shell bypass 403
GrazzMean-Shell Shell
: /home/allssztx/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
/* global wpforms_splash_data, ajaxurl */
* WPForms What's New.
* @since 1.8.7
const WPSplash = window.WPSplash || ( function( document, window, $ ) {
* Public functions and properties.
* @since 1.8.7
* @type {Object}
const app = {
* Initialize.
* @since 1.8.7
init() {
$( app.ready );
* Document ready.
* @since 1.8.7
ready() {;
if ( wpforms_splash_data.triggerForceOpen ) {
* Events.
* @since 1.8.7
events() {
$( document )
.on( 'click', '.wpforms-splash-modal-open', function( e ) {
} );
* Open the modal.
* @since 1.8.7
openModal() {
$.alert( {
title: false,
content: wp.template( 'wpforms-splash-modal-content' )(),
icon: false,
closeIcon: true,
boxWidth: '1000px',
theme: 'modern',
useBootstrap: false,
scrollToPreviousElement: false,
buttons: false,
backgroundDismiss: true,
offsetTop: 50,
offsetBottom: 50,
animation: 'opacity',
closeAnimation: 'opacity',
animateFromElement: false,
onOpenBefore() {
const scrollbarWidth = ( window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth ) + 'px';
$( 'body' )
.addClass( 'wpforms-splash-modal' )
.css( '--wpforms-body-scrollbar-width', scrollbarWidth );
$( '.wpforms-challenge-popup-container' ).addClass( 'wpforms-invisible' );
setTimeout( () => {
if ( navigator.userAgent.includes( 'Safari' ) && ! navigator.userAgent.includes( 'Chrome' ) ) {
$( 'html, body' ).animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 0 );
$( '.jconfirm-box-container' )
.css( 'padding-top', '50px' )
.animate( { opacity: 1 }, 30 );
}, 0 );
onOpen() {
$( '.jconfirm' ).css( 'bottom', 0 );
$( '.wpforms-dash-widget-welcome-block' ).remove();
onDestroy() {
$( 'body' )
.removeClass( 'wpforms-splash-modal' )
.css( '--wpforms-body-scrollbar-width', null );
} );
* Dismiss the dashboard widget banner.
* @since 1.9.0
dismissDashboardWidgetBanner() {
const data = {
_wpnonce: wpforms_splash_data.nonce,
action : 'wpforms_dash_widget_save_widget_meta',
meta: 'hide_welcome_block',
value: 1,
$.post( ajaxurl, data );
// Provide access to public functions/properties.
return app;
}( document, window, jQuery ) );