shell bypass 403
* This file is part of the ManageWP Worker plugin.
* (c) ManageWP LLC <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
class MWP_WordPress_Query_Post extends MWP_WordPress_Query_Abstract
public function query(array $options = array())
$options += array(
'query' => null,
'prefixName' => '{{prefix}}',
'deserialize' => array(),
'tryDeserialize' => array(),
'featuredImage' => 'thumbnail',
'featuredImageHeight' => null,
'featuredImageWidth' => null,
'featuredImageCrop' => false,
$query = str_replace($options['prefixName'], $this->getDb()->prefix, $options['query']);
$posts = $this->getDb()->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
$this->deserialize($posts, $options['deserialize'], $options['tryDeserialize']);
$this->fillFeaturedImages($posts, $options['featuredImage'], $options['featuredImageHeight'], $options['featuredImageWidth'], $options['featuredImageCrop']);
return $posts;
private function fillFeaturedImages(&$posts, $imageStyle, $imageHeight, $imageWidth, $crop)
if (count($posts) === 0 || !$imageStyle) {
if ($imageHeight || $imageWidth) {
$this->context->addImageStyle($imageStyle, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, $crop);
foreach ($posts as &$post) {
if (empty($post['featuredImageId'])) {
$info = $this->context->getImageInfo($post['featuredImageId'], $imageStyle);
if ($info === null) {
$post['featuredImage'] = $info['url'];
$post['featuredImageHeight'] = $info['height'];
$post['featuredImageWidth'] = $info['width'];
$post['featuredImageOriginal'] = $info['original'];