
const $input = $( element );
let minTime = $ 'min-time' ),
maxTime = $ 'max-time' );
// Replace `00:**pm` with `12:**pm`.
minTime = minTime.replace( /^00:([0-9]{2})pm$/, '12:$1pm' );
maxTime = maxTime.replace( /^00:([0-9]{2})pm$/, '12:$1pm' );
// Proper format time: add space before AM/PM, make uppercase.
minTime = minTime.replace( /(am|pm)/g, ' $1' ).toUpperCase();
maxTime = maxTime.replace( /(am|pm)/g, ' $1' ).toUpperCase();
return wpforms_settings.val_time_limit
.replace( '{minTime}', minTime )
.replace( '{maxTime}', maxTime );
} );
// Validate checkbox choice limit.
$.validator.addMethod( 'check-limit', function( value, element ) {
const $ul = $( element ).closest( 'ul' ),
choiceLimit = parseInt( $ul.attr( 'data-choice-limit' ) || 0, 10 );
if ( 0 === choiceLimit ) {
return true;
const $checked = $ul.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]:checked' );
return $checked.length <= choiceLimit;
}, function( params, element ) {
const choiceLimit = parseInt( $( element ).closest( 'ul' ).attr( 'data-choice-limit' ) || 0, 10 );
return wpforms_settings.val_checklimit.replace( '{#}', choiceLimit );
} );
// Validate Smartphone Field.
if ( typeof window.intlTelInput !== 'undefined' ) {
$.validator.addMethod( 'smart-phone-field', function( value, element ) {
if ( value.match( /[^\d()\-+\s]/ ) ) {
return false;
const iti = window.intlTelInputGlobals?.getInstance( element );
const result = $( element ).triggerHandler( 'validate' );
return this.optional( element ) || iti?.isValidNumberPrecise() || result;
}, wpforms_settings.val_phone );
// Validate Inputmask completeness.
$.validator.addMethod( 'inputmask-incomplete', function( value, element ) {
if ( value.length === 0 || typeof $.fn.inputmask === 'undefined' ) {
return true;
return $( element ).inputmask( 'isComplete' );
}, wpforms_settings.val_inputmask_incomplete );
// Validate Payment item value on zero.
$.validator.addMethod( 'required-positive-number', function( value, element ) {
return app.amountSanitize( value ) > 0;
}, wpforms_settings.val_number_positive );
* Validate Payment item minimum price value.
* @since 1.8.6
$.validator.addMethod( 'required-minimum-price', function( value, element, param ) {
const $el = $( element );
* The validation is passed in the following cases:
* 1) if a field is not filled in and not required.
* 2) if the minimum required price is equal to or less than the typed value.
* Note: since the param is returned in decimal format at all times, we need to format the value to compare it.
return ( value === '' && ! $el.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-required' ) ) || Number( app.amountSanitize( app.amountFormat( param ) ) ) <= Number( app.amountSanitize( value ) );
}, wpforms_settings.val_minimum_price );
// Validate US Phone Field.
$.validator.addMethod( 'us-phone-field', function( value, element ) {
if ( value.match( /[^\d()\-+\s]/ ) ) {
return false;
return this.optional( element ) || value.replace( /[^\d]/g, '' ).length === 10;
}, wpforms_settings.val_phone );
// Validate International Phone Field.
$.validator.addMethod( 'int-phone-field', function( value, element ) {
if ( value.match( /[^\d()\-+\s]/ ) ) {
return false;
return this.optional( element ) || value.replace( /[^\d]/g, '' ).length > 0;
}, wpforms_settings.val_phone );
// Validate password strength.
$.validator.addMethod( 'password-strength', function( value, element ) {
const $el = $( element );
// Need to check if the password strength to remove the error message.
const strength = WPFormsPasswordField.passwordStrength( value, element );
* The validation is passed in the following cases:
* 1) if a field is not filled in and not required.
* 2) if the password strength is equal to or greater than the specified level.
return ( value === '' && ! $el.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-required' ) ) || strength >= Number( $ 'password-strength-level' ) );
}, wpforms_settings.val_password_strength );
// Finally, load jQuery Validation library for our forms.
$( '.wpforms-validate' ).each( function() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
const form = $( this ),
formID = 'formid' );
let properties;
// TODO: cleanup this BC with wpforms_validate.
if ( typeof window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ] !== 'undefined' && window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].hasOwnProperty( 'validate' ) ) {
properties = window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].validate;
} else if ( typeof wpforms_validate !== 'undefined' ) {
properties = wpforms_validate;
} else {
properties = {
errorElement: app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ? 'em' : 'label',
errorClass: 'wpforms-error',
validClass: 'wpforms-valid',
ignore: ':hidden:not(textarea.wp-editor-area), .wpforms-conditional-hide textarea.wp-editor-area',
ignoreTitle: true,
errorPlacement( error, element ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( app.isLikertScaleField( element ) ) {
element.closest( 'table' ).hasClass( 'single-row' )
? element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).append( error )
: element.closest( 'tr' ).find( 'th' ).append( error );
} else if ( app.isWrappedField( element ) ) {
element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).append( error );
} else if ( app.isDateTimeField( element ) ) {
app.dateTimeErrorPlacement( element, error );
} else if ( app.isFieldInColumn( element ) ) {
element.parent().append( error );
} else if ( app.isFieldHasHint( element ) ) {
element.parent().append( error );
} else if ( app.isLeadFormsSelect( element ) ) {
element.parent().parent().append( error );
} else if ( element.hasClass( 'wp-editor-area' ) ) {
element.parent().parent().parent().append( error );
} else {
error.insertAfter( element );
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
error.attr( {
role: 'alert',
'aria-label': wpforms_settings.errorMessagePrefix,
for: '',
} );
highlight( element, errorClass, validClass ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const $element = $( element ),
$field = $element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ),
inputName = $element.attr( 'name' );
if ( 'radio' === $element.attr( 'type' ) || 'checkbox' === $element.attr( 'type' ) ) {
$field.find( 'input[name="' + inputName + '"]' ).addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass );
} else {
$element.addClass( errorClass ).removeClass( validClass );
// Remove password strength container for empty required password field.
if (
$element.attr( 'type' ) === 'password' &&
$element.val().trim() === '' &&
window.WPFormsPasswordField &&
$ 'rule-password-strength' ) &&
$element.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-required' )
) {
WPFormsPasswordField.passwordStrength( '', element );
$field.addClass( 'wpforms-has-error' );
unhighlight( element, errorClass, validClass ) {
const $element = $( element ),
$field = $element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ),
inputName = $element.attr( 'name' );
if ( 'radio' === $element.attr( 'type' ) || 'checkbox' === $element.attr( 'type' ) ) {
$field.find( 'input[name="' + inputName + '"]' ).addClass( validClass ).removeClass( errorClass );
} else {
$element.addClass( validClass ).removeClass( errorClass );
// Remove the error class from the field container if there are no subfield errors.
if ( ! $field.find( ':input.wpforms-error,[data-dz-errormessage]:not(:empty)' ).length ) {
$field.removeClass( 'wpforms-has-error' );
// Remove an error message to be sure the next time the `errorPlacement` method will be executed.
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
$element.parent().find( 'em.wpforms-error' ).remove();
submitHandler( form ) {
* Captcha error handler.
* @since 1.8.4
* @param {jQuery} $form current form element.
* @param {jQuery} $container current form container.
const captchaErrorDisplay = function( $form, $container ) {
let errorTag = 'label',
errorRole = '';
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
errorTag = 'em';
errorRole = 'role="alert"';
const error = `<${ errorTag } id="wpforms-field_recaptcha-error" class="wpforms-error" ${ errorRole }> ${ wpforms_settings.val_recaptcha_fail_msg }</${ errorTag }>`;
$form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' ).append( error );
app.restoreSubmitButton( $form, $container );
* Submit handler routine.
* @since 1.7.2
* @return {boolean|void} False if form won't submit.
const submitHandlerRoutine = function() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const $form = $( form ),
$container = $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ),
$submit = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ),
isCaptchaInvalid = $ 'captchaInvalid' ),
altText = $ 'alt-text' ),
recaptchaID = $submit.get( 0 ).recaptchaID;
if ( $ 'token' ) && 0 === $( '.wpforms-token', $form ).length ) {
$( '<input type="hidden" class="wpforms-token" name="wpforms[token]" />' )
.val( $ 'token' ) )
.appendTo( $form );
$form.find( '#wpforms-field_recaptcha-error' ).remove();
$submit.prop( 'disabled', true );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonDisable', [ $form, $submit ] );
// Display processing text.
if ( altText ) {
$submit.text( altText );
if ( isCaptchaInvalid ) {
return captchaErrorDisplay( $form, $container );
if ( ! app.empty( recaptchaID ) || recaptchaID === 0 ) {
// The Form contains invisible reCAPTCHA.
grecaptcha.execute( recaptchaID ).then( null, function() {
if ( grecaptcha.getResponse() ) {
captchaErrorDisplay( $form, $container );
} );
return false;
// Remove name attributes if needed.
$( '.wpforms-input-temp-name' ).removeAttr( 'name' );
app.formSubmit( $form );
// In the case of active Google reCAPTCHA v3, first, we should call `grecaptcha.execute`.
// This is needed to get a proper grecaptcha token before submitting the form.
if ( typeof wpformsRecaptchaV3Execute === 'function' ) {
return wpformsRecaptchaV3Execute( submitHandlerRoutine );
return submitHandlerRoutine();
invalidHandler( event, validator ) {
if ( typeof validator.errorList[ 0 ] !== 'undefined' ) {
app.scrollToError( $( validator.errorList[ 0 ].element ) );
onkeyup: WPFormsUtils.debounce( // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
function( element, event ) {
// This code is copied from JQuery Validate 'onkeyup' method with only one change: 'wpforms-novalidate-onkeyup' class check.
const excludedKeys = [ 16, 17, 18, 20, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 144, 225 ];
if ( $( element ).hasClass( 'wpforms-novalidate-onkeyup' ) ) {
return; // Disable onkeyup validation for some elements (e.g. remote calls).
// eslint-disable-next-line no-mixed-operators
if ( event.which === 9 && this.elementValue( element ) === '' || $.inArray( event.keyCode, excludedKeys ) !== -1 ) {
} else if ( in this.submitted || in this.invalid ) {
this.element( element );
onfocusout: function( element ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity, object-shorthand
// This code is copied from JQuery Validate 'onfocusout' method with only one change: 'wpforms-novalidate-onkeyup' class check.
let validate = false;
if ( $( element ).hasClass( 'wpforms-novalidate-onkeyup' ) && ! element.value ) {
validate = true; // Empty value error handling for elements with onkeyup validation disabled.
if ( ! this.checkable( element ) && ( in this.submitted || ! this.optional( element ) ) ) {
validate = true;
// If the error comes from server validation, we don't need to validate it again,
// because it will clean the error message too early.
if ( $( element ).data( 'server-error' ) ) {
validate = false;
if ( validate ) {
this.element( element );
onclick( element ) {
let validate = false;
const type = ( element || {} ).type;
let $el = $( element );
if ( [ 'checkbox', 'radio' ].indexOf( type ) > -1 ) {
if ( $el.hasClass( 'wpforms-likert-scale-option' ) ) {
$el = $el.closest( 'tr' );
} else {
$el = $el.closest( '.wpforms-field' );
$el.find( 'label.wpforms-error, em.wpforms-error' ).remove();
validate = true;
if ( validate ) {
this.element( element );
form.validate( properties );
app.loadValidationGroups( form );
} );
* Request to check if email is restricted.
* @since 1.8.5
* @param {Element} element Email input field.
* @param {string} value Field value.
restrictedEmailRequest( element, value ) {
const $el = $( element );
const $form = $el.closest( 'form' );
const validator = $ 'validator' );
const formId = $ 'formid' );
const $field = $el.closest( '.wpforms-field' );
const fieldId = $ 'field-id' );
app.cache[ formId ] = app.cache[ formId ] || {};
validator.startRequest( element );
$.post( {
url: wpforms_settings.ajaxurl,
type: 'post',
data: {
action: 'wpforms_restricted_email',
form_id: formId, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
field_id: fieldId, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
email: value,
dataType: 'json',
success( response ) {
const errors = {};
const isValid = response.success &&;
if ( ! isValid ) {
errors[ ] = wpforms_settings.val_email_restricted;
validator.showErrors( errors );
app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation = app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation || [];
if ( ! app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation, value ) ) {
app.cache[ formId ].restrictedEmailValidation[ value ] = isValid;
validator.stopRequest( element, isValid );
} );
* Is field inside column.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isFieldInColumn( element ) {
return element.parent().hasClass( 'wpforms-one-half' ) ||
element.parent().hasClass( 'wpforms-two-fifths' ) ||
element.parent().hasClass( 'wpforms-one-fifth' );
* Is field has hint (sublabel, description, limit text hint, etc.).
* @since 1.8.1
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isFieldHasHint( element ) {
return element
.nextAll( '.wpforms-field-sublabel, .wpforms-field-description, .wpforms-field-limit-text, .wpforms-pass-strength-result' )
.length > 0;
* Is datetime field.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isDateTimeField( element ) {
return element.hasClass( 'wpforms-timepicker' ) ||
element.hasClass( 'wpforms-datepicker' ) ||
( 'select' ) && element.attr( 'class' ).match( /date-month|date-day|date-year/ ) );
* Is a field wrapped in some container.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isWrappedField( element ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
return 'checkbox' === element.attr( 'type' ) ||
'radio' === element.attr( 'type' ) ||
'range' === element.attr( 'type' ) ||
'select' === 'select' ) ||
1 === 'is-wrapped-field' ) ||
element.parent().hasClass( 'iti' ) ||
element.hasClass( 'wpforms-validation-group-member' ) ||
element.hasClass( 'choicesjs-select' ) ||
element.hasClass( 'wpforms-net-promoter-score-option' ) ||
element.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-payment-coupon-input' );
* Is likert scale field.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isLikertScaleField( element ) {
return element.hasClass( 'wpforms-likert-scale-option' );
* Is Lead Forms select field.
* @since 1.8.1
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isLeadFormsSelect( element ) {
return element.parent().hasClass( 'wpforms-lead-forms-select' );
* Is Coupon field.
* @since 1.8.2
* @deprecated 1.8.4 Deprecated.
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @return {boolean} true/false.
isCoupon( element ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "wpforms.isCoupon( element )" has been deprecated' );
return element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).hasClass( 'wpforms-field-payment-coupon' );
* Print error message into date time fields.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} element current form element.
* @param {string} error Error message.
dateTimeErrorPlacement( element, error ) {
const $wrapper = element.closest( '.wpforms-field-row-block, .wpforms-field-date-time' );
if ( $wrapper.length ) {
if ( ! $wrapper.find( 'label.wpforms-error, em.wpforms-error' ).length ) {
$wrapper.append( error );
} else {
element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).append( error );
* Load jQuery Date Picker.
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.8.9 Added the `$context` parameter.
* @param {jQuery} $context Container to search for datepicker elements.
loadDatePicker( $context ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
// Only load if jQuery datepicker library exists.
if ( typeof $.fn.flatpickr === 'undefined' ) {
$context = $context?.length ? $context : $( document );
$context.find( '.wpforms-datepicker-wrap' ).each( function() { // eslint-disable-line complexity, max-lines-per-function
const element = $( this ),
$input = element.find( 'input' ),
form = element.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
formID = 'formid' ),
fieldID = element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).data( 'field-id' );
let properties;
if ( typeof window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ] !== 'undefined' && window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ].hasOwnProperty( 'datepicker' ) ) {
properties = window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ].datepicker;
} else if ( typeof window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ] !== 'undefined' && window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].hasOwnProperty( 'datepicker' ) ) {
properties = window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].datepicker;
} else if ( typeof wpforms_datepicker !== 'undefined' ) {
properties = wpforms_datepicker;
} else {
properties = {
disableMobile: true,
// Redefine locale only if user doesn't do that manually, and we have the locale.
if (
! properties.hasOwnProperty( 'locale' ) &&
typeof wpforms_settings !== 'undefined' &&
wpforms_settings.hasOwnProperty( 'locale' )
) {
properties.locale = wpforms_settings.locale;
properties.wrap = true;
properties.dateFormat = $ 'date-format' );
if ( $ 'disable-past-dates' ) === 1 ) {
properties.minDate = 'today';
if ( $ 'disable-todays-date' ) === 1 ) {
const date = new Date();
properties.minDate = date.setDate( date.getDate() + 1 );
let limitDays = $ 'limit-days' );
const weekDays = [ 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ];
if ( limitDays && limitDays !== '' ) {
limitDays = limitDays.split( ',' );
properties.disable = [ function( date ) {
let limitDay = null;
for ( const i in limitDays ) {
limitDay = weekDays.indexOf( limitDays[ i ] );
if ( limitDay === date.getDay() ) {
return false;
return true;
} ];
// Toggle clear date icon.
properties.onChange = function( selectedDates, dateStr, instance ) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
element.find( '.wpforms-datepicker-clear' )
.css( 'display', dateStr === '' ? 'none' : 'block' );
element.flatpickr( properties );
} );
* Load jQuery Time Picker.
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.8.9 Added the `$context` parameter.
* @param {jQuery} $context Container to search for datepicker elements.
loadTimePicker( $context ) {
// Only load if jQuery timepicker library exists.
if ( typeof $.fn.timepicker === 'undefined' ) {
$context = $context?.length ? $context : $( document );
$context.find( '.wpforms-timepicker' ).each( function() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const element = $( this ),
form = element.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
formID = 'formid' ),
fieldID = element.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).data( 'field-id' );
let properties;
if (
typeof window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ] !== 'undefined' &&
window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ].hasOwnProperty( 'timepicker' )
) {
properties = window[ 'wpforms_' + formID + '_' + fieldID ].timepicker;
} else if (
typeof window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ] !== 'undefined' &&
window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].hasOwnProperty( 'timepicker' )
) {
properties = window[ 'wpforms_' + formID ].timepicker;
} else if ( typeof wpforms_timepicker !== 'undefined' ) {
properties = wpforms_timepicker;
} else {
properties = {
scrollDefault: 'now',
forceRoundTime: true,
// Retrieve the value from the input element.
const inputValue = element.val();
element.timepicker( properties );
// Check if a value is available.
if ( inputValue ) {
// Set the input element's value to the retrieved value.
element.val( inputValue );
// Trigger the 'changeTime' event to update the timepicker after programmatically setting the value.
element.trigger( 'changeTime' );
} );
* Load jQuery input masks.
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.8.9 Added the `$context` parameter.
* @param {jQuery} $context Container to search for datepicker elements.
loadInputMask( $context ) {
// Only load if jQuery input mask library exists.
if ( typeof $.fn.inputmask === 'undefined' ) {
$context = $context?.length ? $context : $( document );
// This setting has no effect when switching to the "RTL" mode.
$context.find( '.wpforms-masked-input' ).inputmask( { rightAlign: false } );
* Fix the Phone field snippets.
* @since
* @deprecated 1.9.2
* @param {jQuery} $field Phone field element.
fixPhoneFieldSnippets( $field ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn( 'WARNING! Obsolete function called. Function wpforms.fixPhoneFieldSnippets( $field ) has been deprecated, please use the wpforms.repairSmartPhoneHiddenField( $field ) function instead!' );
$field.siblings( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).each( function() {
if ( ! $( this ).attr( 'name' ).includes( 'function' ) ) {
const data = $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
const options = data.d || data.options;
if ( ! options ) {
const insta = window.intlTelInputGlobals.getInstance( $field[ 0 ] );
options.initialCountry = options.initialCountry.toLowerCase();
options.onlyCountries = ( v ) => v.toLowerCase() );
options.preferredCountries = ( v ) => v.toLowerCase() );
window.intlTelInput( $field[ 0 ], options );
$field.siblings( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).each( function() {
const $hiddenInput = $( this );
$hiddenInput.attr( 'name', $hiddenInput.attr( 'name' ).replace( 'wpf-temp-', '' ) );
} );
} );
* Compatibility fix with an old intl-tel-input library that may include in other addons.
* Also, for custom snippets that use `options.hiddenInput` to recieve fieldId.
* @since 1.9.2
* @param {jQuery} $field Phone field element.
repairSmartPhoneHiddenField( $field ) {
const fieldId = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-phone' ).data( 'field-id' );
if ( $( '[name="wpforms[fields][' + fieldId + ']"]' ).length ) {
const iti = $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
let fieldValue = $field.val();
let inputOptions = {};
if ( iti ) {
inputOptions = iti.d || iti.options || {};
fieldValue = iti.getNumber();
$field.removeData( 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
// The field has beautified view. We should use hidden input value before destroying.
$field.val( fieldValue );
app.initSmartPhoneField( $field, inputOptions );
* Get a list of default smart phone field options.
* @since 1.9.2
* @return {Object} List of default options.
getDefaultSmartPhoneFieldOptions() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const inputOptions = {
countrySearch: false,
fixDropdownWidth: false,
preferredCountries: [ 'us', 'gb' ],
countryListAriaLabel: wpforms_settings.country_list_label,
// Determine the country by IP if no GDPR restrictions enabled.
if ( ! wpforms_settings.gdpr ) {
inputOptions.geoIpLookup = app.currentIpToCountry;
let countryCode;
// Try to kick in an alternative solution if GDPR restrictions are enabled.
if ( wpforms_settings.gdpr ) {
const lang = app.mapLanguageToIso( this.getFirstBrowserLanguage() );
countryCode = lang.indexOf( '-' ) > -1 ? lang.split( '-' ).pop() : lang;
// Make sure the library recognizes browser country code to avoid console error.
if ( countryCode ) {
let countryData = window.intlTelInputGlobals.getCountryData();
countryData = countryData.filter( function( country ) {
return country.iso2 === countryCode.toLowerCase();
} );
countryCode = countryData.length ? countryCode : '';
// Set default country.
inputOptions.initialCountry = wpforms_settings.gdpr && countryCode ? countryCode.toLowerCase() : 'auto';
return inputOptions;
* Load Smartphone field.
* @since 1.5.2
* @since 1.8.9 Added the `$context` parameter.
* @param {jQuery} $context Context to search for smartphone elements.
loadSmartPhoneField( $context ) {
if ( typeof window.intlTelInput === 'undefined' ) {
// Only load if a library exists.
$context = $context?.length ? $context : $( document );
$context.find( '.wpforms-smart-phone-field' ).each( function( i, el ) {
const $el = $( el );
// Prevent initialization if the popup is hidden.
if ( $el.parents( '.elementor-location-popup' ).is( ':hidden' ) ) {
return false;
app.initSmartPhoneField( $el, {} );
} );
* Backward compatibility jQuery plugin for IntlTelInput library, to support custom snippets.
* e.g.,
* @since 1.9.2
loadJqueryIntlTelInput() {
if ( typeof $.fn.intlTelInput !== 'undefined' ) {
$.fn.extend( {
intlTelInput( options ) {
const $el = $( this );
if ( options === undefined || typeof options === 'object' ) {
return $el.each( function() {
const $item = $( this );
if ( ! $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' ) ) {
const iti = window.intlTelInput( $item.get( 0 ), options );
$ 'plugin_intlTelInput', iti );
} );
if ( typeof options !== 'string' && options[ 0 ] === '_' ) {
const methodName = options;
let returns = this;
$el.each( function() {
const $el = $( this );
const iti = $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
if ( typeof iti[ methodName ] !== 'function' ) {
// IntlTelInput library returned only the last applied method instance in v21.0-
returns = iti[ methodName ]();
if ( options === 'destroy' ) {
$el.removeData( 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
} );
return returns;
} );
* Init smart phone field.
* @since 1.9.2
* @param {jQuery} $el Input field.
* @param {Object} inputOptions Options for intlTelInput.
initSmartPhoneField( $el, inputOptions ) {
if ( typeof $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' ) === 'object' ) {
// Skip if it was already initialized.
inputOptions = Object.keys( inputOptions ).length > 0 ? inputOptions : app.getDefaultSmartPhoneFieldOptions();
const fieldId = $el.closest( '.wpforms-field-phone' ).data( 'field-id' );
// Hidden input allows to include country code into submitted data.
inputOptions.hiddenInput = function() {
return {
phone: 'wpforms[fields][' + fieldId + ']',
inputOptions.utilsScript = wpforms_settings.wpforms_plugin_url + 'assets/pro/lib/intl-tel-input/module.intl-tel-input-utils.min.js';
const iti = window.intlTelInput( $el.get( 0 ), inputOptions );
$el.on( 'validate', function() {
// Validate the field.
return iti.isValidNumber( iti.getNumber() );
} );
$ 'plugin_intlTelInput', iti );
// For proper validation, we should preserve the name attribute of the input field.
// But we need to modify the original input name not to interfere with a hidden input.
$el.attr( 'name', 'wpf-temp-wpforms[fields][' + fieldId + ']' );
// Add special class to remove name attribute before submitting.
// So, only the hidden input value will be submitted.
$el.addClass( 'wpforms-input-temp-name' );
// Instantly update a hidden form input.
// Validation is done separately, so we shouldn't worry about it.
// Previously "blur" only was used, which is broken in case Enter was used to submit the form.
$el.on( 'blur input', function() {
const iti = $ 'plugin_intlTelInput' );
$el.siblings( 'input[type="hidden"]' ).val( iti.getNumber() );
} );
* Bind Smartphone field event.
* @since 1.8.9
bindSmartPhoneField() {
$( '.wpforms-form' ).on( 'wpformsBeforeFormSubmit', function() {
const $smartPhoneFields = $( this ).find( '.wpforms-smart-phone-field' );
$smartPhoneFields.each( function() {
app.repairSmartPhoneHiddenField( $( this ) );
} );
// Update hidden input of the `Smart` phone field to be sure the latest value will be submitted.
$smartPhoneFields.trigger( 'input' );
} );
* Payments: Do various payment-related tasks on a load.
* @since 1.2.6
loadPayments() {
// Update Total field(s) with the latest calculation.
$( '.wpforms-payment-total' ).each( function( index, el ) {
app.amountTotal( this );
} );
// Credit card validation.
if ( typeof $.fn.payment !== 'undefined' ) {
$( '.wpforms-field-credit-card-cardnumber' ).payment( 'formatCardNumber' );
$( '.wpforms-field-credit-card-cardcvc' ).payment( 'formatCardCVC' );
* Load mailcheck.
* @since 1.5.3
loadMailcheck() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
// Skip loading if `wpforms_mailcheck_enabled` filter return false.
if ( ! wpforms_settings.mailcheck_enabled ) {
// Only load if a library exists.
if ( typeof $.fn.mailcheck === 'undefined' ) {
if ( wpforms_settings.mailcheck_domains.length > 0 ) {
Mailcheck.defaultDomains = Mailcheck.defaultDomains.concat( wpforms_settings.mailcheck_domains );
if ( wpforms_settings.mailcheck_toplevel_domains.length > 0 ) {
Mailcheck.defaultTopLevelDomains = Mailcheck.defaultTopLevelDomains.concat( wpforms_settings.mailcheck_toplevel_domains );
// Mailcheck suggestion.
$( document ).on( 'blur', '.wpforms-field-email input', function() {
const $input = $( this ),
id = $input.attr( 'id' );
$input.mailcheck( {
suggested( $el, suggestion ) {
// decodeURI() will throw an error if the percent sign is not followed by two hexadecimal digits.
suggestion.full = suggestion.full.replace( /%(?![0-9][0-9a-fA-F]+)/g, '%25' );
suggestion.address = suggestion.address.replace( /%(?![0-9][0-9a-fA-F]+)/g, '%25' );
suggestion.domain = suggestion.domain.replace( /%(?![0-9][0-9a-fA-F]+)/g, '%25' );
if ( suggestion.address.match( /^xn--/ ) ) {
suggestion.full = punycode.toUnicode( decodeURI( suggestion.full ) );
const parts = suggestion.full.split( '@' );
suggestion.address = parts[ 0 ];
suggestion.domain = parts[ 1 ];
if ( suggestion.domain.match( /^xn--/ ) ) {
suggestion.domain = punycode.toUnicode( decodeURI( suggestion.domain ) );
const address = decodeURI( suggestion.address ).replaceAll( /[<>'"()/\\|:;=@%&\s]/ig, '' ).substr( 0, 64 ),
domain = decodeURI( suggestion.domain ).replaceAll( /[<>'"()/\\|:;=@%&+_\s]/ig, '' );
suggestion = '<a href="#" class="mailcheck-suggestion" data-id="' + id + '" title="' + wpforms_settings.val_email_suggestion_title + '">' + address + '@' + domain + '</a>';
suggestion = wpforms_settings.val_email_suggestion.replace( '{suggestion}', suggestion );
$el.closest( '.wpforms-field' ).find( '#' + id + '_suggestion' ).remove();
$el.parent().append( '<label class="wpforms-error mailcheck-error" id="' + id + '_suggestion">' + suggestion + '</label>' );
empty() {
$( '#' + id + '_suggestion' ).remove();
} );
} );
// Apply a Mailcheck suggestion.
$( document ).on( 'click', '.wpforms-field-email .mailcheck-suggestion', function( e ) {
const $suggestion = $( this ),
$field = $suggestion.closest( '.wpforms-field' ),
id = $ 'id' );
$field.find( '#' + id ).val( $suggestion.text() );
} );
* Load Choices.js library for all Modern style Dropdown fields (<select>).
* @since 1.6.1
* @since 1.8.9 Added the `$context` parameter.
* @param {jQuery} $context Container to search for ChoicesJS elements.
loadChoicesJS( $context ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
// Loads if function exists.
if ( typeof window.Choices !== 'function' ) {
$context = $context?.length ? $context : $( document );
// eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function, complexity
$context.find( '.wpforms-field-select-style-modern .choicesjs-select, .wpforms-field-payment-select .choicesjs-select' ).each( function( idx, el ) {
if ( $( el ).data( 'choicesjs' ) ) {
* Trigger before form element choices initialization.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param {jQuery} el Form element.
const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $context, 'wpformsBeforeLoadElementChoices', [ el ] );
// Allow callbacks on `wpformsBeforeLoadElementChoices` to cancel choices initialization by triggering `event.preventDefault()`.
if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
const args = window.wpforms_choicesjs_config || {},
searchEnabled = $( el ).data( 'search-enabled' ),
removeItems = $( el ).data( 'remove-items-enabled' );
args.searchEnabled = 'undefined' !== typeof searchEnabled ? searchEnabled : true;
args.removeItems = 'undefined' !== typeof removeItems ? removeItems : true;
args.removeItemButton = args.removeItems;
args.searchEnabled = 'undefined' !== typeof searchEnabled ? searchEnabled : true;
// We can safely allow HTML in the choices since they are sanitized before rendering.
// Allowing HTML in the choices is necessary for support allowed HTML entities, such as `&`.
args.allowHTML = true;
args.callbackOnInit = function() {
const self = this,
$element = $( self.passedElement.element ),
$input = $( self.input.element ),
sizeClass = $ 'size-class' );
// Remove hidden attribute and hide `<select>` like a screen-reader text.
// It's important for field validation.
.removeAttr( 'hidden' )
.addClass( self.config.classNames.input + '--hidden' );
// Add CSS-class for size.
if ( sizeClass ) {
$( self.containerOuter.element ).addClass( sizeClass );
* If a multiple select has selected choices - hide a placeholder text.
* In case if select is empty - we return placeholder text.
if ( $element.prop( 'multiple' ) ) {
// On init event.
$ 'placeholder', $input.attr( 'placeholder' ) ).css( 'width', 'auto' );
if ( self.getValue( true ).length ) {
$input.removeAttr( 'placeholder' );
$input.css( 'width', '1ch' );
// On change event.
$element.on( 'change', function() {
// Listen if multiple select has choices.
if ( $element.prop( 'multiple' ) ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions
self.getValue( true ).length
? $input.removeAttr( 'placeholder' )
: $input.attr( 'placeholder', $ 'placeholder' ) ).css( 'width', 'auto' );
const validator = $element.closest( 'form' ).data( 'validator' );
if ( ! validator ) {
validator.element( $element );
} );
args.callbackOnCreateTemplates = function() {
const self = this,
$element = $( self.passedElement.element );
return {
// Change default template for option.
option( item ) {
const opt = this, item );
// Add a `.placeholder` class for placeholder option - it needs for WPForm CL.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof item.placeholder && true === item.placeholder ) {
opt.classList.add( 'placeholder' );
// Add a `data-amount` attribute for payment dropdown.
// It will be a copy from a Choices.js `data-custom-properties` attribute.
if ( $element.hasClass( 'wpforms-payment-price' ) && 'undefined' !== typeof item.customProperties && null !== item.customProperties ) {
opt.dataset.amount = item.customProperties;
return opt;
// Save choicesjs instance for future access.
$( el ).data( 'choicesjs', new Choices( el, args ) );
} );
* Bind ChoicesJS' events.
* @since 1.8.9
bindChoicesJS() {
// Add the ability to close the drop-down menu on the frontend.
$( document ).on( 'click', '.choices', function( e ) {
const $choices = $( this ),
choicesObj = $choices.find( 'select' ).data( 'choicesjs' );
if (
choicesObj &&
$choices.hasClass( 'is-open' ) &&
( 'choices__inner' ) || 'choices__arrow' )
) {
} );
// Binds.
* Element bindings.
* @since 1.2.3
bindUIActions() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
const $document = $( document );
// Pagebreak navigation.
$document.on( 'click', '.wpforms-page-button', function( event ) {
app.pagebreakNav( this );
} );
// Payments: Update Total field(s) when latest calculation.
$document.on( 'change input', '.wpforms-payment-price', function() {
app.amountTotal( this, true );
} );
// Payments: Update Total field(s) when changing quantity.
$document.on( 'change input', 'select.wpforms-payment-quantity', function() {
app.amountTotal( this, true );
app.updateOrderSummaryItemQuantity( $( this ) );
} );
// Payments: Restrict user input payment fields.
$document.on( 'input', '.wpforms-payment-user-input', function() {
const $this = $( this ),
amount = $this.val();
$this.val( amount.replace( /[^0-9.,]/g, '' ) );
} );
// Payments: Sanitize/format user input amounts.
$document.on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-payment-user-input', function() {
const $this = $( this ),
amount = $this.val();
if ( ! amount ) {
return amount;
const sanitized = app.amountSanitize( amount ),
formatted = app.amountFormat( sanitized );
$this.val( formatted );
} );
// Payments: Update Total field(s) when conditionals are processed.
$document.on( 'wpformsProcessConditionals', function( e, el ) {
app.amountTotal( el, true );
} );
// Rating field: hover effect.
$document.on( 'mouseenter', '.wpforms-field-rating-item', function() {
$( this ).parent().find( '.wpforms-field-rating-item' ).removeClass( 'selected hover' );
$( this ).prevAll().addBack().addClass( 'hover' );
} ).on( 'mouseleave', '.wpforms-field-rating-item', function() {
$( this ).parent().find( '.wpforms-field-rating-item' ).removeClass( 'selected hover' );
$( this ).parent().find( 'input:checked' ).parent().prevAll().addBack().addClass( 'selected' );
} );
// Rating field: toggle selected state.
$( document ).on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-rating-item input', function() {
const $this = $( this ),
$wrap = $this.closest( '.wpforms-field-rating-items' ),
$items = $wrap.find( '.wpforms-field-rating-item' );
$this.focus(); // Enable keyboard navigation.
$items.removeClass( 'hover selected' );
$this.parent().prevAll().addBack().addClass( 'selected' );
} );
// Rating field: preselect the selected rating (from dynamic/fallback population).
$( function() {
$( '.wpforms-field-rating-item input:checked' ).trigger( 'change' );
} );
// Checkbox/Radio/Payment checkbox: make labels keyboard-accessible.
$document.on( 'keydown', '.wpforms-image-choices-item label', function( event ) {
const $label = $( this ),
$field = $label.closest( '.wpforms-field' );
if ( $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) ) {
return false;
// Cause the input to be clicked when pressing Space bar on the label.
if ( event.keyCode !== 32 ) {
$label.find( 'input' ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
// IE: Click on the `image choice` image should trigger the click event on the input (checkbox or radio) field.
if ( window.document.documentMode ) {
$document.on( 'click', '.wpforms-image-choices-item img', function() {
$( this ).closest( 'label' ).find( 'input' ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
$document.on( 'change', '.wpforms-field-checkbox input, .wpforms-field-radio input, .wpforms-field-payment-multiple input, .wpforms-field-payment-checkbox input, .wpforms-field-gdpr-checkbox input', function( event ) {
const $this = $( this ),
$field = $this.closest( '.wpforms-field' );
if ( $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) ) {
return false;
switch ( $this.attr( 'type' ) ) {
case 'radio':
$this.closest( 'ul' ).find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'wpforms-selected' ).find( 'input[type=radio]' ).removeProp( 'checked' );
.prop( 'checked', true )
.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'wpforms-selected' );
case 'checkbox':
if ( $ ':checked' ) ) {
$this.closest( 'li' ).addClass( 'wpforms-selected' );
$this.prop( 'checked', true );
} else {
$this.closest( 'li' ).removeClass( 'wpforms-selected' );
$this.prop( 'checked', false );
} );
// Upload fields: Check combined file size.
$document.on( 'input', '.wpforms-field-file-upload', function() {
const $this = $( this ),
$uploads = $this.closest( 'form.wpforms-form' ).find( '.wpforms-field-file-upload input:not(".dropzone-input")' );
let totalSize = 0,
postMaxSize = Number( wpforms_settings.post_max_size ),
errorMsg = '<div class="wpforms-error-container-post_max_size">' + wpforms_settings.val_post_max_size + '</div>';
const errorCntTpl = '<div class="wpforms-error-container">{errorMsg}</div>';
const $submitCnt = $this.closest( 'form.wpforms-form' ).find( '.wpforms-submit-container' );
let $submitBtn = $submitCnt.find( 'button.wpforms-submit' ),
$errorCnt = $submitCnt.prev();
const $form = $submitBtn.closest( 'form' ),
$btnNext = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-next:visible' );
// For multi-pages layout, use the "Next" button instead of the primary "Submit" button.
if ( $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ).length !== 0 && $btnNext.length !== 0 ) {
$submitBtn = $btnNext;
// Calculating totalSize.
$uploads.each( function() {
const $upload = $( this );
let i = 0;
const len = $upload[ 0 ].files.length;
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
totalSize += $upload[ 0 ].files[ i ].size;
} );
// Checking totalSize.
if ( totalSize < postMaxSize ) {
// Remove error and release submit button.
$errorCnt.find( '.wpforms-error-container-post_max_size' ).remove();
$submitBtn.prop( 'disabled', false );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonRestore', [ $form, $submitBtn ] );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsCombinedUploadsSizeOk', [ $form, $errorCnt ] );
// Convert sizes to Mb.
totalSize = Number( ( totalSize / 1048576 ).toFixed( 3 ) );
postMaxSize = Number( ( postMaxSize / 1048576 ).toFixed( 3 ) );
// Preparing error message.
errorMsg = errorMsg.replace( /{totalSize}/, totalSize ).replace( /{maxSize}/, postMaxSize );
// Output error message.
if ( $errorCnt.hasClass( 'wpforms-error-container' ) ) {
$errorCnt.find( '.wpforms-error-container-post_max_size' ).remove();
$errorCnt.append( errorMsg );
} else {
$submitCnt.before( errorCntTpl.replace( /{errorMsg}/, errorMsg ) );
$errorCnt = $submitCnt.prev();
// Disable submit button.
$submitBtn.prop( 'disabled', true );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonDisable', [ $form, $submitBtn ] );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsCombinedUploadsSizeError', [ $form, $errorCnt ] );
} );
// Number Slider field: update hints.
$document.on( 'change input', '.wpforms-field-number-slider input[type=range]', function( event ) {
const hintEl = $( ).siblings( '.wpforms-field-number-slider-hint' );
hintEl.html( 'hint' ).replaceAll( '{value}', '<b>' + + '</b>' ) );
} );
// Enter key event.
$document.on( 'keydown', '.wpforms-form input', function( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode !== 13 ) {
const $t = $( this ),
$page = $t.closest( '.wpforms-page' );
if ( $page.length === 0 ) {
if ( [ 'text', 'tel', 'number', 'email', 'url', 'radio', 'checkbox' ].indexOf( $t.attr( 'type' ) ) < 0 ) {
if ( $t.hasClass( 'wpforms-datepicker' ) ) {
$t.flatpickr( 'close' );
if ( $page.hasClass( 'last' ) ) {
$page.closest( '.wpforms-form' ).find( '.wpforms-submit' ).trigger( 'click' );
$page.find( '.wpforms-page-next' ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
// Allow only numbers, minus and decimal point to be entered into the Numbers field.
$document.on( 'keypress', '.wpforms-field-number input', function( e ) {
return /^[-0-9.]+$/.test( String.fromCharCode( e.keyCode || e.which ) );
} );
// Start anti-spam timer on interaction of the form fields.
.one( 'input', '.wpforms-field input, .wpforms-field textarea, .wpforms-field select', app.formChanged )
.one( 'change', '.wpforms-field-select-style-modern, .wpforms-timepicker', app.formChanged )
.one( 'focus', '.dropzone-input', app.formChanged )
.one( 'click touchstart', '.wpforms-signature-canvas', app.formChanged )
.one( 'wpformsRichTextContentChange', app.richTextContentChanged );
$( 'form.wpforms-form' ).on( 'wpformsBeforePageChange', app.skipEmptyPages );
* Skip empty pages (by CL, hidden fields etc.) inside multi-steps forms.
* @since 1.8.5
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @param {number} nextPage Next page.
* @param {jQuery} $form Current form.
* @param {string} action The navigation action.
skipEmptyPages( event, nextPage, $form, action ) {
const nextNonEmptyPage = app.findNonEmptyPage( nextPage, $form, action );
if ( nextNonEmptyPage === nextPage ) {
if ( nextNonEmptyPage === 1 && action === 'prev' ) {
const $secondPage = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-2' );
const $currentPage = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-' + nextPage );
// The previous button is optional. We pass the fallback to the original previous button
// in the case when the previous button on the second page does not exist.
const $prevButton = $secondPage.find( '.wpforms-page-prev' ).length
? $secondPage.find( '.wpforms-page-prev' )
: $currentPage.find( '.wpforms-page-prev' );
wpforms.navigateToPage( $prevButton, 'prev', 2, $form, $secondPage );
// The next page button is always visible.
// So we take the previous page before the next non-empty page
// and simulate a jump forward from the next page.
const prevPage = nextNonEmptyPage - 1;
const $previousPage = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-' + prevPage );
wpforms.navigateToPage( $previousPage.find( '.wpforms-page-next' ), 'next', prevPage, $form, $previousPage );
* Find the next non-empty page.
* @since 1.8.5
* @param {number} page Current page.
* @param {jQuery} $form Current form.
* @param {string} action The navigation action.
* @return {number} The next non-empty page number.
findNonEmptyPage( page, $form, action ) {
let nextNonEmptyPage = page;
while ( app.isEmptyPage( $form, nextNonEmptyPage ) ) {
if ( action === 'prev' ) {
} else {
return nextNonEmptyPage;
* Check the target page is empty.
* @since 1.8.5
* @param {jQuery} $form Current form.
* @param {number} page Page number.
* @return {boolean} True if page is empty.
isEmptyPage( $form, page ) {
// The first page is always visible.
if ( page === 1 ) {
return false;
const $currentPage = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-' + page );
// The last page has the "Submit" button, so it's always non-empty.
if ( $currentPage.hasClass( 'last' ) ) {
return false;
const $fieldsOnPage = $currentPage.find( '.wpforms-field:not(.wpforms-field-pagebreak):not(.wpforms-field-hidden)' );
return $currentPage.find( '.wpforms-conditional-hide' ).length === $fieldsOnPage.length;
* Form changed.
* @since 1.8.3
* @param {Object} event Event object.
formChanged( event ) {
const $form = $( this ).closest( '.wpforms-form' );
app.maybeSetStartTime( $form );
* Rich text content changed.
* @since 1.8.3
* @param {Object} event Event object.
* @param {Object} mutation Mutation object.
* @param {Object} editor Editor object.
richTextContentChanged( event, mutation, editor ) {
const container = editor.getContainer();
const $form = $( container ).closest( '.wpforms-form' );
app.maybeSetStartTime( $form );
* Initialize the start timestamp for each form on the page.
* @since 1.9.0
initFormsStartTime() {
$( '.wpforms-form' ).each( function() {
app.maybeSetStartTime( $( this ) );
} );
* Maybe set start time for anti-spam timer.
* @since 1.8.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
maybeSetStartTime( $form ) {
if ( ! $ 'start_timestamp' ) ) {
$ 'start_timestamp', app.getTimestampSec() );
* Entry preview field callback for a page changing.
* @since 1.6.9
* @deprecated 1.7.0
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @param {number} currentPage Current page.
* @param {jQuery} $form Current form.
entryPreviewFieldPageChange( event, currentPage, $form ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn( 'WARNING! Obsolete function called. Function wpforms.entryPreviewFieldPageChange has been deprecated, please use the WPFormsEntryPreview.pageChange function instead!' );
WPFormsEntryPreview.pageChange( event, currentPage, $form );
* Update the entry preview fields on the page.
* @since 1.6.9
* @deprecated 1.7.0
* @param {number} currentPage Current page.
* @param {jQuery} $form Current form.
entryPreviewFieldUpdate( currentPage, $form ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn( 'WARNING! Obsolete function called. Function wpforms.entryPreviewFieldUpdate has been deprecated, please use the WPFormsEntryPreview.update function instead!' );
WPFormsEntryPreview.update( currentPage, $form );
* Scroll to and focus on the field with error.
* @since 1.5.8
* @param {jQuery} $el Form, container or input element jQuery object.
scrollToError( $el ) {
if ( $el.length === 0 ) {
// Look for a field with an error inside an $el.
let $field = $el.find( '.wpforms-field.wpforms-has-error' );
// Look outside in not found inside.
if ( $field.length === 0 ) {
$field = $el.closest( '.wpforms-field' );
if ( $field.length === 0 ) {
const offset = $field.offset();
if ( typeof offset === 'undefined' ) {
app.animateScrollTop( - 75, 750 ).done( function() {
const $error = $field.find( '.wpforms-error' ).first();
if ( typeof $error.focus === 'function' ) {
$error.trigger( 'focus' );
} );
* Update Pagebreak navigation.
* @since 1.2.2
* @param {jQuery} el jQuery element object.
pagebreakNav( el ) {
const $this = $( el ),
action = $ 'action' ),
page = $ 'page' ),
$form = $this.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
$page = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-' + page );
if ( 'next' === action && ( typeof $.fn.validate !== 'undefined' ) ) {
app.checkForInvalidFields( $form, $page, function() {
app.navigateToPage( $this, action, page, $form, $page );
} );
if ( 'prev' === action || 'next' === action ) {
app.navigateToPage( $this, action, page, $form, $page );
* Check the validity of all the fields in the current page.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
* @param {jQuery} $page Current page element object in page break context.
* @param {Function} callback Callback to run when all fields are valid.
checkForInvalidFields( $form, $page, callback ) {
const validator = $ 'validator' );
if ( ! validator ) {
let valid = true;
$page.find( ':input' ).each( function( index, el ) {
const $el = $( el );
// Skip input fields without `name` attribute, which could have fields.
// E.g. `Placeholder` input for Modern dropdown.
if ( ! $el.attr( 'name' ) ) {
// Skip validation for some fields.
// E.g., applied coupon hidden field.
if ( $el.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-skip-validation' ) ) {
if ( ! $( el ).valid() ) {
valid = false;
} );
if ( validator.pendingRequest > 0 ) {
setTimeout( function() {
app.checkForInvalidFields( $form, $page, callback );
}, 800 );
if ( ! valid ) {
app.scrollToError( $page );
} else {
* Navigate through page break pages.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $this jQuery element of the next / prev nav button.
* @param {string} action The navigation action.
* @param {number} page Current page number.
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
* @param {jQuery} $page Current page element object in page break context.
navigateToPage( $this, action, page, $form, $page ) {
if ( $this.hasClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) ) {
let nextPage = page;
if ( 'next' === action ) {
nextPage += 1;
} else if ( 'prev' === action ) {
nextPage -= 1;
const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $this, 'wpformsBeforePageChange', [ nextPage, $form, action ] );
// Allow callbacks on `wpformsBeforePageChange` to cancel page changing by triggering `event.preventDefault()`.
if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
$form.find( '.wpforms-page' ).hide();
const $destinationPage = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-' + nextPage );
app.toggleReCaptchaAndSubmitDisplay( $form, action, $destinationPage );
app.checkTurnstileVisibility( $form );
const pageScroll = app.getPageScroll( $form );
if ( pageScroll ) {
app.animateScrollTop( $form.offset().top - pageScroll, 750, null );
$this.trigger( 'wpformsPageChange', [ nextPage, $form, action ] );
app.manipulateIndicator( nextPage, $form );
* Toggle the reCaptcha and submit container display.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
* @param {string} action The navigation action.
* @param {jQuery} $destinationPage Destination Page element object.
toggleReCaptchaAndSubmitDisplay( $form, action, $destinationPage ) {
const $submit = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit-container' ),
$reCAPTCHA = $form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' );
if ( 'next' === action && $destinationPage.hasClass( 'last' ) ) {
} else if ( 'prev' === action ) {
* Update Turnstile container class if invisible mode is chosen.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
checkTurnstileVisibility( $form ) {
const $turnstile = $form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' );
// Check if Turnstile captcha is enabled.
if ( ! $turnstile.hasClass( 'wpforms-is-turnstile' ) ) {
const iframeWrapperHeight = $turnstile.find( '.g-recaptcha' ).height();
parseInt( iframeWrapperHeight, 10 ) === 0
? $turnstile.addClass( 'wpforms-is-turnstile-invisible' )
: $turnstile.removeClass( 'wpforms-is-turnstile-invisible' );
* Get the page scroll position.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
* @return {number|boolean} Returns a number if position to page scroll is found.
* Otherwise, return `false` if position isn't found.
getPageScroll( $form ) {
if ( false === window.wpforms_pageScroll ) {
return false;
if ( ! app.empty( window.wpform_pageScroll ) ) {
return window.wpform_pageScroll;
// Page scroll.
return $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ).data( 'scroll' ) !== 0 ? 75 : false;
* Manipulate the indicator.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {number} nextPage The next's / destination's page number.
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
manipulateIndicator( nextPage, $form ) {
const $indicator = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' );
if ( ! $indicator ) {
const theme = $ 'indicator' );
if ( 'connector' === theme || 'circles' === theme ) {
app.manipulateConnectorAndCirclesIndicator( $indicator, theme, nextPage );
if ( 'progress' === theme ) {
app.manipulateProgressIndicator( $indicator, $form, nextPage );
* Manipulate 'circles' or 'connector' theme indicator.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $indicator The indicator jQuery element object.
* @param {string} theme Indicator theme.
* @param {number} nextPage The next's / destination's page number.
manipulateConnectorAndCirclesIndicator( $indicator, theme, nextPage ) {
const color = $ 'indicator-color' );
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page' ).removeClass( 'active' );
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-' + nextPage ).addClass( 'active' );
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-number' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
$indicator.find( '.active .wpforms-page-indicator-page-number' ).css( 'background-color', color );
if ( 'connector' === theme ) {
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-triangle' ).removeAttr( 'style' );
$indicator.find( '.active .wpforms-page-indicator-page-triangle' ).css( 'border-top-color', color );
* Manipulate 'progress' theme indicator.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $indicator The indicator jQuery element object.
* @param {jQuery} $form WPForms element object.
* @param {number} nextPage The next's / destination's page number.
manipulateProgressIndicator( $indicator, $form, nextPage ) {
const $pageTitle = $indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-title' ),
$pageSep = $indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-title-sep' ),
totalPages = $form.find( '.wpforms-page' ).length,
width = ( nextPage / totalPages ) * 100;
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-page-progress' ).css( 'width', width + '%' );
$indicator.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator-steps-current' ).text( nextPage );
if ( $ 'page-' + nextPage + '-title' ) ) {
$pageTitle.css( 'display', 'inline' ).text( $ 'page-' + nextPage + '-title' ) );
$pageSep.css( 'display', 'inline' );
} else {
$pageTitle.css( 'display', 'none' );
$pageSep.css( 'display', 'none' );
* OptinMonster compatibility.
* Re-initialize after OptinMonster loads to accommodate changes that
* have occurred to the DOM.
* @since 1.5.0
bindOptinMonster() {
// OM v5.
document.addEventListener( 'om.Campaign.load', function( event ) {
app.optinMonsterRecaptchaReset( );
} );
document.addEventListener( 'om.Campaign.afterShow', function( event ) {
// Init Repeater fields.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof WPFormsRepeaterField ) {
} );
// OM Legacy.
$( document ).on( 'OptinMonsterOnShow', function( event, data, object ) {
app.optinMonsterRecaptchaReset( data.optin );
// Init Repeater fields.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof WPFormsRepeaterField ) {
} );
* Reset/recreate hCaptcha/reCAPTCHA v2 inside OptinMonster.
* @since 1.5.0
* @since 1.6.4 Added hCaptcha support.
* @param {string} optinId OptinMonster ID.
optinMonsterRecaptchaReset( optinId ) {
const $form = $( '#om-' + optinId ).find( '.wpforms-form' ),
$captchaContainer = $form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' ),
$captcha = $form.find( '.g-recaptcha' );
if ( $form.length && $captcha.length ) {
const captchaSiteKey = $captcha.attr( 'data-sitekey' ),
captchaID = 'recaptcha-' +,
apiVar = $captchaContainer.hasClass( 'wpforms-is-hcaptcha' ) ? hcaptcha : grecaptcha;
$captchaContainer.prepend( '<div class="g-recaptcha" id="' + captchaID + '" data-sitekey="' + captchaSiteKey + '"></div>' );
sitekey: captchaSiteKey,
callback() {
wpformsRecaptchaCallback( $( '#' + captchaID ) );
// Other functions.
* Payments: Run amount calculation and update the Total field value.
* @since 1.2.3
* @since 1.5.1 Added support for payment-checkbox field.
* @param {Object} el jQuery DOM object.
* @param {boolean} validate Whether to validate or not.
amountTotal( el, validate ) {
validate = validate || false;
const $el = $( el ),
$form = $el.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
total = app.amountTotalCalc( $form );
if ( ! app.allowAmountTotalCalc( $form, $el, total ) ) {
const totalFormattedSymbol = app.amountFormatSymbol( total );
$form.find( '.wpforms-payment-total' ).each( function() {
if ( 'hidden' === $( this ).attr( 'type' ) || 'text' === $( this ).attr( 'type' ) ) {
$( this ).val( totalFormattedSymbol );
if ( 'text' === $( this ).attr( 'type' ) && validate && $ 'validator' ) ) {
$( this ).valid();
} else {
$( this ).text( totalFormattedSymbol );
} );
app.updateOrderSummaryItems( $form, $el, totalFormattedSymbol );
* Check if the total amount calculation is allowed.
* Cache total amount to avoid multiple triggers.
* @since 1.9.2
* @param {jQuery} $form Form object.
* @param {jQuery} $el Payment field object.
* @param {number} total Total amount.
* @return {boolean} True if the total amount calculation is allowed, false otherwise.
allowAmountTotalCalc( $form, $el, total ) {
const formId = $ 'formid' );
if ( app.getCache( formId, 'amountTotal' ) !== total ) {
app.updateCache( formId, 'amountTotal', total );
return true;
const type = $el.prop( 'type' );
// Force re-calculation for choices and dropdown fields.
if ( type === 'radio' || type === 'select-one' ) {
return true;
return false;
* Update summary table items visibility and total amount.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $form Form object.
* @param {jQuery} $paymentField Payment field object.
* @param {string} total Formatted form total.
updateOrderSummaryItems( $form, $paymentField, total ) {
$form.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-preview' ).each( function() {
const $summary = $( this );
if ( total !== '' ) {
$summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-preview-total .wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).text( total );
$form.find( '.wpforms-payment-price' ).each( function() {
app.updateOrderSummaryItem( $( this ), $summary );
} );
} );
* Update value in cache.
* @since 1.9.2
* @param {string} formId Form ID.
* @param {string} key Cache key.
* @param {any} value Cache value.
updateCache( formId, key, value ) {
app.cache[ formId ] = app.cache[ formId ] || {};
app.cache[ formId ][ key ] = value;
* Get a value from the cache.
* @since 1.9.2
* @param {string} formId Form ID.
* @param {string} key Cache key.
* @return {any|boolean} Cache value or false if not found.
getCache( formId, key ) {
if (
! app.cache, formId ) ||
! app.cache[ formId ], key )
) {
return false;
return app.cache[ formId ][ key ];
* Update summary table item visibility and amount.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $paymentField Payment field object.
* @param {jQuery} $summary Summary object.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
updateOrderSummaryItem( $paymentField, $summary ) {
if ( ! $paymentField.hasClass( 'wpforms-payment-price' ) ) {
const $field = $paymentField.closest( '.wpforms-field' ),
fieldId = $ 'field-id' ),
type = $paymentField.prop( 'type' ),
isFieldVisible = $field.css( 'display' ) === 'block';
if ( type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio' || type === 'select-one' ) {
// Show only selected items.
$summary.find( `tr[data-field="${ fieldId }"]` ).each( function() {
const choiceID = $( this ).data( 'choice' );
const isChoiceChecked = type === 'select-one'
? choiceID === parseInt( $field.find( 'select' ).val(), 10 )
: $field.find( `input[value="${ choiceID }"]` ).is( ':checked' );
$( this ).toggle( isFieldVisible && isChoiceChecked );
} );
} else {
const $item = $summary.find( `tr[data-field="${ fieldId }"]` ),
amount = $paymentField.val();
$item.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).text( app.amountFormatSymbol( app.amountSanitize( amount ) ) );
$item.toggle( isFieldVisible );
if ( ! $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-payment-quantities-enabled' ) ) {
app.updateSummaryPriceWidth( $summary );
app.toggleSummaryPlaceholder( $summary );
app.updateOrderSummaryItemQuantity( $paymentField );
* Update summary table item quantity and price.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $input Payment input object.
updateOrderSummaryItemQuantity( $input ) {
const $field = $input.closest( '.wpforms-field' ),
$paymentField = $field.find( 'input.wpforms-payment-price, select.wpforms-payment-price' ),
$form = $input.closest( '.wpforms-form' ),
fieldId = $ 'field-id' ),
quantity = app.getPaymentFieldQuantity( $paymentField ),
amount = app.getPaymentFieldAmount( $paymentField ),
type = $paymentField.prop( 'type' );
$form.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-preview' ).each( function() {
const $summary = $( this );
let $item;
if ( type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio' || type === 'select-one' ) {
const choiceId = $paymentField.val();
$item = $summary.find( `tr[data-field="${ fieldId }"][data-choice="${ choiceId }"]` );
} else {
$item = $summary.find( `tr[data-field="${ fieldId }"]` );
$item.toggle( quantity > 0 );
// Update field quantity and amount.
$item.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-item-quantity' ).text( quantity );
$item.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).text( app.amountFormatSymbol( amount * quantity ) );
app.updateSummaryPriceWidth( $summary );
app.toggleSummaryPlaceholder( $summary );
} );
* Update summary price column width.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $summary Summary table object.
updateSummaryPriceWidth( $summary ) {
const priceColumnWidth = Math.max( $summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-preview-coupon-total .wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).text().length, $summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-preview-total .wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).text().length + 3 );
$summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-item-price' ).css( 'width', `${ priceColumnWidth }ch` );
* Update summary placeholder visibility.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $summary Summary table object.
toggleSummaryPlaceholder( $summary ) {
const $placeholder = $summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-placeholder' );
let showPlaceholder = true;
$summary.find( '.wpforms-order-summary-field' ).each( function() {
if ( $( this ).css( 'display' ) !== 'none' ) {
showPlaceholder = false;
return false;
} );
$placeholder.toggle( showPlaceholder );
* Payments: Calculate a total amount without formatting.
* @since
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @return {number} Total amount.
amountTotalCalc( $form ) {
let total = 0;
$( '.wpforms-payment-price', $form ).each( function() {
const $this = $( this );
if ( $this.closest( '.wpforms-field-payment-single' ).hasClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) ) {
const amount = app.getPaymentFieldAmount( $this );
if ( amount ) {
total = Number( total ) + ( amount * app.getPaymentFieldQuantity( $this ) );
} );
const $document = $( document );
* Trigger whe the total amount has been calculated.
* Allow addons to modify the total amount.
* @since
* @param {Object} data Form element and total.
const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $document, 'wpformsAmountTotalCalculate', [ $form, total ] );
total = event.result !== undefined && event.result >= 0 ? event.result : total;
* Trigger on the end of the process of calculating the total amount.
* @since
* @param {Object} data Form element and total.
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $document, 'wpformsAmountTotalCalculated', [ $form, total ] );
return total;
* Get payment field sanitized amount.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element.
* @return {number} Sanitized amount.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
getPaymentFieldAmount( $field ) {
const type = $field.attr( 'type' );
if ( type === 'text' || type === 'hidden' ) {
return Number( app.amountSanitize( $field.val() ) );
if ( ( type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' ) && $ ':checked' ) ) {
return Number( app.amountSanitize( $ 'amount' ) ) );
if ( $ 'select' ) && $field.find( 'option:selected' ).length > 0 && $field.find( 'option:selected' ).data( 'amount' ) ) {
return Number( app.amountSanitize( $field.find( 'option:selected' ).data( 'amount' ) ) );
return 0;
* Get payment field quantity.
* @since 1.8.7
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element.
* @return {number} Quantity value.
getPaymentFieldQuantity( $field ) {
const fieldId = $field.attr( 'id' ),
$quantityInput = $( `#${ fieldId }-quantity` );
if ( $quantityInput.length ) {
return Number( $quantityInput.val() );
return 1;
* Sanitize amount and convert to standard format for calculations.
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string} amount Amount to sanitize.
* @return {string} Sanitized amount.
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
amountSanitize( amount ) {
const currency = app.getCurrency();
// Convert to string, remove a currency symbol, and allow only numbers, dots, and commas.
amount = amount.toString().replace( currency.symbol, '' ).replace( /[^0-9.,]/g, '' );
if ( currency.decimal_sep === ',' ) {
if ( currency.thousands_sep === '.' && amount.indexOf( currency.thousands_sep ) !== -1 ) {
amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + currency.thousands_sep, 'g' ), '' );
} else if ( currency.thousands_sep === '' && amount.indexOf( '.' ) !== -1 ) {
amount = amount.replace( /\./g, '' );
amount = amount.replace( currency.decimal_sep, '.' );
} else if ( currency.thousands_sep === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( currency.thousands_sep ) !== -1 ) ) {
amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + currency.thousands_sep, 'g' ), '' );
return app.numberFormat( amount, currency.decimals, '.', '' );
* Format amount.
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string|number} amount Amount to format.
* @return {string} Formatted amount.
amountFormat( amount ) {
const currency = app.getCurrency();
amount = String( amount );
// Format the amount
if ( ',' === currency.decimal_sep && ( amount.indexOf( currency.decimal_sep ) !== -1 ) ) {
const sepFound = amount.indexOf( currency.decimal_sep ),
whole = amount.substr( 0, sepFound ),
part = amount.substr( sepFound + 1, amount.length - 1 );
amount = whole + '.' + part;
// Strip "," from the amount (if set as thousands separator)
if ( ',' === currency.thousands_sep && ( amount.indexOf( currency.thousands_sep ) !== -1 ) ) {
amount = amount.replace( /,/g, '' );
if ( app.empty( amount ) ) {
amount = 0;
return app.numberFormat( amount, currency.decimals, currency.decimal_sep, currency.thousands_sep );
* Format amount with the currency symbol.
* @since 1.8.4
* @param {string|number} amount Amount to format.
* @return {string} Formatted amount.
amountFormatSymbol( amount ) {
const currency = app.getCurrency(),
amountFormatted = app.amountFormat( amount );
if ( currency.symbol_pos === 'left' ) {
return currency.symbol + amountFormatted;
return amountFormatted + ' ' + currency.symbol;
* Get site currency settings.
* @since 1.2.6
* @return {Object} Currency data object.
getCurrency() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const currency = {
code: 'USD',
thousands_sep: ',', // eslint-disable-line camelcase
decimals: 2,
decimal_sep: '.', // eslint-disable-line camelcase
symbol: '$',
symbol_pos: 'left', // eslint-disable-line camelcase
// Backwards compatibility.
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_code !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.code = wpforms_settings.currency_code;
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_thousands !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.thousands_sep = wpforms_settings.currency_thousands; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_decimals !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.decimals = wpforms_settings.currency_decimals;
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_decimal !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.decimal_sep = wpforms_settings.currency_decimal; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_symbol !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.symbol = wpforms_settings.currency_symbol;
if ( typeof wpforms_settings.currency_symbol_pos !== 'undefined' ) {
currency.symbol_pos = wpforms_settings.currency_symbol_pos; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
return currency;
* Format number.
* @see
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string} number Number to format.
* @param {number} decimals How many decimals should be there.
* @param {string} decimalSep What is the decimal separator.
* @param {string} thousandsSep What is the thousand separator.
* @return {string} Formatted number.
numberFormat( number, decimals, decimalSep, thousandsSep ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
number = ( number + '' ).replace( /[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '' );
const n = ! isFinite( +number ) ? 0 : +number;
const precision = ! isFinite( +decimals ) ? 0 : Math.abs( decimals );
const sep = ( 'undefined' === typeof thousandsSep ) ? ',' : thousandsSep;
const dec = ( 'undefined' === typeof decimalSep ) ? '.' : decimalSep;
const toFixedFix = function( n, prec ) {
const k = Math.pow( 10, prec );
return '' + ( Math.round( n * k ) / k ).toFixed( prec );
// @todo: for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
const s = ( precision ? toFixedFix( n, precision ) : '' + Math.round( n ) ).split( '.' );
if ( s[ 0 ].length > 3 ) {
s[ 0 ] = s[ 0 ].replace( /\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep );
if ( ( s[ 1 ] || '' ).length < precision ) {
s[ 1 ] = s[ 1 ] || '';
s[ 1 ] += new Array( precision - s[ 1 ].length + 1 ).join( '0' );
return s.join( dec );
* Empty check similar to PHP.
* @see
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {any} mixedVar Variable to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the var is empty or not.
empty( mixedVar ) {
let undef;
let key;
let i;
let len;
const emptyValues = [ undef, null, false, 0, '', '0' ];
for ( i = 0, len = emptyValues.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( mixedVar === emptyValues[ i ] ) {
return true;
if ( 'object' === typeof mixedVar ) {
for ( key in mixedVar ) {
if ( mixedVar.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Set cookie container user UUID.
* @since 1.3.3
setUserIdentifier() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( ( ( ! window.hasRequiredConsent && typeof wpforms_settings !== 'undefined' && wpforms_settings.uuid_cookie ) || ( window.hasRequiredConsent && window.hasRequiredConsent() ) ) && ! app.getCookie( '_wpfuuid' ) ) {
// Generate UUID -
const s = new Array( 36 ),
hexDigits = '0123456789abcdef';
for ( let i = 0; i < 36; i++ ) {
s[ i ] = hexDigits.substr( Math.floor( Math.random() * 0x10 ), 1 );
s[ 14 ] = '4';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
s[ 19 ] = hexDigits.substr( ( s[ 19 ] & 0x3 ) | 0x8, 1 );
s[ 8 ] = s[ 13 ] = s[ 18 ] = s[ 23 ] = '-';
const uuid = s.join( '' );
app.createCookie( '_wpfuuid', uuid, 3999 );
* Create cookie.
* @since 1.3.3
* @param {string} name Cookie name.
* @param {string} value Cookie value.
* @param {number} days Whether it should expire and when.
createCookie( name, value, days ) {
let expires = '';
let secure = '';
if ( wpforms_settings.is_ssl ) {
secure = ';secure';
// If we have a "days" value, set it in the expiry of the cookie.
if ( days ) {
// If -1 is our value, set a session-based cookie instead of a persistent cookie.
if ( -1 === days ) {
expires = '';
} else {
const date = new Date();
date.setTime( date.getTime() + ( days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) );
expires = ';expires=' + date.toGMTString();
} else {
expires = ';expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT';
// Write the cookie.
document.cookie = name + '=' + value + expires + ';path=/;samesite=strict' + secure;
* Retrieve cookie.
* @since 1.3.3
* @param {string} name Cookie name.
* @return {string|null} Cookie value or null when it doesn't exist.
getCookie( name ) {
const nameEQ = name + '=',
ca = document.cookie.split( ';' );
for ( let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++ ) {
let c = ca[ i ];
while ( ' ' === c.charAt( 0 ) ) {
c = c.substring( 1, c.length );
if ( 0 === c.indexOf( nameEQ ) ) {
return c.substring( nameEQ.length, c.length );
return null;
* Delete cookie.
* @since 1.3.3
* @param {string} name Cookie name.
removeCookie( name ) {
app.createCookie( name, '', -1 );
* Get user browser preferred language.
* @since 1.5.2
* @return {string} Language code.
getFirstBrowserLanguage() { // eslint-disable-line complexity
const nav = window.navigator,
browserLanguagePropertyKeys = [ 'language', 'browserLanguage', 'systemLanguage', 'userLanguage' ];
let i,
// Support for HTML 5.1 "navigator.languages".
if ( Array.isArray( nav.languages ) ) {
for ( i = 0; i < nav.languages.length; i++ ) {
language = nav.languages[ i ];
if ( language && language.length ) {
return language;
// Support for other well-known properties in browsers.
for ( i = 0; i < browserLanguagePropertyKeys.length; i++ ) {
language = nav[ browserLanguagePropertyKeys[ i ] ];
if ( language && language.length ) {
return language;
return '';
* Function maps lang code like `el` to `el-GR`.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param {string} lang Language code.
* @return {string} Language code with ISO.
mapLanguageToIso( lang ) {
const langMap = {
ar: 'ar-SA',
bg: 'bg-BG',
ca: 'ca-ES',
cs: 'cs-CZ',
da: 'da-DK',
de: 'de-DE',
el: 'el-GR',
en: 'en-US',
es: 'es-ES',
fi: 'fi-FI',
fr: 'fr-FR',
he: 'he-IL',
hi: 'hi-IN',
hr: 'hr-HR',
hu: 'hu-HU',
id: 'id-ID',
it: 'it-IT',
ja: 'ja-JP',
ko: 'ko-KR',
lt: 'lt-LT',
lv: 'lv-LV',
ms: 'ms-MY',
nl: 'nl-NL',
no: 'nb-NO',
pl: 'pl-PL',
pt: 'pt-PT',
ro: 'ro-RO',
ru: 'ru-RU',
sk: 'sk-SK',
sl: 'sl-SI',
sr: 'sr-RS',
sv: 'sv-SE',
th: 'th-TH',
tr: 'tr-TR',
uk: 'uk-UA',
vi: 'vi-VN',
zh: 'zh-CN',
return langMap[ lang ] || lang;
* Asynchronously fetches country code using current IP
* and executes a callback provided with a country code parameter.
* @since 1.5.2
* @param {Function} callback Executes once the fetch is completed.
currentIpToCountry( callback ) {
if ( ) {
callback( );
const fallback = function() {
$.get( '', function() {}, 'jsonp' )
.always( function( resp ) {
let countryCode = resp?.country ? : '';
if ( ! countryCode ) {
const lang = app.getFirstBrowserLanguage();
countryCode = lang.indexOf( '-' ) > -1 ? lang.split( '-' ).pop() : '';
callback( countryCode );
} );
$.get( '' )
.done( function( resp ) {
if ( resp && resp.country_iso ) {
callback( resp.country_iso );
} else {
} )
.fail( function( resp ) {
} );
* Form submit.
* @since 1.5.3
* @since 1.7.6 Allow canceling form submission.
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
formSubmit( $form ) {
// Form element was passed from vanilla JavaScript.
if ( ! ( $form instanceof jQuery ) ) {
$form = $( $form );
const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsBeforeFormSubmit', [ $form ] );
// Allow callbacks on `wpformsBeforeFormSubmit` to cancel form submission by triggering `event.preventDefault()`.
if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
app.restoreSubmitButton( $form, $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ) );
if ( $form.hasClass( 'wpforms-ajax-form' ) && typeof FormData !== 'undefined' ) {
app.formSubmitAjax( $form );
} else {
app.formSubmitNormal( $form );
* Restore default state for the form submit button.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {jQuery} $container Form container.
restoreSubmitButton( $form, $container ) {
const $submit = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ),
submitText = $ 'submit-text' );
if ( submitText ) {
$submit.text( submitText );
$submit.prop( 'disabled', false );
WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsFormSubmitButtonRestore', [ $form, $submit ] );
$container.css( 'opacity', '' );
$form.find( '.wpforms-submit-spinner' ).hide();
* Normal submit of a form with page reload.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
formSubmitNormal( $form ) {
if ( ! $form.length ) {
const $submit = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ),
recaptchaID = $submit.get( 0 ).recaptchaID;
if ( ! app.empty( recaptchaID ) || recaptchaID === 0 ) {
$submit.get( 0 ).recaptchaID = false;
$form.append( '<input type="hidden" name="start_timestamp" value="' + $ 'start_timestamp' ) + '">' );
$form.append( '<input type="hidden" name="end_timestamp" value="' + app.getTimestampSec() + '">' );
$form.get( 0 ).submit();
* Does the form have a captcha?
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @return {boolean} True when the form has a captcha.
formHasCaptcha( $form ) {
if ( ! $form || ! $form.length ) {
return false;
if ( typeof hcaptcha === 'undefined' && typeof grecaptcha === 'undefined' && typeof turnstile === 'undefined' ) {
return false;
const $captchaContainer = $form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' );
return Boolean( $captchaContainer.length );
* Reset form captcha.
* @since 1.5.3
* @since 1.6.4 Added hCaptcha support.
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
resetFormRecaptcha( $form ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( ! app.formHasCaptcha( $form ) ) {
const $captchaContainer = $form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' );
let apiVar,
if ( $captchaContainer.hasClass( 'wpforms-is-hcaptcha' ) ) {
apiVar = hcaptcha;
} else if ( $captchaContainer.hasClass( 'wpforms-is-turnstile' ) ) {
apiVar = turnstile;
} else {
apiVar = grecaptcha;
// Check for invisible recaptcha first.
recaptchaID = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' ).get( 0 ).recaptchaID;
// Check for hcaptcha/recaptcha v2, if invisible recaptcha is not found.
if ( app.empty( recaptchaID ) && recaptchaID !== 0 ) {
recaptchaID = $form.find( '.g-recaptcha' ).data( 'recaptcha-id' );
// Reset captcha.
if ( ! app.empty( recaptchaID ) || recaptchaID === 0 ) {
apiVar.reset( recaptchaID );
* Console log AJAX error.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {string} error Error text (optional).
consoleLogAjaxError( error ) {
if ( error ) {
console.error( 'WPForms AJAX submit error:\n%s', error ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
console.error( 'WPForms AJAX submit error' ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
* Display form AJAX errors.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {Object} errors Errors in format { general: { generalErrors }, field: { fieldErrors } }.
displayFormAjaxErrors( $form, errors ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( 'string' === typeof errors ) {
app.displayFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form, errors );
errors = errors && ( 'errors' in errors ) ? errors.errors : null;
if ( app.empty( errors ) || ( app.empty( errors.general ) && app.empty( errors.field ) ) ) {
if ( ! app.empty( errors.general ) ) {
app.displayFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form, errors.general );
if ( ! app.empty( errors.field ) ) {
app.displayFormAjaxFieldErrors( $form, errors.field );
* Display form AJAX general errors that cannot be displayed using jQuery Validation plugin.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {Object} errors Errors in format { errorType: errorText }.
displayFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form, errors ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( ! $form || ! $form.length ) {
if ( app.empty( errors ) ) {
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
$form.attr( {
'aria-invalid': 'true',
'aria-errormessage': '',
} );
// Safety net for random errors thrown by a third-party code. Should never be used intentionally.
if ( 'string' === typeof errors ) {
const roleAttr = app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ? ' role="alert"' : '',
errPrefix = app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ? `<span class="wpforms-hidden">${ wpforms_settings.formErrorMessagePrefix }</span>` : '';
.find( '.wpforms-submit-container' )
.before( `<div class="wpforms-error-container"${ roleAttr }>${ errPrefix }${ errors }</div>` );
app.setCurrentPage( $form, {} );
const formId = $ 'formid' );
app.printGeneralErrors( $form, errors, formId );
* Print general errors.
* @since 1.8.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {Object} errors Error Object.
* @param {string} formId Form ID.
printGeneralErrors( $form, errors, formId ) {
* Handle header error.
* @since 1.8.6
* @param {string} html Error HTML.
function handleHeaderError( html ) {
$form.prepend( html );
* Handle footer error.
* @since 1.8.6
* @param {string} html Error HTML.
function handleFooterError( html ) {
if ( $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ).length === 0 ) {
$form.find( '.wpforms-submit-container' ).before( html );
} else {
// Check if it is a multipage form.
// If it is a multipage form, we need error only on the first page.
$form.find( '.wpforms-page-1' ).append( html );
* Handle reCAPTCHA error.
* @since 1.8.6
* @param {string} html Error HTML.
function handleRecaptchaError( html ) {
$form.find( '.wpforms-recaptcha-container' ).append( html );
$.each( errors, function( type, html ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'header':
case 'header_styled':
handleHeaderError( html );
case 'footer':
case 'footer_styled':
handleFooterError( html );
case 'recaptcha':
handleRecaptchaError( html );
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
const errormessage = $form.attr( 'aria-errormessage' ) || '';
$form.attr( 'aria-errormessage', `${ errormessage } wpforms-${ formId }-${ type }-error` );
} );
if ( $form.find( '.wpforms-error-container' ).length ) {
app.animateScrollTop( $form.find( '.wpforms-error-container' ).first().offset().top - 100 );
* Clear forms AJAX general errors that cannot be cleared using jQuery Validation plugin.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
clearFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form ) {
$form.find( '.wpforms-error-container' ).remove();
$form.find( '#wpforms-field_recaptcha-error' ).remove();
// Clear form accessibility attributes.
if ( app.isModernMarkupEnabled() ) {
$form.attr( {
'aria-invalid': 'false',
'aria-errormessage': '',
} );
* Display form AJAX field errors using jQuery Validation plugin.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {Object} errors Errors in format { fieldName: errorText }.
displayFormAjaxFieldErrors( $form, errors ) {
if ( ! $form || ! $form.length ) {
if ( app.empty( errors ) ) {
const validator = $ 'validator' );
if ( ! validator ) {
errors = app.splitFieldErrors( errors );
// Set data attribute for each field with server error.
$.each( errors, function( field, message ) {
const $field = $( '[name="' + field + '"]', $form );
if ( $field.length ) {
$field.attr( 'data-server-error', message );
} else {
// unset error, validator.showErrors() will not work if the field is not found.
delete errors[ field ];
} );
validator.showErrors( errors );
if ( ! app.formHasCaptcha( $form ) ) {
* Split field errors.
* @since 1.8.9
* @param {Object} errors Errors.
* @return {Object} Errors.
splitFieldErrors: ( errors ) => {
$.each( errors, function( field, message ) {
if ( 'string' === typeof message ) {
// If errors an object consisting of { subfield: errorMessage }, then iterate each to display error.
$.each( message, function( subfield, errorMessage ) {
// Get the last part of the field (in []) and check if it is the same as subfield.
const lastPart = field.split( '[' ).pop().replace( ']', '' );
// Get from the `field` name all except what we caught in `lastPart`.
const fieldNameBase = field.replace( '[' + lastPart + ']', '' );
if ( lastPart === subfield ) {
errors[ field ] = errorMessage;
} else if ( 'string' === typeof subfield && isNaN( subfield ) ) {
errors[ fieldNameBase + '[' + subfield + ']' ] = errorMessage;
} );
} );
return errors;
* Submit a form using AJAX.
* @since 1.5.3
* @since 1.7.6 Allow canceling Ajax submission.
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @return {JQueryXHR|JQueryDeferred} Promise like an object for async callbacks.
formSubmitAjax: ( $form ) => { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
if ( ! $form.length ) {
return $.Deferred().reject(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
const $container = $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ),
$spinner = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit-spinner' );
let $confirmationScroll;
$container.css( 'opacity', 0.6 );
app.clearFormAjaxGeneralErrors( $form );
const formData = new FormData( $form.get( 0 ) );
formData.append( 'action', 'wpforms_submit' );
formData.append( 'start_timestamp', $ 'start_timestamp' ) );
formData.append( 'end_timestamp', app.getTimestampSec() );
const args = {
type : 'post',
dataType : 'json',
url : wpforms_settings.ajaxurl,
data : formData,
cache : false,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
args.success = function( json ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
if ( ! json ) {
if ( && ) {
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitActionRequired', json );
if ( ! json.success ) {
app.resetFormRecaptcha( $form );
app.displayFormAjaxErrors( $form, );
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitFailed', json );
app.setCurrentPage( $form, );
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitSuccess', json );
if ( ! ) {
if ( ) {
const newTab = || false;
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitBeforeRedirect', json );
if ( newTab ) {, '_blank' );
window.location =;
if ( ) {
$container.html( );
$confirmationScroll = $container.find( 'div.wpforms-confirmation-scroll' );
$container.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitSuccessConfirmation', json );
if ( $confirmationScroll.length ) {
app.animateScrollTop( $confirmationScroll.offset().top - 100 );
args.error = function( jqHXR, textStatus, error ) {
app.consoleLogAjaxError( error );
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitError', [ jqHXR, textStatus, error ] );
args.complete = function( jqHXR, textStatus ) {
* Do not make form active if the action is required, or
* if the ajax request was successful and the form has a redirect.
if (
jqHXR.responseJSON && &&
( ||
( textStatus === 'success' && )
) {
app.restoreSubmitButton( $form, $container );
$form.trigger( 'wpformsAjaxSubmitCompleted', [ jqHXR, textStatus ] );
const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $form, 'wpformsAjaxBeforeSubmit', [ $form ] );
// Allow callbacks on `wpformsAjaxBeforeSubmit` to cancel Ajax form submission by triggering `event.preventDefault()`.
if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
app.restoreSubmitButton( $form, $container );
return $.Deferred().reject(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
return $.ajax( args );
* Display page with error for multiple page form.
* @since 1.7.9
* @param {jQuery} $form Form element.
* @param {Object} $json Error json.
setCurrentPage( $form, $json ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity
// Return for one-page forms.
if ( $form.find( '.wpforms-page-indicator' ).length === 0 ) {
const $errorPages = [];
$form.find( '.wpforms-page' ).each( function( index, el ) {
if ( $( el ).find( '.wpforms-has-error' ).length >= 1 ) {
return $errorPages.push( $( el ) );
} );
// Do not change the page if there is a captcha error and there are no other field or footer errors.
if (
$errorPages.length === 0 &&
$json.errors !== undefined &&
$json.errors.general !== undefined &&
$json.errors.general.footer === undefined &&
$json.errors.general.recaptcha !== undefined
) {
// Get the first page with error.
const $currentPage = $errorPages.length > 0 ? $errorPages[ 0 ] : $form.find( '.wpforms-page-1' );
const currentPage = $ 'page' );
let $page,
action = 'prev';
// If error is on the first page, or we have general errors among others, go to the first page.
if ( currentPage === 1 || ( $json.errors !== undefined && $json.errors.general.footer !== undefined ) ) {
$page = $form.find( '.wpforms-page-1' ).next();
} else {
$page = $ !== 0 ? $ : $currentPage.prev();
action = $ !== 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';
// Take the page from which navigate to error.
const $nextBtn = $page.find( '.wpforms-page-next' ),
page = $ 'page' );
// Imitate navigation to the page with error.
app.navigateToPage( $nextBtn, action, page, $form, $( '.wpforms-page-' + page ) );
* Scroll to position with animation.
* @since 1.5.3
* @param {number} position Position (in pixels) to scroll to,
* @param {number} duration Animation duration.
* @param {Function} complete Function to execute after animation is complete.
* @return {Promise} A promise object for async callbacks.
animateScrollTop( position, duration, complete ) {
duration = duration || 1000;
complete = typeof complete === 'function' ? complete : function() {};
return $( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: parseInt( position, 10 ) }, { duration, complete } ).promise();
* Save tinyMCE.
* @since 1.7.0
saveTinyMCE() {
if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) {
* Check if an object is a function.
* @deprecated 1.6.7
* @since 1.5.8
* @param {any} object Object to check if it is a function.
* @return {boolean} True if an object is a function.
isFunction( object ) {
return !! ( object && object.constructor && && object.apply );
* Compare times.
* @since 1.7.1
* @param {string} time1 Time 1.
* @param {string} time2 Time 2.
* @return {boolean} True if time1 is greater than time2.
compareTimesGreaterThan( time1, time2 ) {
// Proper format time: add space before AM/PM, make uppercase.
time1 = time1.replace( /(am|pm)/g, ' $1' ).toUpperCase();
time2 = time2.replace( /(am|pm)/g, ' $1' ).toUpperCase();
const time1Date = Date.parse( '01 Jan 2021 ' + time1 ),
time2Date = Date.parse( '01 Jan 2021 ' + time2 );
return time1Date >= time2Date;
* Determine whether the modern markup setting is enabled.
* @since 1.8.1
* @return {boolean} True if modern markup is enabled.
isModernMarkupEnabled() {
return !! wpforms_settings.isModernMarkupEnabled;
* Initialize token updater.
* Maybe update token via AJAX if it looks like outdated.
* @since 1.8.8
initTokenUpdater() {
// Attach event handler to all forms with class `wpforms-form`
$( '.wpforms-form' ).on( 'focusin', function( event ) {
const $form = $( 'form' ) );
const timestamp =;
if ( ! this.needsTokenUpdate( timestamp, $form ) ) {
this.updateToken( timestamp, $form, event );
}.bind( this ) ); // Bind `this` to maintain context inside the function
* Check if the form needs a new token.
* @param {number} timestamp Timestamp.
* @param {jQuery} $form Form.
* @return {boolean} Whether token needs update or not.
* @since 1.8.9
needsTokenUpdate( timestamp, $form ) {
const tokenTime = $form.attr( 'data-token-time' ) || 0;
const diff = timestamp - ( tokenTime * 1000 );
// Check if the token is expired.
return diff >= wpforms_settings.token_cache_lifetime * 1000 && ! this.isUpdatingToken;
* Update the token for the form.
* @param {number} timestamp Timestamp.
* @param {jQuery} $form Form.
* @param {Event} event Event.
* @since 1.8.9
updateToken( timestamp, $form, event ) {
const formId = $ 'formid' );
const $submitBtn = $form.find( '.wpforms-submit' );
this.isUpdatingToken = true;
$submitBtn.prop( 'disabled', true );
$.post( wpforms_settings.ajaxurl, {
action: 'wpforms_get_token',
} ).done( function( response ) {
if ( response.success ) {
$form.attr( 'data-token-time', timestamp );
$form.attr( 'data-token', );
// Re-enable the 'submit' button.
$submitBtn.prop( 'disabled', false );
// Trigger form submission if the focus was on the 'submit' button.
if ( === $submitBtn[ 0 ] ) {
$submitBtn.trigger( 'click' );
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error( 'Failed to update token: ', response );
} ).fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error( 'AJAX request failed: ', textStatus, errorThrown );
} ).always( function() {
this.isUpdatingToken = false;
// Re-enable the 'submit' button.
$submitBtn.prop( 'disabled', false );
}.bind( this ) );
* Restore Submit button on Mobile.
* @since 1.8.9
restoreSubmitButtonOnEventPersisted() {
window.onpageshow = function( event ) {
// If back/forward button has been clicked, restore submit button for all forms on the page.
if ( event.persisted ) {
$( '.wpforms-form' ).each( function() {
const $form = $( this );
app.restoreSubmitButton( $form, $form.closest( '.wpforms-container' ) );
} );
* We need separate method for loading validation groups
* because we may dynamically extend them.
* @since
* @param {jQuery} $context Form element or some container inside specific form.
loadValidationGroups( $context ) {
const validator = $context.closest( '.wpforms-form' ).data( 'validator' );
if ( ! validator ) {
$.extend( validator.groups, app.getDateTimeValidationGroups( $context ) );
* Return validation groups for Date / Time field with
* dropdown and there should only one error message for whole field.
* @since
* @param {jQuery} $context Container to search for Date/Time fields.
* @return {Object} Object with validation groups, e.g. {
* "wpforms[fields][1][date][m]": "wpforms-198-field_1",
* "wpforms[fields][1][date][d]": "wpforms-198-field_1"
* "wpforms[fields][1][date][y]": "wpforms-198-field_1",
* ...
* }
getDateTimeValidationGroups( $context ) {
const groups = {};
// Create groups for the Date / Time field.
$context.find( '.wpforms-field.wpforms-field-date-time' ).each( function() {
const $field = $( this );
// Bail out if the date dropdown is NOT used for this field.
if ( ! $field.find( '.wpforms-field-date-dropdown-wrap' ).length ) {
// e.g. wpforms-198-field_1
const groupName = $field.attr( 'id' ).replace( '-container', '' );
$.each( [ 'month', 'day', 'year' ], function( i, subfield ) {
const $subfield = $( `#${ groupName }-${ subfield }` );
const subFieldName = $subfield.attr( 'name' );
groups[ subFieldName ] = groupName;
} );
} );
return groups;
* Retrieve current timestamp in seconds.
* @since
* @return {number} Current timestamp in seconds.
getTimestampSec() {
return Math.floor( / 1000 );
return app;
}( document, window, jQuery ) );
// Initialize.